I Am the President of the University

Vol 4 Chapter 656: The real Guo Shi Wushuang

"This is a contract, you can take a look first."

Wang Dalong took it subconsciously, because it was only a few pages, and it took a few minutes to read it roughly.

But his gaze was attracted by an underscore.

This is supposed to be the cost of this remuneration this time, but it is blank.

He raised his head unclearly, and met with a smile on Chen Hao's face.

"Director Wang, you can see how much it costs for the shooting, production and post-production of the promotional film. Just fill in and sign it yourself. The cost will be paid in these two days."

Because it is a general contract, Guanghua is only responsible for paying the money, and Wang Dalong’s team produces the video, so there is only this one, and it is impossible to increase it later.

Wang Dalong had already settled this cost issue. He hesitated and gritted his teeth and said: "Principal Chen, you have also read the proposal. If you don't get special effects, 3 million is enough. If you add special effects, you need at least 5 million to start!"

Special effects are really expensive, and they are all calculated by the second. For example, the production costs of hundreds of millions of dollars in Hollywood blockbusters are mainly special effects and props.

Chen Hao's expression remained unmoved, and he asked calmly: "There is no shortage of money. The most important thing is quality. You can just say the number."

Wang Dalong's eyes were struggling, his hands clenched into fists and then loosened, as if he was fighting another himself.

With Guanghua University’s magnanimity, it is basically not too much, and it must be all right.

After several years of life, Wang Dalong attaches great importance to the importance of money.

After a while, he slowly exhaled a suffocating breath.

"Ten million!"

"Yes." Chen Hao nodded, glancing at Wang Dalong without showing a trace, his appreciation became deeper.

If you don't add special effects, five or six million is enough, but add special effects, the cost is hard to say.

The cost of special effects of several million is normal, but even if special effects are added to a few minutes of promotional film, if the other party bids more than 15 million, then he will be driven away.

Lavishness returns to lavishness, but it doesn't mean you can treat me as a fool.

Wang Dalong was also relieved, picked up the signature pen and began to fill in numbers and signatures on the two contracts.

If you have enough special effects, plus shooting, production, and post-editing, it's about seven or eight million.

After deducting these, there is still about two million left, and these are the rewards for this trip.

This is already very ethical. I will quote you 10 million in advertising and film companies that do not have ethics. In the end, it is estimated that less than 2 million will be spent on the project, and most of it will be eaten by them.

For example, a Mercedes-Benz promotional video cost 20 million, but the actual production cost is less than 1 million.

Chen Hao accepted a contract and put it aside, and then said seriously to Wang Dalong: "Director Wang, I am generally satisfied with your proposal, but I think there are two things that need to be revised."

The corner of Wang Dalong's mouth twitched, and he said helplessly, "President Chen, please tell me."

The contract has been signed, and it is normal for Party A to make some comments, but it is afraid that outsiders will guide insiders.

Chen Hao said in a deep voice: "First, the modern scientists who changed the world in front of the script, I think we should mainly promote domestic scientists and scholars, and minimize the number of foreign scientists."

"Uh, but isn't this promotional film going to be released globally? So...will the impact be bad?" Wang Dalong said nervously.

Chen Hao didn't care about Wang Dalong's worries, "This can be regarded as a kind of cultural output.

At the beginning of the promotional video was a video paying tribute to several modern scientists and scholars who changed the world, but Chen Hao felt that he still had to pay attention to it.

And Wang Dalong's idea is a bit like a creative advertisement that Chen Hao once saw.

In 1997, Steve Jobs, who was "deposed", returned to take charge of Apple. Soon after, Apple launched the "ThinkDifferent" series of advertisements handed down.

This ThinkDifferent advertisement does not show or mention any Apple products, but only to Gandhi, Edison, Einstein, John Lennon, Martin Luther King, Bob Dylan and a series of rebellious and innovative geniuses. Pay tribute to the great man.

Of course, Apple also carries a lot of private goods here. For example, almost all of these geniuses are Americans, with only a few foreigners.

And in this "ThinkDifferent" advertisement, there is also the slogan (manuscript) that is amazing:

"Those who are out of season"

"Those rebels"

"Those troublemakers"

"Those who see the world in a different way"

"Those who invent, imagine, and create"

"Those who push humanity forward"

"When some people see him as a lunatic, we see him as a genius."

"Because those who are crazy enough to really believe that they can change the world are the ones who really change the world."

If it weren't for Wang Dalong's proposal, Chen Hao hadn't thought of this classic Apple advertisement at all.

Throughout history, true dreamers have always bucked the tide, thinking differently.

But these people not only exist abroad, they also exist at home.

"That person is selected..." Wang Dalong was so obedient that he handed over the selection to Chen Hao.

"In China, just Sun Jiadong, Zhong Nanshan, Yuan Longping, Tang Feifan and Tu Youyou; as for the two positions abroad, you can choose yourself."

After speaking, Chen Hao sighed faintly, "In the domestic sense, there should be only these five scientists and scholars who can change the world."

