70. 7th main tower (3)

The sub-events in Malentaires went smoothly. Pungryujin runs to the destination step by step, but quickly, following the set future.

Only then did he know all the truth.

“Ahh, Ryujin-san… …

Looking at the woman who was sitting on the floor and weeping, Pung Ryujin looked into her hands.

Through his translucent hand, he can see the pattern engraved on the floor. For some reason, I couldn’t see myself in the mirror.

“ah… …

Then, the memory came back.

the fact that he is dead.

The reason he died, the woman he loved existed, and that person was the woman who was sitting and crying right in front of her.

I remembered it all.

“I••… He was already dead…

Pung Ryu-jin, who was unable to attain peace even after death, and was wandering around Gucheon to protect the woman she loved, finally realized that the cause of all these incidents was her own.

I approached the woman and whispered quietly.

“Go and give me a hug.”

“bump… …

She works hard while shedding tears

I approached the ghost Pungryujin.

Then, they hugged each other warmly and shared a word of love to each other. As time passed, Pungryujin’s body became more and more transparent, and the moment the woman finally confessed, ‘I loved you’, she became a Buddha and disappeared as a light.


So the story ended.

With the weeping woman behind me, I came out of the mansion and leaned on my back.

There are indeed countless ‘sub-events’ in Aiter World. For each event, the center of the event

There is a main character, and the player jumps into the causal relationship and helps solve the case.

But… … .

It is impossible to jump into every sub-event.

Even at this moment, accidents are taking place all over the world, and as a player, I only called it an ‘event’, but that was a real story.

The more I experienced it, the more I felt it. How small the impact I can have on this world.

Week at Stellar Academy

I thought the stories of the artificial ones were the most important, but when I looked around the perimeter of the small school, many stories were shining like stars.


I listened to Pungryujin’s gombangdae.

A drop of water falling there.

Tuk! Fight-!

shoot… … .

Suddenly it rained.

It’s not awkward for it to rain because it’s summer, but I think the timing is really weird.

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Come to think of it, even in the game, it rained after the event was over.

He didn’t bring an umbrella. Like other wizards, he could not spread the mana shield, but he had no choice but to get soaked in the rain.

When I took out Stella’s coat, which was modified with Alterisha’s technology, and put it on, it was quite waterproof.

Finally I walked the streets of Malentaires.

When the powerful spirit of Pungryujin receded, the village atmosphere was

It felt clearer.

Oh yeah.

Was that the line that decorates the end of this event?

[When the woman shed tears, the sky also wept. The rain didn’t stop that night.]

I try to fiddle with the rain-soaked teddy bear. Pungryujin always told me.

I’m going to retire after this job is over.

A small oyster in the countryside on the outskirts

He plans to finish the rest of his life by farming and building in a hut.

I didn’t respond.

Because I know it’s a dream that can’t come true.

In the end, he was destined to leave, leaving only this teddy bear.

… … And this bearded mantle was the ‘Devil’s Spirit Charm’ that was very helpful in the episode [Erosion of the Horse].

If the artifact ‘Grudge Twig’ that was used on Meizen Tyren before is useful offensively in the boss battle, the Spirit’s Apparition Amulet is used throughout the episode.

It helps a lot in survival.

‘It’s best not to use this, but… …

Anyway, I’m relieved that I got insurance.

Next, go to the ‘village’ that Pungryujin has been talking about all the time, clear the hidden dungeon buried in the hidden ruins, and then return to Stella.

There are no monsters in the dungeon, you just need to clear the quizzes and traps, and the difficulty will be very easy because there is a strategy book.

“… … Shall we go?”

A rare street where it rains

Across the street, I moved quickly.

Talking to a mirror is not a very pleasant feeling. Rather, it may be reminiscent of a creepy, maddening atmosphere.

However, for the Black Demons, the act of talking to the mirror itself was not so awkward and strange.

In the mirror world, everything is upside down.

right is left.

Left is right.

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Completely opposite world.

So, for some people, the mirror was a window into the ‘the other side of the world’.

dark hall.

There was only one full-length mirror in this large hall with no one and nothing.

Professor Raiden said to the mirror.

“•••Now, the star child has headed there.”

Professor Raiden was not reflected in the mirror. it’s bound to be Because it was a different world from reality in the first place.

