73. Everything Frozen (8)

fire. Energy that produces light and heat.

It was the most important element of all the sources of this world, but even magic could not properly control it.

It emits energy that only causes sparks and explodes, using it to attack enemies or illuminate all directions to release energy.

It could only be used as a driving force to forcefully squeeze out something else.

But now it wasn’t.

‘This is the real flame… …

Hong Bi-yeon seemed to be able to realize the true definition of flame, which no one in history had ever realized.

Fireworks danced along the path of the palm of your hand, and when you quietly brought your index finger, a butterfly of flame flew and sat down.

something no one has ever done before.

So that’s what makes it even greater.

‘I can do it.’

I am the flame, and the flame is me.

It was not awkward at all to plunge into the origins of the world, become one with fire, and move them like my hands and feet.

Rather, it is an enjoyable and fantastic experience.

Who could have had such a mysterious experience?

what only i can do

a little bit… … little bit more.

If you accept this mystical sense, you will undoubtedly have a sense of true ‘fire’.

He seemed to be able to fully comprehend it.

… … it was meant to be

-no! stop!


sting! Hong Bi-yeon woke up from thoughts and opened her eyes at the exhilarating voice that echoed in her head. The sensations of the flames that had stuck to his body all evaporated in the air.

‘… … What are you doing?’

-You are in danger any longer.

The voice, the incarnation of fire, was the first

He spoke in a calm tone.

-You are still too young and weak to have that realization. If you realize the ‘truth’ at only four levels… It will become a fire as it is and will be destroyed.

‘now… … What are you talking about? Previously, you told me to go crazy.’

-It’s because I wanted you to die. I hate Adolevit deeply. Ha, no bones!

Hong Bi-yeon closed her eyes tightly. I wanted to hold onto the truth of the past again, but it has already escaped far away.

Oh, I didn’t think about it.

It was so painful and painful that I couldn’t stand it, but now there was no way out.

– Be patient. It’s not too far away. You can hold it again. I’m not sure. Even ‘Adolevit’, the disciple of the progenitor wizard, couldn’t do it… you can do it

‘… … why?’

-I am the fragment of the Jukha June and the incarnation of fire. So it can be predicted. you… … you will find me later

At those words, Hong Bi-yeon turned into a confused expression for a moment.

-You’re too bad for me to disappear from here. under… shit. The day will come when I will save a human being.

He seemed to grumble a few times, and then spoke directly to Hong Bi-yeon in a calm voice.

– Adolevit kid, listen up. My flame sleeping in your body will sooner or later burn you painfully. You can’t stand it right now. So, you have to spit out everything right now. can you do it


– It’s all right. Do you have a big sense of fire in front of you? Let’s burn that one!

Hong Bi-yeon slowly turned her gaze to look at the Pirate King, Black Belize.

A huge awl of ice was growing behind him, taller than a mountain. Although I had no knowledge of it, I knew it instinctively.

The moment that awl hits the sky… The whole area will be covered with ice.

It must be stopped before then.

‘… … Can I do it?’

Hong Bi-yeon slowly ignited the flames. As before, most of the feeling of being one with nothing has disappeared, but perhaps it was thanks to the help of the incarnation of fire, the explosive energy that I felt for the first time in my life was moving through the bloodstream of my body.

-The best thing to do is to dazzle his eyes with that flame and then run away. You can’t beat him with your own strength right now.

– Damn it, I’m going to die. If you were just a little bit stronger, my flame would be brighter

A lot to share… … .

‘I do not care.’

Whoops! The Hongbi kite with flames in her hands flew high into the sky. He had never learned flying magic, but he understood the principle.

Using the wings of the flame spread by the Hwaryeong Flower, the degree of freedom to fly was very easy.

The Pirate King slowly moved his gaze following Hong Bi-yeon and let out a low-pitched voice.

– Do not resist.

“… My life has always been a resistance.”

I’ve been resisting all my life, can’t I just say I shouldn’t do it now? Hong Bi-yeon shone sharply in her eyes and flew the flames with all her might.

… … immediately after.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!!!

There was a huge explosion that he couldn’t believe he had launched, and the pirate king’s skull shook violently.

“Hey, this is… … !”

-haha! How are you, great? That’s just a fraction of my power!

Gulping, the saliva passed. this much number

If it was Jun, it was safe to say that he was at the level of 8th class or higher.

But it was really hard to believe that this was only a fraction of the power.

– But be careful. The flames I can offer you are limited. If your body doesn’t seem to be able to handle it, I’ll put out the flames immediately. I… … I hope you don’t die.

Hong Bi-yeon flew higher without answering. Then, after putting both hands together, the flames were gathered and compressed together.

At first it was about a little large hut.

It was the size of a pole, but it gradually became smaller to the level of a carriage, and then finally reduced to the size of a full-length mirror and radiated an intense light like a small sun.

‘It’s useless to use a small magic multiple times.’

