27. Taeryung Godong (5)

The award ceremony for the Maizen Tyren Church was held on a small scale. The reason why I said it was small is because I didn’t show pretentiousness such as gathering all the students like last time.

Stellar Magic Knights, Stellar Board of Directors, Stellar Magic Tower Shareholders, Stellar Magic

It can be said that this place is quite honorable as a first-year cadet because high-ranking people from the Research Society attended the award ceremony, and as well as the Magic Daily Newspaper and other officials from Mato.

The students who received the award were Ma Yu-seong and Baek Yu-seol, and Full Frame, Azel, Hong Bi-yeon, and members of the Hong Bi-yeon faction were the subjects.

The Black Mine was defeated by Ma Yu-seong and Baek Yu-seol, but they were also given quite an honorable medal in recognition of their contribution to stopping the enemy by risking their lives before starting the battle.

“From now on, I will award the medal.”

About two hundred famous wizards were gathered in the needlessly wide auditorium. Orenha looked at Stella’s cadets with bored eyes.

You have to attend such a troublesome event just because the students of Stella stopped the incident that occurred at the World Tree.

Oren, who had mastered diplomacy and politics, still could not comprehend it with his rational thinking. I attended only out of necessity.


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Camera flashes all over the place.

Yes, that camera is important.

As the elf king’s agent, he himself presents the reward to them, takes a picture of it and sprinkles it, saying, ‘No matter what you idiots have done, Stella and the World Tree are still good friends!’ It is intended to publicize the fact that

Politics is what the smartest people got together to do, but I don’t know how they can be so childish.

After all, the black demons who threaten the safety of the world appear so childish.

There’s no reason why the best magical institution in the world wouldn’t be attracted to it.

It’s a really funny world.

“First year S-class, May Seong. Be a role model for other students…

Handsome and pretty boys and girls are awarded commendations by the old man of the board of directors. It’s formal, boring, and boring, but for those students, it must be an honor.

Orenha only had to stand next to him and award the second medal with the ‘Engraving of the Spirit Tree’.

Received two medals at once

There was joy on the faces of the students.


Orenha spoke dryly and gave him a medal, and a student named May Seong nodded with a cold smile.

“thank you.”


For a moment, Oren felt something eerie from him, but… … Again, I felt like an ordinary student. I have stronger power than my peers, but that’s all

to be.

‘•••I feel bad.’

Oren didn’t feel well at the fact that his senses reacted sensitively to only students, but he struggled to manage his expression.

If, by any chance, a rotten expression is taken in a photo and the World Tree of Presbyterians is chastised, he will be hated by Flower Serin.

“First grader S-class Baek Yu-seol. Same as above O ”

Next, a commendation is presented to a small student who could not even take off a boy t-shirt.

did. The first time these two students killed a black demon with an estimated risk of 6, the words were unbelievably young.

But in the end that’s all. It wasn’t enough to stimulate Orenha’s curiosity.


“congrats… …

The moment he reached out to give a medal to Baek Yu-seol, a certain ‘energy’ emanating from his body made Orenha goosebumps.


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Can’t know

Because there must have been the energy of the old friend of the flower serene, the divine spirit leaf Hanel.

He hurriedly looked around, but it seemed that he was the only high elf who noticed this energy. but… … Because savage humans did not have the ability to distinguish the energy of the divine beast at all.

“Are there any problems?”

“It is nothing.”

The wizard of the board asked, but Orenha quickly regained her composure and gave Baek Yu-seol a medal.

Then, I rolled my brain at high speed.

‘Why do I feel the energy of Leafhanel from him?’

No matter how I thought about it, there was only one answer.

‘He is the killer of Ibhanel.’

Of course, it was still only in my mind. Spiritslayers have basically corrupted souls, so the high elves’ senses will be sensitive to them.

I couldn’t be completely sure, because I didn’t feel such a depraved aura in him.

••• However, I soon changed my mind. Right now, in the yard where black demons broke through the barrier of divine beasts and invaded, isn’t there a law not to exist as a technology to hide fallen souls?

No matter how much Stella’s cadets are, it’s almost impossible to defeat a 6-risk Black Mage with two 3rd-class magicians.

At the time, according to Baek Yu-seol, it was said that good fortune followed… What if he has a talent that is difficult to show in front of others?

And that’s true, the power of the Spirit

And, if he entered Stella to hide his power and wash his identity… … .

Under the circumstances, everything worked out perfectly.


