Pacific Fleet Battle (5)

40 minutes after the start of the battle, the US Pacific Fleet flagship “South Dakota”.

Admiral Scofield bit his lip at the sight of the Key class battleships speeding up in unison. Around him, the chief of staff spoke in an anxious voice.

“Admiral, the enemy fleet is speeding up.”

“okay. It looks like they’re trying to grab our bow.”

“We need to get close quickly and hit the enemy ship.”

“Soon it will be 20,000. If it’s close range, our battleships have nothing to lose to the enemy ships. Split the battle line in two!”

Admiral Scofield, who had quickly completed his calculations, exclaimed as he turned to the staff.

“The 14-inch gun battleships of the 2nd and 3rd squadrons deal with the enemy fleet moving behind the enemy line, and our 16-inch gun battleships deal with the enemy lead fleet!”

“yes? Admiral, wouldn’t it be better to destroy them individually?”

The chief of staff asked in a questionable voice. If the enemy disperses their power, that would be the standard.

But the admiral shook his head resolutely.

“Because of its slow speed, you can fight against enemies from both sides. In that case, it’s better to cover each other’s blind spots like this. If one side wins or loses, can’t we quickly support the other side?”

The battleships of the US Navy are still slowing down little by little due to repeated hits. In this state, it is virtually impossible to respond to enemy maneuvers.

Because of this, the admiral made a decision.

“At least the 14-inch gun battleships will fight in equal numbers. Then there is nothing to push. Also, 16-inch gun battleships have more enemies than two, but in terms of performance, this one has the upper hand!”

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Perhaps reflecting the admiral’s expectations, the US battleship row was different from what had been beaten up until now.

The battleship’s main gun howling fiercely.

The volley of 14-inch gun battleships looked like thunderbolts due to the large number of guns. In the middle, the artillery fire from Arizona, a ship belonging to the 3rd Battleship Squadron, accurately crossed the enemy battleship.

and… .

“My, Admiral!”

“What is it?”

angry voice. and an occasional roar.

“Look over there!”

Admiral Scofield quickly turned his head. In the distance, a flash of light flashed.

* * *

Combined Fleet flagship ‘Kei’.

A huge explosion echoed all the way to Kii, the flagship of the Combined Fleet. When the startled command looked at the location of the 3rd Squadron, a huge eruption had already begun.

“Fuso… Awesome.”

Only a brief report spoke for what had happened.

The battleship, which marched proudly in the middle of the 3rd Squadron, poured out heat like a volcano from all over the hull and vomited bloody flames everywhere.

“Admiral! The 3rd Squadron is in danger! The battle lines are down!”

Before the admiral had time to come to his senses, Chief of Staff Shimada hurriedly called out to him. It was clearly a dangerous situation.

Fuso-class battleship.

The first Japanese-built Super Dreadnought-class battleship. However, due to the technology located in the lower ranks of the great powers, its performance cannot be said to be good.

For the same level of firepower as other warships, the main turrets deployed throughout the ship increased the ammunition storage throughout the ship. Insufficient armor made weak spots everywhere. Even the speed wasn’t very satisfying.

In the end, it was somewhat foreseeable. For this reason, Admiral Eisuke also did not place high expectations on Fuso-class.

If a battle breaks out, one or two ships will probably be sunk. However, he did not expect that Japan’s first homegrown battleship would struggle and die so terribly.

Fuso let out a scream like a whale cry and tilted the dismembered hull.

In the flames that burned like eons, the shadow of the battleship was no longer visible.

While Fuso erupted into Mt. Fuji, Admiral Eisuke resolutely looked away.

“rest of it? Are the rest of the battleships all right?”

There is nothing you can do about a battleship that has already died. The important thing is that he is still alive.

But I didn’t hear a very positive answer from that either.

“A lot of hits in Ise! Hyuga and Yamashiro are also under heavy fire! 3 to 4 power ratio!”

“Admiral! With this level of fighting power, 1v2 is impossible! Plus, Yamashiro can get hit like Fuso! You must put your squadron behind you!”

“Tell me to hold on! If the 3rd squadron withdraws, we will be surrounded by enemies!”

It sounds cruel, but he couldn’t help it.

