The low-looking cloud in the sky gradually enlarged in the eyes of the guards on the tower.

The rolling clouds fell to the ground.


The smoke dispersed, and three figures appeared in front of several people.

The leader is full of majestic pressure, and his powerful aura is like a spreading river, or like a wind and rain that rolls back and stays in the sky. It will invade at any time when the thunder surges.

"Foundation Building Period."

Chi Xuan murmured softly, his eyes calm, and he was not surprised by the leader's cultivation. The demon-suppressing captains in the imperial court are all above the foundation-building stage, otherwise there would be no way to suppress the demons and ghosts and ensure peace in the place.

He had fought with the captain of Juling County before, and the strength of that one was quite outstanding. This time, this person's aura was far better than that of the former captain of Juling County.

What surprised him was that the captain's magical consciousness was actually locked on the flag officer next to him. The flag officer was looking up and down at Chi Xuan, who was wearing a red Taoist robe, with a scrutinizing smile.

"Be careful, that person is a bit strange, don't look at him too much."

The warning words were especially loud in my ears.


"He should be practicing demonic skills, and his demonic aura is very well concealed..." Tu Shanjun did not show off, but told Chi Xuan the truth, so that Chi Xuan would not be plotted by the opponent later in the duel.

"The magic skills are advancing rapidly, but they all have various shortcomings. The most important thing is that the magic skills will change a person's character. This person's magic skills look interesting."

"This is the first time that I have seen monks practicing magic in this square cave." Tu Shanjun said with great interest.

Because the incense technique itself has the greatest limitations, it is not like the magic technique. The real magic technique can change people, and an innocent person can become a demon because of the magic technique.

Tu Shanjun thought that there was no magic power in this square cave. Now it seems that it is not that there is no magic power, but that the magic cultivators are well hidden.

Chi Xuan narrowed his eyes slightly and looked away from the flag officer, focusing on the captain. Chi Xuan heard from County Magistrate Li that this was a demon-conquering captain assigned by the imperial court, named Chu Ge.

"The Great Cang Dynasty Conquers the Demon Captain Chu Ge."

Chu Ge handed over his hand, his eyes firm and sure. He didn't seem to have any vicious malice. Instead, he was very calm and peaceful, with a strange kind of calmness. When he looked away from the girl, he was still a little relieved.

Chi Xuan had no intention of claiming his family status at all. The aura around him rose to its peak, and the strong incense power was like the ripples of the ocean waves. Layer after layer, it covered the sky in Ji County, and the differentiated incense protection moved toward Ji County. Go to the city.

Seeing that Chi Xuan did not return the favor, Chu Ge was not angry. He felt really guilty about this matter. Even if he wanted to eliminate the traitor, he should not make a fuss about the life of a little girl. This was contrary to the way he practiced.

However, he felt guilty, and he would not have any sympathy for the monsters and monsters who destroyed the laws and killed court officials and imperial envoys. He only sympathized with the people of the Great Cang Dynasty.

The people are ignorant, and they will be deceived by thieves because of some things.

Chu Ge didn't need to take out the token to know that the person in front of him was Chi Xuan, but the court's intelligence clearly stated that the other party was a true cultivator, so why did he show his profound official cultivation skills.

Either the other party hid his own cultivation level, or he raised his official cultivation level to this level in such a short period of time.

The former is easy to say, but if it is the latter, it really shows that the other party has great methods of winning people's hearts.

Chi Xuan knew that his cultivation of the Incense Path was insufficient, and he had not yet become a foundation-building monk of the Incense Path. He condensed the Incense more to protect the believers in the city and soothe their moods.

According to the techniques in the incense Taoist scriptures, Jicheng was refined into his own dojo, so that he could have more advantages when facing enemies.

"I would also like to thank you for your help and saving the girl." Chu Ge retracted his hands, and his cultivation in the middle stage of foundation building was revealed, and he was surrounded by a dark brown mana aura.

Zhou Hui, who was already angry, yelled: "Don't be so pretentious, don't you just want to force the Archmage to show up? Now that you have your way, you still have to lose face?!"

Speaking of this, Zhou Hui wanted to glare at his brother, but as if he thought of something, he only glanced sideways and looked away.

"You are so unreasonable. If it weren't for the captain, do you think that..."

Junlang Flag Officer was about to refute when he was interrupted by Chu Ge.

Chu Ge felt that it didn't matter whether he said it or not. The goal was indeed achieved, and letting Chi Xuan appear in front of them and arguing about the so-called motives was really taking himself too seriously.

"Zhou Hui, take your brother and baby and leave first." Chi Xuan said lightly, signaling Zhou Hui to take the two of them to the city first. This battle is inevitable, and they can't help much if they stay. As Taoist cultivators, Nothing is enough.

At this time, Huang Ci stood quietly aside without saying a word, but his eyes never moved away from Chi Xuan's body, showing surprise, confusion, and a bit of fear.

The tense situation at the city gate also affected the city. Most of the believers were already wavering and would switch sides at the slightest threat. Many people were also coerced.