That guy is the culprit.

The very culprit who killed Leafhanel, and desperately seeks for it with a grudge in the flower sorrel!

If you catch him and give it to the flower serine… … I’m sure I can win her favor.

‘Not yet.’

There is no solid evidence now.

Besides, it would be more effective to build up build-ups and then burst them rather than dedicating him right away.

When the flower’s resentment deepened a little more. The best time is when her worries deepen and she can’t control her emotions.

After all, she once again resides in a castle deep in the mountains of the beginning, and has no choice but to know limitedly what is going on outside, and if it is her influence that completely dominates the White Castle… … .

You may also place restrictions on the information directed to her.

Orenha superhumanly grabbed the corners of her trembling lips.

‘Yeah, I’ll wait until then!’

In order to create the most dramatic situation, it is only a short wait•••… I could stand it anyway.

During the Familiar Contract Ceremony, a shocking incident occurred that a black man had been attacked.

However, in Stella’s first year, classes continued as usual.

Suddenly, parents come to visit and say, ‘This is not dangerous!’ There is no fuss.

Because Stella was a magical warrior training institution to deal with black demons professionally.

Of course, there are a lot of parents who send their children to Stella but do not want their children to become magical warriors.

Most of the nobles did.

He has the title of Magic Warrior.

is itself a great advantage in the current wizarding society, so even if you don’t risk your life to fight the black demons in the future, send your children to the academy for now.

In other words, in order to avoid saying, ‘My child will only get the magic warrior qualification and retire’, we couldn’t protest these incidents one by one.

After all, the season is summer.

Around this time, a new subject is added.

[Let’s get close together, to the family

Every year, 50 to 100 cadets who succeeded in signing a contract with the Shinsoo tend to be educated separately to develop a bond with the Shinsoo.

The professor in charge was Professor Pedelote of the ‘Raising Together, Godsman by Our Side’ subject.

At first glance, Pedellotte, who was quite large, looked like an ordinary middle-aged woman in the neighborhood, but her characteristic warm smile made a good impression on the students.

“How much do you know about Shinsu? Divinity is a mystery

It is a form of a new spirit body that has evolved into an animal, and most of them have beautiful or colorful forms, and of course, the young Godsu is characterized by a very cute appearance.”

Although this class was not compulsory, it was popular with female students. I was able to get credits just by looking at the cute, kind, and naughty, but pure creatures throughout the class.

“It’s not difficult to get to know Shinsoo. You just have to open your mind and understand them.”

That’s a lie.

Azel took a deep breath, thinking about that.

She signed a Familiar contract with a god with a grand name, ‘Thunder Glacier’, not the Shinsoo she originally wanted.

Really just the name is great. Because it was actually a small and cute sparrow.

However, his personality is rude.

Should it be said that it is a combination of the sensitive nature of a cat and the personality of a kindergartener?

To make friends with such a naughty creature full of pure malice.

Perhaps it was the same for the other cadets, too, with dark circles and dark eyes and a dying expression.

Professor Pedellotte just smiles as if having fun alone.

“In order to get close, you need to know what Shinsoo likes. I’ll be happy if you give me a present every now and then! It’s great to play together often, but there are ways to play with them.”

blah blah.

The students listened and chuckled, but as soon as Pedellotte summoned a giant tiger and spoke, everyone

focused attention.

“Once we get to know each other like that, one day, you too can summon the Familiar yourself and stand on the battlefield together!”

Familiar summons.

The affinity with the divine beast who had signed a contract had to be at its peak, but occasionally, there were times when I saw magic warriors flying and fighting on a dragon-shaped divine beast, so their eyes burned with enthusiasm again.

… … It didn’t take long for me to face reality and fade away.

“why! What the hell do you want to do?”

“Aww! annoying! You asked me to play like this, so why are you so mean to me!”

“This and that and that! What are you going to say to me!”

Screams mixed with anger erupted from all directions. Each divine beast could only be seen with the eyes of the person who signed the contract, so it was a funny scene where he was angry with the air.

It was no different with Azel.

– Beep?

A blue sparrow pecking at Eisel’s head while tilting her head.

When she sat down with a heartache from the subject she had been teased about up until now, she is now pretending to be cute.

“Ugh, I’m annoyed… …

So, she couldn’t get acquainted with this cute and mean-spirited divine beast, whom she called ‘Pureumi’, until the lecture was over.

