30. Korokoro tribe (4)

Magician Planet, the best newspaper in the magical society. belonging there… It wasn’t, but ‘Clikin’, who became a famous reporter by reporting scoop scandals to Magician Planet several times, was recently chasing a certain wizard as a paparazzi.

‘Stella Academy cadet, Yoo Seol Baek.’

A boy who has been a hot topic since it was announced that he was a co-author who solved the random number crossover formula with the genius alchemist Alterisha.

Prior to that, the Necromancer’s attack was prevented in advance to prevent a catastrophic event, and after that, the 6-risk Black Demon was exterminated in the cradle of the Celestial Tree.

Even though he is a cadet of Stella, he is probably not the only one who has achieved great achievements to the extent that he cannot see a freshman in the first half of the year and is chasing him.

As proof of that, in this train now, we exchanged eye-signs that only ‘collaborators’ do several times.

However… … .

‘They and I are qualitatively different!’

If they find even a provocative photo, they immediately write a provocative title that causes misunderstanding.

Unlike them, Clikin always took pride in revealing only facts to the world with solid evidence.

The world’s right to know!

To fulfill it, all journalists risk their lives and struggle.

Stalking a wizard required great camouflage and stealth ability, and required bold courage to risk even death.

But, look now.

When an object that can be called ‘real’ appears, that pathetic behavior of not even touching the camera, but kneeling and trembling!

‘Ugh… !’

it’s bound to be

Knock Knock Knock Knock! Look at that man walking down the hallway without shaking, even while the train is running wildly along the railroad tracks and the inside of the ship is shaking.

‘Crazy Raven Kalavan’

A rare wizard-killer who dyed the dark purple-colored streets of dawn with fear.

As a being who knows better than anyone how to kill a being called a wizard, there are many people involved in the vicious and terrible way of killing hundreds of magic warriors and eating their corpses.

It was a trembling existence.

After disappearing 10 years ago, it was a vaguely rumored Caliban that someone had killed him… … .

‘Certainly! That’s Caliban!’

The legendary magician killer reappeared in the form of a demon.

In front of the three genius cadets of Stella, who are currently receiving the most attention.

May Seong, Hae Won Liang, Baek Yoo Seol.

The confrontation between the most famous teenage wizard boys and the worst killers without any exception… … !

‘This is a scoop… …


If you stay here, you will be swept away.

Not even bones will be left behind.

But even knowing that, Klickin took his trembling hand to the camera and pressed the shutter.

‘Even if I die, I have to film this…

Astonishing professionalism as a reporter, surprisingly, even resisted even the life of a black demon and made him move his fingers.

“Hey, it must have turned!”

“No way! Are you going to have an air battle?”

Whoa whoa whoa!!

Including the scene where the boys in Stella opened the train door and jumped down the cliff, I was able to catch the side profile of the horses running out after them, tearing apart the train’s walls.

Knock Knock Knock Knock!

Knock Knock Knock Knock!

my heart is still pounding

My hands were shaking so violently that it was difficult to even check the photos I took.

But, clickin is a pro.

Instead of thinking ‘Are you alive?’ In order to solve the question, I checked the film of the camera with superhuman concentration.

‘… … T, it’s a special feeling!’

Very artistically, the scene where the black demons pursue Stella’s boys was captured naked on camera.

When Stella’s cadets enter their sophomore year, they will be officially assigned a ‘mission’ and will be able to go abroad.

When that time comes, the magic guard of the ‘Betelgeuse Knights’ belonging to Stella will constantly check or protect the positions of the cadets.

The escorts were small and often moved in secret to avoid being seen by the cadets as much as possible.


Even carrying out such a mission is a story at the level of a ‘lower knight’.

Betelgeuse Knights, a senior knight belonging to the 3rd Magic Guard Battalion, and a 6th-class magic warrior Beido.

After a very long time, he was tasked with direct management of the cadets.

‘plaguy… …

The fact that he, as a senior knight, was given a mission that was given only to junior knights with a short career and inexperienced knights, Bade did not like it very much.

Isn’t it too serious a waste of manpower to send a 6th-class senior knight to manage only cadets?

However, since it was said that it was Lee Han-wol, the instructor, and no one else who asked for this task directly, I couldn’t refuse.

Lee Han-wol is seriously pushed back from the military service number as he once served as a ‘top-notch knight’ and commander of the knights.

However… … It wasn’t such a bad job. Because this mission was quite interesting.

