I am reciting the Classic of Mountains and Seas in the interstellar

Chapter 500 As long as people are still there (first update, please vote for me)

When Xia Chujian flew to the equator, Mao Yonggui and Chu Qingjuan also returned from high altitude with four starship airships.

Not only did they come, Chen Yansheng and Sang Yadi also came, and they also brought the four thousand starry sky marines from the starry sky cruiser.

A thousand marines are standard on each airship.

Sang Yadi told Xia Chujian that the Star Cruiser was now under the control of Gu Zhongjin, and she and Chen Yansheng wanted to come down and help.

Xia Chu saw that he was also in need of manpower and said, "Then follow me and don't leave the team."

At this time, on the land at the equator of Morisawa Star, mecha warriors flew out of the interstellar airship and rushed into the sky.

Instead of fighting the Shang and Haidagon on the ground, they abandoned the interstellar airship and flew to the coordinates agreed with Xia Chujian.

First there were the marines in the five interstellar airships on Lin Xiaoxiao's side, and then the marines in the five interstellar airships on Xu Teng's side.

There were more than 10,000 mecha warriors flying in the air, and the scene was spectacular.

When the soldiers on the ground, Shang and Haidagon, saw these Beichen soldiers retreating without a fight, they were all ecstatic.

He fired a few shots into the sky and rushed towards the interstellar airships parked on the ground.

Even the membrane-winged flying Haidagon, whom Xia Chujian had prepared in advance, did not fly to pursue the escaping mecha warriors.

This just proves that the main target of their sneak attack is these interstellar airships.

It was only collateral damage to those mecha warriors of the Beichen Empire.

The engine exits of these interstellar airships are tightly wrapped in thick layers of sticky mesh.

But several Haidagon walked over and sprayed fire on the thing several times, and the sticky mesh was wiped out.

Lin Xiaoxiao looked back and saw this scene, his eyes almost popped out.

They obviously tried burning it with fire, but the thing couldn't light at all!

Why can the fire that Haidagon breathes burn this thing to ashes?

But this also proves that the target of these Sage and Haidagon is really their interstellar airship...

Lin Xiaoxiao sneered and thought, wait until you guys go up!

She and Xu Teng stayed at the end to cut off the rear for those starry sky marines. At the same time, they also had to seize the time to remotely detonate high-energy bombs.

The First Star Fleet used this method before, killing nearly 40,000 soldiers and Haidagon together.

But it seems that the soldiers and Haidagon who came for the sneak attack didn't know about this operation.

Lin Xiaoxiao and Xu Teng looked at each other and slowed down.

Because the ten interstellar airships they left behind had already been attacked by the Sage and Haidagon.

When they left, they deliberately left the cabin door unlocked.

These soldiers and Haidagon got in one by one. At this time, they were already thinking about how to communicate with the mechanical intelligence of the interstellar airship and start to drive automatically.

Just after the last Shang and Haidagon climbed into the interstellar airships, Lin Xiaoxiao and Xu Teng pressed the switch on the remote control.

boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom!

Countless explosions sounded in succession.

No matter how strong and bulletproof Haidagon's helmet was, holes were blown out of it by the shock wave of the high-energy explosion.

The explosive gunpowder caused a high-temperature fire, and the weapons and bullets remaining in the cabin also exploded.

In the chaos, the gills on Haidagon's cheeks were inevitably penetrated by the blast wave.

Needless to say, those victims died in the explosion as early as possible.

On the equatorial land, raging fires were now burning, even spreading to the marine plant forests on both sides.

A forest of marine plants was quickly burned away.

But marine plant forests are still different from real land plants.

Their high water content prevents such fires from spreading quickly.

After burning out an isolation zone, the fire gradually extinguished.

Lin Xiaoxiao said regretfully: "What a pity for our equipment and food reserves."

When they left, the situation was so urgent that they didn't have time to take away all the weapons and food reserves. Except for some of what they carried with them, the rest were destroyed in the fire that filled the sky.

Xu Teng said: "Forget it, the things are gone. As long as the people are still there, it will be fine."

They didn't particularly care.

Xia Chujian must have sufficient supplies there.

And the time to go back is only twelve hours.

Even if there is nothing to eat, it will be over if you endure it.

Xia Chujian brought the interstellar airship here and flew to the place where Chu Qingchen and the others were.

She also wanted to see if there were any survivors there.

Qilu used the starship's biological detector to scan the area and soon discovered some Star Marines hiding in the marine plant forest.

It quickly said: "Master, there are still some survivors over there, about five hundred people."

Xia Chujian sighed: "Only five hundred people survived...but the First Star Fleet is really good!"

At least they dare to fight to the death. This is the true backbone of an army.

Without soldiers who dare to fight to the death, there would be no real national defense security.

Weapons and equipment are secondary. Soldiers must have the spirit to win at all costs.

Xia Chujian hurriedly ordered the mechanical intelligence of the interstellar airship to stop the airship near the forest of marine plants.

When the First Starfleet Marines hiding in the marine plant forest looked up at the interstellar airship stopping in the sky, they were very alert.

