Jiang Sheng saw the list on the forum and said: "...that means there are 380 students from other schools who want to participate in our starry sky adventure?"

When Xia Chujian saw this news, he understood why their boarding time had been delayed repeatedly.

Chen Yanjun shrugged and said: "...Which rich family's child is this? You are not at the First Military Academy, but you still want to participate in this starry sky adventure?"

Xia Chujian looked at him in surprise: "Why?"

She thought, in such a dangerous activity, why would some nobles risk their lives to let people in?

Isn't this the old man eating arsenic - seeking death?

Chen Yanjun said: "I don't have any reason, I just feel that way."

He comes from a Earl's family, so he probably understands these things more thoroughly...

Xia Chujian thought about it and didn't pay too much attention.

After all, no matter how many students from other schools come, at least they will all be students from the Beichen Empire. It is better than selecting foreign students from abroad to participate in their school's starry sky exploration activities, right?

Xia Chujian still made a clear distinction between this kind of contradiction between ourselves and the enemy and the contradiction among the people.

The gossip and selection list "leaked" this time did not cause any splash in the Empire's First Military Academy, but in other military academies, it caused even greater repercussions.

Because the freshman students in those schools discovered that the candidates selected for this event were not the top twenty with the best college entrance examination scores in their current session, but the group of people who had the best scores in the college entrance examination.

Those people are better than those above, and their grades in high school before the college entrance examination were all very poor. They basically relied on temporary support, guesswork, and a little bit of luck to do better than usual, so they are pretty good at these exams. of military academy.

In fact, based on their grades, if they had not gone to a military academy, they would not have been able to get into a university of this level.

Because non-military academies have higher requirements for college entrance examination scores.

Only military academies do not have such high requirements for civilian students' college entrance examination scores.

Military academies that students with average grades can enter are ranked higher than ordinary colleges and universities.

But when you go to military school, you join the army.

This is incomparable with the degree of freedom after graduating from an ordinary college.

But this time, these people discovered that their good luck had appeared again!

They will represent their respective schools and go to the top-ranked military school in the Beichen Empire to participate in their starry sky adventure!

Moreover, the room and board expenses are all included, and even during the three months of participating in the event, there is a monthly subsidy of 10,000 Beichen coins!

Three months is 30,000 Beichen coins!

In those middle-level military academies, 30,000 Beichen coins, one year's tuition and living expenses combined, is just this amount!

This means they can reduce their student loan debt by one year...

Who wouldn’t rush for such a good thing? !

Because of these excellent conditions, students with good college entrance examination scores in these schools quit their jobs and asked the school why only students with average college entrance examination scores were allowed to participate in the starry sky adventure activities of the First Military Academy.

Is it because their grades are not good enough or their quality is not high enough?

Why can’t admission be based on merit for this kind of activity that obviously requires high IQ and high practical ability?

Why should students whose grades are not as good as theirs be allowed to represent the school in activities?

Aren't you afraid that they will bring shame to the school, affect its reputation, and make it impossible to recruit good students in the future? !

These students who have good scores in the college entrance examination are actually very honest and generally do not go against the school.

But when it comes to their own future and student loans, no one wants to retreat, let alone be deprived of the right to choose without saying a word.

So with the help of thoughtful people, these students even ignored the military school's ban and directly took the matter to Star Network's social media.

The military academy originally had a clear rule that insiders of the military academy could not post matters in the school to the Star Network.

But this time, they couldn't care less.

The leaders of the Beichen Empire's First Military Academy also saw these hot searches and the increasingly turbulent public opinion.

Emperor Tantai Hongyuan obviously did not anticipate this social consequence.

He said to his attendants in confusion: "...Isn't it just a quota for starry sky exploration? Why are there so many competitions?"

"These people couldn't participate in the past..."

The emperor's attendant whispered: "Your Majesty, these students are the future backbone of the military..."

"Although they are unlikely to become senior officers in the future, they are all middle and low-level officers."

"Will Your Majesty give it another thought? I think that Dongtianyuan Divine Kingdom's move is deliberately to create a gap between Your Majesty and the future middle-level officers of our military..."

"A wolf's ambition can be punished!"

This attendant was also a commoner, and he still had a sense of sympathy and pity for those civilian students who were working hard, so he chose to speak for them.

As for Emperor Tantai Hongyuan, he simply didn't think that much.

He thought for a while with a strange expression, then nodded and said, "What you said makes sense."

"Fortunately, I'll let the list out for airing this time."

"No formal decision has been made yet."

"How about this? You go inform Vice Principal Shao of the First Military Academy and tell him that it is my decree and ask him to come up with an examination question for the first-year students of the top twenty military academies, including the First Military Academy of our empire. If you are not a student in the Star Destroyer major or the Interstellar Joint Class, but want to participate, you can still take the exam!"