[Stella 1st year S class]

[Ma Yu-seong, Hae Won-ryang, Baek Yu-seol]

[I will escort you closely]

Usually, when low-ranking knights escort the dispatched cadets, they manage at most 30 to at least 10 people.

However, this time, very unusually, a senior knight comes out and escorts only three Stella cadets closely.

That too, a first-year cadet.

no ordinary cadet Recently, they were the three boys from Class S who received the most attention.

As a result, Beido did not intend to pass this time as boring.

‘I wonder if there was a need to use me, but… …

Beido, who sat moderately in the front car of the train, the Tosmic, yawned. no sense of crisis Because black demons will not be active in such a public place.

The fact that they are active in a place with such a large floating population means that they too have to bear losses… … There are no such good black demons these days.

In other words, it was enough to sit still and look at the location information displayed on the magic screen.

It is also quite easy to find the location, because the dispatching Stellar cadets are given a location tracking device called the ‘Stellar Badge’.

If you refuse, you do not have to wear it, but in a crisis situation, you can press the badge to immediately call the escort for support.

‘I’ll call you if anything happens… …

… … It was only 10 minutes ago that I thought comfortably.

At a moment when I felt like I had fallen asleep, a loud red light flashed on the magic screen.

“What, what… …

Astonished, he hardened his expression and checked the signal on the screen. No doubt someone sent a rescue signal through the badge.

‘On the train… … A rescue signal?’

The moment I thought of that, an enormous amount of magical power emanated from the back car of the train. An overwhelming black horse that even Veido is momentarily oppressed

it was power

‘ shit!’

I thought it was just a brief vacation, but I didn’t know it was going to happen.

After sending a ‘request for support’ signal in a hurry, I grabbed my cane and tried to move to the back room, but it was determined that there was not enough time to run.

He hurriedly smashed the ceiling, soared above the train, and sprinted backwards.

Knock Knock Knock Knock!

“What is this… …

The case was already over.

The rear car of the train was torn in half.

Passing the passengers who were peeing in their pants with the camera in his arms, whether he was a member of the photo club, he leapt toward the sky.

Whoa whoa whoa!!

Using Super Jump, the upper class of Power Jump, I sprinted through the air, and I saw the silhouettes of two people in the distance.

‘ Those guys… …


Beido stopped at the edge of the cliff and pointed his staff at them. Then, as if they also noticed Beido’s magic, they looked back.

There was cold anger on his face, making even Beido nervous.

‘Certainly. Azmic, and Kalavan?

I heard that you hid in the past, but why are you doing activities here?

“•••Oh my goodness. Is Stella’s Knight Coming? But what about this? Today is

I’m in a bad mood. Won’t you quietly turn it off?”

“Depending on the answer to my question, I will.”

Beido checked the screen reduced to the shape of a wristwatch. The signal of the cadets had completely disappeared.

“The cadets who boarded the back car… … What happened?”

Even as he asked that question, Beido was already realizing it.

‘I must have died. All three.’

It was heartbreaking.

All three boys were promising talents as rare geniuses, but they all died due to their negligence.

No, it might be right to call this a natural disaster.

Who would have known that the worst people in history were on board this train?


The reply that came back lightly deflected Beido’s expectations.

“I missed it.”


“I missed it, you rotten bastard. I can’t. You have to rip it too, my stomach will be relieved… …

“Calm down, Azmic. You didn’t even draw the ‘nails’ properly now.”

Read at readwn.com

Calavan stopped her.

“I don’t know if you’re perfect, but it’s difficult right now.”

U 9i


Azmic didn’t quench his excitement by stretching his fangs, but Karl Ravan really didn’t want to fight right now.

It was.

Read at readwn.com

Calavan, once known as a maniac murderer, has been active for years without arrest.

What could be the reason?

It was because of the thorough calculation behind that nickname of maniac.

‘Not good.’

Even now, magic warriors must come to this place because of the magical power it radiated. Now that Azmic is not properly prepared, there is a risk of being caught while dealing with Stella’s knights for nothing.

“… … The mission is failure. Let me go back.”

In the end, according to Kalavan’s opinion, Azmic also left, and Beido, who was left alone in the seat, had no choice but to panic.

“Now this is… … What’s going on?”

Second to the fact that those bastards left their seats, in the first place.

‘… … Only the first-year cadets had a fight with them and then escaped alive?’

Stella’s badge is still unresponsive, but may it have moved away more than a certain distance?

ability cannot be ruled out.

Also, there’s no reason to be angry with them telling lies, right?

