I am reciting the Classic of Mountains and Seas in the interstellar

Chapter 815 Come down and accompany you (the second larger chapter, monthly ticket)

The students who had returned to the aircraft were panicking.

The sea water below just submerged the mountain col where they stopped just now.

"What should we do?! There seems to be something wrong with our aircraft!"

"Can we still return?"

"...It can't be pulled higher! The aircraft needs maintenance, otherwise it won't be able to fly out of the atmosphere!"

The students responsible for flying the aircraft are using the aircraft's built-in mechanical intelligence to test the entire machine.

The conclusions they reached left them almost desperate.

There are no islands below, and their aircraft cannot return outside the atmosphere.

So what are they going to do?

Plunge directly into the sea? !

Xia Chujian said calmly on the public channel: "Don't panic, everyone, look at the equipment in the storage room. Are there any kayaks?"

"I remember that the structure of kayaks is simple and there are not so many parts. If the aircraft cannot continue to fly, everyone will consider getting into kayaks."

In the aircraft, Tao Pao clasped his hands together as if worshiping Xia Chujian in mid-air.

She closed her eyes and said, "Thank you, Sister Xia, for your blessing! Sister Xia is so kind and compassionate! Punish evil and promote good! Bless our operation to go smoothly this time!"

Xia Chujian: "..."

Other students, either jokingly or sincerely, followed Tao and started to worship him.

Xia Chu was dumbfounded when he saw it, and said, "Okay, Tao Pao, stop playing tricks and go to the storage room quickly!"

As everyone was talking, they suddenly found that their quantum optical brain watch carriers had received a coordinate from the leading teacher team.

There is also a message: This is a residential camp designated by the school. All students must arrive at this camp before dark.

If you can't arrive after dark, you'll be lucky.

Xia Chujian said: "It turns out that this is not a camp designated by the school. No wonder the safety here cannot be guaranteed."

Tao Pao said: "If we had known that the school had designated campsites, we wouldn't have been the first to run around!"

“In the end, I didn’t find the road well and almost fell into it!”

She pointed to the place below that had turned into sea water and said with lingering fear.

Xia Chujian then explained their previous handling method on the expedition team's public channel, and also reminded everyone that high-level genetic evolvers should be able to sense traces of energy in the environment.

Then hit the place where the energy traces are the heaviest, so that the aircraft can be freed from the place where it was stuck.

Otherwise, when the seawater pours in, the aircraft will not be able to take off, and everyone will be doomed.

After Xia Chujian announced this method, the students of the other nine aircrafts followed the method she said and got all the aircraft out of the stuck places.

Of course, without exception, the scattered islands on the sea have also sunk under the sea.

A student asked her on the public channel: "Classmate Xia, what is the principle of this?"

Xia Chujian had an idea, but she didn't want to say it for fear of scaring everyone.

She only said: "I know this but don't know why. Therefore, I need you to discover the principle of this!"

"Come on, you can do it!"

The student was not convinced at first. He wanted to know the reason and also wanted to see Xia Chujian's jokes. However, Xia Chujian responded in reverse and was immediately sucked in.

He said excitedly: "Don't worry, Mr. Xia, I will definitely find out the real reason!"

Xia Chujian: "I can rest assured that you are doing things!"

Tao Pao: "..."

All students: "..."

Everyone looked at Xia Chujian speechlessly, thinking, this man is really a born instigator!

Look at this brainwashing ability, she accidentally led her into a ditch...

Xia Chu saw that he had done this kind of thing too much, so he didn't take it to heart for a long time.

She looked at the aircraft over Taopao and said on the public communication channel: "You guys hurry up and pack up. We'll see you in the camp!"

Xia Chujian turned around and activated the Shao Siming black silver mecha and flew into the sky.

She wanted to return to her aircraft and make some preparations.

The second-generation mecha was very fast. In less than three minutes, she flew out of the atmosphere.

The black iron-colored aircraft, Treasure Hunt No. 1, appeared in front of Xia Chu.

Chen Yanjun hurriedly opened the hatch.

Xia Chujian jumped in quickly.

Thunderous applause suddenly erupted from the aircraft.

Xia Chujian pulled off the helmet and put it around her neck like a collar, and said, "What do you mean?"

Chen Yanjun said excitedly: "Captain, you are so awesome! The ground below looks so disgusting, but you can actually deal with it!"

