106 – Illusion – 6

I arrived at the clinic right away.

Fortunately, Charlotte’s hospital room is located on the 4th floor.

I could see that I was hospitalized in a much better condition than I was hospitalized before.

“Ego… Since the professor is fine, the student is hospitalized this time.”

President Violet took the lead while muttering in a worried tone. All the staff at the treatment center politely bowed their heads.

It was because Violet was such a high figure, and it was not common for her to show up at the treatment center.

“President, where can I take you?”

The well-educated clinic staff clung to Violet.

The destination is, of course, Charlotte Forte’s hospital room. I walked inside, following the treatment staff.

As I passed through the corridors, I was able to see injured academy students here and there.

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Most of them had expressions full of worry, sadness, and despair. Well, at this point, when an all-out war is just around the corner, if you get hurt, it’s worth despairing.

But it wasn’t my role to comfort them.

Since a useless glance could actually hurt more, I completely ignored them and just headed for Charlotte’s hospital room.

“I have arrived.”

The name box next to the hospital room had Charlotte’s name written on it. I nodded roughly and tried to enter Charlotte’s hospital room.


However, the door wouldn’t open, only resisting with a clicking sound. The same was true when the president raised his hand and turned the doorknob.

“Oh… “

The president looked at the clinic staff with eyes demanding an explanation. Then, as she was about to leave, she stood upright and began to explain.

“Ah, that… Now the patient has expressed that he doesn’t want to see anyone. I can’t help it. Principles are principles.”

Principle, that was something that even the president could not easily break. Of course, we also had no intention of forcibly opening the door to the extent of breaking the rules.

“Could you please tell me that the professor in charge has come to see you?”

“Yes… I’ll get it right now.”

On the small screen next to the door, the staff began typing this and that with mana-covered fingers.

After exchanging messages like that a few times, they shake their heads at us.

“I told him that the professor in charge came to visit me, but he said he wanted to be alone. It’s better to rest first… “

I have a little question about this part.

Charlotte is shy and doesn’t like to meet people. But she thought she would open it, at least if I came to see it.

‘Well, I have no conscience to wish for that.’

In order to transfer Lepista’s power, it was me who was the first to bite hard.

So, of course, you have to endure a little bit of being pushed away from Charlotte.

‘Okay, let’s be satisfied with that for now.’

I added a word to the staff instead of finding a way to get inside.

“Is your health okay?”

“Yes, I just collapsed from overdoing it. I’m on nutritional supplements, so I’ll be fine soon.”

I let out a sigh of relief, and Violet, who was listening to the story next to me, also sighed.

“Still, I’m glad. Lately, things like this keep happening around failed classes, so I started thinking that something big might have happened again without me knowing~”

“I was very worried too, but I’m glad.”

I can’t go inside Charlotte’s hospital room to see her anyway. We talked in front of the hospital room with a sad mind.

“Are the failed squads well prepared for an all-out war? These days, since they show a lot of new things, I secretly look forward to it without even realizing it.”

I glanced at Violet’s face as she spoke.

But as if thinking I was staring at her with a bad expression, Violet shook her hands with a smile on her eyes.

“Ah, I’m not trying to make fun of you. It might have been like that in the past, but now I’m rooting for the failed class with all my heart.”

“I didn’t see it with strange eyes either. It just happened like this.”

“Is that so? Maybe. Anyway, so the preparations are going well?”

“Somehow… It is going well.”

After blurting the end of her words, Violet opened her mouth again.

“Actually, I checked the list of representatives of the failed class this time. He chose the Charlotte student in the hospital room as the representative of the Magic Sprint.”

I nodded silently.

Then I looked out the window for no reason. The campus of the academy was very peaceful even today.

Violet followed my gaze and continued.

“It’s good to have a student you care about. I also had a disciple like that… In any case, the sense of being valued is something that students cannot avoid.”

“What do you want to say?”

“Adrian, whether you do well or not, students react and feel more than you think? So, if you are a believer student, be sure to do well!”

With those words, Violet turned around.

“Now, today’s story ends here! I’ll go first!”

His back looked very lonely.

Come to think of it, it was like that. Before being stained by the world, Violet had a favorite student.

But the disciple eventually died. How would you feel if your only child died?

It was an incomprehensible sensation to me because no dead student has yet emerged from the failing class. No, I don’t even want to understand.

I quietly stared at Violet’s back as she walked away.

‘Charlotte… ‘

It looks like I will have to stand in front of this door for quite a while today.

Charlotte, who was sitting blankly in the hospital room, looked at the information displayed on the screen with a surprised look. It was because it was written that Adrian had come.

“What can I do… “

‘Absolutely not.’ After typing that reply, Charlotte hurriedly got out of her bed and picked up her materials lying on the bar next to her.

“No… Not yet.”

Why did Professor Adrian come to find himself?

There could be several reasons.

Visiting in the hospital, asking how we are, talking about materials, talking about all-out academy…

“So no.”

I had just acquired more than half of the data. It was unknown whether even the things he had learned could be perfectly demonstrated in front of Adrian’s eyes.

I’m sure you’ll be angry. You came here to be angry.

Looking at me, I’ve never seen a bad student like you. I was excluded from the Academy Total War nominations, so know that.

You must have come to say that.

There was also a way to directly ask Adrian after seeing him, but he didn’t have to.

If she wants to ask him something of her own, she too must answer Adrian’s question, but she didn’t have the courage for a girl yet.

With the door slammed once more, Charlotte immediately began to learn the things in her material.

Fortunately, her hospital room was very spacious. Even more than her room in Charlotte’s house.

“Let’s try… no, i have to… “

First of all, I read the material like crazy. For a while, the room was filled with only the sound of pages being turned.

Is Professor Adrian dead?

Aren’t you waiting outside the door? What should I do, can I see inside from outside the door?

It was a ridiculous idea, but the girl was trembling in fear to the extent that she seriously contemplated such thoughts.

The girl carved small magic circles in every corner of the hospital room. She also used the 『Flame Barrier Basic Barrier』 She had recently learned.

That’s it. In this way, there will be no damage to the outside of the hospital room due to flame magic.

Now, it can be said that the simple training ground for training fire-type magic has been completed. The moment you are about to start training right away…


I touched my forehead in case you didn’t know. Then she breathed through her nose.

Her head doesn’t hurt and her breathing is normal.

… I guess it was simply because I didn’t sleep too much, anyway, I’m glad I’m fine now.

“…Let’s do it.”

Charlotte concentrated her mind and started drawing her spells.

Once, twice.

She didn’t like it because she was herself who couldn’t even do it three times. However, the mana recovery function of her hospital room is top-notch.

The disheveled mana was quickly restored and Charlotte began to draw her magic circle again.

“It’s not a nutritional supplement that was put in there, but… “

Still, I can’t help it.

Because she never wants to be hated by Professor Adrian…

After a day or two, the speed at which she drew her magic circle finally increased. It also increased the number of attempts she could make.

If it is an abuse of the treatment room to heal the body, is it an abuse? I just hoped that this level of abuse would be viewed as aegyo.

Intermediate Intermediate Adrian visited the hospital room, but he did not meet him until the end.

Because I was afraid. Because I was so afraid.

And finally, the day of the academy all-out war has dawned.

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