Chapter 139

I rarely look in the mirror.

More than the reason that Rockstrin doesn’t have to look in the mirror to dress up, it’s just that I feel uncomfortable the whole time I look at it.

I checked once after swallowing the dragon heart, and this is the second time.


Lockstrin Aindarok (2nd year)

Attribute: none

Affiliation: Rongrult Empire, Aindaroch

Position: Earl

Personality: Gyeonggukjisaek, extraordinary, sealed

[Battle Details (▲)]

Strength Lv 5 Spirit Lv 9

Agility Lv 5 Wisdom Lv 5

Stamina Lv 6 mana Lv 10

[Special details (▲)]

Will Lv 9 Dexterity Lv 5

Insight Lv 6 Charm Lv 10

hey who is this

What kind of scammers are there!

My magic level is 10. According to the setup, only two people will reach this place, the child from the last episode and Aulil, who ran out of control.

is that me?

“… … ha.”

A sigh comes out.

What would you do if you had 10 mana? For the time being, I can’t use 3-star magic properly.

His abilities, which had not fluctuated for a while, rose sharply after stepping on the threshold of death and returning. Most of it is the power of the dragon heart, but surprisingly, the mind and will suddenly rose to level 9.

However, nothing has changed in that respect. I can feel the increase in strength, agility, and stamina.

“Rox, it’s not good to look in the mirror in the morning and sigh.”

The child buried his face in the sheet and spoke in a muffled voice.

“How did you know when you couldn’t even open your eyes? And now it’s dinner.”


“It’s time to go back, wake up. I have class tomorrow.”

“At that… … .”

I forcibly lifted the child who had been stretched out like a zombie. When I opened my eyes, I was already lying on the bed.

“I will go out first.”


When I go back to sleep, Maria will wake me up, so I leave the room and walk down the hallway.

Unlike children who can fall asleep again at any time when their sleep patterns are broken, it is a little uncomfortable for me.

Tonight is an exception, as there is a place for strength, both internally and externally. I’m sure you’re not tired of peeing in your pants by now… … .

“Is it Lord Rockstryn?”

Then a voice stuck in the back of my head.

I had never heard of it, but I could guess who it was just from the fact that it was on the 5th floor of the imperial palace and the fact that he kept his words low.

“… … Greetings, Your Highness the Prince.”

Thein von Rongrth.

A low-pitched voice drew attention. Golden hair, as if it had just woken up.

I tried to meet him on purpose, but he refused, so why did he come and talk to me first?

“I’m sorry for refusing your previous request. Because I also have a situation.”

“I don’t care. Do you have business with me?”

“Just in case Mad was away.”

Court Wizard Mad.

The one at the apex of the First Prince’s forces, a potential enemy, and a person who does not deviate from Tein’s side even for a moment.

This visit was unannounced. How was I lucky?

Tane said in a light tone.

“If you support Ai-nim. It will probably be the biggest stumbling block.”

For a moment, there was silence in the hallway.

Is it hostile? Of course, as long as he is Rongrute’s bloodline, Tane is also talented in magic.

However, since he did not go to Summer Turge and did not train separately, he was only rated at 2 stars.

“I am cautious. It remains to be seen.”

“Oh, did that sound like a check? I’m not really interested. I don’t know about the emperor, and it’s because I feel sorry for you.”

“It’s sad… … ?”

He always has a gloomy expression, so it’s awkward because his shady face doesn’t look good with his gorgeous blonde hair.

Under the black dead eyes and half-hidden pupils. twisted lip corners.

“When I was young, I thought you were similar to me.”

The first expression I saw was a sneer, which made me feel pretty bad.

I always designed with intimidated characters, but he wasn’t such a bad guy?

He doesn’t even know his personality because he’s only used once and then abandoned by the Marquis of Tipol.

“You are making a pointless effort.”

I usually don’t check my status, but I couldn’t stand those words. I silently glared at Tane.


Thein von Rongrth

Attribute: Fire (3 stars)

Affiliation: Rongrute Empire

Position: Prince

Personality: Yeji

“I can’t stop it.”

It’s called foreknowledge… … ?

The reason why I didn’t talk to anyone and shut myself up in my room. If so, that can be explained.

because it was visible to him.

“In this damn world. No one survives.”

It is worth knowing what future he saw. Because I’m just trying not to imagine it.

“But I am not lying down like Your Highness. It’s no fun.”

“Hmm. There is a point. If you enjoy playing hero, do whatever you want.”

I thought that was the end.

Tane, who suddenly stopped at a span of distance, spoke in a small voice.

“Your child is listening.”

“… … .”

“I have seen all the futures you can reach. I thought it was my only hope. But what about this?”

“I don’t want to hear it.”

“They’re all dead.”

Didn’t even listen to what I was saying.

“If you work hard enough to survive, you will witness the death of everyone you care about. Would that be fun?”

Tane said that and patted me on the shoulder as he passed by.

“Try struggling.”

Tane passed the corner and disappeared. I stood there, staring stunned at the spot where Tane had disappeared.

“What were you talking about… … ?”


The child who opened the door asked.

I thought he would change clothes and come out, but it seemed that he just woke up and came out.

“It was nothing.”

“It’s the first time I’ve seen Tane talk to anyone first. Maybe it’s because it’s Rocks.”

“It’s late, so let’s go back soon.”

On the way back, he received a new carriage from the imperial family. I rode in the imperial carriage with the child, but I hired another driver to bring Aindarlock’s carriage with me.

9 p.m. Even on the way back, there was nothing special, and I returned to Summer Turf safely.

“You will wake up early tomorrow.”

“It depends on the weather tomorrow. Aren’t the rocks going up?”

