I ask you to make philosophical animation, and you make super beast weapons?

Chapter 309: Huoyun Hanying Runs Thunder and Death Moon Blood Seal Technique! ! Time travel!

Chapter 309 Fire Cloud - Cold Shadow - Running Thunder - Dead Moon - Blood Seal - Jue! ! Time travel!

Xiao Tuantuan never expected it.

At this time, Xiaopangdun and the others actually came back after crossing a hundred thousand years!

You know, none of them have power locks now!

And after blocking Gui Gu's attack.

Feng Ying turned around and looked at Feng Yao.

Removed his own armed helmet.

elder brother.

Feng Yao couldn't believe his eyes.

Feng Ying, you, are you Feng Ying?

Kazekage asked rhetorically.

What, brother, don't you recognize me?


Feng Ying stepped forward and hugged Feng Ying, who was also in an armed state.

The voice has taken on a crying tone!

The audience in the live broadcast room saw this scene.

Brother Fengyao.

If you just saw that you accidentally killed your sister a hundred thousand years ago, you would regret it for a hundred thousand years.

If the brother and sister were reunited and cried with joy, it would still make people feel more sympathetic.

But the problem is that we have only seen before that one hundred thousand years ago, you still knocked Feng Ying and Huo Linfei off the cliff without missing a beat.

If it hadn't been for Little Fatty's sudden reversal of time and space, Feng Ying would have been cold by then.

After that, Gui Gu tried hard to teach Feng Ying several times, but you didn't stop him.

Now you act like a good brother, which really makes us unable to empathize with you!

Gui Gu snorted coldly when he saw that Miao Siaojun and others were back.

Hmph, you can actually come back?

It's really not easy.

Slender Jun stood up.

It's really not easy!

The next moment, the picture in front of Xiao Tuantuan changed, and his body sense also changed, returning to the timeline picture of the previous short period of time.

It was Shou Shoujun and others who lost their ability locks and felt like they couldn't go back to a time one hundred thousand years later!

When Xiao Tuantuan saw it, his eyes suddenly lit up.

Xiaopangdun and others were trapped here before, feeling that they could not go back a hundred thousand years in the future.

One hundred thousand years later, Gui Gu's sneak attack on the Snow Emperor, his attack on Pluto, and the fall of the Lion King were obviously all at the same time.

She thought there would be no more telling of what happened to Xiaopangdun and the others.

Unexpectedly, there are still related pictures and scenes now.

Super Beast Arms is simply too cheating! !

Not far in front of Xiao Tuantuan, Shou Shangjun and the others were still trapped here.

Huo Linfei only felt full of unwillingness.

Is there no superpower lock anymore?

Are we going to stay in the fifth parallel universe a hundred thousand years ago forever?

When Huo Linfei mentioned the power lock, Miao Shoujun thought of something.

Actually, Master told me.

The superpower lock is just a switch.

Without it, we might not be able to super-beastly arm ourselves!

At this time, Feng Ying and others also looked over.


Slender Jun continued to talk

The key is that we must have strong enough supernatural energy in our bodies!

Huo Linfei felt that he understood.

Oh I see.

As long as we have strong enough supernatural energy.

You can also equip super beasts without the power lock!

As the captain, Xiaopangdun is full of confidence.

Just let me try it first!

Super Beast Arms—ahhhhhh!


Little Fatty didn't look handsome for more than three seconds, and couldn't help but kneel on the ground.

Just like Huo Linfei tried the super beast weapon for the first time, it would be good to save a life!

At this time, countless viewers in the live broadcast room felt completely unable to hold back.

Haha, little Fatty, is this just a joke?

Little Fatty, this is really handsome for only three seconds. What's the situation of being a captain~

It's so funny. Sure enough, every time when Little Fatty feels he's worthy of being the captain of the Super Beast Team, he always has to work hard~

This is exactly the same as when Huo Linfei tried the super beast weapon for the first time. It's a perfect duo of brothers and sisters~

Hahaha, there is still something different. When Huo Linfei tried it for the first time, at least he had a superpower lock. Little Fatty Dun doesn't even have a lock at this time~~

Many viewers in the live broadcast room couldn't help laughing.

Sure enough, even as the captain of the Super Beast Team.

If you don't do some homework, you won't be a little chubby~

This was also the case when Huo Linfei tried the Super Beast Arms for the first time. This was a perfect end to the world line~

Feng Ying glanced at Xiaopangdun, who wanted to be armed with super beasts but failed.

It seems this is not as simple as I thought.

Ye Lingyun made a judgment.

Unless we can increase the supernatural energy in the body by 10 times in a short period of time.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to super-beastly arm ourselves.

Terry couldn't help but say.

But how is this possible?

10 times?

Huo Linfei felt that this number seemed familiar.

Then came a complete lightbulb moment.

No, it's possible!

In the Yuan Space, Master once said to me——

The next moment, the scene in front of Xiao Tuantuan changed.

When Huo Linfei was in suspended animation, the scene where her consciousness entered the metaspace and saw Xuan Yizi reappeared in front of her!

‘Huo Linfei, you must increase the supernatural energy in your body by 10 times and enter the second level state. ’

‘Only in this way can we break through the force field here. ’

‘This, how is this possible? ’

‘The height of a fountain does not exceed its source. ’

‘The supernatural energy of a super beast warrior will never exceed his inner belief. ’


Huo Linfei recalled what Master Xuan Yizi said to him at that time.

As long as we have strong enough faith.

It can detonate the strange energy in our bodies.

Thus entering the super beast state!

Long Jian also took a step forward at this time.

We are no longer hesitant now.

We already know our true mission!

For the eternal balance of the universe.

We can definitely succeed!

Others were inspired too.

Yes, we can definitely succeed!

Let us Super Beast Warriors fight side by side!


At this time, everyone's belief felt stronger than ever.

The height of a fountain does not exceed its source.

The supernatural energy of the super beast warriors will never exceed the belief in their hearts!

Huo Linfei and others all entered the armed state without the ability lock!

Xiaopangdun even directly summoned his own pangolin super beast.

Super Beast Arms!

Xiaopangdun summoned the pangolin super beast and sent Fire Lin flying to several people.

They all loaded into their own pangolin super beast.

In the main control room, Xiao Pangdun spoke solemnly.

Let's unleash our special moves together!

Huo Linfei and the other five all used their own special moves to accumulate supernatural energy for Little Fatty.

Fire Cloud——


Ben Lei——

Dead Moon——



The pangolin super beast shines brightly at this moment!

Time Travel!!

The pangolin super beast took Huo Linfei and the five of them back one hundred thousand years in the future.

It showed the scene where everyone worked together to block Gui Gu’s trick!

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