I am reciting the Classic of Mountains and Seas in the interstellar

Chapter 684 The best ordinary people (first update)

Xia Chujian filled the sniper rifle's magazine with a Shao Siming black silver bullet that the game system had manifested to her.

Then he raised his gun, took aim, and shot at the tallest one-eyed monster with mutton legs in front of him!


The black and silver bullet penetrated the soul and directly hit the one eye of Alva, the mutton-legged one-eyed monster, that is, it entered its head.

The dissolving function of the black and silver bullets comes into play.

The four- to five-meter-tall one-eyed monster Alva with a mutton leg quickly collapsed like a boneless piece of meat and began to disappear.

Xia Chujian planned to make the most of his black and silver bullets.

Her other robotic arm carried a semi-automatic submachine gun, took it out and loaded it with ordinary bullets. She came to the right side of the group of monsters, and there was a shuttle!

The kinetic energy of the bullets carried these monsters forward. When they encountered the dissolving piece of flesh, their bodies were involuntarily contaminated with the special material of the black and silver bullets, and they also melted.

Xia Chujian calculated the matching ratio between his black and silver bullets and ordinary submachine gun bullets.

Shoot a black and silver bullet, and then use ordinary bullets to force other Alva to the monster that was hit by a black and silver bullet, and have a "mutual love" barrier-free contact.

The omnipotent black and silver bullets can "dissolve" as long as they touch a bleeding wound.

To deal with Atu, the oval-shaped concentric monster that sprayed black juice in mid-air, Xia Chujian directly used the flamethrower.

Ten minutes later, almost all of those arrogant alien beast "reinforcements" were killed by Xia Chujian.

However, she spared the last mutton-legged one-eyed monster, Alva, and chased after it instead of killing it.

She wanted to see where these "reinforcements" came from.

Ahead, Alva, the one-eyed monster with two lamb legs, wanted to run on four legs.

Unfortunately, it only had two hind legs to run, and because its two lamb legs were unstable, it staggered while running, but it never dared to look back.

As if he was afraid that if he turned around, he would be completely melted away by the man in black armor who suddenly appeared!

In its field of vision, Xia Chujian saw strange and ferocious men in black armor!

Xia Chujian followed it leisurely, and along the way, he easily killed many forest beasts that had just withdrawn from the battlefield.

But there are so many wild animals here.

Xia Chujian still had time to think about it. If he really wanted to turn this place into a livable planet, I'm afraid he would need an army to come over and clear it out.

There is no need to kill all the beasts. After all, there is still the issue of ecological balance.

But there is no need for millions or even hundreds of millions of ferocious beasts to run rampant.

While following, Xia Chujian used the quantum optical brain of this era to take pictures of what he saw along the way.

This is valuable first-hand information.

Xia Chujian followed patiently for four hours and finally saw the monster coming to a valley.

The valley was also filled with thick fog. As soon as it entered, Xia Chujian lost its trace.

She raised her eyebrows, raised her hand, switched out the sniper rifle and replaced it with ordinary bullets.


Another shot shot directly into the thick fog.

In a daze, she seemed to return to the feeling of dispelling the thick fog on the top of the mountain.

Sure enough, after one shot, the dense fog in the valley disappeared completely.

And the one-eyed monster with mutton legs was standing in front of a huge pit in the middle of the valley, looking at her in horror.

Xia Chujian walked in step by step, holding a gun, and said coldly: "...Is this the pit where you crawled out?"

Alva took a step back, then raised his hands, roared at her, and the single eye on his head began to shine, like the charging stage of a laser weapon before it is fired.

Seeing that it no longer needed to lead the way, Xia Chu immediately raised his gun and shot at its one eye!


The last Alva was hit in the one eye in the middle of his head, fell backwards, and fell into the pit.

Xia Chujian still held up his gun and walked cautiously toward the pit.

When she came to the edge of the pit, she took a look.

That couldn't be considered a pit, but a hole, a bottomless hole!

Xia Chujian's eyes narrowed slightly, he slowly raised his gun and fired another shot into the bottomless pit.

This time, she used Shaosiming black silver bullets, bullets with super melting properties.

Not long after, under her naked eyes, the bottomless pit began to squirm.

It's like a scar on the earth trying to repair itself.

It squirmed and trembled, and soil kept pouring out from the bottom of the pit. Soon, the bottomless pit actually had a bottom.

Looking at this scene, Xia Chujian sneered and said, "I don't care where you come from! Anyway, I will see you once and kill you once!"

"I see how many lives you have, let me kill you!"

After saying that, she actually fired another shot into the pit!

This time, the pit that was crawling and trying to close completely stopped moving.

She didn’t know whether the monster on the other side was killed by her or beaten away by her.

