66. Magic Survival (1)

Even after Baek Yoo-seol left, Jelly L sat there for a long time as if nailed to it, unable to even think of moving.

Even with her cynical gaze, it was difficult to properly face the current situation.

However, time is passing.

‘… … I have to prepare the next schedule.’

She struggled to get up with her trembling legs. There was a big hole in his always cold heart, but he was well aware that no bird would sit still to move forward.

‘I should have listened to my father… …

The oath of magic is absolute.

However, it was also a promise that should never be made so easily.

Before becoming a wizard, they are usually educated first by their parents.

-Think of the magical oath risking your life.

For that reason, in the magical society, it was not polite to hand out the oath of magical power to the opponent. If the other party is a rare criminal, I don’t know.

‘Is this really worth risking your life for?’

•••The answer is, it was worth it.

It was because I thought that I would rather bite my tongue in case my father would find out about my shameful failure.

But what was the result?

She’s really been leash on her vows, probably for at least three years… … You will never see your father.

It was the most terrible torture for Jelliel.

Every day will feel like a nightmare.

I have to find a way to cure my father’s ‘incurable disease’ as soon as possible, but I can’t even see him.

Beetle, as the strength in her legs loosened, she put her hand on the table.

A heavy and rough feeling is felt through the palm of the hand. Upon checking, something like a piece of ween is lying on the table.

It was a gift that Baek Yu-seol left behind.

It is the thing of Baek Yu-seol that I want to tear and kill. I had no intention of taking it, but I had no choice. She was in a situation where she had no choice but to listen to him.

Jelliel, who grabbed the stone fragments in her arms, returned to her waiting room.

The back was very pathetic, but… … There was nothing in this world that could comfort her.

The interior of Stellar Dome consists of a variety of systematic structures, but the road is so complicated that people who come for the first time often get lost even when they look at the map.

Fortunately, the black magic using the name ‘Kabaren’ does not seem to be the case.

Anella followed him for a long time inside the intricately twisted Stella Dome.

“Ha ha! Isn’t it a bit complicated? Stella is the original, so follow along. Oh, it’s fine, don’t worry! Because I am memorizing all the roads here!”

“By the way, what status did you come in? No one is allowed in the manager’s area, but they are wearing school uniforms.

Yeah? Could it be that you came in with a trivial role like a part-time job? Fuhaha hot! Aw, it’s not! Because the duties that can be done with such status are limited. right? right?”


He had a particularly chatty side, and he seemed to have a personality that couldn’t let something that came to his mind come out of his mouth.

From Anella’s point of view, it was a character I didn’t really like. Even if he wasn’t a black man in the first place, he wasn’t the kind of person he wanted to hang out with.

The cabaren guided Anella to somewhere while chattering loudly.

In the first place, it was thanks to Baek Yu-seol’s help that he was able to enter the Stellar Dome manager’s area.

Anella’s area of activity was limited because she just came in as a ‘participant’s friend’, but Cabaren roamed wherever she wanted by swiping the necklace’s nameplate card on the sensor.

‘I don’t think Stellar’s security would be this weak… …

Black horse gold developed by the headmaster of Wolyeonggyo

It made me realize once again how wonderful and dangerous alcohol is.

It was said that even now, such black demons are infiltrating all over the magic world.

maybe… … If I went on like this, the thought that someone might really devour the world arose, but I shook my head to shake it off.

‘I’m going back to being human.’

Black demons rule the world?

The moment those races, who are impulsively driven by momentary desires, who live limitlessly selfish and intoxicated with power, rule the world, it will soon be the end.

She, too, was an idiot for now, but she didn’t want that kind of world.

In the first place, a world ruled by power should come… … With his weak power, he would be just a prey.

“Sleep, here it is!”

After walking for a long time, the cabaren entered an area with high access restrictions even inside the Stellar Dome.

“here is… … ?”

A huge room located at the end of the hallway.

This circular space is filled with magic circles in all directions.

and numerous researchers were busy moving and controlling it.

