I ask you to make philosophical animation, and you make super beast weapons?

Chapter 275 The Lion King fights Feng Yao again! Seven Injury Tribulation Shining Spirit Technique C

Facing the slender and handsome man, Zuo was equally worried, and Right was equally worried.

The Lion King just spoke calmly.

Does it take that much effort to kill you?

Slim Jun:......

At this time, Xiaopangdun felt speechless.

Ah, this sentence hurts your self-esteem too much...

At this time, the audience in the live broadcast room felt that they could not hold back any longer!

Haha, what the Lion King said is simply true. It is not only true but also realistic. He is worthy of being the first of the four guardians of the underworld~

666, there is an inexplicable feeling of familiarity. Ye Lingyun one hundred thousand years later seems to have said similar words!

Indeed, after a hundred thousand years, after the Xuanwu self-destruction, Xiaopangdun and the others were unable to go to the underworld. Ye Lingyun said that he could take them there, but Xiaopangdun didn't believe it.

Hahaha, Little Fatty said at that time that Ye Lingyun wanted to trick them into killing them. Ye Lingyun directly replied: Kill you, do you need to go to such trouble~

It's so funny! You are worthy of being the protector of the underworld. This style is the same as mine!

The audience in the live broadcast room couldn't help but laugh.

What the Lion King said is indeed true and realistic.

It’s not in vain that everyone in the underworld is a realist~

Moreover, Ye Lingyun said similar words one hundred thousand years later when facing Little Fatty.

This is really the unified style of the protectors of the underworld~

The little group was also a little amused.

And after seeing that the viewers in the live broadcast room had such good memories, she felt more or less helpless.

Brothers, can we please stop being so impatient.

Otherwise, you won’t remember me clearly every time I get slapped in the face!

In the picture, just after the Lion King finished speaking these words.

Fengyao appeared above the cliff.

You can't kill him.

Because this is our territory!

The wind suddenly struck from the cliff!

At this moment, Lion King subconsciously put his arms across his body to block him, and was kicked back by Feng Yao.

A long snow mark was drawn in the snow.

Seeing Feng Yao again, the Lion King couldn't help clenching his fists.

It's you?

Feng Yao looked at Zhan Hu who had lost the ability to fight on the ground.

Lion King, why do you want to hurt our war tiger?

And you want to hurt our friends?

The Lion King looked at Slim Jun.

Slim Jun is a friend from the seventh parallel universe?

The next moment, he didn't have time to think too much.

Feng Yao has already taken the initiative to launch an attack!


After the two fought dozens of moves, the Lion King was knocked back by Feng Yao's punch in the chest.

The golden lion and silver lion rushed forward together.

As a result, the two of them couldn't even survive a few moves in Feng Yao's hands!



The golden lion and the silver lion fell back together!

At this time, the Lion King directly chose to open up!

Seven Injury Tribulations!

Feng Yao was not to be outdone at all.

The Shining Art!

The two people's Seven Injury Tribulation and Shining Spirit Technique directly launched their ultimate moves to fight against each other!

However, it is obvious that the Lion King's seven injuries are becoming increasingly unsustainable.

I can hardly hold on to the Shining Art anymore.

At this moment, Huo Linfei appeared behind the Lion King and jumped into the air.

Fire Cloud Technique!

Huo Linfei fired the Fire Cloud Technique and blasted towards Feng Yao!

Seeing this, Feng Yao suddenly used his strength and drove the Lion King away first.

However, he could no longer find time to deal with Huo Linfei's Fire Cloud Art.


At this time, Feng Yao could only receive the Fire Cloud Technique, and his feet drew a snow mark backwards.

At this time, Feng Yao couldn't help but clenched his fists completely!

Slim Jun was even more stunned.


Unexpectedly, Huo Linfei would appear in this situation!

After Huo Linfei appeared, he faced Feng Yao directly.

Do you like fighting? I'm happy to accompany you!

Feng Yao clenched his fists.

It's you again, Huo Linfei!

Just when Feng Yao was about to rush over.

Hey, wait a minute.

Slim Jun hurriedly stepped forward and stopped Feng Yao.

Feng Yao, he is my friend.

Your friend?

Feng Yao stopped his hand, but felt very confused.

Slender Jun nodded matter-of-factly.

Yes, he is my good brother Huo Linfei who has been separated for a hundred thousand years!

Immediately afterwards, Slim Jun ran towards Huo Lin excitedly.

Fire Linfei!

Huo Linfei also opened his arms and ran towards Shou Shoujun excitedly.

Little Fatty!


I thought it was a heartwarming scene of old friends reuniting.

As a result, the two were about to hug each other.

Slender Jun raised his leg and kicked the armed Huo Linfei to the ground.

Call me Slim Jun!

At this time, many viewers in the live broadcast room burst into laughter.

Haha, little Fatty has not forgotten to emphasize this until now!

It seems that only a few people, such as the Whale Shark King, call Little Fatty by his real name, and most of them are from the underworld. I feel sorry for Little Fatty~

Hahaha, Huo Linfei probably wants to express that love will disappear, little fat man!

Huo Linfei quickly got up from the ground.

Oh, that's okay.

Who told you to be as fat as you were a hundred thousand years ago?

Slender Jun was also completely unconvinced.

I'm not called fat, I'm called honest!

Do you understand, Dunhou!

Huo Linfei was also speechless.

Oh, okay, okay.

Where have you been these days?

I've been searching here and I can't find any relatives. They don't believe that I came from a hundred thousand years in the future.

Do not believe?

Huo Linfei nodded.


Huo Linfei came to the Lion King first and asked.

Do you believe it or not?

The Lion King naturally shook his head.

Huo Linfei came to Feng Yao's side again.

Then do you believe it or not?

Feng Yao couldn't help but push Huo Linfei away.

Where on earth did you come from? Who on earth are you!

Slim Jun opened his mouth to smooth things over.

Feng Yao, actually he is just like me.

They are all Xuan Yizi's disciples.

Feng Yao looked at Huo Linfei.

Since he is Xuan Yizi's disciple.

Then shouldn't you remain neutral?

Why does he help the Lion King to fight against us again and again?

Huo Linfei felt confident at this time.

Hey, I'm not helping Lion King and the others.

I just can't stand some people bullying the weak!

Hearing this, Feng Yao couldn't help but snort.

Seeing this, Slender Jun said hurriedly.

Oh, stop arguing.

Now Pluto and Snow Emperor have reached peace talks.

We are all a family now.

How about finding a place to sit down, drink tea and eat a steamed bun~

The Lion King couldn't believe what he was hearing.

Has Pluto and Snow Emperor already made peace?

Slender Jun nodded matter-of-factly.

Yes, Master has rushed back to the underworld.

Told Hades the news.

If there are no accidents, Pluto will soon order you to withdraw your troops.

Just when Slim Jun felt that everyone would be happy next.

Huo Linfei spoke subconsciously.

That doesn't make sense.

Historically, this peace negotiation was a failure!

At this time, both Feng Yao and Lion King were all stunned!

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