Mai Aotuo asked very curiously: "Captain, what's going on on the ground? Why did it let go of the aircraft and sink again when you shot it?"

Xia Chujian said: "I really don't know the reason, but I am timid. Whenever I see something weird that I don't understand, I just shoot it directly to make me feel safe."

Mai Aotuo: "..."

Although I don’t know what it means, I think it’s awesome!

The adventure robot Xiao Fei sat in the driving position and asked politely: "Captain, are we going to the camp designated by the school next?"

Xia Chujian said: "Let's go quickly. We must reach the designated place before dark."

A blue light flashed on Xiaofei's eye display: "Okay, captain, please sit tight, the aircraft will take off immediately."

So everyone sat back down in their seats, or returned to their single rooms.

Xia Chujian also returned to his room and put on the Shao Siming mecha inside. Like everyone else, he put on the school uniform outside.

There is an armband on her military uniform arm that reads "Treasure Hunt No. 1", which is the identification mark of their group.

Xiao Fei started the aircraft and quickly accelerated, disappearing like a small black dot under the blue sky.

I don’t know whether Xia Chu saw that their Xun Bao 1 aircraft had the best performance and fastest speed, or that Xiao Fei, the expedition robot, had the best driving skills, or a combination of the three.

In short, their treasure hunt No. 1 was actually the first to arrive at the accommodation camp designated by the school.

This is still a small piece of land above the vast sea.

Xia Chujian looked at the terrain here and felt a little uneasy.

She said to Xiao Fei: "Xiao Fei, how is the performance of our aircraft now?"

“Are parts affected?”

Xiao Fei said: "Some parts have indeed begun to rust."

"But because we returned outside the atmosphere in time, these rusted parts will have little impact for the time being."

"But if we have to stay in the camp below for a long time, these aircraft will definitely not be usable."

Xia Chujian said: "Then find a way to replace those rusty parts."

"This time, these parts will be replaced with other materials."

"In short, parts made of pure steel must not be brought into the atmosphere of the Green Star."

As she spoke, she sent a message to Zong Ruoning.

[Xia Chumei]: Teacher Zong, I have a suggestion.

[See you at the beginning of summer]: When the aircraft sends everyone to the camp designated by the school, all aircraft must return and return to the outside of the atmosphere.

[See you at the beginning of summer]: Then the mechanical repairman from the Starry Sky Adventure Team will replace all the pure steel parts in our aircraft with other materials. Cheaper ones use high-performance plastic. For valuable ones, special metals can be added.

[Xia Chumei]: A starry sky exploration team as big as ours doesn’t even have mechanical repairmen and spare parts, right?

Zong Ruoning saw her suggestion and immediately understood what she was thinking.

He replied immediately.

[Zong Ruoning]: What a great idea! We do have dedicated mechanical mechanics, a full range of back-up parts, and even machining machines to make parts on-site.

[Zong Ruoning]: But I didn’t expect to have the aircraft return. Your idea is better, I will ask the commander-in-chief to issue the order immediately.

So, in less than thirty seconds, everyone in the starry sky expedition team received a notification from Tantai Rao Ming, the commander-in-chief of this starry sky expedition.

"Dear students, teachers, officers and soldiers of the Starry Sky Adventure Force, and staff, I now announce that all aircraft will return immediately after sending you to the Green Star Camp!"

"Please note that you must return immediately! Return immediately! Return immediately!"

"We will repair all aircraft, drones and exploration robots in the starry space exploration ship outside the atmosphere, replace those parts that are prone to rust, and transform them according to the atmospheric environment of the Green Star!"

"When the repairs are completed, we will send them back to the Green Star camp to pick up everyone!"

His order was heartily supported by everyone.

After all, in this weird environment, allowing the aircraft to continue functioning is the most important means of saving their lives.

Especially the students in the ten most severely damaged aircraft were eager to fly to the camp designated by the school immediately and then return their aircraft for repairs.

After Xia Chujian solved this problem, he found that his Treasure Hunt No. 1 aircraft had arrived above the school's designated camp.

She looked at the place and repeatedly compared it with the coordinates issued by the school. After a while, she said: "...it is actually this place."

Chen Yanjun, Mai Aotuo and Fan Ruisi were also in the cockpit of the aircraft, looking at the place below.