In short, the pit is still there, but it is no longer a bottomless hole, but a shallow pit with the bottom visible.

Xia Chujian didn't care either.

This is a game anyway, whether she kills the opponent or drives them away, she should win.

She walked around the valley a few more times until she could no longer see any monsters, then she put her gun away and left.

Xia Chujian returned to the battlefield, only to find that the remaining 10,000 soldiers, led by the five officers, had returned.

They gathered together and hunted down another batch of the remaining wolves, tigers, leopards, elephants, bears, and so on.

Until there are no ferocious beasts that can come out to eat people at any time within tens of thousands of miles.

Xia Chujian looked at the five officers. Each of them was covered in paint, but they were only bandaged casually, just like ordinary soldiers.

Xia Chujian nodded with satisfaction and praised them one by one.

"Yu Deze, is your arm okay? There is special medicine on the space shuttle over there. Have you used it? - Have you used it? That's great!"

"Yi Hongjie, why did you hurt your head? Do you feel nauseous and want to vomit? No? That's good. If you have a concussion, you'll be in trouble."

"Pei Shengzi, you need to change your military uniform. I think it's almost all falling off your body."

"Li Fengqing, it seems that your combat power is the strongest. You only injured your hand."

"Ji Panhuan...didn't you become a driver? Why did you come down to join the battle?"

Xia Chujian remembered what happened before.

Ji Panyao stood at attention and saluted and said: "Report to the captain! Ji Panyao is also an officer and cannot stay on the spaceship to watch everyone fight!"

The fact is that out of the eleven pilots, she was the only one who came down to join the battle.

Xia Chu was still a little touched when he saw her. He patted her on the shoulder and said nothing.

She inspected the battlefield and felt that it was almost done, so she issued an order: "The war is over, and the remaining ferocious beasts are insignificant. You don't have to be afraid of those strange beasts with spiritual power. They were all killed by me, and the passage through was also blocked." I’m stuck and won’t come again.”

"Of course, if you find out, please notify me immediately."

The soldiers below laughed.

Xia Chujian sighed in his heart, thinking that these people were really real soldiers with unparalleled optimism.

Because they are obviously the lowest level of soldiers, and they have just experienced such a huge loss, but they are not so pessimistic that they cannot recover.

You can still laugh when you hear something funny.

If this group of people really existed in history, it is no wonder that the Beichen Empire was able to unify the Beichen Galaxy in its early days!

It's not because of Emperor Beichen or the merits of those nobles, but because the Beichen Empire has a group of the best ordinary people!

Xia Chujian looked at them, took a deep breath, and said, "The first thing we have to do now is to bury our fallen comrades."

"There is a cold storage on the starship, and I plan to take every one of them back!"

As soon as she announced this, the soldiers who had been laughing just now couldn't hold back any longer, and they all burst into tears.

Such a tense and terrifying battle had just ended, how could they not be afraid?

Xia Chujian's words made them vent their pain, sadness and uncontrollable fear.

Xia Chujian did not reprimand them, but just waited quietly.

After they finished crying, they said: "It is our etiquette to cry for our comrades."

"We will send them home."

"Li Fengqing, go to the spaceship and get the body bag. Remember to put everyone's nameplate on the body bag."

With tears in his eyes, Li Fengqing came out of the queue, saluted her and said, "Yes, Major General Qisha!"

Xia Chujian nodded and said, "The second thing is, we want to build a settlement here."

"Engineers come out!"

Xia Chu had seen the soldier catalog and knew that they brought with them this time, in addition to combat personnel, there were also engineering troops responsible for construction.

The engineers were a logistical force, but this time, they also participated in the battle.

However, they were the last to join the battle, so the casualties were not serious.

A total of 3,000 engineering soldiers were brought, and in the end, 2,000 people survived.

In other words, out of the 10,000 survivors, 2,000 were engineering soldiers.

This time they are here to develop a habitable planet, so in addition to weapons, their spacecraft also carries construction equipment.

Xia Chujian let these engineers lead the construction of the first settlement.

After these orders were issued, Xia Chujian asked Li Fengqing to take the ordinary soldier in gray military uniform to a temporary tent.

This temporary tent is said to be the captain's residence on Dazang Star in Xia Chujian.

Of course Xia Chujian had never lived there before, because she jumped directly from one month ago to one month later.

Walking into his temporary tent, Xia Chujian looked around for a moment, then heard Li Fengqing say outside the door: "Report to the captain, private soldiers are brought here!"

Xia Chujian: "..."

A soldier actually had this name.

Her name is Qi Sha, and his name is Po Jun. It’s really interesting!

Xia Chujian became more interested in him.

The door of the temporary tent opened and the soldier walked in alone.

Xia Chu saw that he didn't sit down, nor did he let the man sit down.

This is the first update, the second update will be at 1pm.

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