I am reciting the Classic of Mountains and Seas in the interstellar

Chapter 616: Hard to eat soft rice (first update)

Xia Yuanfang frowned: "No way? Then how do we sign up?"

Xia Chujian said: "Originally I didn't want to trouble Professor Yan again, but in this situation, it's impossible not to trouble him."

Otherwise, if you can't register, that would be a big joke.

Because universities in the Beichen Empire have this rule, that is, new students must arrive at a fixed time and place to register.

After the time has passed, those who have not registered will be automatically dropped out of school if there is no special reason.

If you still want to go to college, you can only take the college entrance examination next year.

However, the registration time for other universities is relatively long, at least a week.

But the Imperial First Military University only gives one day, not even twenty-four hours, only twelve hours, which is one day.

Therefore, the new students who came from various planets in the Beichen Empire came to the Imperial Capital Planet in advance for fear of missing the registration time.

At this time, everyone had arrived and found the registration office in front of the steel shed of their respective majors. They began to check biometric information and register.

Xia Yuanfang also knew these rules of the Beichen Empire. He shook his head and said, "Then go find it. Now is not the time to be polite."

Xia Chujian nodded and was about to send a message by voice when suddenly the crowd in front became turbulent and overcrowded, and there was even a stampede.

Xia Chu saw that his eyes were quick and his hands were quick, so he immediately dragged Xia Yuanfang back more than ten steps.

Xia Yuanfang was pulled so hard that he staggered and almost fell.

Xia Chujian took Wufu from Xia Yuanfang's arms and found a higher place to stand.

That's the hillside on the opposite side of the road.

The crowd of people signing up is still crowded, and it seems that they are trying to open an empty road among these crowded people.

Xia Chujian looked intently and finally discovered the source of the turmoil.

At the station where they got off the aircraft, another ultra-luxurious aircraft landed slowly.

The door of the aircraft opened, and a long ladder covered with red carpet slid down from the sky and landed on the ground.

Then, one by one, upright and arrogant young men and women walked down the long staircase covered with red carpet from the aircraft.

Xia Chujian stood on the hillside and heard several students who had also retreated to the edge of the hillside muttering.

"Is that the new student from the Interstellar Alliance class?"

"That's them! I heard that they are all the most elite college students from the Principality of Southern Cross, the Kingdom of Eastern Heaven and the Cimanelli Federation!"

"I also know that this time, Dongtianyuan Divine Kingdom is paying for the class!"

"I've heard that too! All students in this interstellar joint class don't have to pay their own tuition!"

"Their subsidies, scholarships and daily expenses are all paid for by Dongtianyuan Divine Kingdom. The salary is twice as high as that of the best Star Destroyer major in our school."

"So that's it! No wonder! Dongtianyuan Kingdom is famous for being rich! I really envy them..."

"I'm envious too, but it's a pity that I was born at the wrong time. When I entered school, where was there any interstellar joint class?"

"The best thing at that time was just the Star Destroyer major..."

"Haha, it sounds like you would have been in this class when you entered school!"

"You can't even touch the threshold of the Star Destroyer major, why did you start taking the Xiaoxiang Interstellar Joint Class?"

"Hey! If you hit someone, don't slap them in the face! What's wrong with dreaming?"

"Okay, okay, let's not fight among ourselves..."

"Speaking of which, is this interstellar joint class really more professional than our Star Destroyer?"

"What do you think?! I am the elite of three countries..."

"No, I heard that our school also has indicators!"

"The eight freshmen with the best grades recruited this year can join this interstellar joint class!"

"So, this class is actually the elite students from the four countries in our Beichen Galaxy!"

"That must be more professional than our Star Destroyer..."

"Our Star Destroyer major only recruits students from foreign countries, but they have students from four countries!"

For a moment, it seemed that the Star Destroyer profession, which they had envied and hated in the past, was no longer so popular...

Everyone looked at the interstellar alliance class with envy.

But another student said: "What's the use of having more money?! You don't even think about why there is this interstellar joint class this year!"

"Yeah? Why?"

"Tch, isn't this clear?! - Of course it's for our country's second-generation mecha!"

"If it hadn't been for the breakthrough of the second-generation mecha, would these countries have proposed jointly running schools?!"

"They used to look down on our Beichen Empire!"

"...You're right, we can't take advantage of these people!"

When Xia Chujian heard that the subsidies, Star Destroyers and daily expenses were twice as high as those of his major, he felt uncomfortable.

It was as if the other party had robbed her of her money.

But thinking about it again, she has Dongtianyuan Divine Kingdom to pay for her, and she is short-handed and soft-spoken. If she really goes to this class, will she be able to kill Dongtianyuan Divine Kingdom in the future?

Thinking of the blessed daughter of Dongtianyuan Divine Kingdom who killed two thousand middle and low-level field personnel of their special security bureau, I also felt that she didn't take everyone's money from Xia Chumei.