‘How the hell?’

I’ve heard the story of the unusual first-year cadets many times. I heard the words that a lot of geniuses who were blessed by God were admitted as this year’s freshmen.

However, in the end, it means that he is a freshman with no experience.

He can’t even figure out a way to run away from them right now, a way to take at most an hour, or a pathetic force.

I was looking for

“Huh, huh… …

“Knight! I got the call and rushed to run!”

“Where is the enemy!”

Magic warriors from other units, who received a belated request for support, arrived, but Beido did not say anything.

‘I’ve heard the word genius many times, but I didn’t expect it to be this big… …

With admiration and disappointment bursting out one after another, Beido couldn’t help but laugh.

“Chief… … ?”

The magic warriors did not fully understand the situation and were just bewildered.

Meanwhile, Baek Yu-seol, who fell into the dungeon, wrapped his head and shook his body. Unlike himself, who fell in an unsightly posture, Hae Won-ryang and Mayu-seong were lying on the floor in a very noble posture in the midst of this.

“O uh.”

After getting up late, they hurriedly pulled out their wands and checked the surroundings, but fortunately they sighed in relief when no magic or life was detected.

“I really thought I was going to die… …

Baek Yu-seol wakes up calmly, shaking his shoulders. Looking at him like that, Hae Won-ryang became a bit ridiculous.

“Are you okay with this situation?”

Even so, he met a whopping horseman and was driven to the brink of death.

Even that calm amount of seaweed makes me nervous

His hair was about to turn white, but in the meantime, Baek Yu-seol calmly measured the timing of the opening of the entrance to the dungeon, and threw himself away at the right time.

Then, watching him wake up calmly and weakly, I wondered if it was really the same freshman.

“Oh, that’s right.”

In fact, no matter how many incidents Baek Yu-seol had been through recently, there was no way he could remain so calm. This is probably thanks to [Yeonhongchun and March’s Gahi fully demonstrating my abilities.

The ability to slow down tension and maintain composure, no matter what happens. However, Hae Won-ryang, unaware of this fact, had no choice but to feel a certain spirit in his appearance.

The composure that constantly seeks the next number in order to survive and win no matter what happens.

It’s like… … Wouldn’t it be a blank mind that can only come from an old veteran who has gone through everything before and after childbirth?

‘… … I’m all foolish.’

When he thought about it that far, Hae Won-ryang felt a sense of self-doubt.

In that situation, he couldn’t do anything and just depended on Baek Yu-seol.

Haewonryang really hates losing.

Especially… … .

Mayoseong and Baekyuseoll.

It is even more difficult to fall behind the two of them.

Hae Won-ryang, who somehow felt a distant gap in Baek Yu-seol, got up from his seat, trying to erase the thought. Sweat was still forming on his hands without erasing the tension, but this level was sufficiently overcome.


“Uh, what is it? Where are you going?”

“Now that you have entered the dungeon, you must start attacking right away. It will be finished within today.”

“What? Hey, no matter how hard it is, it’s a bit difficult to cut a day because of the mob section.”


However, Haewon-ryang made strides forward without answering. Baek Yu-seol couldn’t help but look at May-seong, but he only smiled faintly.

“No matter how much I think about it, one day seems a little too long… …

Baek Yu-seol has already thoroughly prepared the strategy for this dungeon. No, he didn’t prepare it, but it was a perfect movement line laid out by the players on Earth.

Efficient way to deal with miscellaneous mobs, sections that can be ignored, how to skip countless traps, and how to stably attack boss monsters by coping with changing traps.

However, even if all of the methods are mobilized, it will take at least two days or more.

‘One day is absolutely unreasonable.’

Baek Yu-seol thinks so, and increases the amount of Haewon


..exactly one day later.

[You have cleared the dungeon ‘Korokoro’s Village’!]


Seeing Korokoro, the chief of the tribe, collapsed while screaming, Baek Yu-seol could not hide his absurd expression.

“This makes sense… … ?”

Much faster than the shortest record cleared by the best players

hour. Still, Hae Won-ryang had an expression that he didn’t like very much.

Once again, Baek Yu-seol realized that he was with ‘real geniuses’. Even the results created by the geniuses of the Earth by tapping on the computer keyboard can be pierced at once if the geniuses are sincere.

“You guys are real monsters.”

When Baek Yu-seol spit out those words without realizing it, May Seong-seong and Hae Won-ryang looked at him as if absurd.

Roughly interpreting the expression, it would mean ‘Is that what you mean?’

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