Parkes Fief, located on the north shore of Maiel’s mountain.

Large and small rivers, forests and hills were located, making it a good place to set up various traps, or to launch ambush and surprise attacks.

“The installation of each Corps faction is over.”

One of Kallum Rinse ‘s closest neighbors, and this time a new Kallum Lucan coalition, Greg Sinais Viscount, who took over as co – Supreme Commander of the Allied forces,

Lucan Diesu and Kallum, who had a drink in the huge central barracks, nodded with a smile.

“Then install the trap as planned.”

“Yes, I will, and I will also undertake an ambush operation for each Corps.”

Greg responded quickly, then stepped outside the barracks.

Lucan, holding a glass of wine, said in a bright voice.

“Certainly Maiel’s mountain here is a good place to fight for the enemy.”

It was true.

At present, the Kalu coalition has Parkes Fief in front of him and has set up the base camp on the northern slope of Maiel’s mountain, with each Corps deployed in a gently rolling hillside with the foot of the mountain.

In the Lancephil Fief Army, which had to be attacked from below the mountain, it was a terrible, difficult and troublesome terrain and formation.

Not only that.

‘Maiel’s mountain There is a castle in the southwest.’

Roach castle.

Viscount Potter is one of the leaders of the Order of the Rinse Kingdom and is now a wealthy and affluent place, serving as the interim Royal Capital of South Rinse Kingdom.

Thanks to this, we were able to distribute the military supplies and supplies smoothly to the allied troops boasting a large army.

Kallum ‘s mouth was covered with a cool smile.

‘If you install meticulous traps on rivers, forests, hills and mountains, and ambush and surprise attacks …….’

Even the Lancephil Fief Army, a strong army, could not help but be hit hard.

“Hahaha. If you put this place in the castle of Roach, you would point out that the world is a coward.”

Lucan blew a giggle and laughed a giggle.

Kallum nodded with a smile.

‘We have not yet fought well with the main battalion.’

The full-scale war has begun from now on.

Choosing the temple from the beginning was exactly the same as Kallum and Lucan had eaten Roan.

‘Besides, we have a lot more troops.’

It means you do not need to scare me.

Then Lucan lifted the cup.

“If you arrive at your home country in this situation, the battle, no war will be a win, hahaha!”

A confident voice.

“It’s really nice.”

Kallum hit the cup with a shallow look.

It was literally a pleasant drink.

How long has the time gone, suddenly the outside of the barracks has become loud.

Within a few minutes, Gregg appeared on the doorway.

It was a face that looked urgent, and a face that looked white like a person who had a sudden body.

“Lung, Your Majesty!”

“What’s going on?”

Kallum frowned.

In one corner of my mind, an uneasy energy rose.

Lucan also looks a little nervous.

Greg leaned slightly and replied in an urgent voice.

“Well, that’s ……. Far, the enemy has appeared across the Parkes!”


At the moment Kallum and Lucan’s face hardened.

“Enemy or enemy?”

I can not believe it.

There was no enemy to appear in Parkes Fief now.

Greg swallowed the dried spit once and replied forcefully.

“Lancephil Fief Army.”


There was a bigger shock.

Kallum and Lucan could not speak with half-hearted expression.

‘Lancephil Fief Army? Roan Lancephil? Why are the guys here?

Kallum could not understand the present situation at all.

Certain messengers reported that Roan and the Lancephil Fief Army had to advance to War Ford Castle.

Even if I changed the course in the middle, it did not make sense to arrive so quickly.


Kallum’s face grew white.

Lucan, who was beside him, blew a short spell.

“Hmm, I think they’ve been aiming for Maiel’s mountain from the beginning.”

A hypothesis that can only explain the present situation.

Kallum shook his head with a grim look as if he did not want to believe it.

“Did we move to Maiel’s mountain before we moved the camp?”

In time, there was no other way.

Lucan could not answer it.

I could not make myself sure that it would be possible.

At that time, a soldier showed up through the entrance to the barracks.


A very short, urgent cry.

I did not need to ask what I meant.

Kallum and Lucan rose out of their seats and went out of the barracks.


The moment a cool mountain breeze hit her face.

A panoramic view was unfurled before my eyes.


Under the foot of the mountain, a large Corps was crossing the Parkes River.

Far far away from the flag and complex color.

But it was not difficult to identify the identity of Corps.

‘Lancephil Fief Army.’

There was a tremendous momentum and flair in the far corps.

The Kalu Allied base camp was silent.

Kallum’s gaze swept the sides of the path.

