I am reciting the Classic of Mountains and Seas in the interstellar

Chapter 528 Reinforcements falling from the sky (first update)

Xia Chujian sneered and thought to herself, she was surrounded, not frightened.

Ask her to hand over the Wanshou Flying Fish. Believe it or not, the moment her Wanshou Flying Fish enters the other party's cold storage, the other party will fire thousands of cannons and completely vaporize her Star Cruiser!

By then, even if she could escape with the special functions of Shao Si Ming's black silver mecha, all her comrades would die here.

If these people died on the battlefield, she would not feel the slightest guilt.

How can there be no deaths in a war?

It would be good to die well.

But because she was dragged down by her, her death was unclear, and she was even extremely unjust, and she couldn't forgive herself.

Xia Chujian's mind was racing, and she really wanted Qilu to try to see if she could connect to the communication channels of those combat aircraft and starry sky fighters, and persuade ordinary soldiers not to be Ji Shunliang's accomplices.

Ke Qilu said that the serial numbers of these combat aircraft and starry sky fighters proved that they were originally affiliated with the execution brigade of the General Logistics Department of the Beichen Empire Military Headquarters.

In other words, it was just their job to surround her and capture her.

They were carrying out orders from the summit.

No matter how eloquent Xia Chujian is, no matter how sympathetic they are to Xia Chujian, they will not and dare not disobey their superiors' orders.

This trick won't work anymore.

Xia Chujian remained silent and just opened the virtual display screens on each floor of the cruiser to explain the situation to his own people.

These virtual display screens appeared in front of everyone, and Xia Chujian projected the situation in the airspace ahead on each virtual display screen.

She said calmly: "Comrades, we are besieged. It may be difficult to get out."

"The other party is targeting me and has nothing to do with you."

"I will negotiate with the other party now and let you go out first..."

After she said this, the marines and pilots all exploded, including Yanaka Shin's pilot team.

They shouted on the cruise ship's public channel one after another.

"Which bastard is so black-hearted! How dare you touch our Captain Xia!"

"We owe Captain Xia two lives! It's a pity that we can only give up this life for Captain Xia! We still earned it!"

"Captain Xia, stop talking! Let's do what they do!"

They are all genetic evolvers now, and they only feel that they have endless energy.

You are not afraid of the combat aircraft and star fighter planes outside at all!

Even Yan Zhongjin's pilot team was filled with anger and said one after another: "Captain Xia! Although our cruiser is not of a high level, our technology is superior!"

"As long as you say something, it's not like you can't fight with the opponent!"

Even the pilot team, which usually did not participate in the battle, was so angry, which showed that the other party was truly outraged.

But Xia Chujian also understood that no matter what the outcome, the lives of these people would be decided here.

Even if they can be rehabilitated in the future, it will only be after they paid the price with their lives.

Who cares about this vindication?

Xia Chujian took a deep breath and said, "Don't get too excited."

"I know it's not impossible to fight."

"But as long as there is a fight, the other party will die, and we will die too."

"The people who died on the other side were all ordinary soldiers driven by Ji Shunliang."

"They were just following orders, so what's wrong?"

"And those of us who died are us elite warriors who returned from the bloody battle on Morisawa Planet!"

"No matter how you look at it, we are at a huge loss."

"As you know, I, Xia Chujian, never do anything to suffer a loss."

"So, I appreciate your kindness."

"I will plead with them to let you live."

At this time, Sang Yadi said quietly: "Captain Xia, you are using the belly of a gentleman to judge the heart of a villain."

"You asked them to let us go, but for them, they don't believe that you are willing to risk your own life. They will only think that you want to evacuate among us."

"So they won't let any of us go and will kill them all to make sure you don't escape."

Xia Chujian was silent.

She actually knew that the other party would do this, so she also thought about it. When the time came, she would ask Qilu to follow the magnetic field frequency of the communication system to see if she could control the other party's four star cruisers.

As long as she can control the opponent's cruiser, she has a way for everyone to escape.

But this plan is only known to her and Qilu, and no one else can know it.

However, since these people did not want to escape by themselves, but wanted to live and die with her, Xia Chujian agreed with them.

It's not in vain that she used such precious blood unicorns and kongsang to save so many people.

Good intentions are indeed rewarded.

Xia Chujian took a deep breath and said, "Okay, since everyone wants to stay, then let's stay."

“On the road to hell, if we all walk together, we will never be alone!”

After Xia Chujian said this, everyone laughed even though they felt sad.

You look at me, I look at you, and I suddenly feel that walking with these comrades who have lived and died together will really put a smile on my face.

Just when Xia Chujian was determined to expose Qilu and take control of the opponent's four star cruisers, suddenly, the magnetic field signals on the three-dimensional virtual display in front of her were chaotic.

Above the starry sky cruiser, combat aircraft, and starry sky fighter planes that were lifelike just now, like scaled-down versions of the starry sky cruiser, combat aircraft, and starry sky fighter planes, a black behemoth quietly revealed the outline of its bottom cabin.

There is no need to show all the outlines, just a base can cover the sky and cover the whole world, making her heart even more fascinated than the figure of Xingkong Yuchu that Qilu showed her once.