The mirror paused for a moment without answering, and then said to Raiden.

– you… … You’re a useful messenger.

“Is that so.”

– okay. In addition to the child of the stars, he also sent the descendants of the other twelve disciples… … .

The owner of the voice said that he really liked it.

“What are you going to do with that child?”

– It will swallow you up.

If it is, is it normal?

– But it will fail.

The owner of the voice spoke negatively for the first time.

– I’m just a fragment of a shattered soul, so I wouldn’t dare to absorb the Star Child… … .

fragmented soul.

It really is a sad word.

“Then why do you want to make such a choice?”

– Just by absorbing a part of that child and suppressing it, I won’t be able to awaken the power of ‘past life’.

The voice was silent for a moment.

He seemed to be thinking a lot about something.

“I’m thinking of dying myself.”

– … … Although I will perish here, isn’t the true ‘I’ alive? That too, in the name of the king.

“That’s right.”

– That’s enough.

Professor Raiden closed his eyes.

That being in the mirror is his body shape

He can’t keep his car, and he doesn’t even have memories of his life.

Because that being is nothing more than an imitation, stealing a part of someone’s soul.

However, nevertheless, the clear will he had before he was alive was as strong as he had been, and it has been steadfastly passed down even after half a century has passed.

He says unchangingly.

– Remember. Constellatio does not want the world to perish.

“… … Yes. I know.”

-In order to correct the wrong choice of the Progenitor Wizard, this is also inevitable.

It would be a choice… … .

The conversation ended there.

The presence in the mirror has completely disappeared. Now, on the other side of the mirror, only Professor Raiden with a complicated expression was standing.

He looked in the mirror for a while, then turned and left the hall.

And after a while.

… … Clink!!

The mirror shattered to pieces by myself, and fell to dust.

It is now… forever nothing nothing

you won’t be able to hit

“Isn’t it right to go this way?”

“no. This is it.”

“I think the opposite.”

Often, the term ‘possessed by a ghost’ is used. But how many people who use the word have been possessed by a demon?

Full-frame and Eisel, who can be called geniuses among geniuses, are of course black magicians.

Even Anella, who has been living here, has never been possessed by a demon.

So, while following the ghost story, no one really knew where and how to go.

Whoa whoa… … .

A cold wind brushes past my ears.

– Knuckle… !

– Color… !

The sound of children’s laughter echoed from somewhere.

At the same time, the girls stopped walking.

Then, without speaking to anyone first, they walked holding each other’s hands.

No matter how brave girls are, ghosts are scary.

‘cute… …

Jeremy, who was walking after keeping her stride several dozen steps away, felt a certain thirst when she saw such a full frame.

The thirst that comes from possessiveness.

He knows the pleasure that comes from ‘achievement’. When you have something you can’t have, or something you can’t have, come up

is that tingly pleasure.

that… … He who has not felt will never understand.

Jeremy was even feeling a kind of win-win for Full Frame. What is the sense of subjugation when the body and mind of her, who always refuses, are completely mine and surrendered?

Jeremy felt a strange sense of excitement, as he had never been through anything like this before.

‘ Hmm.

But recently… There was a pretty annoying group at school. Silk White Yuseol

was not just saying

Jeremy was curious about every move she made in full frame, and wanted to know everything when, where, and what she was doing, so he released his minions and let them watch from afar.

As a result, a movement of considerable concern has been caught recently.

Besides himself, there were people watching the full frame from afar.

Full-frame supervisors were diverse, regardless of occupation or gender, such as an old cleaning lady, a lab manager, or a faculty member, but I couldn’t find any commonalities.

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However, I could tell that they were looking at the full frame with an unworthy gaze.

He didn’t like it.

To be honest, I felt bad.

It’s absurd and absurd to think that other insignificant things are preying on the prey of your choice.

But leaving the likes and dislikes, Jeremy calmly considered and analyzed the situation.

‘Why they watch full-frame.’

Recently, she said that she went to school to investigate ghost stories. Is that the reason?

No, there were many such students.

At least in Stellar, the ‘mystery club’, which is quite large, made all sorts of fuss to uncover the 7th main tower ghost story.

However… … .