At this time, they were less than three meters above the ground.

Everything below can be seen clearly.

The small piece of land on the sea is actually a small island.

On the island, there is a small mountain village.

The small mountain village happened to be located in a valley, and the green mist spread in the valley, blocking the surrounding sea.

The mountains are covered with dense woods, and green mist floats unbridled even in broad daylight.

The village is not big, with only about twenty huts scattered irregularly on this small piece of land.

The houses look like they are made of old stones and dark wood.

The roof is covered with thick moss and spreading yellow branches and leaves, like old people, showing their overwhelmed aging and decay.

At the entrance of the village, there is a huge and ancient altar.

Pale ashes remain on the altar, as well as ancient totems.

In the center of the village, there is also a very tall building, which should be an ancient castle.

The castle is built of large black stones and looks a bit weird.

The tall spire seems to be telling the glory and splendor of the past, but now, there is only a black and white bird building a nest on its spire.

The village was very quiet, and it was hard to see if there were any residents.

Only the sound of the wind whizzed by, seeming to be telling some ulterior secret.

Xia Chujian looked at it for a while and said, "Let's go down. The area near the altar is very open, perfect for parking aircraft."

You must know that their aircraft are very large, but there is no problem at all if they park two aircraft in the open space in front of the altar at the entrance of the village.

Anyway, these aircraft will return immediately, and when the following aircraft arrive, they will not cause congestion.

Xia Chujian commanded the aircraft and stopped in front of the altar.

Ten people immediately started moving things out of the aircraft.

Because the aircraft will return immediately and return to the outside of the atmosphere.

They have to move everything out of the storage room.

This time, what Xia Chujian asked them to move were the weapons and ammunition that she had asked her teammates to select previously.

For example, grenades, electromagnetic guns, shoulder-resistant rockets, Chiyang fire-launching sticks, and the lowest model pistols, as well as the Judge model sniper rifle.

Because there are no pure steel parts in these weapons.

Grenades, the lowest-model pistols, and the Judge-model sniper rifle are mainly made of high-quality plastic materials, with a little bit of alloy.

Electromagnetic guns and shoulder-resistant rockets are made of steel alloy materials with a little special metal added. The molecular formula of the steel has been changed, so they will not be corroded or rusted.

As for the ammunition, of course it was the ammunition for the specific gun type that she had selected.

Submachine guns, smart machine guns, assault rifles, and higher-end Advocate sniper rifles and their supporting bullets all have pure steel parts. When they rust, they will affect the shooting effect, so there is no need to move them out for the time being.

Xia Chujian knew that she would no longer be able to enjoy the power of shooting 100,000 rounds at a time.

But it’s not needed for the time being.

Because they are still on the vast sea without a village or store, they have not seen the intelligent creatures here, let alone how far their technological level has developed.

However, it is always necessary to take precautions before they happen.

No matter how many preparations he made, Xia Chujian would feel more secure without a gun and a box of bullets.

After the teammates moved the suitable weapons and ammunition out of the aircraft's storage room, their daily supplies such as advanced nutrient solution, first aid kit, change of clothes, sleeping bag, tent and kayak were followed.

After everything was moved down, Xia Chujian asked Xiaofei, the adventure robot, to fly the aircraft back home immediately.

But Xiao Fei said: "Captain, Xiao Fei will go up and replace those pure steel parts, and he will come down to accompany you right away."

Xia Chujian: "..."

She knew Xiao Fei meant well, but why did his words sound so awkward? !

She thought for a while and said, "Don't worry, Xiaofei, you can help us provide backup support up there."

"If we are in danger, I hope you will come down from the sky immediately and save us from the fire and water!"

Xiao Fei's eye display revealed three curved lines.

Xia Chujian knew that this was a simple smiling face.

The two curved lines above are smiling eyes.

The curved line below is the smiling lips raised upward.

She smiled and waved her hand, watching Xiao Fei pilot the aircraft, soar into the sky, and fly out of the atmosphere again.

After Xiao Fei left, Xia Chujian said, "Chen Yanjun and I will go to the village to have a look first. You guys will wait outside the village for now."

This is the second larger chapter, including a monthly pass of 600+.

There will be an update at 05:00 in the evening.

On the first day of March, you can vote for your guaranteed monthly votes!

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