‘That music is not music in my memory.’

Roan Lancephil frowned.

It was purely mistaken that I felt I listened to the music played by the odd procession.

But it was not music that did not know it.

‘It is not my memory, but the music in the memory of the shaman.’

Roan bite his lower lip.

Music that I have never heard of but I definitely remember.

‘The shamans who attacked me but were deprived of their memories and died …….’

It was certainly music in the memory of the shaman.

‘It’s very subtly different, but it’s definitely …….’

His face hardened.

‘It’s the music of the Dark Elves.’

Unfortunately, the information in the memory of the shaman was all that.

The procession was gradually getting closer across the dirty streets.

Until just before, the children, who were crying out loud, fell flat on the floor and clapped their heads.

It was never a behavior that young children could do.

Roan quickly picked up his senses with his children.

The procession was odd.

At the head was a musical band with a black cloth and a face, followed by dozens of middle-aged men with three huge wagons and horse-drawn horses.

Roan glanced slightly to take a closer look at the composition of the matrix.


“Hey beggar, do not look up.”

“Then I will be caught.”

The children muttered as if whispering in small voice.

A chirping voice.

It was obvious that they were scared.

Roan glanced quickly and quickly clapped his head.

Pababababa night! Bam! Bam! Paba Bam!

The procession disappeared, leaving the odd and loud music sound.

Then the boys looked up and took a long breath.

“phew. I passed it safely today.”

“Mom, it’s best to fall asleep if you can hear a drum as you say.”

They smiled and smoothed their breasts.

Roan was terrified and asked in a small voice.

“What is the procession just before?

At that point, the boys glared at me.

“Keep? Keep?”

“What is that?”

In the beginning, they did not even know the word “keep”.

The youngest of the boys said with a nervous expression.

“That’s a parade of demons, not our Village people.”


Roan frowned.

The kids trembled.

“Demons come down from the western mountains.

When the horse came about.

“Greta! Come in!”

“Gilbert! Where are you! Come on in!”



The urgent voices were heard here and there.

‘It looks like mothers.’

just as expected.

“I’m here!”

“I am coming!”

“Ahh ah! Mom!”

“I was scared! I was scared!”

The children burst into tears once again to see if the tension was unfolded in her voice.

They were soon scattered all over the place and returned to their homes.

Roan followed the back of the boys who had disappeared in an instant and smiled faintly.

The child was as happy and beautiful as the mother.

But at the same time.


I was nervous about the words the kids left behind.

‘Maybe I should find out once.’

Here Burranti Village was the Village at the westernmost end of the Black Cuban Fief located at the northwestern end of Amaranth Kingdom.

Roan turned his head and looked to the west.

‘If you are in the west mountain, you mean the Grain Mountains …….’

I did not feel good about something.

Roan paced his luggage and slowly moved his foot.

I was thinking of going to the pub in the center of the village.

Not before that.


Low calling.

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

Nathan, director of Amaranth Legionnaire Troop, replied with a small voice without even showing up.

Roan gave a secret order in a low, subdued voice.

“Follow the procession just before. If you want to be dangerous, withdraw immediately.”

“I will take charge of Sir. (Charge.)”

With the answer, Nathan’s disappeared.

At the same time, Amaranth Legionnaire Troop, which was surrounded by the whole village, disappeared.

Only ten Legionnaire Troop members were standing by for the comfort of Roan.

Roan, who gave the order, slowly moved to the main store.

Opened the hardened door of the wooden door, the owner of the rugged impression fired at him.

Roan laughed softly and lifted his right hand.

But the return was a cold sore.

“get out!”

The tough master trudged down and pushed Roan’s shoulder with his right hand.

“We can not get beggars in our pub.”

At the end, Roan shook his head with an unfair expression.

“I am, I am not a beggar, a merchant, a merchant.”

After the conversation was over, the shout came out again.

“Our pub is …….”

The owner ‘s eyes were hung up.

