73. Everything Frozen (4)

[Enter the dungeon ‘Gully of the Ice Spirit’.]

A system message that is invisible to others appeared on the face of Baek Yu-seol. I was just walking among the icy cliffs, maybe others

He may not have been aware of the fact that he had entered the dungeon.

“Well. The mood has changed.”

“The concentration of mana has gone down.”

“It looks like something is about to appear in earnest…

However, it was probably only Baek Yu-seol’s misunderstanding, and even without the help of system messages, he quickly noticed like a veteran.

“Oh, this is a little strange.”

“I know. It’s the first time I’ve come down to the sea again.”

In fact, it was a path that penetrated into a crevice of the sea and advanced further into the deep sea, so party members were able to observe the reality of the frozen sea under the sea.

If you think of a glacier, you would think that only the surface of the sea is frozen, but this place is different. The sea below was completely frozen and stood still.

“That… … Hexagonal super shark.”

“I heard it went extinct seven hundred years ago, but it remains frozen here.”

“It’s true. A living museum.”

Perhaps it was because the frozen landscape was the same a thousand years ago, and monsters and marine creatures that cannot be seen today were also occasionally found here.

It was a very strange sight for Baek Yu-seol as he did not pay any attention to these details at the time of playing the game.

“Well, something is coming ahead.”

“Ready for battle!”

Apart from that, the strategy of this dungeon is completely mastered.

In his own way, he posted on the community site [★Ruple Dungeon Attack #001*] Siri.

There was a record of getting a great response by uploading a strategy book to Zu.

Although he was a young gem in character analysis and storytelling, he could be regarded as a specialist like an RPG gamer in the field of monster and dungeon attack.

Therefore, most of the adventurers who participated in this attack with the intention of grasping his combat abilities were greatly disappointed when Baek Yu-seol took command in the rearmost division.

“Chief, the plan has gone awry?”

Same goes for Kaen, the leader of the annihilation team.

However, if it had not been possible to confirm the power of Baek Yu-seol in the first place, he would not have applied for such a dungeon raid.

“Next time we will enter in this direction, please be careful not to hear footsteps.”

Still, there was one thing I knew. His judgment was quite sharp and insightful for a 17-year-old student.

Like a person who had already been to this dungeon, he made quite unusual judgments and showed a cautious appearance, but at first, he was not at all uncertain about his appearance, which drew the backlash of adventurers.

also did

“What? Why do you have to crawl here? It just looks dangerous, doesn’t it?”

“Look carefully at the traces of the waves and the direction of the footprints. Also, the sign of mana flowing in is unusual, but according to my analysis, this is… …

“It’s true. It’s hard to say because I’m not a student at a prestigious school. So what happened?”

“If you are not sure, I will respect the opinions of veteran adventurers and go this way.”

“okay. It will come out like that!”

Veteran adventurers had a sharp sense like a veteran. Like Baek Yu-seol, they did not study dungeons professionally, but they also had jjambap that they ate and lived on this battlefield on their own.

Therefore, it was impossible to completely follow San-nim, a little boy with glasses, and Baek Yu-seol seemed to readily accept the opinions of adventurers as he was well aware of such facts.


“Hey, crazy! Why is the crystal giant golem popping out of here!”

“You have to deal with it assuming at least 7 risks!”

“Crazy, what are you dealing with! Just bounce back! You can’t fight him in this narrow canyon!”

If you don’t follow the advice of Baek Yu-seol, this will definitely happen.

Fortunately, Baek Yu-seol, who predicted this kind of situation, was able to get over the situation without much damage by securing an escape route in advance or by showing the right command in the right place. No adventurer was willing to break.

“Whoa, that’s right. There’s nothing going on here… …

“That’s the way it is. What’s that little boy really like?”

“Every time I ask a question, I just reply, ‘I studied mainly with textbooks’… …

No matter how hard you sit at your desk and study the theory, this kind of command and judgment is not possible.

Rather, I have seen a lot of commanders who are confused and get confused in actual battles where unexpected situations often occur while relying on such knowledge.

However, it was not surprising to Kaen and Hye-jin, who knew in advance that Baek Yu-seol was not an ordinary student, and that he had an unusual analytical ability called ‘deep learning’.

Rather, compared to the fighting power he has, that level of ability would be at the level of aegyo.

By taking a break for as long as possible, Baek Yu-seol preserved the stamina of the adventurers. Even though there was no need to rest, I was allowed to rest for 30 minutes each, and then the adventurers were forced to close their eyes briefly or eat snacks and listen.

It was really strange to see the veterans who had been rolling for 10 to 30 years on this floor, obediently and obediently to the words of a single student.

The dungeon was heading towards the deep sea, and despite the fact that the light was not coming in, it was strangely not dark at all.