“Everyone, don’t be heartbroken, because you have a lot of time!”

“yeah… …

“yes•… ”

Leaving behind Professor Pedelote, who was excited by himself

Together, Azel and the students left the lecture hall alone.

‘The next class is in 30 minutes… …

Since I have a little spare time, I think I should go back to the S class and rest for a while.

“ hoo hoo•••••••

Lately, I feel like I’ve lost some energy. Should I take nutritional supplements?

The incident at the Familiar Contract Ceremony is also an incident, but he happened to meet the enemy he hated so much, and… … It may be because he recognized Baek’s ‘incurable disease’.

It’s not hard on the body.

Mind… … It was hard.

Is there anything i can do

That thought kept running through my head.

“Hey, Azel!”

“Uh, huh?”

I was blankly walking down the hallway when I heard Har Lilen’s voice from afar. She ran up to her with a look of excitement and shot Aisel over and over.

“Hey, you were awesome! I saw the announcement!”

“… … no?”


Harylene led Eisel and ran to the classroom bulletin board in the main tower. Even Eisel, who had been living so hard in her own way, had good physical strength, ran so fast that it became difficult to breathe.

murmur murmur.

On the bulletin board, regardless of grade level, classmates and seniors gathered in a huge crowd and chatted for nothing.

“Oh, I see.”

During the summer season, various events were held.

‘Aslan Seminar’

“School Competition (Duel & Battle Royale)”

‘Arcanium Grand Festival’

There were countless other events such as the ‘Aslan Seminar’ and the ‘School Competition’ that are the most notable among them.

In particular, the Aslan Seminar is a discussion presentation where the most notable geniuses among aspiring wizards around the world gather.

There are a lot of elites all over the world who are aiming to participate in the Aslan seminar for the rest of their lives, and once they get the qualifications, everyone’s attention is focused on their faces and names appearing in the ‘Magician Column’, the largest magazine in the world of magic. matter of course.


[Rising Star of the Year]

[Eisel Morph]


Azel’s name was imprinted on it.

“Uh, uh… … ?”

Her name was written in a place she had never expected, and she opened her parents’ mouths, unable to even speak, in bewilderment.

“Hey, you’re really great!”

Harilen was barely able to come to his senses as he clasped her shoulders and shook her at random.

“Oh my gosh… …

I’m still a traitor’s child.

Since you were doing it all, I didn’t expect it at all.

Perhaps, on the day of the entrance ceremony, the ‘thesis’ that he submitted for research on the magic of binggye lit up?

“My, I… …

Something, suppressing the overwhelming feeling, I cover my mouth with both hands.

“… … hi? Are you Azel?”

Someone came and talked to me.

The name tag [2-S Selian] was clearly written on her chest.

One of the other Aslan attendees from Stellar this year.

Selien, with her long, black, straight hair, raised her glasses and asked for a handshake with a sly smile.

“Because we are going to the seminar together… … How are you?”

“Ah yes… Seniors.”

Eisel answered in a bewildered way and took her hand.

no wonder… … Something, obviously, was smiling, but it wasn’t a good feeling at all. Should I say that I look down on the other person?

“Oh really, yes. I read your thesis well on the day of your entrance ceremony. Well, it was a strange discovery.”

“Ah yes. Thank you……

“But it was a little awkward.”


Selian smiled and continued.

“It was a strange discovery. It was my first time dealing with ice that way. But that’s all, isn’t it?”

“You think so?”

“Honestly, I’m not going to make any great formulas.

I didn’t create great formulas… … You just ‘accidentally’ discovered a new magic, didn’t you? Just looking at the level, it was a bit disappointing because it was just an ordinary high school level~ Even if it was a morph, I wondered if it would end up like this.”

Eisel quickly understood why this woman had come.

I just came here to take a fight.

In this case, he was not used to it, so he got tired of it, so Eisel turned around and shook his head.

“Yeah, as expected, you are very great.

Yes. You have a very good eye, so you won’t even notice the magic of a junior like me. I really want to see your magic at the seminar.”

After she said that, she grabbed Harylene’s restless arm and led her into the classroom.

Selien was staring at her with a firm expression on her face, but she didn’t care.

There wasn’t one or two people who hated me for no reason, and there was no need to get angry because only one senior in my second year was arguing with me.

‘Still, the sky is clear and the clouds are flowing

I’m going~’

Maybe it’s because there are a lot of stressful things these days, Azel just felt like aegyo.

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