“No muggers are allowed in!”

* * *

The huge trees supported the blue sky.

In the small space between the giant tree and the giant tree, there were simple woody plants that were made of dry branches and leaves.

Among them, there are a lot of people and beings gathered around the most simple and tacky mox.

Pointed ears and white skin.

Stiff nose and red lips.

A beautiful appearance that gives an admiration at the moment of viewing.

The beings that filled the forest were Elf.

They sat on the ground and closed their eyes and accepted the period of the forest into the body.

No, exactly, I accepted the period of the forest and waited for someone.

Their spirit continued toward Mokok in front of me.

Phew for a moment.

Kee profit.

The door of Mokok was opened with the sound of the tree Troop.

At the same time, the woman who appeared from the inside.

The identity of a woman who has neither a human nor an Elf, both in appearance, was Aily Rinse, or Aily Lancephil.

“What are you all doing?”

Aily picked her breath and asked with a low voice.

She was concentrating on Pisces ceremonies and training, according to the Elf’s law.

The elves flocked around Mocok the other day when the ceremony came to the finish stage a few days ago.

They waited for Aily without disturbing the Pisces ceremony.

How long has it been?

At last, Aily finished her ceremony and training and showed her out of Mok.

Laham approached with a firm look and bowed his head.

“I found the traces of them.”

At the moment Aily’s beautiful face grew tiny blue.

“If they are …?”

“Yes, Dark Elf.”

Laham nodded.

Aily sighed shortly.

‘I finally found it.’

Both eyes were deeply submerged.

Elf and Dark Elf.

The time has come to finish the fate that has been passed down since the first generation.

“Where did you find it?”

Aily accepted the period of the forest into his body and asked with a low voice.

Laham whispered in a small voice.

“There are two places, one is north of Pershion Kingdom …….”

The Pershion Kingdom was quite far from the Grain Mountains that are currently in the area.

Laham’s eyes shone and shone.

“The other is Amaranth Kingdom Blackburn Fief in the Northwest.”

Black Croft Fief.

It was not far.

In addition, Aily and Elf did not know, but now Roan is also the Black Cuban Fief.

Aily nodded slowly.

“Once you send some of the Elf warriors to the Northern Fief of Pershion Kingdom, the rest goes to Blackburn Fief.”

“Yes, I understand.”

As Laham bowed his head, many Elves stood up and leaned back.

It was a reverence for respect and respect for Pisces.

Aily spoke quietly but with a powerful voice, gazing quietly at them.

“I intend to finish the long war with the Dark Elves.”

She breathed deeply.

The period of the forest spread throughout the body through the lungs.

Aily’s gaze continued northward.

At the end was Blackburn Fief.

* * *

“Oh ha ha ha! This is a very fun friend!”

“Yes, it is!”

“There is no place in the world to see!”

The middle – aged men laughed with a big wooden cup.

They lifted their thumbs toward the young man sitting beside them.

It was a young, impressive young man, Roan.

“Indeed, Royal Capital Mediasis is as bright as daylight in the middle of the night.”

He deliberately kept on talking.

“I’ve heard such rumors.”

“The City of Light, Lana, the Castle of Light …….”

“How do you sleep if you are as bright as daylight in the middle of the night?”

“It’s better to drink and go around than that.”

The men lined up one by one and lifted the wooden cup high.

A cheap and bad beer bounced around.

Roan also hit the glass and left the liquor at once.


A thick trim ran up my throat.

‘The atmosphere is ripe.’

Roan laughed a strange smile as he put down the wooden cup.

The situation has completely collapsed.

He steals his mouth with his hand, and speaks with a quiet voice.

“And then, what is the procession that was in the Village? The children said it was a demon’s march …….”

Roan deliberately blurted out and looked at the reactions of the men.

By the way.

“What’s going to happen to the demons’ march?”

“That’s what the cowards made up.”

Some of the guys were snoring.