“Have you never been? It’s a ‘System Control Room’ that handles all the phenomena of Stellar Dome. Well, I think there are maybe five or six more rooms like this inside Stella Dome, but that doesn’t matter.”


The important thing is… It is said that the Black Mine has arrived at the key place controlling the place that is like the symbol of Stellar Academy called ‘Stellar Dome’.

‘how… … ?’

Anella hesitated and stepped back.

It was because I thought that there was no way I could easily come this far.

This is probably caught in a trap.

Otherwise, it doesn’t make sense.

‘Stella’s guard… You’re so lame?’

Doesn’t it seem as if the road was opened on purpose to ask you to come in? … ?


Who is infiltrating inside the Stellar Academy, and who is running the upper floors?

He tried to think of what he was doing, but Anella, who was only a minor, was not given much information.

information gap.

An unbelievable phenomenon digging into the gap of ignorance, an unknown fear approached Anella.

Quietly, slowly, surely.

like swallowing it.

“Wow, you don’t have to be so scared.”

Read at readwn.com

Cabaren giggled as if understanding her reaction and walked forward.

“for a moment.”

“This is an access control area.”

Researchers in white robes and magic knights in black robes came and stopped him, but Carbaren proudly held out his nameplate and imitated a normal person.

“It looks like you didn’t get the story. I came here at the request of the vice principal. I heard that the magic circle in the control room needs some system tweaks. Here is your hand-signed pass.”

“Aha… … okay.”

I don’t know if it’s real or fake

The magic knights nodded their heads and gave permission to enter.

“The student in the back… … ?”

“He is a student I look up to. He said he wanted to see the magic of Stellar Dome.”

“Um, please be careful not to let the student touch the magic circle.”

“Of course.”

Still, it’s Stellar Dome.

Touching a few magic circles will not cause the system to crash suddenly.

that wouldn’t be a problem.

… … So, after safely entering the system control room, Carbaren looked back at Anella.

“Did you see it? For Wolyeong-gyo, something like this is very easy.”

It was then that Anella realized why the author had brought her here.

display of power and power.

She knew that there was an implicit quarrel between the powers of Hakuma, but she had never experienced it directly because she was the last.

As the situation was, she was mistaken for a high-ranking black demon, and the other person came to show off to her.

‘We can do this. What can you do?’

Anella, who realized his intentions later, felt very dirty, but there was nothing she could easily show.

“Oh, of course, this is not what I want to show you.”


“You know that? Stella Dome is a temple

It’s a semi-fictional space. In other words, it means that this side is very similar to the world.”

What does that mean?

Read at readwn.com

Cabaren raised the corners of her mouth and slowly approached the nearby magic circle.

“These magic circles… … It’s very fine-grained, so a little touch won’t change much. Is it really the principal’s magic? awesome. That’s great.”


“If we, black demons… … By digging into the gaps in the system, the ‘bug’

I mean, it can happen.”

Finding gaps in the magic of a normal 9th class wizard is virtually impossible.

But the case was special.

The other side of the world is a place for people.

Even Eltman Eltwin, known as an authority on space magic, could not completely conquer the underworld.

Therefore, it was possible for anyone with excellent magic skills to interfere with the perfect magic of Eltman Eltwin.

The first year’s persona gate

Just like the ‘real persona gate’ appeared during practice… … That is.

“What kind of small prank are we going to play this time? Doo-to-do-to-do

Kabaren said playfully, then squinted his eyes at Anella.

“Actually, I already did.”


“Magic Survival at Stella Dome… . Can’t we actually do damage to each other? right?”

Therefore, the participants can attack their opponents with peace of mind and are not afraid of the opponent’s attacks.

It was.

By the way, very if… … .

“One of them! What if there is a black man? If there is a being who can really kill someone… What will happen?”


“yes? Then, don’t you think survival will be more exciting?”

It was then that Anella understood the meaning of his words, and Anella’s complexion turned pale.

You can hit the opponent directly.

Really, die.