But soon, Xia Chujian flew out of the airship in a mecha and shouted to them in mid-air: "I am Lieutenant Xia Chujian of the Fourth Star Fleet."

"I received the battle video you sent me, and now I'm here to rescue you."

Hearing her talk about the video, the only surviving captain burst into tears immediately.

He didn't expect that Xia Chujian not only received the video he sent, but also came to save them!

The man's mecha was not damaged yet, so he immediately jumped into the air and said excitedly: "I am Fang Ping, captain of the 1st Starfleet Marine Team! This is the video I sent you! Lieutenant Xia, it's great that you can come! "

He lowered his head and shouted to his comrades: "Come out quickly! This is Lieutenant Xia of the Fourth Star Fleet!"

"She was the one who forced Lieutenant Chu and the others to allow us to practice mechas!"

If it weren't for Xia Chujian's intervention, the five thousand of them would have been basically killed and injured long before they could die with the soldiers and their accomplices.

Although they still suffered heavy losses later, Xia Chujian gave them the opportunity to fight the enemy in an upright manner!

And at the cost of 4,500 men, they killed the opponent's nearly 40,000 troops!

They didn't fail!

Of course, if Xia Chujian hadn't come to rescue them, they wouldn't have been able to return home without the starship and star cruiser high in the sky.

They thought they were dead.

But the arrival of Xia Chujian gave them hope of life!

When Xia Chujian heard that this man introduced himself as Fang Ping, he immediately knew that this was the Marine who sent her the video.

She said to them: "I have opened the bottom hatch of my starship now. Come up quickly. I have to pick up my comrades from the Second Starfleet and the Third Starfleet."

These people did not hesitate and quickly took off from their hiding places and flew towards the interstellar airship that Xia Chu saw.

Xia Chujian then ordered the captain Fang Ping: "You are responsible for screening and registering your comrades. After entering, report the data to me."

"You know my smart bracelet number."

Fang Ping immediately said: "Yes, Captain Xia!"

"I have a list here, let me roll your name!"

With that said, when they entered the door of the small purification and cleaning room inside, Fang Ping asked them to come out of the mecha one by one and use their own data to review.

This is also a necessary procedure.

These people belong to the starry sky cruiser and starship on Chu Qingchen's side.

Their biometric data is there, and entry and exit are automatically identified by mechanical intelligence.

Xia Chujian didn't have one here, so they needed to re-create their biological data files.

Xia Chujian trusted Fang Ping. As long as he confirmed that he was his comrade, it would be fine.

Soon the interstellar airship quickly took off and flew to the place agreed upon by Lin Xiaoxiao and Xu Teng.

Lin Xiaoxiao and Xu Teng were also flying towards her.

Their people all have mechas and carry conventional weapons.

It's just that they killed 20,000 Shang and 20,000 Haidagon at the cost of ten starships and airships. Now they no longer have their own aircraft.

They all saw the movement Xia Chujian made in the sky before.

Everyone is wondering where the fire and explosion started.

When Xia Chujian's starship airship flew over, the four starship airships brought by Mao Yonggui and the others also arrived.

Lin Xiaoxiao and Xu Teng took a deep breath.

I finally feel a little safer.

When Xia Chujian saw the 10,000 mecha warriors flying over, he quickly ordered his five starship airships to open the bottom hatch passages.

A gate opened from the ground floor and sloped upward, waiting for them to fly in.

Lin Xiaoxiao and Xu Teng quickly directed their marines to fly into the bottom cabins of the five interstellar airships under Xia Chujian's command.

Each airship can carry three thousand mecha warriors if squeezed tightly.

After everyone entered, they first went through the purification and cleaning procedures, and then let Lin Xiaoxiao and Xu Teng verify their marines.

It took a full two hours to purify, clean and verify all these 10,000 people.

After Lin Xiaoxiao and Xu Teng confirmed that these people were all Star Marines under their command, Xia Chujian felt relieved.

When she saves people, she saves people. If the enemy takes advantage of the opportunity, she can't defend herself.

Xia Chujian was in his captain's room and said to everyone gathered in the warehouse at the bottom of the five airships: "There may be 40,000 soldiers and 50,000 Haidagon here."

"They are not backward primitive people, but they have the best conventional military equipment in the Beichen Galaxy."

"All of us put together, there are only more than 15,500 people."

"Fifteen thousand to ninety thousand, and we cannot make any mistakes. In other words, the mecha cannot be damaged in any way. Once it is damaged, even if it is not hit by the enemy, it will be a dead end."

"We no longer have starships to use as bait."

"I don't want to make unnecessary sacrifices."

"So I suggest that we return immediately."

"Everyone's star cruiser is still there. You can leave Morizawa immediately and return to the star domain of the Beichen Empire."

"As for the evil intentions of these soldiers and Haidagon, we can report to the military after we go back and ask them to send genetic evolvers to kill these enemies who are trying to occupy our planet!"

This is the first update. Today’s third update, please vote for me!

Second update at 7 a.m., third update at 1 noon, monthly pass in August is 3600+

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