I am reciting the Classic of Mountains and Seas in the interstellar

Chapter 717 The background is unusual (second update)

Su Buyan immediately couldn't sit still, and immediately asked someone to prepare the aircraft and quickly flew to the Imperial First Military University on the outskirts of the imperial capital.

Also flying to this school at the same time were Quan and Training.

His Sunday night was supposed to be spent at a drinking party where the upper class aristocrats gathered.

While chatting, I felt the hot search push notification on the quantum optical brain watch carrier, so I looked at it and left immediately.

Huo Yushen was still performing his mission at this time.

When he performs tasks, he will not carry a quantum optical brain at all, only a smart bracelet.

Coincidentally, he made a small program out of the three words "Xia Chu Jian".

This small program of his is not limited to hot search reminders.

Basically, as long as someone mentions the name "Xia Chujian" on Xingwang, even in a closed forum, his small program will collect the content, then conduct data integration and analysis, and then publish the analysis results regularly according to their importance. give him.

If it is content that has a major impact, the mini program will be sent to him immediately.

So when Huo Yushen saw this topic, the "flying bird" had just posted the content and had not yet appeared on the hot search.

When Huo Yushen saw the content of this topic, he immediately thought of the conversation he had with Xia Chujian about mechanical intelligence.

He immediately alerted that something had happened...

Huo Yushen said to Meng Guanghui and Kang Shanxing: "I have something urgent. You two are fully responsible for this task. I'm leaving first."

After saying that, he sent the two men out in the aircraft, and ordered the bat fighter to make a space jump immediately.

A minute later, he appeared in the sky above the Imperial First Military University.

When he entered Xia Chujian's ward, Su Buyan and Quan Yuxun had just boarded the aircraft and had not yet taken off.

On Sunday night, Zong Ruoning, Vice Principal Li and Yan Xu were all guarding Xia Chujian's ward, along with two robot caregivers and a female staff member.

At this time, they were all looking at the hot search and smiling bitterly.

Yanxu touched his chin and said, "This matter is getting serious... We should have asked the relevant departments for help long ago."

Zong Ruoning said: "I can go find someone, I know someone from my family..."

Before he finished speaking, Huo Yushen pushed the door open and came in.

He was still wearing a military uniform, the air was cold, and the expression on his face was more serious and cold than usual.

He came in and asked, "Where is Xia Chujian?"

Zong Ruoning, Vice Principal Li and Yan Xu looked up together and found that it was Huo Yushen, and they all stood up in surprise.

Vice Principal Li was a little nervous and took two quick steps to Huo Yushen. He asked awkwardly, "Huo Shuai, why are you here?"

Yanxu was also surprised: "Inspector Huo is here, why are you free today?"

Zong Ruoning said directly without any courtesy, "Classmate Xia's nutrition cabin is over here."

He led Huo Yushen to the room where Xia Chujian's nutrition cabin was located.

Huo Yushen strode over, first looked at the health data of the nutrition cabin, and then looked at Xia Chujian's physical condition displayed on the external display screen of the nutrition cabin.

A series of "healthy and normal" body data were in sharp contrast to Xia Chujian's skinny body condition in the nutrition cabin.

Huo Yushen said calmly: "There is a problem with the program of the nutrition cabin and it needs to be repaired immediately."

Vice President Li, the executive vice president in charge of logistics, immediately said: "But we have inspected it many times and there is no problem..."

Huo Yushen said: "Who did the maintenance? Where is the maintenance report?

Vice Principal Li immediately sent the latest maintenance report to Huo Yushen, the one from yesterday.

He said: "It was the school's robot maintenance. The head of the school's technical department confirmed that there was no problem with the program."

When Huo Yushen heard that it was the school's robot maintenance, he immediately said without reading the maintenance report: "Give me a set of tools, ordinary tools without mechanical intelligence."

Vice Principal Li was stunned for a moment before realizing what Huo Yushen wanted.

His heart skipped a beat, and he suddenly had a bad premonition, but he didn't dare to mention it at all. He just said, "I'll have someone send it over right away."

His speed is still very fast.

Five minutes later, Vice Principal Li's secretary personally delivered a set of very old maintenance tools.

Looking at the shape of the toolbox, it looks like it was at the level of technology from five hundred years ago.

At that time, there was still a market for such maintenance tools that relied entirely on manual operation.

Unlike now, a simple thermometer has a mechanical intelligence program inside it.

Huo Yushen took the tool box, rolled up his military sleeves, opened it and found a few simple and solid-looking tools, and got into the bottom of the nutrition cabin.

The bilge of the nutrition cabin is the same as the chassis of a car. It is at a certain height from the ground, allowing a person to lie down and perform maintenance under it.

Huo Yushen disassembled several parts in the chassis of the nutrition cabin, opened and inspected the system related to the nutrient solution, and said: "The system that delivers the nutrient solution has stopped working for a long time. For such a major failure, your school's robot has checked it several times. Haven’t you checked it out yet?”

Beads of sweat broke out on Vice Principal Li's forehead, and even his pupils dilated slightly.

