114 – Awakening – 2


She was a little taken aback by Christine’s unexpected appearance, but Bianca didn’t show it. Even in battle, she was somewhat confident.

Bianca stretched her red thread.

In this darkness, only the red ones were shining. Zekiel’s eyes, Christine’s eyes, and Bianca’s red thread.

“Because they put you in the place of sin… He really thinks he’s become something.”

Bianca snapped her fingers and her red thread wove like sharp needles, preparing her to fly towards Christine.

It pierces her neck as it is. No, she was trying to break through.

But at that moment.

Quad de de de de de de de de de deuc!

With a roar that seemed to rip the eardrums apart, a red sword flew towards Bianca.

‘What is it?’

Fortunately, the threads didn’t break, but the red black air was making a mess of them, like a rubber band bending.

‘It’s dangerous.’

Despite being blocked by countless threads, the sword’s energy flies all the way.

Sensing that its sharpness was no joke, Bianca concentrated on her defense by weaving all the threads she was trying to use in her attack.

Duduk… Pop! Pop!

However, the swordsmanship moved forward even cutting the threads. So in the end.

“Crazy… !”

Bianca had no choice but to let go of her threads and roll around on her floor to avoid her sword skills.

However, it was too fast to even roll.

Blood Shoot!

Blood burst from his cheek. It was the first time she had seen her speedy swordsmanship, so Bianca blankly touched her own cheek for a moment.


It sounds stupid, but I muttered it again.

Bianca’s eyes were not on Christine, but on the man who sent her sword. And I was finally able to put it into sight.

I mean the image of a tired man with huge bat wings spread out and red eyes shining.


Her man touched the handle of her scythe to the floor. Only then did she find out. That it was the sword energy emitted from her scythe.

“I will deal with you myself. Bianca.”

“What… what.”

It wasn’t that he stuttered because he was surprised that he was dealing with himself.

However, my current Kiel seemed to be strong enough to far exceed what he expected. So he was embarrassed.

Eyes looking tired.

Those eyes look simply tired, but they are really different from eyes that are simply tired.

I could tell because she was Bianca, who acted as Vivian’s shadow.

How many heartaches do you have to go through to create such emotionless, tired eyes? I realized how strong a sense of mission must be.

She looked more terrifying than ever, but she didn’t feel alive.

If you embrace an extremely strong killing force, you won’t feel the killing force. It probably seemed like that.

As Christine, who was holding the rapier, stepped back, Jekiel slowly opened her mouth.

“I am getting weak. Know.”

A voice that seems to be holding down something that is rising. He spoke calmly.

“Originally, the more you have to protect, the weaker you become. Even knowing that, I keep increasing the number of things I have to protect. I think it’s about giving strength rather than weakening. However… “

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My kiel picked up his scythe again.

“There is nothing I need to protect in this space. So, maybe you won’t die gracefully.”

Dragging his scythe on the floor, Jekiel began walking slowly towards Bianca.

“Damn it… “

Taking students hostage was a basic premise, so I never expected that a one-on-one match like this would develop.

It’s only a swordsmanship, but it cuts the red thread, Bianca’s equipment?

I know at least that Bianca will be at a disadvantage in a one-on-one match. But I didn’t think the difference would be this big.

What should I do with this? Cold sweat started to run down Bianca’s spine.

‘I’d rather break through the queen’s nest.’

But Bianca was also well aware of the fact that she couldn’t break through. To get out of here, she’ll have to end Christine’s life, but that won’t even work.

Dubuck. Tboob.

Jekyll stomped on her ground, still looking nonchalant. One step. Two steps. The distance between Bianca and Jekiel is getting closer.

But even though she was aware of it, Bianca hit her back and couldn’t even dare to walk away.

Isn’t the battle already over?

Bianca glanced into Christine’s eyes.

She picked up her rapier with the determination to kill Bianca without fail, holding her breath with a very calm expression on her face.

It’s not because he suppressed his anger well, but because the moment of Jekiel’s defeat never comes, so he seems to be still. She said it made her Bianca impatient.


All Bianca could do was lick her tongue and monitor the situation.

She had many encounters with her mice before snakes, but this time she felt herself encountering an eagle. The moment she moved recklessly, her body would be cut to pieces.

Finally, the distance between the two became very close. Jekiel said quietly, looking down at Bianca.

“Die yourself. Because that is the best way for you to die.”

A cool voice above all else.

Bianca thought for a moment. She knows how best to act in these circumstances.

And she didn’t think long.


If you can’t run away, all you can do is launch the strongest attack possible.

Bianca stretched her red thread like her web as she leaped high into the air.

Yes, in order to survive, she did not run away, but rather had to run into the other person and create even the slightest gap.

Chaw ah!

Giant nets stretched out in the air wrapped around Jekiel and began to spin.

However, it wasn’t just a net to hold him in. Each thread was a weapon that sharpened dark mana, so she was about to cut him to pieces.

Even though Christine’s eyebrows trembled slightly, Jekiel didn’t even flinch.

No, on the contrary, it seemed to be getting calmer and calmer. It’s as if you’ve just started immersing yourself in a book in the library.

And the next moment.


As if on fire, the outer surface of the blade Jekiel was holding started to burn red. No, his blood was just smeared, but it felt like he was burning nonetheless.

Nath began to cry loudly.


Bianca had the absurd thought for a moment, that perhaps the scythe was in pain.

Jekiel swung his scythe lightly once. Then, his scythe drew a trajectory as if exploding.

Seokkeop— Seokeol—

Jekiel’s scythe, which left a trail of red, cut Bianca’s threads so easily.

Earlier, the threads stretched like rubber bands and showed the appearance of enduring them, but now they can’t even show that kind of appearance and are cut off without a trace.

The difference in power. I couldn’t explain it otherwise.

After cutting all the threads, Jekiel ran towards Bianca. Bianca hurriedly tried to pull back behind her.


But again, it was futile. Bianca’s right arm was cut forcelessly into the air.

The black snake’s face was stained with astonishment. I couldn’t help but feel helpless. No matter what I did, I couldn’t see a way to live.

“No, no way…” “

And, sadly indeed, the amputation of her right arm was the least of all the misfortunes that would befall Bianca.

I tried to grab her red thread with the feeling of grabbing a rope, but I couldn’t get it in her hand. All she had left was her body to be dismembered in front of her.

“That, stop it. In words. Useful for me… “


Suddenly! Awesome! Awesome!

It was such a tragedy that I felt that the word “Veda” Didn’t fit.

“Quaaah! aaagh!”

Bianca’s body fell apart, rather than being dismembered by something in her, giving the sight of something she was put together disassembling itself again.

The blood gushing out from the very neatly cut side spread wildly into the air—but was soon sucked up by Jekiel’s scythe. So she was even more bizarre.


End with that one word. The queen’s nest fell silent.

Now, the only living creatures in this nest were Christine and Zekiel.

“Are you all right?”

After confirming that the situation was over, Christine asked cautiously.

But the answer was already written in Jekiel’s eyes. His eyes seemed to look beyond the queen’s nest. His representative student who is still playing the game from far away.

Charlotte Forte.


Christine nodded her head wordlessly and began to free the queen’s nest.

And I wanted to say something to my Kiel, but he thought over and over and over again about what to say.

“I am always cheering for you.”

I couldn’t help but say that.

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