Unexpected response.

Roan replied with a strange look.

“What do you mean?”

The men were shouting in a big voice when they were pounding.

“When they come to the Village, the sisters disappear.

“Yes, yes, it is rumored that only virgins and little girls who are not married will disappear.”

I heard ridicules everywhere.

Roan frowned.

“Is there any reason why such a rumor is going on?”

Careful expression and voice.

In the end, the men turned around once and then replied with a small voice.


“Well, actually …….”

I felt like my appetite.

After a while, one of the men was behind.

“They are slave traders.”

“Slave trader?”

Roan’s face came up with an unpleasant feeling.

The men nodded, crying out loud.

“In a big carriage, there are children who are sold as slaves, and they play such a strange thing to hide the cries of the children.”

“The march of the devil, the story of the virgins disappearing is a rumor that village athletes have created to frighten their children.”

“I do not want to be near the slave dealer to create a gonghwamun.

In fact, one or two of the slave merchants who visited the Village and went to play together seemed to sell Boyle to the children as demons.

Roan, who was listening quietly, glared at his head.

‘slaver? Playing to cover the cries of children? ”

A story that can be fully appreciated at first glance.

But Roan could not bear little doubt.

“Slave traders play the music of the Dark Elves?”

I could not understand.

And even if they are slave traders.

“Is it not allowed in the Kingdom to sell slaves?”

It was included in the constitutional decree.

The men were bitter and bitter.

“That’s it, but …….”

“For those who can not afford to eat right now, this is an inevitable choice.”

“If you hold it in your arms, you will die and your child will die.”

“The other Fief is a war reward or something, but we eat and buy it, but our Blackburn Fief did not receive any compensation because he did not have any other war damage.”

“On the other hand, the tax has increased dramatically …”

The boys filled the glass with alcohol.

The face was frustrating and unpleasant.

I laughed and laughed a little while, but they did not live as well.

“Is the tax increase?”

Roan gently touched his head and asked carefully.

The expression that it is difficult to understand.


One of the guys wants to answer.

“The lord is writing because he wants to be seen by the central authorities.”

I heard a sharp, pointy voice.

It was a girl’s voice of a similar age to Roan.

Roan turned his head and found the main character of the voice.

The moment his eyes grew bigger.

‘W … Warrior?’

A woman standing at the door of a pub.

At the age of about twenty-one and a half years old, it seemed that the skinny clothes and the breastbone clinging to the body revealed the smooth body.

The hair fell short on the shoulder, and the thick and beautiful eyebrows gave a strong impression without a toilet.

It was a woman who feels cooler than the feeling of being pretty.

She looked at Roan and the boys, touching the big sword of the waist dance.

The men breathed a long breath in her appearance.

“Berin, what are you doing here?”

“Yeah, you do not like coming to the pub.”

At that end, the woman, Berin whispered in a low, subdued voice.

“Where did the demons come?”

After the conversation was over, the men frowned.

On the contrary, Roan glanced quickly and interrupted his eyes.

“The devil? They say they are not demons, but slave traders.”

A light, exciting voice somewhere.

Berin glanced at Roan’s eyes, gently gazing at his nose.

“Slave trader? Huh, did those cowards say that?”

She held her posture straight up with her left hand on the sword.

There was a cold light in both eyes.

“They are not slave traders. They are really demons.”

Scary to end.

“Berin! Stop it, how long are you going to spread that rumor?”

“Because of you, there are strange rumors all over the Village.”

The guys laughed at me.

Berin turned his head and looked at the men quietly.

In deeply sunk eyes, it came to life that can not be hidden.

“I’ve definitely seen it.”

A loud voice came out of my lips.

“What, what?”

Roan acted frightfully and asked carefully.

Berin turned his head again and looked at Roan.

She whispered in a very small, small voice.

“They kidnapped children …….”

The story that followed was terrible indeed.

“It’s like taking out blood.”

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