Chapter 184

It is an overcast and overcast day.

Hira closed the window and returned to her seat. Frid and Ramyu are arranging the bodies, and although the technical department is not very wide, it feels especially spacious.



Tane closed the book audibly. Even the last page of the ‘Strategy’ is no longer useful.

Hira looked up blankly at the picture hanging on the wall and said. smiling brightly

“… … Is this a success?”

“No one died. It should be considered a miracle to have come this far.”

Tane leaned back on the sofa.

It was as it was said. All of the monsters in the Whirlwind Islands and Abyss Cave, which were the biggest threats, were all sorted out.

There was information that an airstrike would soon follow the Confederate lines, but the scale was not very large.

“It’s good to congratulate you. Now I’m an idiot who doesn’t know anything.”

“It is not over yet.”

“Your work is done.”

The last news delivered was truly shocking.

All the wizards who were mobilized in the bottomless cave died or went missing. It is presumed to have died under the circumstances, and it is said that the garrison was covered in snow and ice.

‘Something happened.’

Only Auril could handle ice on that scale.

Did the monster leak out of the abyss? As a result, it is said that the number of wizards on the continent has decreased by nearly 30%. It was a huge loss.

“I have no choice but to wait for the child to wake up.”

The imperial palace was in ruins.

Marquis Coltman and Marquis Tipola are still sharpening each other. Well, this problem is simple.

As soon as the child returns to the imperial palace, Vector will cede the throne.

And Rocktrin… … .


Rockstrin has already achieved its great goal of stopping the monsters in the abyss. can’t rely on it anymore Because it will take a long time to return from Liden.

Let’s not worry about it now.

“I will go see Your Highness.”

“I will return to the tower.”

Hira left the technical department and headed to the emergency department.

In any case, joining the Sky Centipede’s interception was close to the correct answer.

‘Please, Hira.’

The monsters that flocked in, covering the sky pitch black, were completely consumed by the single magic that Ai-sama had spread.

The scale and power never before seen, it must have been a magic that had never been seen before.

However, soon new monsters came from the south, and Ai-sama recklessly used the same magic one after another.

After finally intercepting the last flying centipede, Ai passed out, and she and Maria managed to cover it up and return to Summer Turret… … .

“How is your condition?”

“I continue to use healing magic, but progress… … .”

Miro, the first-aid student whom Rockstrin sometimes called Pink, shook his head grimly.

The child hasn’t woken up for two days after that. Even though the labyrinth, which had the highest level of healing magic in the current first-aid squad, was always in close contact, the condition did not improve.

“Is Maria okay?”

“I cannot lie down.”

On the way back to Summer Turge, Maria was also badly wounded.

Even though she should have been lying down and receiving treatment, she was sitting by Ainiim’s side, keeping her seat.

Certainly this is the most dangerous time. The forces of the first prince and the first princess must be aiming for the child.

“I’ll bring you some water.”

However, after Miro left the hospital room, Hira felt a strange feeling.

‘Something… … .’


what? Maria’s eyes are on the child lying on the bed.

Maria’s eyes were always on her when she occasionally ran into Ainim and talked to her in the imperial family.

anyone was the same.

It is the most basic boundary. No matter what the opponent does, Maria is always ready to respond immediately.

But now.

“… … Maria.”

why are you looking at me?

“sorry. You must not take your eyes off Her Highness right now.”

“What do you mean, that? Shouldn’t we be wary of the outside world?”

“It’s time to worry about the outside… … .”


At that time, the child suddenly vomited blood. Her eyelids seemed to flutter slightly, and then her amber eyes stared at the ceiling.

“majesty… … !”

“Please step back.”

Maria pushed Hira roughly.

In the blink of an eye, Maria had her hand on the hilt of the sword. It looked like it would be pulled out at any moment.

“Your Highness, are you awake?”

“Here… … .”

“Let me ask you a question. Do you remember what happened before you passed out?”

“Ugh, everyone is fine… … . Keck.”

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Blood poured out of the child’s mouth. Maria’s fingertips trembled. The magic power inside the hospital room was also fluctuating uneasy.

“Ugh, wipe this off.”

“You need to rest now. The situation is over, you can rest in peace.”

“Then I should sleep more… … .”

Ainim closed his eyes again and began to breathe regularly.

After a while, Maria removed her hand from the hilt.

“… … What were you just trying to do?”

Hira asked coldly.

Maria took a slow step back and breathed heavily.

“This is the role given to the royal family attendants.”

“Is it the role of an attendant to draw a sword for Your Highness?”

“… … Yes.”

Maria nodded.

“It was just dangerous.”

“What are you talking about?”

“I’m not a wizard, so I can’t feel it clearly, but the flow of magical power must have been different from usual for a moment.”

“I did, but… … .”

Maria always kept her composure, but this time the atmosphere was different. His clenched fists were shaking.

“You must know that the imperial family has fairy blood mixed in.”

“I know.”

“It’s a very special case, but it just happens when you use too much force or get too emotional.”

“What is that condition?”

“A state of awakening… … . The fairy’s blood is getting thicker.”

Maria touched the towel that wiped the blood from the child’s mouth. At first glance, you might mistake it for an ordinary red color, but it is actually purple.