There was a bit of trepidation in his tone, and he stammered: "I... we... didn't expect... we didn't expect that the robot... the robot would... have such a malfunction."

Huo Yushen slid out from the bottom of the nutrition cabin and said, "If the nutrition cabin breaks down, there will be a robot to repair it. If the robot breaks down, who will fix it?"

“Doesn’t the school have a regular maintenance procedure for robots?”

Vice Principal Li hurriedly said: "There are some! But as a rule, the robots in the school are inspected once every five years. It has only been one year since the last inspection..."

Huo Yushen stood up from the ground and said, "There is also a problem with the health data detection program of the nutrition cabin. But this is a software problem, not a hardware problem."

He thought for a moment and said, "Has the school ever had a conversation with the mechanical intelligence that controls the game? Has it ever asked it what's wrong with Mr. Xia?"

Vice Principal Li wiped the sweat from his forehead with his sleeve and whispered: "...I said it was no problem at first, but then refused to answer."

Huo Yushen's expression was as cold as frost and he said, "...pretending to be dead?"

"Let me try."

As he spoke, he looked at Vice Principal Li: "Where is the advanced password for the nutrition cabin?"

The internal programs of these nutritional cabins all have a password with the highest authority.

With this password, you basically enter the entire control program of the nutrition cabin, which is equivalent to opening up all the secrets in a person's heart to you.

Only executive vice principal-level figures in their military academy have such high-authority passwords.

Vice Principal Li hurriedly retrieved the high-authority password from his quantum light brain and sent it to Huo Yushen.

Huo Yushen got the password and immediately entered it into the control interface of the nutrition cabin and began to test its internal control program.

There are too many procedures involved in a complete nutrition cabin, and it is impossible for Huo Yushen to read all the internal control procedures in a short time.

He only looks at health data detection programs.

This is only part of the function of this nutrition cabin, and it is used for partial detection, and the intelligence requirements are not high.

Huo Yushen quickly retrieved the relevant content, entered his own mini program, and asked the mini program to help him detect it.

This is equivalent to giving a virus detection test to people infected with the virus to see which virus they are infected with.

Huo Yushen's small program was very efficient. In less than a minute, he knew the problem with the nutritional cabin health data detection program.

While using a self-made program to kill viruses, he said to Vice Principal Li, Zong Ruoning and Yanxu who were watching: "The health data detection program of this nutrition cabin has entered an infinite loop. What it keeps repeating is that Xia Xia entered Health data during the nutrition cabin.”

At that time, Xia Chujian was still healthy and all physical indicators were normal, so he confused the people behind him.

Zong Ruoning frowned and said: "It's so good. Will the health test program of the nutrition cabin be infected with the virus? Is it just this nutrition cabin, or all the nutrition cabins?"

Yanxu said: "Do you have any other freshmen with the same problem?"

Zong Ruoning shook his head: "No, so far, there is only Classmate Xia."

Yanxu said: "Then there is only Student Xia. This program is infected with the virus just to target Student Xia."

"I'm going to starve Xia to death... I don't know who is so hostile, it's so vicious!"

Vice Principal Li thought that if that person really succeeded, their empire's First Military Academy would be in big trouble!

An imperial champion starved to death in a nutrition cabin, and the first person to bear the brunt was him, the executive vice principal in charge of logistics!

Because the maintenance and testing of nutrition cabins and robots are within his scope of authority!

If that hot search hadn't suddenly appeared on StarNet, they would probably still be waiting foolishly until things were irreversible!

At this moment, Su Buyan, Quan and Xun also came to Xia Chujian's ward.

When they saw Huo Yushen already here, they were all stunned.

Vice Principal Li, Yanxu and Zong Ruoning felt nervous when they saw two more people arriving.

Vice Principal Li was thinking, this summer meeting, it turns out that the background is unusual...

Who the hell said she was just a powerless ordinary person, not even a genetic evolver...

Look at these people who come to see her. Does it matter if they are genetic evolvers? !

Yanxu was thinking, why is Chief Quan here?

Does this classmate Xia have a personal relationship with Chief Quan?

Of course, he had never heard that Xia Chujian was related to Huo Yushen.

As for Su Wuyan, he knew it.

The empire's number one mecha master gave Xia Chujian a first-generation second-generation mecha.

It was understandable that he came to see her.

Zong Ruoning looked at Huo Yushen, then at Quan Yuxun, pursed his lips, and silently looked away to look at the nutrition cabin where Xia Chujian was.

Su Buyan nodded to several people in the ward as a greeting, and then said, "Huo Shuai, how did it feel when you first met your classmates?"

Huo Yushen's anti-virus program had just rescued the health testing data system of the nutrition cabin.

The normal nutrition cabin system now reports new health data for the beginning of summer.

Then a sharp red light alarm sounds.

This means that the life of the person in the nutrition cabin is nearing the end.

Not eating or drinking for five days, while the brain is still running at high speed, which is extremely energy-consuming for the body.

This is the second update. There will be a new update at 05:00 in the evening.

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