"As long as you get into the top 20 in each school, you will be eligible to participate in this starry sky adventure."

A few days later, the Beichen Empire's Cabinet School officially issued an edict from His Majesty the Emperor, saying that it was to train military school students so that they could better understand the difficult prospects and challenges they need to face as soldiers of the Beichen Empire. His Majesty the Emperor decided to open The First Military Academy's best and professional starry sky exploration activities are ranked among the top twenty military schools in the empire.

This time, the Beichen Empire's First Military Academy will ask questions to assess the first-year students of the top twenty military academies.

Everyone can participate, and the final assessment results are open to the entire empire.

The top twenty students from each school can participate in this starry sky adventure.

Including the Empire's First Military Academy, there are also twenty places.

Of course, these twenty places are in addition to the places for students in Star Destroyer majors and interstellar joint classes.

Their First Military Academy was originally the military school with the best admission scores in the college entrance examination.

Students from other schools whose rankings are not as good as theirs can all have the opportunity to participate in this exam. It makes no sense that students from their own school have no chance.

And as a result, the Imperial First Military University has a total of forty-nine participants, which is twenty-nine more than other military schools.

Don’t let the wealth go to outsiders...

After this decision was announced, vigorous online condemnation activities finally ceased.

Those students who were among the best in the college entrance examination tried hard to get themselves a chance to take the exam, so they stopped and began to review intensively.

The students on the "rumored" list before were all panicked this time.

They originally relied on temporary support before the college entrance examination and a little bit of luck to get through the good military academy.

If they really had to take the exam, they would not be able to pass the exams of those students who were ranked ahead of them.

Of course they were dissatisfied. They were clearly on the list, but if the other party made a fuss, there would be an exam.

This is a test, and the consequences are uncertain...

They can rely on luck to get good results in the college entrance examination. After all, the college entrance examination has been taken for so many years, and many questions have traces to follow.

These people are lucky. It is entirely possible for them to win one or two questions before the exam.

But this time the assessment is not the type of questions that have been tested for many years in the college entrance examination, but questions that have never been tested before, and may be related to starry sky exploration.

Now they want to ask questions, but they can’t find the question bank!

This time, the test is about basic skills...

But when it comes to basic skills, how can they compare to those students who have a solid foundation and have actually achieved good results in the college entrance examination? !

What's even more annoying is that because of unfair treatment, the other party can cause trouble on the Star Network and get the support of the public.

If their situation is brought to the Star Network, they will only be ridiculed by the public for wanting to "get something for nothing"...

Although they really wanted to get something for nothing, it was obvious that the God of Luck had favored their college entrance examination and seemed to have exhausted their luck.

When they faced the test questions in the examination room, they were all blinded.

When the final results came out, almost most of the top 20 students from these schools were the top 20 students in the college entrance examination. There were even some recommended aristocratic students who got good results.

Because the test questions this time are really related to actual military operations.

Some of the aristocratic students have already served as interns in the army, so naturally they are no strangers to these things.

The results this time will be reported to the whole society on StarNet in accordance with previous announcements.

From this list, the top twenty will be selected according to their performance to participate in the starry sky exploration activities of the First Military Academy of the Beichen Empire.

This list even makes other students in the First Military Academy envious.

Because they only got twenty places.

Although these twenty places are twenty outside the Star Destroyer class and the Interstellar Alliance class.

In other words, Beichen Empire's First Military Academy can have forty-nine students participating in the expedition this time.

However, in their school, almost everyone's college entrance examination scores are better than those of the military students at the bottom.

But because of this examination based on schools, if their scores were in other military academies, they might be in the top twenty. However, in the First Military Academy, they can only be ranked behind the real academic masters.

But soon, they were no longer envious.

Because after the list was announced, the Cabinet School Department issued another request.

The requirement is that starry sky exploration is to go to an unknown galaxy and involves uncontrollable dangers, so everyone participating in the activity must sign a disclaimer.

This statement stated that if they are unfortunately injured, disabled, or even lose their lives during their starry sky exploration activities, they must bear the consequences themselves.

The First Military Academy of the Beichen Empire, the Cabinet School and the royal family do not bear any legal responsibility except for providing necessary medical expenses and pensions in accordance with the contract.

In the Beichen Imperial Military Academy, after almost two weeks of vigorous selection activities, he finally showed his true fangs.

Only then did those students who got the opportunity realize that the so-called starry sky exploration was not a class that was taught in a classroom.

They are going to an unknown galaxy, facing various unknown climates, geographical environments, biological characteristics, and various dangers and difficulties that they may have never thought of.

What they received might only be a subsidy of 30,000 Beichen coins and eight credits.

But what you pay may be your own limbs or your life!

This price is a bit high...

This is the first update. There will be an update at five past twelve noon.

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