“If it lasts a little longer, the body will remain awake and become unconscious, and once that happens, it will never come back. It’s called ‘fairy painting’.”

Rongrult has been carefully observing the lineage of fairies all along.

Since they themselves inherit the blood of fairies, they are naturally prepared for that.

“Usually, it explodes shortly after, but if you have an excellent container of magical power like Your Highness, it will become a monster that will randomly fire magic until it exhausts all the magical power in its body.”

“Have you had any cases?”

“The court mages have been working hard to prevent that from happening, but… … .”

Maria was speechless.

Hira could see the implications right away. Circumstantial, it is highly likely that this happened at Riden’s garrison.

“Is there any way to solve it?”

“… … Nothing known. Even if such a situation were to come, I’m not sure whether I would be able to cut you off without hesitation.”

It was the first time I felt hesitation.

We’ve been together since we were toddlers. Although the attendant is said to be a person who does not show emotion, it is not without emotion.

“For now, I have no choice but to wait for things to settle down.”

“The odds are low.”

Hira put her hand on the child’s forehead. Even though his body temperature is as hot as a fireball, he is not sweating at all.

If the child becomes such a monster, the responsibility is probably on him/herself.

‘other ways.’

There were numerous options.

An attempt could have been made to intercept the flying centipede inside Summer Turge without Baeller.

It was a failed option in ‘Strategy’, but was there really no other manipulation to compensate for the accuracy?

Even if they were to intercept, it was not necessary for Ai-nim to step in. If it were the other three except Ai-nim, they might have been able to safely intercept the Sky Centipede without attracting the attention of the flying monsters.

“… … That’s the conclusion.”

There is no certainty.

It is clear that he himself has been pushed to his limit to think such useless thoughts.

“What would Rocks do?”

There is nothing you can do right now.

I think about that sometimes when things get stuck. What about Rocktrin?

Did he have a secret plan to easily relieve this cramped situation? ‘I’ll take care of that,’ he said confidently.

Hira jumped out of her seat and stood up.

“There are still things we can do.”

“What does it mean?”

“About ten days… … . About six days at the earliest. If someone finds me, tell them I’ll be back by then.”

“All right.”

After leaving the ambulance team, Hira grabbed the remaining magic core from the main building and headed straight to the parking lot.

It was easy to find a driver as supplies were in the middle of a rush.

“Where can I take you?”

“Go to Menlua Desert.”

“Yes… … . Yes? You mean the Menlua Desert?”

“I’ll give you double or triple your money, so just leave quickly!”

“Ah, I see.”

If there was one last place to walk, it was there.

* * *

“How long will it take? I’m going to die of itching.”

“Stay still, please.”

“How did I end up like this? Ugh.”

Terra banged her fist on the floor. That was Terra’s habit.

At first, I was afraid that the ceiling would collapse, but I realized that no matter how hard I pounded, this place would not collapse.

“How did it turn out, this… … .”

“Hey, put the [Fireball] up. hot.”

I said I would lift the curse, but that was already three days ago.

For the third day, I was staring at the pattern engraved on Terra’s back.

The curse was a kind of magic.

And as Terra said, I, who is of the blood of the black fairy, was able to move by manipulating the pattern.

However, if you look inside, there are thousands of intricately tangled knots. It was a structure in which the curse could be applied only through the process of unraveling them one by one.

It was also common for one side to become twisted while the other side was unraveled. If it was Baeller, it would have been better.

Still, it’s halfway there.

“Can you stop and rest? How did this guy not sleep for three days?”

Terra grumbled, yawning with her mouth open.

I wonder if he was the one who tried to kill me just a few days ago.

Of course, even now, if Terra puts her mind to it, my body will be torn like paper, but the desire to go outside seems to be greater.

“… … go out and do something.”

The mind is tolerable, but the eyes are a problem.

The sting was unbearable, so I sprawled out on the floor. I didn’t know it would take this long. I guess I should get some sleep

“Find your mother and kill her.”

It was an immediate answer without a second’s hesitation.


“and? Uh, um.”

After thinking for a while, Tera shrugged. It was an unexpected reaction here.

“I don’t know.”

“I don’t know… … .”

“Anything would be better than being stuck in a place like this. If you stand out too much, you will be killed by a dog.”

“You lose?”

“It’s okay if it’s one guy, but if three or four of them attack at once, it’s no big deal. Fairies are not immortal. Turn off the fire.”

I canceled the “Fireball” and closed my eyes.

Because of this uncomfortable bed, my dream was troubled at first, but it got better when I thought it was a life I had already laid down.

What’s important is what’s outside.

‘The imperial palace is still in confrontation, Ainim and Baeller are in a coma, the garrison wizard is annihilated, Auril is missing… … .’

Mangem was Mangem until the end.

Is that all? The stomach is turning. This is because the seals were all broken. Still, is it an advantage that I am not hungry?

None of the results were as expected, except that Summer Turge and the students were unharmed. Even if I went out right away, there was no countermeasure.

I have to return the child to the imperial family, but I don’t know how to make him wake up. There is no way to find the missing Auril.


Let’s get out of here for now.

Is there anything you can do

I thought, holding onto the soil tightly.

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