Upon hearing that the Imperial Demon-Conquering Captain had appeared, he labeled Master Chixuan as a thief. Many believers began to gossip about the Chitian Society at home.

The smell of burning scriptures lingered in the streets and alleys.

Zhou Hui, who had just returned to the city, sighed: "The imperial court is still too oppressive in the hearts of the people."

They had known for a long time that the weight of the thousand-year-old imperial court in the hearts of the people could be reversed overnight.

The current situation is only because of the continuous natural and man-made disasters in the world and the court's stupid moves, so the people are inclined to survive, rather than really leaning towards them, just because they can lead the people to continue to live.

"Stay alive."

Zhou Hui was disappointed. After becoming the county captain and taking power, he had forgotten his original purpose. They were just trying to survive and overthrow this damn court. How could he blame Zhou Sheng.

Looking back at the slowly closing city gate, Zhou Hui's eyes were full of worry.

"Brother, I..."

"It's none of your business. They are determined to get the Archmage to come forward. Even if it's not you, they will pick someone else in the city."

In the county government, Magistrate Li is like an ant on a hot pot. He can feel the incense coming from him, and someone has already informed him about matters at the gate of the city. Magistrate Li frowned and paced back and forth in the lobby.

The Archmage is indeed very powerful, but that depends on who he is meeting. The person who came was the Demon-Conquering Colonel who was transferred by the imperial court. It would be a problem for me as a county magistrate to deal with a flag officer with low cultivation level, let alone facing the Demon-Conquering Colonel.

"What can we do? A little impatience will mess up a big plan."

"I should persuade the Archmage to hold back."


After reading a few words, Magistrate Li felt that this should not be the case. Even the Archmage is not prepared to deal with the people from Jiangmo Yamen. If these people insist on causing trouble, whether they kill them or not will be a huge problem.

County Magistrate Li didn't think about it for too long. He had already boarded the pirate ship and now he had only one way to go.

Captain Chu said that the Archmage killed the magistrate of Long County and two imperial envoys, and finally showed mercy and spared the Captain of Juling County. They did not have no chance of winning.

"Transmit my order!"

"All the yamen arresters and garrison soldiers gathered at the city gate." Magistrate Li stood up, fluffed out his official robe, put on his official hat, then used the incense magic and flew away with the help of his official uniform.

The detectives were still confused, but they did not remain stunned for long and quickly gathered after receiving the order.

The soldiers in the garrison reacted faster.

Dutong is the nephew of Magistrate Li. When they received the order, they had already gathered hundreds of warriors who dared to fight. This was all the family wealth in Jicheng.

Because a lot of losses were suffered in the battle against the tiger demon a few years ago.

In recent years, there have been losses in dealing with some of the monsters and monsters that have sneaked into the city.

Natural disasters and man-made disasters have resulted in a shortage of soldiers, and those hereditary soldiers are also withering away. Therefore, it is said that there are four to five hundred garrisons in Jicheng now. In fact, there are only more than 140 people in total who can form military formations to inspire orders and people to fight against the enemy. .

On the other side, Zhou Hui had already climbed onto the city tower. He also gathered dozens of soldiers on the city wall. Under the protection of incense, as Taoist soldiers, they were able to charge into the formation and tie down the two flag officers, giving the Archmage a chance.

After a while, Magistrate Li also hurried over with his people.

"How's it going?" Magistrate Li asked Zhou Hui hurriedly before he even climbed onto the tower.

"It seems..." Zhou Hui didn't know what to say. Although he could clearly see the fighting skills of the foundation-building monks, the residual fluctuations of those rampant spells made him feel that the ten armored warriors under his command had no effect.

Magistrate Li, who climbed up the city tower, also saw the scene of the battle. He immediately opened his eyes and exclaimed: "Is this the battle of the great monks?"

Outside the city gate, sword energy was everywhere.

There are piles of rock peaks and cracked earth and rocks.

Countless ravines were added to the flat ground on both sides, and the light surrounding the two men was extremely dazzling under the sunlight.

Chi Xuan shouted loudly, and was blessed with waves of fire-attributed raging flames, making the red sword in his hand shine with light.

Chu Ge only felt hot on his face.

The armor all over his body appeared, and the long stick-shaped weapon in his hand was swung vigorously.

The thick earth magic power allowed Chu Ge to resist Chi Xuan's attack.

"Earth?" Chi Xuan stood up from the ground and walked through the air.

The earth-type monks were thick-skinned and not afraid of close combat. No wonder Chu Ge could withstand his storm-fast spells and sword energy. Moreover, on the earth, earth-type monks can still have some geographical advantages.

So he flew directly into the sky and stopped fighting with Chu Ge on the ground.

"Ten Thousand Methods of Killing!"

Incense and mana converge on the long sword in his hand.

A three-foot-long flaming sword energy burned in the sky like a soaring light.

However, before the blow was delivered, Chi Xuan felt that his strength was weakening.

Even Chi Xuan has to admit that the growth of Chi Tianhui has many believers who blindly follow the trend, so it is expected that the incense will waver now.

"That's enough."


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