Chapter 176

50th floor.

It’s not something that can be cut and distinguished, but 50 is a number that has a great sense of weight in many ways.

A base camp is set up on every 10th floor, supplies are procured, and the bottomless cave is completely attacked.

Since the monster’s big movement was being transmitted from the upper layer, it was possible to respond appropriately even while scattered in this wide and complicated abyss.

Until now.

“I found a way down.”

It took a lot of strength to come down here from the base camp on the 40th floor. From the 40th floor onwards, the width could not be measured, so it could not be called properly organized.

Now, dangerous guys who can’t be compared to any high-level monsters you’ve ever faced outside often appear.

So, everyone’s mental strength was at its limit. Still, don’t you feel the number 50 gives you? this will be the last I hope there are more

“Just kidding… … ?”

Since they found the passage, the wizards gathered through communication, and one of them muttered.

No one was ready to answer.

“Three decent mines have already descended underground. Where does it end?”

From the 30th floor, the floor height was jagged.

There were times when one floor was more than 10m apart from another. The lights illuminating the dark passageway trembled faintly. It was fear.

Eroding downward without knowing the end, literally bottomless.

“The warpstone also stopped working.”

“What? You say you can’t communicate?”

“Then what should I do… … .”

Warpstone, which was able to travel between the ground and underground, does not work now. Seeing that communication was also down, it seemed that some kind of magical interference was taking place.

‘It’s no wonder.’

The deeper you go down the abyss, the stronger the concentration of magic power. It is like the deep sea of magical power.

When the concentration of magical power in the atmosphere increases, the way that works through large, constant streams, such as warpstones and communicators, is disrupted.

And usually, monsters have an advantage over humans in adapting to such an environment. Only those who are very dangerous.

The opinions of the wizards gathered in the aisle were unanimous. A conclusion came quickly and someone conveyed their opinion as a representative.

“I don’t think we can go any further down from here.”

[It’s difficult.]

O’Neill’s voice from the garrison was calm.

[More than that, monsters are multiplying in real time.]

[If we stop advancing now, sooner or later it will overflow like a broken dam.]

Although they couldn’t communicate with the scattered wizards, they could still detect movements deeper than this through the sinkhole.

“But you can’t just go down there.”

“There are less than 100 people gathered here right now.”

“For now, the goal is to stabilize up to the 40th floor… … .”

[This is embarrassing. We are collecting opinions here as well.]

He had no intention of mobilizing other wizards from around the 50th floor anyway.

From the 40th floor onwards, deaths and injuries continue to appear in several groups.

Thinking that the time had come, I stepped forward.

“We will go down.”

“… … Sir Rockstrin.”

“Um, sure that one… … .”

“Isn’t that reckless?”

They’ve come this far, so they know. More than 80% of the wizards in the garrison have already entered the bottomless cave.

They should have belonged to the foremost group among them, but there were always traces of someone taking care of the monsters first.


Euril and I are always the first to join whenever a passage leading downstairs is discovered.

“If the goal is to destroy each monster individually, I think the way to do it would be to build layer upon layer of barriers on appropriate floors without having to go down.”

For now, I had to return to the base camp on the 40th floor to secure supplies.

Deus was smiling strangely while giving worried advice. You already know that I won’t give up.

“Warpstone doesn’t work, and communication is cut off, so there must be something down here. At least we should find out who he is.”

“Is that so.”

“You don’t have to worry, I’m not suicidal. For the rest, please build a line of deterrence as you said.”

“If that’s what you mean, then I understand. Please stay safe.”


After answering appropriately, he turned around.

Conversing with Deus is uncomfortable for some reason.

He had been paying attention to O’Neill, but he said that he was only doing his part well enough to kill monsters near the garrison.

Rather than worrying about the erratic people, I immediately left the 40th floor garrison with a heavy rucksack packed with food and cooking utensils.

“Are you going down again?”

Euril, who had been quietly following me, finally opened her mouth. When other people were around, he didn’t say a word at all.

Covering one’s face is a part that hasn’t changed much from before.

“yes. Didn’t you think you should have gone up and seen the sunlight for a while?”

“I’ll just dazzle you.”

“Well, I guess so.”

I returned to the 50th floor where I turned around earlier and pushed the lantern into the passageway. It was an open road with a moderate incline.

As I was about to take a step forward, I turned to Euril and said.

“I’m sorry I seem to be spoiling something.”

No refusal. No complaints.

Euril wouldn’t have wanted to stay long in this dark, somber, monster-infested pit.


“If you ask me now, it seems like it’s too late… … . Auril, do you need anything from me?”

“What do you need?”

It is a face of deep concern, as if he had never thought about it at all.

I always wanted a lot from Euril, but Euril didn’t really seem to want anything from me.

“I don’t know now.”