It was the Bat fighter that she was familiar with and even envied!

This is Huo Yushen’s exclusive car!

In the entire Beichen Empire, it is also the only fighter that can directly jump through space!

Was it Kang Shanxing who came to save her? !

Xia Chujian's heart lifted up in her throat, and finally settled down in her heart.

Okay, it's okay.

They were all saved.

The scene in front of Xia Chujian was being projected on the entire Star Cruiser, so everyone could see it.

Few of them had seen Huo Yushen's Bat-type fighter with their own eyes. They didn't know who appeared for a while, and thought it was reinforcements from the other side that had arrived.

When they saw the opponent's warship, which was larger than the highest-level starship carrier, everyone felt a strong sense of unwillingness and despair.

But when Xia Chu saw it, he said happily: "Great! Our reinforcements are here!"

In the cruise ship, the hearts that had just sunk to the bottom were now cheered up again.

"What did the captain say?!"

"Is it our reinforcements?!"

"Which fleet is it from?!"

"Why don't I know which fleet has powerful battleships?!"

"...is it a Star Destroyer?"

None of them have seen a Star Destroyer, but they have heard of it. It is said to be a new type of space battleship being developed by the Empire's most powerful ordnance experts, and it will be their trump card in the future!

Xia Chujian raised his eyebrows and said, "No, this is... Anyway, I don't know what it is. I just know that this is definitely not reinforcements from the opposite side, because..."

The view of the bottom deck of the behemoth became clearer.

An icon appeared on it, a divine sword falling from the sky and cutting through the darkness!

Xia Chu was moved when he saw it and said: "This is the logo of the Special Security Bureau!"

This symbol is probably familiar to everyone in the Beichen Empire.

Everyone was silent for a moment.

Because they are not sure who the Special Security Bureau is helping.

Only Xia Chujian was particularly certain that he was definitely here to save her!

At this time, next to the divine sword marked on the bottom floor, the cabin door suddenly opened, and aircraft flew out from the belly of the bottom cabin.

Then the uniquely calm and cold voice of the Special Security Bureau personnel rang out from the earphones of everyone present, and from the intercom of every cruiser, fighter plane, and combat aircraft.

"The Constitutional Compliance Department of the Special Security Bureau is handling the case. Everyone is silent."

"Those who leave without authorization will be shot on the spot."

Everyone was silent for a while, not daring to make the slightest move.

He was even afraid that if the engine of his machine was too loud, the Special Security Bureau would kill him indiscriminately!

And after the small combat aircraft flew out of the bottom compartment of the Bat fighter, they surrounded the star cruiser where Ji Shunliang was!

Ji Shunliang's face turned pale, trembling and groping as he sat down in his captain's cabin.

And the subordinates around him who were arrogant just now also had huge beads of sweat on their foreheads.

A few tougher desperadoes cast their unkind eyes directly at Ji Shunliang, thinking about whether to "make meritorious service"...

Ji Shunliang never expected that pursuing a civilian with no background, who was not a genetic evolver, would actually attract the attention of the Special Security Bureau's Constitutional Investigation Department!

The Special Security Bureau is only responsible to His Majesty the Emperor and does not interfere with their military.

However, the Special Security Bureau's Constitutional Inspection Department can supervise and interrogate all state agencies.

Includes all branches of the military.

This power is a bit too much. The Senate, the Cabinet and the military have recently been discussing the need to limit the power of the Secretary of Constitutional Law.

However, His Majesty the Emperor blocked it, so the stalemate remains.

At this time, Jiang Yuanshu, director of the Constitutional Inspection Department of the Special Security Bureau, led his own people to the front of the star cruiser where Ji Shunliang was.

She calmly shouted to them: "The Constitution Investigation Department of the Special Security Bureau is performing its mission. Ji Shunliang opened the hatch to assist the Constitution Investigation Department in the investigation."

Ji Shunliang's face was pale, his hands were trembling, and he wanted to open the hatch, but he couldn't hold it down.

In the end, he was cruel and finally took out his gun.

Bang bang bang!

After several shots, all his closest subordinates were killed by him, and he also pointed the gun at his own temple.


There was a gunshot and he fell into a pool of blood.

Although Ji Shunliang had turned off the surveillance system in the captain's room, he didn't know that all this had been transmitted to the surveillance system of the Special Security Bureau.

Huo Yushen stood in his office, looking at the virtual display screen in front of him with his hands folded, as cold as ice, but with no intention of intervening.

Meng Guanghui was extremely anxious and said, "Huo Shuai, are you just going to watch this grandson named Ji commit suicide?! He is an important witness!"

"He wants to deal with my subordinates, and I won't make it easy for him!"

Huo Yushen didn't even look at him. He just ordered Kang Shanxing with a cold face: "Take someone to deal with the aftermath."

"The execution brigade of the General Logistics Department must remain intact."

"Ji Shunliang committed suicide out of fear of crime. Just promote someone who has nothing to do with the Ji family to be the temporary captain."

This is the first update, the second update will be at 1pm.

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