I am reciting the Classic of Mountains and Seas in the interstellar

Chapter 647 Why bother? Why bother? (Second update)

Qiu Shenxing spoke very seriously: "Some things in reality, even if they are mentioned briefly in books, have appeared in other materials, they will be restored very carefully."

"So it's entirely possible that you can't find it in the textbook, but it's in the game."

"In general, the various monsters that appear in the game are all based on the environmental conditions at that time, and there are fossils or other data to prove that they once existed."

"When you took the exam before, you couldn't ask for all the questions to appear in the textbook, right?"

"The textbook teaches methods, and you must use the methods taught in the textbook to solve problems in the game."

“As long as you grasp this key point, you will be invincible.”

"Don't forget, everyone, the entire game system is your examination room."

"Everyone has only yourself in the game. If you want to cheat, you can't find anyone to copy your homework."

Xia Chujian was thoughtful.

There was something Qiu Shenxing said that particularly touched her.

That is, the textbooks teach methods, and what they have to do is use the methods taught in the textbooks to solve problems in the game.

This statement is somewhat similar to what the robot picture 103 in the library said.

But what the robot said was not as simple and easy to understand as Qiu Shenxing, and it was more rigid.

Xia Chujian thought, that mechanical intelligence is indeed not very smart...

Not only is he not smart, but he also cannot tolerate being told that he is not good enough, and he will lose his temper.

Just, very unpleasant mechanical intelligence.

Although Xia Chujian disliked Liushun and always let him take the blame, in her heart, Liushun had become like a family member.

If Liushun was the same as Picture 103 in the library, she must have restarted it countless times...

Xia Chujian's mind wandered and she was thinking so wildly that she didn't hear what Qiu Shenxing said next.

After Qiu Shenxing finished answering everyone's questions, he named Xia Chujian by the way and said, "Xia Chujian was the last one to come out of the game system yesterday. I think her points are also the highest."

"Xia Chu met my classmates, can you share your experience with us?"

Xia Chujian was stunned for a moment before coming back to his senses, and said with a smile: "Teacher Qiu, this is my first time playing this game, and I am still figuring it out. Is there any experience I can share?"

An aristocratic student who transferred to the Interstellar United Class sneered: "Is this really your first time playing? Don't pretend, who doesn't know what you good students are like!"

"You say you don't study, but secretly you wish you didn't sleep until dawn every day!"

Xia Chujian raised his eyebrows and said, "Oh? You are so familiar with it, you should do this, right?"

"Tsk, tsk, it's a pity that even if you don't sleep until dawn every day, you can't learn from others, so you just follow the recommended path, right?"

As soon as she opened her mouth, she threw the topic back to the troublemaking noble student.

The aristocratic student immediately began to angrily prove to himself: "I didn't! I didn't sleep until dawn!"

"I was recommended and sent out. It's not like I can't learn from others! I've won many awards..."

Bulla Bulla burst out and almost listed all the awards he won in kindergarten.

Xia Chujian propped up his forehead with his hands, listened with a smile, nodded, and said: "Not bad, good, keep working hard! - Next one? Is there anyone who doubts me?"

The eloquent aristocratic student stopped abruptly and looked at Xia Chujian in disbelief. He did not expect her to have such an attitude!

And Xia Chujian's gesture of easily changing the topic also made some people fearful and did not dare to challenge her in person again.

If she controls the topic, maybe she can sell the whole family and just leave it there to "present the facts and make sense"...

Qiu Shenxing put his hands in his trouser pockets, leaned on the podium, looked at the scene with a smile, and said: "No one can question the score determined by mechanical intelligence."

As he spoke, he pulled out the three-meter-high virtual display screen on the podium to show everyone's rankings on the first day.

"Look, Xia Chujian's classmate's score is far ahead. Everyone, please work hard!"

On the ranking list on the virtual display screen, Xia Chujian had already scored ninety-nine points.

The rest, with the highest score of 19 points, belong to Mai Aotuo of the Southern Cross Principality.

Mai Aotuo looked at Xia Chujian's score and was so surprised that he couldn't close his mouth and said, "Yesterday you only stayed in the nutrition cabin for two and a half hours at most. Did you almost pass the first level?! "

Xia Chujian didn't know the scoring standards either, so he looked at Qiu Shenxing curiously and said, "Teacher Qiu, what's going on with this score?"

"Aren't you going to grade at the end of the year? Why start now?"

Qiu Shenxing said: "I don't know either. I told you that the games in this course are completely controlled by mechanical intelligence."

"I am only responsible for answering your questions, not for grading."

"As far as I know, in the past, the mechanical intelligence of this game was only scored at the end of the semester."

"But this time, it seems to have changed its mind and started this instant standings."

"From today until the end, it will be announced on the wall outside the nutrition cabin classroom in the central teaching building."