That’s what the cabaren wants to do

A very minor, but terrible terror.

In the midst of a competition held by over thirty prestigious schools, real students die in front of everyone.

“The game has already started.”


“The moment Magic Survival begins, all participants are sent to an isolated space. Eltman Eltwin can’t be stopped easily either. How about it, don’t you think it’ll be fun? Aren’t you excited? yes? Isn’t your heart just beating? Ah, I’m going crazy because I’m so excited. Ahh… …


Anella hurriedly left the control room with her hands on her chest and the Cabaren rolling her feet with an ecstatic expression behind her.

We must inform Baek Yu-seol of this fact as soon as possible.

Then, a thought.

‘Wait, in Magic Survival… …

Baek Yu-seol would have also participated?

– All participants. move to position

please give it to me.

At the sound of a woman’s voice echoing in the air, I stood on the stool.

If you look to the side, elites from each school are lined up.

It must be said that they are truly geniuses, seeing them dressed in their distinctive costumes made me realize that this world was originally a game.

‘ Hmm•••••••

I activated the telescope function of my glasses and looked at a distant place.

Jelliel staring blankly into the air with a half-dead expression.

got good

‘I’ll be fine… … ?’

Knowing that the root cause of her becoming a villain was her father, Melian, I had no choice but to take such an extreme measure. It is impossible for Jelliel to take revenge on me due to the oath of magic.

It would be great if she gave up on her father like this… … It won’t be easy.

‘It would be nice to meet a good person and fall in love.’

I think that’s very unlikely.

Even in the original game, Jelliel had only one option, either walking the path of ruin while looking at her father, or destroying the main character.

-After a while, we move to the ground.

When the voices that seemed to start the game slowly rang out, the participants began to warm up.

I’m also doing some light stretching, and there’s a commotion in the back.

‘Wait, I have something to tell you… !’

‘student! Back off! Before the match begins••••••• ⁹

‘please! Just tell me one word…


I opened my eyes narrow and activated the magnification function of the straight glasses to the maximum, and Anella’s face was faintly captured.

However, it was too far away and it was blocked by a barrier, so the voice could not be heard properly.

‘Isn’t he in a position where he shouldn’t stand out?’

Why are you making such a fuss?

That moment.

A warning message floating in the air.


[A variable has occurred in the sub-episode ‘School Competition’.]

[‘School Competition’ is promoted to the main episode.]


It was an unexpected message, so I couldn’t help but panic.

‘No, suddenly?’

I hurriedly searched for jigbakguri glasses and found out what the hell this was.

[Sometimes that is the case.]

[Development in which some demons break into the event and create a mess.]

[Why isn’t it even the main episode? I don’t know. Did you go to the game company and check it out?]

[Me too, a meteorite fell from the sky during a Mayuseong date event.

‘Cause I’m dead Are you annoyed?]

It was then that I realized that this was very rare in the original game as well. This has never happened to me, but it’s very rare that posts related to this have been posted on the user community.

[Why is this happening?]

[Well, isn’t it because you guys have been messing around with the story? That’s why he saw the attack and proceeded in a sensible way.]

[If it has already happened… … That’s sad.]

[What should I do? If you don’t want to delete a character, you have to do it.]

In general, an ‘event’ is nothing more than a healing part where you take a short break.

But really, very rarely… There were cases where an event occurred and was promoted to an episode.

The probability is so bad that lightning strikes a jujube tree in a row.

Numerous options are combined

A situation that is entangled and entangled.


[Shadows cast in the school competition]

Such an atrocious episode fell on me.

[In my case, the ‘School Competition’ event has become a mafia killing game.]

[But don’t worry.]

[You can do it according to the strategy, only according to the strategy.]

[ruler… Then, let’s assemble the event that has been disassembled into pieces.]

As the strategy texts were lined up in front of my eyes, a strange feeling wrapped around my whole body.

self… Shoo!

Surrounded by a strange sensation as if his body was moving somewhere, the world was turned upside down.

– The match has started.

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