A mysterious blue light gently spreads from the frozen sea, which is blocked like a high wall on both sides.

“There is something in the sea.”

It was a word that an adventurer brought out in silence. Everyone agreed, but he didn’t want to recall his identity.

It is the identity of something that can give off such a bright blue light in the frozen sea for a thousand years.

It was because I only thought that it was something difficult to understand with human common sense.

Baek Yu-seol was well aware of its identity.

‘The entrance to the frozen world… …

his true destination.

A taboo area where ice giants and spirits live and breathe, but no living beings can access.

hey hey-!

“Ugh! I’m going to be deaf.”

“It is an ice spirit.”

“It’s been a while since I’ve seen a spirit… …

“It is strange that there are spirits in such a place. Do you have any spirit totems?”

“Damn, did you see that I was really angry? I think you have invaded the realm.”

Spirits are still in the magic world.

It is also an unknown area.

Where do they usually live, what they eat, how they sleep, why sometimes they make contracts with wizards, how do they summon them?

Nothing has been properly clarified.

As such a spirit suddenly appeared in the dungeon and expressed hostility, the adventurers seemed uneasy, but forcibly made jokes and brightened the atmosphere.

But even in this situation, Baek Yu-seol couldn’t help but laugh.

‘Why are the spirits already?’

Originally, this dungeon itself appeared as a spirit

I never do that.

Frozen deep-sea monsters and frozen deep-sea fishes, such as unusual monsters exposed to the power of ice spirits, often appear, but it was normal for the spirits to not appear at all.

‘… … Something has changed.’

From now on, he could no longer proceed based on the knowledge he had known. Because places that you thought were not dangerous may be rather dangerous, and vice versa.

“Let’s take a break.”

“good. It was a little difficult this time.”

“It’s a golem controlled by a spirit. After I went back, I had another drink.”

“Hey, this man. A person who says that will surely die first. I don’t know?”

“What crazy bullshit! Unlucky.”

Even while the adventurers were chatting and relaxing, Baek Yu-seol continued to look somewhere.

‘Boss Room.’

The final destination of this dungeon.

The deepest sea and the place where the heart of the vortex meets.

The moment you step in… … ‘ice

You will fight against a spirit wearing armor called ‘Guardian of the Valley’, and if you win, the entrance to the world of ice will open with a huge reward.

‘Can I really go in?’

At the time of Aiter World Online, I knew the strategy well, so it was a dungeon that could be cleared sufficiently with the character Baek Yu-seol alone.

However, after the spirits started directly intervening, the difficulty level increased to a different level. There were a few times when I had no choice but to rely on the instant judgment of adventurers because Baek Yuseol’s strategy didn’t work properly.

Baek Yu-seol believes in their experience.

However, the act of driving them to a limb by relying on the experiences of others was not tolerated on their own.

‘… … Probably not.’

While the difficulty of the dungeon has increased abnormally, I have no intention of taking the adventurers to that boss room that may or may not be able to successfully attack.

“everyone. Please pay attention for a second.”


“Yes, little party leader.”

“Tell me.”

The playful tone is still there, but now the party members fully respect Baek Yu-seol’s judgment.

It’s a pity, but the judgment that gave them confidence was entirely dependent on their past experience and straight-faced glasses… … .

I can’t show you such wonderful leadership in the future.

Therefore, Baek Yu-seol had no choice but to make this decision.

“The party disbands here. I will go to the boss room in front by myself.”


“No, wait… …

“What is this little boy talking about now?”

“It was not at all expected that a variable called a spirit would occur in the dungeon. Spirits… It’s a difficult area for even me to grasp, so you could be in a big crisis at this rate. Instead, I promise to share with you all the rewards from clearing the dungeon.”

He made up his mind quite firmly and said so, but he did not fully understand the feelings of veteran adventurers.

“Huh. This little boy, now that you look at it, is he pretty cocky?”

“therefore. Worrying about us, will you break up the party?”

“Who is going to die?”

“Pu ha ha ha!”


However, as the adventurers reacted unexpectedly, Baek Yu-seol’s expression became strange.

“Hey, little boy. The job of an adventurer is to live with death as a profession. No one knows when or where

go. I have to admit that your head is running well. They are smarter than we are, and they seem to have studied a lot.”

“However… … Do not think that you have understood the whole world with knowledge. Because this is a different matter.”

“We lay down our lives from the moment we set out on an adventure every day. The same was true of the countless colleagues who left without saying goodbye and never returned.”

“This dungeon was a strange experience in its own way. If I go back to life as an adventurer, I think it will be a pretty fun snack. By the way, do you want me to go back here?”

“crazy! Could there be anything more terrible than that?”

“One of the things I will be proud of in my life is that it will turn into a black history in an instant. Even if there is a risk of death, I must enter that boss room.”