All the soldiers, commanders, knights, and nobles as well as ordinary soldiers came out of the barracks and stared halfway down the camp.

‘Lancephil Fief Army?’


‘Why is Roan Lancephil here?’

Everyone heard the news of the Lancephil Fief Army coming.

The entire camp was breathed by death.


“Everyone is awake!”

Tongs like Ure came out.



Everyone turned their heads toward the place where the sound was heard with a surprised expression.

Kallum and Lucan did the same.

At the point where everyone’s gaze stood, there was a woman with a solid armor.

“The battle has not yet begun! Our troops are predominant! We are also dominant in the formation! There is no need to scare them!”

A voice that shakes the whole camp.

Elva Dionell was the woman who boasted the imposing momentum.

“Well, yeah, uh, we do not have to be so scared.”

“We are coalition forces, coalition forces, and almost twice as many troops.”

“Besides, we’ve already built a camp, which is in a much better position.”

“It’s a good fight, and we have a much better chance of winning.”

Several aristocrats and commanders, knights and soldiers raised their voices, stretching their shoulders.

Elva began to shake off fear and defeat in a cry.

‘Fortunately, fraud is coming up.’

Elva’s gaze turned to Kallum.

It was now Kallum’s turn.

The eyes of the soldiers naturally looking at Elva also turned to Kallum.

Hot gaze.


Kallum had a long breath.

Roan and Lancephil Fief Army, the emergence of the whitish color of the original color was regained.

He called the commanders with a small hand gesture.

“The guys who are crossing the Parks are right, Roan and the Lancephil Fief Army, it’s obviously a lot faster than we thought, but that does not mean the situation has gotten worse,” he said.

It was not a verdict.

Originally, Kallum was not a person who appeared in front of people and gave a loud voice.

But now is not the time to buy your body.

Maybe this battle could be his last battle.

“Prepare to leave the whole army, and I will also send a copy to each of the Corps deployed to the left and right.

Instructions were pouring.

Kallum stared at the Lancephil Fief Army.

“They will be tired of an unreasonable march.”

Besides, I just started Doha.

In many ways, it was favorable to the Kalu coalition.

Kallum had a hint of harsh eyes.

“We use armies of army and army to build a vanguard and attack the enemy.”

“Yes, I understand!”

The commanders answered in one voice.

Kallum looked at their eyes one by one and threw a word, chewing like a letter.

“If you win this battle, you can put Royal Capital Miller as well as Central Kingdom and Northeast Kingdom in your hand. If you win this battle …….”

The two fists came to power themselves.

“I will give you all noble titles with gold treasures.”


The faces of the various commanders rose red.

The earnest ambition swung over the body in the heart.

Kallum slapped his chest with his right fist.


A heavy sound hit my ear.

“Fight! Fight and win! Win a wealthy movie!”

The commander, the knight, and the nobles all fisted up to the point.

“Wow ah ah!”

Shouting bursts.

They were usually returned to their seats with short bows.

“Prepare for battle!”

“Prepare for battle!”

“I will give you a gold coin for someone who has a major in the field!”

“Fight! Kill! There will be glory behind!”

The voice of the commanders rang the camp.

The order of Kallum soon became known to other Corps camps.

Woo Woo Woo Woo.

The force of the Kalu coalition, which is located at the foot of Maiel’s mountain, including the main camp, has dramatically changed.

The first person to notice this change was Roan Lancephil, who was looking at Maiel’s mountain on the banks of the Parkes.

‘Fuh phew.’

A blurred smile came up over his mouth.

Through Kalian’s Tears, the bustling movement of the Kalu coalition was clearly visible.

“My lord, Doha is going well.”

Austin approached and reported the Corps situation.

Roan nodded lightly.

“I will set aside Doha and the camp.


Austin stepped back with the battleship.

Roan is still Kalian’s Tear, sending a call to the Kalu Allied camps.

“Sammy, Harrison, Brian, Pierce.”

Low calling voice.

Sammy, Harrison, Brian and Pierce, who looked at each Troop soldier, came quickly.

Up to Austin, who had previously been ordered separately, these were five of the six heavenly heroes who would soon be shouting out of the world.

“Prepare to be right for you.”

A faint smile was caught in the mouth of four of his orders.

They ran into their respective Troop, ready to battle.

Roan moved one step ahead of Amaranth Troop, who had regrouped.

‘Maiel’s mountain has been around for a long time.’

Looking at Maiel’s mountain towering in front of me, I was able to relax.

Maiel’s mountain was the place where the second turning point came to the forefront.