Some students understood and were surprised and said, "Wouldn't it be possible for the whole school to see our real-time results?!"

Qiu Shenxing nodded and said, "Yes, everyone can see it. And it's a big screen that's fifteen meters high..."

The students in the classroom suddenly burst into mourning.

"This is a public execution!"

"Wocao! Don't let anyone live anymore!"

"Which mechanical intelligence is such a thief! Come out! Let's fight!"

"Can I apply to hide my name? Can I use my account name in the game? - This feeling of déjà vu when playing games with your real name is so shameful!"

When Xia Chu saw it, his heart moved, and he thought that he must never use his account name in the game.

Her "seven kills" are too good to be true, which is even more shameful!

She immediately said: "As long as the results are real, there is nothing to be ashamed of..."

"I think it's good. Everyone can monitor this rating list. If someone cheats, this rating list will show up and everyone can file a complaint immediately!"

When she said this, most of the students figured it out and agreed.

Someone else asked: "Teacher Qiu, will the specific footage of us playing the game be broadcast live?"

Qiu Shenxing shook his head and said, "That's not possible. As you know, this system is a confidential system belonging to the military."

"You can only access it through the intranet at school, and you can't access this system at all outside the school."

"Moreover, you cannot take screenshots or record progress in the game, so full privacy is guaranteed."

Xia Chujian frowned and said, "Teacher Qiu, if someone manipulates the machine intelligence to cheat, no one else will know, right?"

Qiu Shenxing said: "That's not possible. Because at the end of the final semester, the mechanical intelligence of the game will package and send out the entire process of each of you playing the game, and then transcode and encrypt the archive to the school."

"If you have doubts about your grades, you can apply to the school for reconsideration and review the game screen."

“It’s not like no students have applied for reconsideration over the years. Right or wrong will be known at a glance.”

Xia Chujian felt relieved and said, "That's good, I have no problem."

Then, without waiting for anyone to attack her again, he immediately said, "Teacher Qiu, when can we enter the game system again?"

Qiu Shenxing said: "There is still half an hour. We can go after the Q\u0026A is over."

Xia Chujian greeted everyone: "If you have any questions, ask them immediately! After asking, we might be able to enter the nutrition cabin and play games in advance!"

When she said this, many students responded: "We have finished asking, can we go to the nutrition cabin now?"

Qiu Shenxing returned to the podium and packed up his electronic notebook while saying, "If everything goes away..."

Wenren Mikami from Higashi Tianyuan Divine Kingdom raised his hand and said loudly: "Teacher Qiu just asked Xia Chujian to share her gaming experience, but she didn't mention a word!"

"She is so uncooperative and unwilling to help her classmates. Should she be given a demerit and points deducted?"

Qiu Shenxing paused while packing the things, then slowly raised his head, looked at Wenren Mikami, and said lightly: "Sharing is voluntary, not forced."

"I said, the score for this course is entirely in the hands of mechanical intelligence."

"Does your Dongtianyuan Kingdom have such a curriculum?"

Wenren Sanshang was asked sarcastically.

Their Dongtianyuan Kingdom does not have such a curriculum.

Large-scale three-dimensional holographic simulation games and so on are really cool!

It's a pity that only two countries, Beichen Empire and Cimanelli Federation, have such powerful mechanical intelligence technology.

The star network of their Eastern Tianyuan Kingdom is maintained by the technical personnel of the Cimanelli Federation.

However, even though Qiu Shenxing said this, some students still wanted to share their experiences with Xia Chujian.

They looked in the direction of Xia Chujian, whispered to each other, and then said in a hurry: "Xia is the top scorer in our college entrance examination. He is so good, why don't you give us some help?"

"We are so far behind you, so you don't have to worry that we will catch up with you once we learn..."

Xia Chujian's expression gradually became cold, but she pursed her lips and said nothing.

Chen Yanjun couldn't help it anymore, jumped out and said angrily: "What nonsense are you talking about?!"

"What about sharing experience?! This is an exam! Do you want our monitor to give you her exam papers for reference?!"

This is the core.

Xia Chuji breathed a sigh of relief and thought, this little brother Chen is really capable, and he really speaks out when something happens!

Moreover, Chen Yanjun found that when it came to matters related to Xia Chujian, his articulation was particularly clear, and he especially enjoyed the feeling of "talking to the masses"!

After Chen Yanjun said it, more students who agreed with him also spoke out.

"This classmate is right! The teacher said this is an exam, so why should someone show you the test paper if they do well?"

"Anyway, if I got such a high score, I wouldn't share any experience..."

"Do unto others, do not impose on others."

"Let's compare our feelings. Why bother? Why bother?"

This is the second update today. There will be a new update at 05:00 in the evening!

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