“We know you have some other purpose, but I can’t listen to this.”

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The adventurers’ appeal… … It was still full of words that Baek Yu-seol did not understand at all.

He lived above all else in the world.

Because the fact itself was important, and the act of risking one’s life for something was still too far away.

So, he did not respect adventurers.

But if they don’t respect what they’ve said, he’ll be an emotionless creature.

“… … Okay. Let’s all go in together.”

“haha! Good!”

“When everyone gets enough rest, let’s just get up!”

Adventurers sleep with a face full of ambition

When I woke up in Lee, Hye-jin, who was hiding behind the scenes and watching the conversation, started crying.

“Hey. I thought you were going back… …

Just as adventurers risk their lives on adventures, Hye-jin is the type who risk their lives on hunting black demons.

However, in this case, it was not a black demon hunting, so it might be close to dog death from her point of view.

“Danjaang… Can’t we go back?”

“no. We go in too.”

“Hey… …

Kaen wanted to see Baek Yu-seol’s skills with his own eyes until the very end. If the boss room is dangerous, it’s better. If a variable arises there, then Baek Yu-seol will have no choice but to show off his skills.

“great. Then let’s go in!”

So, the final gateway of the dungeon.

The boss room is open.

As long as the adventurers’ passion and loyalty had been strengthened, the course of the future would have been decided.

A battle with a powerful boss you could not have imagined! In the meantime, the burning fire

Loyalty and solid solidarity!

It was a difficult, impossible opponent that seemed impossible to overcome, but the heart-warming ending that finally triumphed!

Everyone was expecting such a story. The same goes for Baek Yu-seol, the adventurer, and Kaen as well.

However… … .

As soon as the entrance of the dungeon was opened, even the eyes could not be properly opened in the tremendous cold blizzard that hit the mall.

“Ugh, what the hell!”

-Kooh… !!!

something cries out

The adventurers intuitively judged that it was a monster protecting this boss room.

So, that was really unusual.

“The boss… … You’re coming out of the boss room!”

“What, what? crazy!”

The boss never leaves the boss room. That’s common sense.

However, there was a rare occasion where such common sense was broken.

It was ‘break’.

When the dungeon is left unattended for too long, anomalies inside and a terrible phenomenon in which monsters pop out.

“… … Damn it, it must be stopped!”

“Once this has happened, there is no going back!”

The adventurers took a step back, hit a huge barrier against the blizzard, and raised their staffs.

thud! Koo!

At least, as the giant ice monster that exceeded 50m walked out one step at a time, everyone swallowed their saliva as if nervously. But no one wants to run away


“rather… … Very thrilling, damn good.”

“Yeah, that’s exactly what I expected!”

“What did you expect! Judge soberly! I can’t deal with him properly here because of the blizzard!”

“It is impossible to step back! Behind it is a very narrow canyon. We must somehow survive the blizzard and face it here!”

“I’m going to die!”

Kaen also stepped back a bit to do the same as the adventurers.

looked around with

Then by chance… … My gaze came to the boss room.


Inside the boss room, there was something strange. The way the space wobbles like a whirlpool… … .


Why does something like that exist in the boss room?

If there is one thing that is certain, this mysterious blizzard is coming out of that portal.

It would be nice to be able to block the portal, but it would be absolutely insane to approach it while surviving this blizzard.

Perhaps, by now, adventurers must have discovered that portal.

But no one said they would go there.


It’s a completely different story from fighting for your life. The moment you try to go there, you will surely die.

That is why everyone has no choice but to hesitate.

‘… … I can’t.’

Here, Kaen decided to go on her own. If he showed his skills properly, blizzards and ice monsters like this wouldn’t be a problem.


But there was someone who jumped out before that.

“Uh, huh?”

“What are you doing, you crazy kid!”

It was a white rumor.

He ran towards the portal without looking back, and followed the adventurers behind him.

I tried to stop him late, but I couldn’t stop him because he had already gone too far.

Kaen felt it. That’s the real purpose of the white rumor.

“Hyejin, follow me!”

“uh? huh? Commander, I can’t stand this… … Deaah?!”

With Hye Jin on his side, he used a super jump and made his way through the blizzard.


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Chasing the back of Baek Yu-seol, who disappears through the portal, Kaen too

threw himself towards the place.


Shortly thereafter, the blizzard stopped.

Silence descended.

“Me, bro… …

Despite the fact that the adventurers had the ice monster in front of them, they were embarrassed and could not even open their mouths properly for a while.

“Maybe, to stop the blizzard… …

Anyone could do it, but no one else could.

“That little boy jumped in… … ?”

A question raised by an adventurer calmly stirred the valley, but… … .

No one answered, it just reverberated like an echo, filled with so many emotions.

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