It is a comparison of 6 battleships with 16-inch guns and 3 outdated battleships. Of course, preference should be given to the former.

“Admiral, then how about deploying the 4th Squadron?”

“Gonggo grade should be saved until the night battle. Even if I put it in now, I’ll just get hit like that Fuso!”

Admiral Eisuke firmly refuses.

As the head of a large group called the United Fleet, the Admiral did his duty.

He didn’t care if some of his staff were glaring at him.

Longevity says everything with results.

“A hit on the enemy South Dakota class!”

As if changing the mood from the dark bridge all the time, a report from the observation came in. Eventually, Kii’s captain spoke through the Jeonseong-gwan.

“Admiral! Enemy bullets Nearby bullets on the side! Also, a lot of hits on the superstructure!”

Looking through his binoculars, Admiral Eisuke nodded in satisfaction. Beyond the submerged water column, the enemy ship was leaking bullet marks.

You don’t know the battle yet.

* * *

US Pacific Fleet flagship South Dakota.

The US Navy, who won the first record of sinking. However, before there was time to rejoice, disturbing reports poured into South Dakota’s bridge. The first was the state of the flagship with accumulated damage.

“A hit occurred at the bottom of the ship! Currently flooding the boiler room!”

“Hamjeobu, is it an underwater bomb?”

Admiral Schofield, quite shocked by the recent bullet, muttered in a nervous voice.

Even the most heavily defended South Dakota has a relatively weak underwater hull. This is because heavy armor cannot be worn all the way to the bottom of the ship.

“Admiral, if you don’t slow down, the inundation will accelerate!”

“No, if the distance widens, you will be at a disadvantage again. You have to seize this opportunity even if you risk some damage!”

Resolutely rejecting the chief of staff’s proposal, he made up his mind.

A battleship is a battleship even if it is beaten with shells like torpedoes. Unless the magazine explodes, it is never silent at once.

Meanwhile, Kei’s 16-inch rounds continued to pound South Dakota’s ship bottom.

“Forward engine room flooded! Damage Control! Responding late!”

“Squadron commander! What are our captains doing?”

“It is difficult to repair the damage to the ships right now! Admiral, long-term war is impossible!”

If you accumulate damage, you die. If that is the case, you will have to spur the bombardment and hit the enemy first.

“Fight back! The ammunition depot is not out yet! As long as your fighting skills are alive, you can do it!”

As if responding to that wish, South Dakota roared.

The distance is 18,000 m. The 12 main guns pouring bright red flames accurately crossed Kii.

“Narrowing to the enemy flagship! It’s a hit!”

Only two hits were observed.

The main turret and central engine compartment were blown up three times each. Soon after, a shell entered the water and flooded the stern compartment of the keee.

A long hull swaying wildly.

A storm of volleys hit South Dakota, but the still-standing turrets deflected the rounds.

“Lots of shrapnel damage to the front deck! Admiral, it’s getting dangerous.”

“Where is the safe place? Hurry up and subdue the enemy ship to eliminate the threat!”

Soon, a huge sound echoed behind the bridge. Indiana’s giant guns fired volleys.

The gunfire, which vibrated like thunder, hit the second Kii-class ship, Owari. The battered Owari’s armor no longer had the ability to stop a 1-ton bullet.

An armor-piercing bullet that penetrates armor plate as easily as a windshield. Flames soared from the hull, which was perforated like cheese.

Eventually, Owari stopped.

“Enemy Ki-class second ship! Disengaging from the battle line!”

Colorado and Maryland also accumulated hits and damaged enemy ships.

Although the speed is gradually decreasing at the cost of hitting each other, it is still in the middle of the day.

West Virginia is going head-to-head against the Nagato class. As one of the most elite ships in the Colorado class, it is active by silencing two main turrets of enemy ships. In return, the superstructure is almost moribund.

However, the opponent is the Japanese Navy, which runs the best in artillery skills. It doesn’t just stand still.

The 16-inch rounds of the counterattack hit South Dakota’s wing armor like wedges.

It’s like lightning flashing from the side.

Even the thick side armor exhausted its power as soon as it entered within 20,000 meters.

A bullet that pierced the cracked armor and hit the waterline exploded.