In the body of the Pirate King, just like himself, an ‘incarnation of ice’ is sleeping. However, the difference is that he was able to fully control the power of the incarnation, and he couldn’t.

So, it is better to hit as much effective blow as possible to neutralize him even for a moment and then break the awl behind him.

It was Hong Bi-yeon’s plan.

The Pirate King just watched her silently while Hong Bi-yeon was using her magic.

-you… … I looked like that woman.

Then he let out such an unfamiliar sound and raised his palm to create a barrier of ice.


Hong Bi-yeon threw a small sun towards the ice barrier with all her might, and immediately after that, the underwater plane exploded, sending out enormous shock waves everywhere.


The Pirate King, Black Belize, who had not been shaken by any attack so far, took a step back, though it was the first step. Looking at that scene… For the first time, people had hope.

“The princess is dealing with the Pirate King… … ?”

“Unbelievable… …

Hong Bi-yeon did not have a very large position in the royal family.

I knew she was a genius

However, compared to Hong Si-hwa, who has accumulated countless achievements so far, it was far short of a great advantage, and it was because he could not easily approach him due to his cold and cold personality.

Also, because she was born hated by the queen, she was not easily friendly just because she liked her.

The third princess is strongly hated by the queen. Is there really anyone in the palace who doesn’t know about it?

So, on the orders of the Queen.

And according to the atmosphere of the palace.

He hated and hated Hong Bi-yeon.

It was now the norm, and no one questioned it.

However, thinking again.

Nevertheless, Hong Bi-yeon survived.

Without giving up, he unleashes his talents to the fullest and finally stands there… … He was fighting against the spirit of the Pirate King, whom even the queen could not deal with.


The magic of Hong Bi-yeon and the Pirate King is that

Since the power of each one was at least the level of class 8, the shock wave generated whenever they collide was not at a level that an ordinary wizard could withstand.

In a way, it may seem like a whistle, but unfortunately, Heung Bi-yeon soon came to a limit.

– Hey, be a little more careful. There aren’t many fireworks allowed for you.

‘… … I know.’

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Can not help it.

This flame is not yours.

Because it was borrowed from Hwaryeong Flower, God

He had to cherish it and use it sparingly, but he had no choice but to find a hole in the Pirate King, who had more power than himself.

‘There is no time… …

Even if the Pirate King falls here, the moment the awl hits the sky, it will be irreversible.

She shut her eyes tight.

Worrying, worrying again and again.

But no matter how you think about it.

‘Way… … This is the only one.’

Fly through the sky and attack the Pirate King

Hong Bi-yeon, who was evading as much as possible and emitting sparks, suddenly changed direction.

Toward the Pirate King.

– Uh, huh? Hey you crazy kid! what are you doing now! Get some distance right now! You can’t compete in close combat!

Hwaryeong flower dried her quickly, but Hong Bi-yeon did not stop running.

As it flew through the air with a trace of flames and flew to the edge of the Pirate King, a tremendous cold wave and an ice storm swept through Hongbiyeon.


ignoring the flames hard to radiate

It has endured the ignorant cold, but it is impossible to completely erase even the pain.

However, she persevered and marched towards the Pirate King.

— Devala•••••••

Then the incarnation of fire, who noticed something, made a bewildered voice.

– Are you planning on exploding all the remaining flames… … ?

Hong Bi-yeon did not answer.

Because I didn’t have the loyalty to praise you for getting the correct answer right.

– No, yes. Then surely the ‘roots of winter’ can burst… … .

Some spells need to be attacked from a distance to get proper power, and some spells need to be attacked from close to get more effective power.

However, the flame that Hong Bi-yeon emitted was not magic to be precise.

Just following her knowledge and theory, the flame that had been built into her body took on properties, formed a shape, and was emitted.

But… … she is very little

He knew the truth because he had glimpsed the ‘truth’ about the flame.

The fact that this act of forcibly taking shape is nothing more than a frame created by wizards who can’t control the flame properly.

In order to show the true power of the flame, there must be no control whatsoever.

So she decided not to take control.

Let’s emit all the flames of the Hwaryeong Flower sleeping in the body at once.

then… … It’s only a moment, but it’s a great 9th class wizard’s great magic.

It would be possible to pay for mine.


everything is good

-•••What do you plan to do next?

The incarnation of fire asked, but Hong Bi-yeon did not answer.

– Surely you don’t want to do something stupid like that of sacrificing yourself for the sake of the country, are you? If so, please stop right away. You are worth more than all the people of this country combined!

‘… … Don’t be silly.’

Hong Bi-yeon, who finally reached the front of the Pirate King, made eye contact with it. The sharp blizzards and whirlpools that pressed her down were fierce, but she was not afraid.

she slowly… But, carelessly, he raised all the flames in his body at random.

Although weak, including every fire flower he had.


A small candle that bloomed in a huge blizzard. It may seem insignificant at first glance, but in such a huge typhoon

Proof that the fact that sparks have bloomed is not already commonplace.

The candle gradually increased in size.

Like an avalanche.