“I want to check Prince Vector’s condition.”

“Can’t you work late again?”

“sure. If I had something to do, I wouldn’t have taken a nap in the imperial palace.”

I sent Ainim in front of the Tower of Truth. What Thane said made me feel bad.

You said you were checking the state of the vector, you didn’t say you were just checking.

After stopping by the room to get some water, I entered the dark woods. There were still no traces of people.

By this point, even the knight would have reached the city and be bewildered to learn that the imperial carriage had not arrived.

It’s not easy to think that I, being Aindarlock, lied, so I’ll probably look around hard.

“Oops! Ugh!”

Illuminated the inside of the crypt with fire attribute magic. When I heard my footsteps, Vector, who had been rolling on the floor, was emitting light.

“nice to meet. Did you wait a long time?”

“Ugh! Aww!”

“This child is dirty… … . don’t come close It just goes away.”

Sure enough, Vector must have really peed, and his pants were wet. It was a little dry and not even damp.

To be honest, I don’t know if I was tired of being scared, or if I just couldn’t stand it. Because I left it for a long time. How are you?

Hearing my words, Vector, who had finally calmed down, stopped struggling. I frowned and undid the bandage that was wrapped around my mouth.

“I will do the same thing I said yesterday. I have something to tell you… … .”

“My, I was wrong! I will apologize for anything!”

“I’ll give you three chances. I wrote it once.”

“What, what… … . What do you mean look at me! what do you want!”


hig. Vector shut up.

It seems that this bastard’s brain started to work only after he came this far.

I think I’m finally ready to have a conversation.

“Can I give you a hint?”

Vector nodded eagerly.

“You don’t seem to understand the subject?”

Maybe 30 seconds passed.

After resting, desperation came out from the main voice. It was the answer that Vector came up with after much thought.

“Sah, save me. I’ll do whatever you ask… … . Please save my life.”

“Now we can talk a little bit.”

I poured the water I brought over Vector’s head with a satisfied smile.

Vector was pushed to his limit as he would have endured for more than a day without a drop of grass or a sip of water. Vector drank from the flowing water with his tongue sticking out like an animal.

“Have you ordered the assassination?”

“Damn it. Yes. Yes… … . I was wrong. never… … .”

“There is no sincerity in words. There are good tools.”

I took a ring out of my bosom. Artifact received from the previous llama. It was one of those things I left for myself.

“Put it in.”

Vector, who received the ring with a trembling hand, hurriedly placed the ring on his little finger. It was the only place to go in.

Even that was forcibly pushed in, so you’ll probably have a hard time getting it out.

I poured magic power into the ring. The jewels sparkled and shone, making it look like something had happened.

“Now, if I set my mind to it, it will explode in an instant. Oh, of course, even if you try to force it out. Let’s experiment for a while.”


As I manipulated magic from a distance, Vector let out a scream like a pig struck by lightning. This is fun.


[Exciting Ring]

: If you pour mana into it, electricity will run through it thrillingly. There are no special features.

In fact, it’s just this ring.

Anyway, Vector has a shallow knowledge of magic. Even if there is, it is normal for me to know the exact identity of this artifact.

“If you put it a little harder… … .”

“I, never! I will never take it out!”

“Well, I don’t want to burst out in a hurry. Now let’s talk a little bit,”

“Yes, yes… … .”

“Is there anything else you did to your child?”

“Lord, I touched the wheel of the parked carriage of the imperial family!”

“What else?”

“No! I was brought here right after that… … .”


I got up and stood in front of Vector. About the imperial wagon, they agree, but I don’t know exactly about the rest, so I need to be sure.

“I swear no! In the name of Rongrult! Only one refugee made it work! please believe me… … .”


“Ugh, thank you… … .”

I believed it because I cried and wailed. But regardless of what you believe in.


“It’s hot!”

I slapped the back of Vector’s head with the palm of my hand. The parts that don’t show through hitting are the head and stomach, but I just wanted to hit the head.

“Isn’t that what you’ve been doing since you were little? It’s no use anyway, so why do you keep doing useless things?”

“Ah, that is the only way to make the child give up the throne, Marquis Tipol said.”

“The Marquis Tippole?”

“Yes, yes! That person is sister Tania’s power, but even though it’s my power on the surface, it’s actually all sister’s power.”

Since the emperor took good care of the child, he decided that there was no choice but to make the child give up the succession on his own.

However, there is a high possibility that a much smarter child will see through and get angry if he uses complicated moves, so Marquis Tipol came to the conclusion.

To constantly and persistently annoy the child with only minor work that has no back and forth.

“If there is someone around Ai-nim that Ai-nim cares about, it is said that it is most efficient to target such a person… … .”

“So, to be precise, you were aiming for Lamyu, not Ai-nim?”

“Hey, I don’t know the name. I just told him to shoot magic at a guy who seemed friendly.”

I figured out the situation.

Since I was moderately intimidated, even if there is oppression from Marquis Tipol, as long as I hold on to my life, my coercive power is great.

Now, the question is how to use this wide, plump, stupid, and useless prince.

I had a good idea.


“Yes… … ?”

“Let’s make a deal.”

I slowly approached Vector.

Did he manage to read the terrifying atmosphere that even his level 10 charm couldn’t hide? Vector swallowed.

“What, what… … .”

Sooner or later, I will send a letter to Aindarok too. I said with a smile to the frightened Vector.

“Aindarok will support you from now on.”

“Uh, uh… … .”

“When you return to the imperial family, keep your mouth shut and act calmly. Just like Thane did. Do nothing. understand?”

Vector nodded vigorously.

The puzzle is slowly coming together.

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