“Keugh… don’t back down! Keep attacking!”

Falling off balance from the shock, Admiral Scofield straightened his hat and stood up.

The fight is whether to detonate all the enemy ships or whether this side collapses due to the cumulative flooding of underwater shells.

Disorganized warships beat each other in the vast ocean, spattering iron and heavy oil blood. The rolling waves were crushed by the storm of continuous volley fire.

“Two second-class enemy ships, lots of damage! Disengaging from the battle line! A fire breaks out at the post-level too!”

“The enemy battleship squadron in the rear has been roughly cleared. Now we just need to focus on the enemy fleet in the lead!”

“So far, 2 Kii-class ships and 1 Nagato-class fire observation! Admiral, we have the upper hand!”

Staffs who speak in excited voices with full morale again.

However, the admiral was anxious about one fact.

“What time is it, Chief of Staff?”

“yes? now… It’s 1300 o’clock.”

Blinking his eyes, the chief of staff checked his watch.

Soon after, the admiral quietly looked at the sky outside the bridge.

“… The bombardment will be finished within an hour.”

He murmured softly and shook his head.

The night is coming.

* * *

One hour after the start of the bombardment, the flagship of the Combined Fleet, ‘Kei’.

The bridge swayed continuously while exchanging artillery fire.

Another shocking report came.

“Admiral! Go Sagami!”

The center of the battle line making a roar like an earthquake.

Among the giants that were advancing proudly, the battleship that had reached the peak of destruction spewed out huge flames.

“… Is it explosive?”

The battleship Sagami, which caused a series of explosions near the turret, was immediately engulfed in a large flash. An ominous mushroom cloud engulfed the battleship’s site.

“Sa, Sagami Gouge!”

It was the price of being beaten to the limit by Colorado’s shooting. Although the enemy Colorado-class also took a number of hits and was adrift, at least the main turrets on the other side were intact.

Therefore, it is a complete defeat.

“Tosa, many hits! Disengage from the battle lines!”

“Owari, the turret is half silent! medium wave!”

The catastrophe was followed by other battleships as well. The battleships, which were damaged and broken one by one, tried to increase their distance by changing course. At least, there was no captain who wanted to be like Fuso or Sagami.

“What happened to this… !”

I have to keep my composure and cool, but the admiral said so unwittingly. The two outstretched hands were trembling.

Following Nagato and Mutsu, the four Kii-class ships were loved by the people enough to be called the pride of the country. The sleek hull and majestic main gun symbolized the empire itself.

However, that pride is now melting in a fierce fire.

With the flagship Kii being damaged by artillery fire, the admiral gradually lost his fighting spirit.

“… Entire fleet, widen the distance for now! Turn to the guilty side!”

You have to run away. If you get hit like this, you will be destroyed!

Instinct called it that.

Fortunately, the enemy battleship train was also adrift with considerable damage.

The second South Dakota-class ship, which had been hit by Tosa’s 16-inch guns, is sailing slowly with her aft mast collapsed, and all three Colorado-class ships have their decks on fire.

14-inch gun battleships have abandoned the 3rd Squadron and are approaching, but only 16-inch guns are insignificant.

Therefore, no battleships pursued the fleet the day it turned course. The smoke screen of the destroyers only belatedly cut between the two lines.

“Admiral! Enemy battleships are slowing down!”

The chief of staff, who did not let go of his binoculars, reported, even while the water column blocked Kii and obscured his vision.

“Are you preparing for a night battle?”

Nearly all ships in both fleets were damaged.

Now, all that remains is to build the end.

* * *

An hour ago, when the artillery battle was in progress.

Task Force Z’s flagship ‘Repulse’.

The sky is clear all the time. It’s a day with few clouds, so it’s not a good day to hide. Of course, there couldn’t be a better day for an artillery battle.

“bandit! Number 30! Keep approaching with this ship!”

“Call the interceptor! Tell the Furious to scramble!”

However, our task force, which competes in air battles, was not very happy with this weather.

Even now, the sound of anti-aircraft guns reverberates and paints the sky with smoke.

The pom-pom gun tore the bomber flying over Repulse’s head.

We are currently under intense attack from two US aircraft carriers.

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