For example, she would not take money from dead people because taking it would harm the world.

A confused smile appeared on Xia Chujian's face.

Her eyes turned to the students disembarking from the luxury aircraft.

These people were wearing uniforms of starry sky blue military academy uniforms, and their expressions were indifferent and cold, as if they were not here to report, but to inspect.

The corners of Xia Chujian's mouth twitched and she thought, just you guys, do you want to imitate Huo Shuai's coldness?

You don’t even take a mirror to look at yourself, how are you worthy? !

I really don’t know what to say!

Just from this one meeting, Xia Chujian was already extremely displeased with these students.

After those students got off the aircraft, they did not go to their own steel shed registration office to sign up like ordinary freshmen, but stood there and waited.

Each person was accompanied by two attendants, a man and a woman.

The man's expression and attire make him look like a bodyguard, while the woman's expression and attire make her look like a nanny.

Not long after, antique mechanical luxury cars drove down from another super large luxury aircraft.

Then each of these new students, along with their own bodyguards and nannies, got into an antique mechanical luxury car alone and drove over from the aircraft site.

But the 500-meter mountain road looks like a military review...

No wonder the new students were driven away to make way for their antique mechanical luxury cars!

Xia Chujian narrowed his eyes.

Twelve students from three neighboring countries, including their nannies and bodyguards, could actually be transported away using a larger antique mechanical car.

But they didn't want to. They just insisted on one car per person. What they wanted was this pomp and this superior posture!

Xia Chujian whispered softly: "...I don't know if these followers have special invitations..."

Xia Yuanfang glared at her and told her not to cause trouble on the first day of school.

Xia Chujian shut up and didn't mention it.

Ahead, the twelve antique mechanical luxury cars, spewing unpleasant exhaust fumes, were lined up and parked in front of a steel shed.

Above the steel shed, there is an LCD plaque with "Interstellar United Class" written in four languages.

A tall freshman with red hair and brown eyes got out of the first antique mechanical luxury car, looked at the steel shed, and said coldly: "Is this the registration office for the best military university in your empire? - It's really It’s better to be famous than to meet.”

Then the second car came out, a tall woman with black hair and green eyes, with skin as white as snow and a curvy figure. The starry sky blue uniform fit her just right, almost accentuating her eight-point beauty.

She walked up to the red-haired, brown-eyed boy and said softly: "Alto, don't be too troublesome."

Alto snorted softly: "Ruisi, I'll give you face and I won't ruin the place today..."

Their voices were not lowered when they spoke, and they were particularly quiet at this time.

Therefore, one does not need a genetic evolver to hear it clearly.

At this time, the students at the Imperial First Military University had ugly expressions when they heard these two words.

But no one came forward to reason.

Even the students and teachers at the "Interstellar United Class" registration desk pretended not to hear, and came out to greet them with a smile, stretched out their hands and said, "Are you Mai Alto? Are you Vanessa? - Sign up for this Please."

But Maiotuo and Vanessa had no intention of shaking hands.

Mai Alto instantly put his hands behind his back and puffed out his chest.

Vanessi raised her hand to straighten her curly black hair and smiled slightly.

The teacher who stretched out his hand suddenly felt embarrassed.

Xia Chujian couldn't help it anymore and burst out laughing.

In the quiet entrance, this laughter was particularly clear and abrupt.

The teacher who just stretched out his hand couldn't be angry with these elite students from other countries, but he was still very angry with the students from his own country. He immediately put his hands behind his back and raised his eyebrows and said: "Who? Why are you laughing! What's so funny?! "

Xia Chujian said lazily: "I saw a group of beggars trying to eat soft food while begging, so I couldn't help laughing."

"What's wrong? Can't you even smile? Is this the new school rule of the Imperial First Military University?!"

This is really heartbreaking.

The twelve elite students from the Three Kingdoms immediately turned pale, and their arrogant airs seemed to be wrong.

The tall red-haired, brown-eyed Mai Alto immediately looked in the direction of Xia Chujian and said angrily: "You dare to scold us?!"

"This is the Beichen Empire that you call the land of etiquette?!"

"Is this the etiquette for your number one military cadet?!"

Xia Chujian: "..."

She raised her eyebrows and said calmly: "The person I am laughing at is a beggar. Are you beggars?"

"It's really weird that things happen every year, especially this year. Some people take the initiative to put the hat of a beggar on their head..."

When Xia Chujian said this, the senior students in front of her who were coveting the benefits of the interstellar joint class also whistled and started to boo.

One said: "Yes! Which of your ears heard us laughing at you? We were laughing at beggars!"

"And he's a beggar who comes to beg for money and tries to eat soft food by force, hahahahaha!"

These people turned around and extended their thumbs towards Xia Chujian.

This school girl's verbal confrontation is so fierce, I like it!

This is the first update, the second update will be at 1pm.

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