There are more foreign countries, because in modern times, the country has fallen behind too much. It was only a few decades before they caught up with a lot of crazily.

Wang Dalong heard this for a moment, and asked in a daze, "Principal Chen, are the two old gentlemen Sun Jiadong and Tang Feifan very good?"

Zhong Nanshan, Yuan Longping, and Tu Youyou are well-known throughout the country, so I won’t introduce them. Guo Shi Wushuang has absolutely no problem with them.

But the other two can be tied with these three?

Chen Hao shook his head and slowly explained to Wang Dalong.

Sun Jiadong, winner of the "Two Bombs and One Star Medal" and the "Republic Medal", an academician of the Academy of Sciences, and the first chief designer of Beidou satellite navigation system, is also known as the father of Beidou.

As a satellite navigation system independently developed by China, Beidou has undoubtedly changed the world!

From a global perspective, the emergence of Beidou reduced the error of the atomic clock to 30 million years per second, greatly improving the accuracy of human navigation and positioning.

As the most powerful navigation system in the world, 137 countries have signed cooperation agreements with Beidou satellite navigation system worldwide.

As for Mr. Tang, he is also a world-class scientist.

Born in a county in Nanxiang Province in 1897, he was exceptionally admitted to Xiangya Medical College in 1914 and became the first student.

Xiangya Medical College has cultivated many medical experts in China, such as Zhang Xiaoqian (founder of Chinese gastroenterology), Xie Shaowen (the first international successful use of chicken embryos to culture Rickettsia typhus), and Huang Youqi (Chinese neuropathy) Founder of science, founder of Chinese neurology), Wang Zhaoxun (founder of Chinese electrocardiography), Lin Xiaozhou (founder of Chinese microsurgery), etc.

Among these big cows, if you put Tang Lao in, he would rank second, and no one would dare to rank first.

In 1955, the groundbreaking "yolk sac isolation method" successfully isolated trachoma virus from rhesus monkeys.

However, because the eye structure of monkeys is different from that of humans, the symptoms of trachoma are also different and cannot be recognized by the World Health Organization.

In 1958, Tang Lao personally experimented with trachoma virus in his own eyes. Without treatment for 40 days, he collected information to prove that the virus isolated was trachoma virus.

In this way, first the United Kingdom and then the whole world recognized Tang Lao's achievements. Tang Lao became the first person in the world to isolate trachoma virus, so the trachoma virus is also called "Tang's virus."

Tang Lao's research even prompted the international microbial taxonomy community to classify such microorganisms as a single category-Chlamydia.

Internationally, Tang Lao is also known as the father of chlamydia in the world.

Due to some historical issues, Mr. Tang hanged himself in 1958, the peak of his life and career, otherwise China's first Nobel Prize might have been won in 1980.

This great scientist who fought against the plague, eliminated smallpox, overcome the trachoma virus, and solved measles and polio has long been forgotten by the Chinese.

Today, in Liling City, Tanglao's hometown, one road has been changed to "Tang Feifan Road".

The country has not forgotten Mr. Tang, and the people should not forget him either.

After listening to Chen Hao's words, Wang Dalong's eyes were red, and he immediately stood in awe.

All five of them can afford the title "Guo Shi Wushuang"!

Recalling the trough periods of life in the past five years, and comparing what happened to these people, at this moment, I don't feel any depression.

"Principal Chen, I will go all out for this promotional video!" Wang Dalong said loudly.

Before, he only wanted to use Guanghua University’s propaganda film to return to the public’s vision, but at this moment, more important than career is a sense of responsibility!

It was just Chen Hao's next sentence that made him suddenly startled!

"Director Wang, the following is the second point I want to make to you. How do you think Yuan, Tu, Zhong, and Sun are invited to appear in the promo?"

Chen Hao put his hand against his chin, "You can add a link to interview these four people and ask a question about "the purpose of studying (university. This is quite meaningful. "

These four graduated from three universities: Southwest Agricultural College (now Southwest University), Beijing Medical College (Peking University School of Medicine), and Harbin Institute of Technology.

In that era, the difficulty of admission to university was not much.

"This, this... can it work?" Wang Dalong almost held his breath and asked with a trembling voice.

Chen Hao chuckled softly and said: "This is our consideration for Guanghua~www.readwn.com~Director Wang, what you need to consider is how to make this promotional video."

When Wang Dalong left, he still did not guard his house. If Principal Chen can really do it, then the quality of this promotional video is too great!

When Guanghua refused to star in major stars before, he still felt that it was too extreme. After all, stars represent traffic.

But now, he very much agrees with Guanghua's move.

How can these celebrities, He De, appear in the same shot with these national scholars?

But can it really be done?

After sending away Wang Dalong, Chen Hao paced back and forth in the office, thinking about how to open this mouth.

Thinking left and right, it's better to call the leaders of science and technology you met before to find out.

ten minutes later.

An exclamation sounded in the principal's office.

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