71. unreality(4)

Doo doo doo!!

An attack helicopter flying over Incheon City. The ground was burning in half, and a monster roared from above.


A shock wave burst out in an instant and the helicopter shook, but they were not afraid.

Because they knew there was someone to protect them.

-point. Put the code magician.

The beings facing the monster were not fighters, tanks, or missiles.

Just an ordinary girl.

Full-frame, a high school girl who jumped out of a helicopter that slowly descended to the ground, swung her cane.


-Oh, that’s magic… … .

-It’s the first time I’ve seen it in person, but anyway.

– awesome.

The clash of light and monsters.

When the spear of light pouring from the magic circle dotted in the air penetrated the monster, it resisted it, and the monster spewed flames in all directions.

– What!

The helicopter made an evasive maneuver in a hurry, but did not avoid the full frame. With a wall of light in front of her, she crouched in her place and raised her staff high into the sky.


A huge pillar of light fell through the dark clouds and cut off the monster’s head.

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Coogong… !!

-Oh oh!

– You did it!

– Another full frame killed the monster!

The monsters had a special barrier on their skin, so no missiles or bullets could hit them, so it was really difficult to deal with, but it was easy as if it wasn’t a problem for the full frame.

The arrow of light she shot pierced the monster’s skin so easily, and no monster could resist the blade of light.

“ hoo hoo•••••••

After successfully completing the hunt this time, Full Frame turned around and waved a smile toward the air.

It was fan service to the countless drone cameras that are still filming themselves somewhere.

I couldn’t hear it, but I could feel it.

The enthusiastic cheers of the fans.

I was the only wizard on the planet, and I was their savior.

This kind of treatment deserves

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Click! click!


“Full-frame sheep! You have successfully completed the monster hunt again, so please give me your impressions!”

“Isn’t it difficult to combine your studies and activities as a hero?”

“The principal of Chilwol High School has officially given me words of encouragement, so please reply!”

On the way back from the helicopter, a number of reporters had already gathered at the landing site, pointing their cameras and microphones. Full frame would answer their questions one by one.

It was a little tiring, but it wasn’t difficult. Also, then the fans liked it even more.

‘It’s study… …

I didn’t want to give up, but I ended up giving up halfway through. all over the world

As monsters began to appear, the full frame had to travel around the world.

Did that lower your grades?

that’s not again

[Nationwide No. 1, Wizard Full Frame!]

[“How did you get 1st place when you don’t have time? I studied mainly textbooks.”]

[Love call from prestigious universities around the world! What is her choice?]

I studied very little.

However, in the end, it ate the top of the domestic tower, and calls were coming in from top foreign universities as well.

Even if I hadn’t studied, it might not have been that difficult to get into a prestigious university.

Truly a win-win.

As long as you put your hands on it, you will succeed without failing at anything.

Studying is studying, dancing is dancing, singing is singing, and magic is magic.

When Full Frame bought a lottery ticket, he immediately won the first prize.

She was praised for being an angel, and the clothes and accessories she wore became a trend and gained explosive popularity around the world.

The world is paying attention to me.

The world follows me in the direction I am moving, and the world nods in the direction I am pointing.

It seemed to be the center of the world.

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Can other people understand this feeling of just walking on a solid road without any obstacles?


In the future… Same window as before

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Can you open up a future?

So, I thought.

– Full frame amount! Can I go out right now?

One day, full-frame rushed out of the school on a phone call during class.

It is now a daily thing to skip classes at school as the schedule is managed by the government, but I would have been able to keep my studies at a minimum.

These days, the appearance of monsters has become more frequent.

– A monster appeared in Cheorwon, Gangwon Province and Okinawa, Japan at the same time. hurry up

Russia is planning to move to Japan after dealing with the monsters in Gangwon Province first, but if it is late, it will have no choice but to use missiles.

“ah… …

Simultaneous appearance of monsters?

Never had anything like this.

‘No missiles.’

Okinawa, Japan is a famous tourist destination with a large floating population. The use of missiles meant that the city would even collapse, so it was a means that had to be saved until the very end.

Moreover, it was not clear whether the missile could reliably defeat the monster, so we had to hurry.

“hurry up, please.”

Full Frame decided to have a sense of duty in what he was doing. Without me, the people of Earth cannot be saved.

people want me

… … But whatever, things didn’t go as planned.


“Big… !”

– Full frame amount! Are you okay!

“It’s okay, it’s okay!”

15 m tall.

red skin.

only one eye.

After defeating the monster in Cheorwon, Gangwon-do, it was characteristic of the second monster he encountered while heading to Okinawa, Japan.

If it’s special… … It fires lasers from its eyes.

‘You’re too strong!’

It’s been half a year since I worked as a wizard.

Full-frame was also slowly noticing.

The fact that his magic is not growing at all.

yea, that would have to be the case.

‘… I don’t even know where and how I learned magic?’

Just suddenly, knowledge of magic was imprinted in my head, and I used it as if it were my own, and it was impossible to grow any further.

She objectively judged her level and concluded that it was ‘4th level’. The monsters that have appeared so far are at most level 2 to 3 levels.

So far, it has not been difficult

But… … .

Jiying! Coogong!


As I prostrated myself to avoid the lasers blasting wildly, the wreckage of the building behind me poured down rainwater.

‘At least 5 steps… … !’