‘Here we get Flamdor Mana Technique, Reid’s Battle Skill, elemental king’s tears and Biate’s Vice.’

In short, it was the place where Roan was created.

Roan looked at the Kalu Allied camp.

‘They’ll think they have prevailed in favorable positions.’

But it was an obvious miscalculation.

The smile on my mouth became thicker.

He unfolded his right hand and raised it.

I saw the Maiel’s mountain towering above the palm of my hand and the camp of the Kalu Allied forces, which settled along the foot of the mountain.

It feels like they are all in the palm of your hand.

No, it was not a simple feeling.

Roan slowly grasped his right palm.

Maiel’s mountain and Kalu Allied faction hid in the fist.

No, it was eaten.


Roan’s voice ran in the wind.

“Shake the plate?”

The moment I finally waited for, it was spread out before my eyes.

Roan Lancephil vs. Kallum Rinse.

The battle for the good fortune of the two Kingdoms of the Three Kingdoms was to begin.


* * *


“I think Clark is really great.”

“Yeah, that’s great, Count Roan Lancephil, and eventually he’s playing in Clay’s palms.”

“As Clay said, they went to attack South Rinse Kingdom, not us …”

“This Lancephil Manor is defenseless.”

Five young leaders looked at each other and burst into the heavens.

They were the clans of Clay who led thousands of soldiers and attacked Count Lancephil, respectively.

Roberts, the chief of five leaders, stroked the sword of the waist dance.

“Count Lancephil has already been vacant for over a year.”

Even though Count Lancephil’s defense was so thick, the land that the owner had left vacant was tainted.

In addition, as Clay moved to Duke Webster, the base of Count Lancephil was greatly shaken. No, it was known to have suffered extreme external injuries.

Of course not actually.

“Count Lancephil is a very rich and developed place, and if we get it here, our North Rinse Kingdom will be ahead of the three countries.”

Once again, the ghost broke out.

Robbuck pulled the horsepipes and at the same time kicked his horse.

Five thousand soldiers moved very fast and stealthily.

I saw a small gate in front of my eyes.

“Let’s fall at once!”

Robb pulled out his long sword and shouted with a loud voice.

“Wow ah!”

“Let’s fall!”


The other leaders were shouting in an excited voice.

They were confident of falling easily into small gates.

It was when the leading horses crossed the hills in front of me.


The arrows were pouring forth with sharp piercings and feet.

“Stop, stop!”

“Stop! Stop!”

Robbuck and his commanders stared at him.

“Whoa, whoa.”

Five thousand soldiers hastily reduced speed.

Thanks to that, the momentum of the advance has been pulled down.

No, it was not a problem that the momentum was broken.

Roberts and other commanders and soldiers’ faces hardened.

The place where the gaze headed was a wide field spreading from the lower part of the hill to the gateway.

Nearly 3,000 soldiers were in the field.

“Well, what is that Troop?”

One of the leaders asked Roebuck.

Roberk could not easily answer.

He squeezed his eyes and tried to figure out what was happening in Troop.

At that time, Camber, one of the best commanders, flashed flagship.


He stepped backward with his white face.

“What’s wrong? What’s going on?”

Roberts frowned and asked nervously.

“Les, les, les …….”

But Camber could hardly speak.

“Tell me straight!”

Roberk cried out without endurance.

“Yes! Get up!”

“What is it?”

Other commanders were irritated.

Then Camber was forced to return to stability.

He pointed at the front Troop with his fingers.

“That Troop is …….”

When the horse came about.


A sharp siege hit the ear.

At the same time.

Fear a million!

A long spear pierced the robe’s head with a terrible plague.


“What, what!”

Surrounding leaders were surprised to swallow the wind.

They turned their heads and looked forward to Troop.

“So, did you fly over there?”

“You spear from a distance so far, you pierced your head?”

It’s hard to believe.

Then Camber nodded, swallowing the dry spit.

“Well, if he is, I can do enough.”

At that end, several commanders frowned.

“That guy?”

“Who is he?”

A pouring question.

Camber stepped back far away and then answered briefly.

“Viscount Reil Baker.”

Everyone opened their mouths.

“Reil Baker?”

“Spearman’s Ghost ?!”

“Are you sure?”

A half-hearted look.

Camber nodded silently.

It was unbelievable, but it was incredible.

Reil Baker who came down Grain Mountains before Pierce.

He did not show up during the succession of the succession to the throne. He appeared in the Count Lancephil Order.

From far away, Reil’s humorous voice was heard.

“Huh, haha! Hit!”

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