At first, it was the size of a pebble, but after a while, it grew to the size of a house, and after a blink of an eye, it was enough to fill the entire field of vision… … became a huge sun.

‘Flame of Hell.’

The ultimate magic of the flame system that burns and burns forever until the enemy is destroyed.

-This… … !

Since this was not magic, it was released without even casting or preparation time, and even the Pirate King could not respond properly.

– What a reckless thing this is!

He didn’t know that he would rush to this place with a weak human body and emit a spark, so the Pirate King was greatly embarrassed and tried to cover Hong Bi-yeon with ice.

However, the ice couldn’t reach her, and it all caught fire and melted.


The ribs that protected the heart of the Pirate King melted in the fire, and his jaw was on fire.

The teeth were sticking and burning vigorously, and the lower body was disturbed and it was impossible to hold the center of gravity properly.

nevertheless… … The Pirate King does not fall. An explosion of this magnitude is not enough.

He stole the Bronze December Spirit, completely absorbed the incarnation of ice into his body, and now, a thousand years later, he is able to generate power equal to or greater than that of a class 9 wizard.

The Pirate King radiated his eyes and spoke to Hongbi Yeon.

– You’re doing something stupid. such

Even the dots are the same as that woman.

Although he took a lot of damage, the Pirate King did not fall.

In comparison, that weak human wizard would burn himself to death by the flames he had ignited.

If not… The Pirate King couldn’t miss her already in his arms.

However, in the first place, Hong Bi-yeon’s purpose was not to become the Pirate King.

source of disaster.

The root of that blue winter that is trying to cover the whole world with eternal winter.

Hong Bi-yeon closed her eyes.

She was the last to control the flame, controlling its direction.

… … In an instant, an explosion.

and static.

No more noise was heard.

– Geez, what did you do?

The embarrassed voice of the Pirate King of Black Belize resounded through the sky. The spear of Hell Fire that she created successfully penetrated the body,

Because he completely cut off the roots of winter growing on his back.

– But, this is the end.

Hwaryeong Flower’s low voice passed Hongbi Yeon’s ear.

The disaster could be prevented by cutting off the winter roots. There will be no more eternal winter in the world, but… … .

The Pirate King is still alive.

And, he was really angry with Hong Bi-yeon.

The fact that Hwaryeong Flower is unable to do anything in this desperate situation

It was very painful.

For the first time in my life, I met a person I wanted to save. If it were her, she would be able to understand the existence of ‘fire’, surpassing Adolevit.

– There’s nothing I can do for you…

The roar of the Pirate King resounded throughout the world. Due to the shock wave, the cloud was transformed into a donut shape, and all flying boats suspended in the air were pushed back.

Hong Bi-yeon knelt down in the middle of the disaster and looked up at it.

the sky is blue

It was an exceptionally beautiful night with constellations.

-You’ve consumed all the flames, and you won’t be able to stand up to him anymore. I’m sorry. If I had met you when you were a little more grown up… … .

The pirate king was furious and raised his hands. what is he trying to do I don’t know, but even if she knew, she wouldn’t be able to cope.

-The spirit of sacrificing oneself for the sake of the country is highly appreciated. It’s been a while, but it was a fun time, ah

Descendant of Dolebit.

The incarnation of fire was bittersweet, and they exchanged their final goodbyes, but Bi-yeon Hong smirked and shook her head, perhaps because his misunderstanding was ridiculous.

“What are you talking about? I don’t want to die yet.”

– What?

She has clear goals.

There is a reason to live.

I have to be happy in the future.


I can’t do such a stupid thing.

Hong Bi-yeon was just a very selfish girl who traveled all her life to find her own happiness.

– Then, why… … .

I didn’t want to die, but did you do such a reckless thing? Hwaryeong Flower is astonished and wants to ask.

suddenly… … .

Aurora appeared in the sky.

Just above the Pirate King Black Belize, the clouds split open, and mysterious pillars of light poured down.

And there.

A boy appeared.

It was torn and torn, but it was undoubtedly Stella’s uniform. It was so far away that it was mistaken for a single point, but Hong Bi-yeon was able to recognize him faster than anyone else.

‘… … You’re here now.’

With a long blue spear in one hand, he was falling down desperately towards this place.

The mysterious spear left a trail of blue flashes where it moved, so that the boy’s movements were like lightning strikes very slowly, making this urgent

In the meantime, it was so beautiful that I lost my mind for a while.

‘Yeah… Because I knew you’d come like this.’

She had no intention of dying.

Because he knew that no matter what he did, he would come to him as long as he did it.


A ray of blue light fell from the sky and penetrated the heart of the Pirate King in an instant.

In that world, Hong Bi-yeon was finally able to smile.

‘I… … I’m still alive.’

There is only one proof that she can feel herself alive.

Because I was happy at this moment.

Because the emotion of happiness poured out like a wave to make my heart swell.

she is alive

And I will live tomorrow.

Tomorrow will be happier than today.

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