This level of destructive power could not be easily achieved even by himself.

Fortunately, the giant monster could not control its huge body properly, so its mobility was reduced, but the destructive power of the laser emitted from its eyes was so strong that even fighters could not properly approach it.

it was sulfur

‘I… … Can you win?’


Thumbs up!

Every time the giant’s eyes pass by, traces of civilization crumble one after another. In between, Full Frame couldn’t do anything. That destructive power was at least two levels stronger than his own, so he was not confident enough to withstand the attack with any shield he could currently deploy.

‘What am I supposed to do… …

The moment the full-frame hesitated while holding the cane in his hand.


The wind, lighter than a feather, flew away, and something brushed past his ear.

Upon realizing it, a boy was standing in front of him with his back to him.

It was a familiar face.

“A hundred ••• Rumors•••••••?”

He glanced at the giant, then turned around and spoke to full frame.

“My mistake.”


“You draw happiness too quickly

The wind has ruined the balance of the world.”

“What the hell are you talking about… … ?”

“… … hang on.”

Unlike himself, Baek Yu-seol took out a small and short wand. As mana was released from there, a white blade of light came out.

“Wait, with that…

However, without listening to the full frame, Baek Yu-seol flew high into the sky. He teleported while riding between buildings and had reached the level of a giant.


The giant who discovered the White Yuseul fired a laser into the air, but it was not hit. He diddge the laser exquisitely, but was guiding it so that it did not touch the ground.

“uh… … ?”

It really happened in the blink of an eye. Baek Yu-seol, moving freely through the air, finally reached the nape of the giant’s neck and pierced the blue spot there with his sword.

immediately after.

– Cooh… … .

The giant lost his strength and fell to the floor helplessly.



Because it was such a huge body, the aftermath of falling is also not easy.

Full-frame hurriedly put on a barrier and covered herself with both arms, when she heard footsteps from a short distance away. When he hurriedly looked up, he saw Baek Yu-seol looking down at him with a confused expression.

Believe that you’ve just dealt with a giant

It was the same attire that wasn’t messed up at all.

“Uh, how… …

No matter how hard he tried, he sent a monster that was impossible to even face with a single blow.

“You could have done it too.”

He said so and glanced at the place where the giant had fallen.

“It will be more difficult in the future. More and more powerful monsters will come out.”

“Wait, what do you mean?”


After that, Baek Yu-seol was silent for a while.

It did not disappear or disappear like the wind like before.

will wait

Until the full frame asks questions.

The brain is complicated.

I finally met Baek Yu-seol, but I didn’t know what kind of question to ask.

‘What are you?’

‘Are you another wizard too?’

‘Why are we wearing our school uniform?’

A lot of questions came and went and disappeared. After a while, the question that Full Frame brought up was this.

“… … In the future, what will happen?”

It is said that more powerful monsters will appear. Modern scientific weapons cannot stop them. reason? I do not know. The barriers of monsters have not yet been explained by science.

“This world will perish.”

“Wow, what… … . Any other wizards? you, him, and me… same… …

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Can you really call me a wizard? The full frame hesitated a bit when referring to ‘I’, but I didn’t seem to care much about Baek Yu-seol.

“no. You and I are done.”

“I can… …

Full-frame, looking at the floor with a confused expression, slowly parted her lips and asked.

“… … So, what should I do?”

Why did you ask him such a question?

Why did you think Baek Yu-seol knew a solution to this situation?

I do not know.

But ‘instinct’ was speaking. If you ask Baek Yoo-seol, he says he can solve anything.

He hesitated for a while.

Finally, he took a step back and said.

“You must choose your own death.”


He looked up again and tried to ask what he meant, but Baek Yu-seol had already left.

‘I must die… … ?’


If I die, who will stop that monster? How the hell did you give up on such a happy life… … .


Full-frame sat there for a while, unable to move.

That night, Full Frame had a terrible nightmare. It was terrifying and terrifying, but it was a very realistic nightmare.

In the dream, full-frame was a wanderer.

Shoot ah-!!

Through the pouring rain shower, Full Frame walked the ruined streets. Only traces of civilization remain. Human science and technology, which was once brilliant and noble, has been destroyed by monsters, and now it is natural to live in hiding like a rat for survival.

It was no different because it was full-frame.

She traversed the ruined city.

Perhaps to solve the daily meal, he walks and walks.

I in my dream hide behind a building.

A huge monster passed through the debris of the collapsed building.

I held my breath and waited for the monster to deceive me.

The full frame that used to be the center of the world no longer exists. In my dreams, I am just the prey of monsters, nothing more, nothing less.

– ooh!

– Whoa!

Monsters and monsters slaughtered in the immediate vicinity

fight a battle

The sky was occupied by a monster with demon wings, and it was impossible to move around freely, and the underground was filled with terrible poison gas, making it impossible to even breathe.

If a living hell exists, this is it.

As I was crawling through the buildings, I found something in my dream.

[December High School]

It was a broken alma mater.

Everyone died. On that day when the monsters took over the world, my alma mater collapsed for the first time.


Baek Yu-seol was sitting.

He said, with his umbrella open, looking up at the raining sky.

“Because you became happy so quickly… … The world is out of balance.”

In my dream I knew

In the dream, I was blaming myself.


In my dream I was crying.

“It’s because of me, because of me… …

I cried and cried again.

without hesitation.

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