Full Frame had conducted the investigation in a slightly different way. Instead of digging into the ghost story itself, he was looking for the person who spread the ghost story.

What Jeremy himself found easily

There is no way that professors would not have noticed. Perhaps they were quite bothered by the full-frame behind-the-scenes scrutiny.

‘So you watched full frame?’

There is no need to monitor for that reason. Rather, it is a striking move. If so, I had to think the other way around.

They tried to use the full frame to dig behind them in reverse.

‘•••You are trying to get the full-frame woven into a ghost story.’

That’s it, Jeremy’s conclusion.

So he sneaked into the dormitory at dawn

I went after her and followed her all the way here. I have no intention of having other guys to protect the full frame.

This time, you will do it yourself.

“… uh?”


stand tall.

The girls who were walking in the front stopped and stopped. No one noticed, but… … Suddenly, the surroundings had changed.

“Come on, wait. Did we really come in? really?”

“yes. From now on, it can be really dangerous, so let’s be careful.”

“I’ll take the lead.”

After a while before the noisy girls, Jeremy quietly looked out the window.

The black moon was beating down on the world, and the sky was shining white all over.

It was late in the morning just before entering.

Not only that, but the colors of everything you see outside the window are completely inverted.

there was. As if I want to let you know that this is a different world.

‘… … Pretty.’

It’s an inverted world. It was a beauty that Jeremy really liked. If possible, to the point of wanting to separate this world and display it.

However, even more concerned movements made it more and more annoying, so I couldn’t appreciate the cut-out scenery.


The walls shake, the hallways shake.

The space itself moves slowly and presses as if it were flexible.

there was

Jeremy felt it.

This is the inside of the range already designed by an unknown enemy.

Any resistance is meaningless.

However, I am willing to do anything to protect the full frame.

人、s S ■ ¹ ¹ •

A golden blade rose from the floor and spun around while escorting Jeremy’s body.

Gold climbed the wall and slowly swallowed the harsh color that covered the hallway.

little by little, little by little.

prey on black

‘•••••• Weak.’

still not enough

Jeremy is objectively aware of his level. 4 class level at most. It is still unreasonably weak compared to the magic skills of the ‘Brothers’.

However, the reason he was able to survive after killing all his brothers was not because of his magic skills.


Whatever is in front of him, he will

You can cut it down without even hesitating to say a word.

A shadow fluttered in front of her and rose. It encroached on the dark space and tried to advance towards the full frame and the girls.


As the golden blade cut through the air, the shadow split in half and collapsed.

‘… … You deserve it.’

Jeremy raised his mana and summoned more golden blades and walls.

For the first time in his life, he

I’ve been studying a lot to win my heart, and thanks to that, I’ve realized one thing.

‘Women fall for a reliable man who can protect them.’

It was a common part of most romance books, so perhaps it is certain.

And Jeremy has the power and power to protect someone. It will be no different in this place today.

… … I thought so.


Suddenly, it occurred to me that the world had turned white. Jeremy closed his eyes without realizing it and wanted to miss it, so he quickly summoned a golden shield.

By the way.

When I open my eyes again… … All the shadows were already melting into powder.

A halo of light that still spreads clearly in all directions. And one girl standing in the center, full frame.

She spins her wand, which she raised high up high, and hits the floor! down


“Is everyone okay?”

“Yes Yes… …

“Awesome eh..

“uh. You look fine. Would you like to go back?”

The full frame was a glance at the place where Jeremy was standing, and after checking whether it was safe or not, he turned his head to take the lead.

He looked at her back as she walked proudly… … I felt something subtle.

With one magic, those lumps of darkness that even he couldn’t cut out at once

Melting all of them with a magic trick, is it even possible for a first-year student to use such magic?


Before that, a fundamental question was slowly rising.

‘Can I really protect you?’

It’s not that I’m weak.

Because the girl is so strong… … So there is no need to turn it on.

“her… …

He laughed after a long time.

When someone sees you, it makes them laugh

You might think so, but no.

because it’s fun

I was really happy and happy, and I laughed.

It was the first time in my life that I had such an unfamiliar experience.

‘It’s amazing, it’s fun… … It’s attractive.’

The full frame that always goes beyond Jeremy’s imagination… … In fact, the more I looked at it, the more I got tired of it, the more I wanted to have it.

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