What kind of place is the abyss in <Academy Summer Turge>?

Except for one device on the 100th floor, there is surprisingly nothing special about it. It is truly an infinitely wide dungeon. Why, isn’t it common in online games? The level of monsters is just above average.

If so, it’s a simple matter.

If you have the power to exceed the level of monsters, you have nothing to fear. Until now, I thought it was too difficult, so I was nervous.

“Couldn’t you have come back by now?”

“Then do you remember the face? I haven’t seen you in such a long time.”

“Because I look like Obama, I won’t recognize you or not.”

As for what you’re doing right now… … .

We are just walking and chatting. The walking speed is a bit fast, but that’s the important thing anyway.

‘No, it’s easy.’


Even in the middle of a conversation, a stalk of ice sometimes stretches out from under Euril’s feet.

There must have been something behind that thick pillar, but I probably won’t be able to say ‘there is’ anymore.

Could this be eaten raw?

“Soon he will make you crown prince.”

Euril seemed to be thinking of her brother, Ziyed Mashhma, the first prince of Mash.

There was no sense of danger, so I felt a strange sense of deja vu. Did Auril think the same?

“It’s just like back then.”

“Iknow, right.”

“Will there be any fruit?”

“No way.”

It was a narrow, dark basement, and it was similar to when I was walking around carrying a backpack beyond the white house, except that I couldn’t get food separately.

If the remaining wizards properly formed the line of deterrence, the abyss was already solved.

Then let’s focus on the conversation.

“Ah, no way Mash doesn’t quarrel over succession issues, right?”

“I don’t deserve it.”

Auril laughed bitterly.

Auril’s mother died giving birth to Auril, so Keljian Mashhma had only two children.

The first is Ziyed and the second is Auril.

Ziyed, like Euril, had a talent for magic, so he sent him to Sorus to study. In fact, rather than studying abroad, it must have meant more to keep them away from Mashu, which could collapse at any moment.

‘He doesn’t appear.’

When it comes to Ziyed Mashhma, not much has been set aside for his name.

Same with Hira. As the first prince of Mashu, he is obviously in an important position, but it feels like he is just doing his job normally.

“I’ll have to meet Ai-nim and His Highness sometime later.”

Looking ahead to the next generation, Ziyed will succeed Keljian as the king of Mashu while Ainim becomes the emperor of Rongrult.

Mash would like to remain as Rongurt’s ally, so it would be important to build a friendship with Ai-sama in advance.

when you’re thinking like that.




The faintly swaying lantern lost its light and went out.

As a temporary measure, I floated a “fireball” to illuminate the surroundings.

“This is also a tool that uses magic, so it seems to be affected.”

Since it is a structure that consumes the magical power contained in the magic stone to illuminate the light, it seems that the dark magical power of the Abyss has broken down.

“Are you okay?”

“Iknow, right. My head is a little hot.”

It’s okay if the aisle is wide, but if the ceiling is low or the path is narrow, the heat from the “fireball” is transmitted intact and it’s hot.

“What kind of lamp were you using at that time?”

“Ah, that… … .”

I answered in a slightly trembling voice. I brought it just in case. I took a small lantern out of my backpack.


[Light of Hope]

It is a tool to find fairies. There was a precedent for finding Brea and the black fairy, so its efficacy was proven.

But I didn’t want to write.

“I didn’t really want to write it.”


When the embers were lit and the lanterns lit, they were able to check the surroundings sufficiently without the “fireball”.

Anyway, since Auril’s perception of monsters had nothing to do with sight, the line of sight didn’t have to be very far.

One problem.

“I think so.”

I said, pointing to a faintly colored ray of light from the lamp.

It’s been quite a while, but that’s what the black fairy told me.

‘Will wandering the sky without stopping even for a moment, Terra buried in an endless abyss, and Iodo submerged in the deep sea of a distant archipelago. All of them cannot stay by your side.’

Fairies are hiding in places where people can’t stay. This abyss is also a place that meets those conditions.


“Can’t you see Auril?”


“Um… … .”

However, Euril did not seem to see it. Certainly, things were a little different this time.

Since I was not of Brea’s lineage, I could not see the light toward Brea, nor could Auril see the light toward the Black Fairy.

But now, why am I not of Terra’s lineage able to see this light?

“Because I don’t want to follow you.”

There are too many variables.

Originally, fairies are beings that are not revealed in this world, so why is it necessary to visit them on purpose?

“Can I get some help?”

“Maybe that’s what Ramana Brea was special about.”

Rama was unusually fond of humans, so making an exception, Brea had the cause of being Skadi. I was indifferent at first.

I guess I was lucky.

‘… … What if it’s hostile?’

It was a case I didn’t want to imagine, but it’s always my job.

The dim light was pointing down as well as my destination.

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