45. Gamble with Time (5)

shoot ah!!

rain was pouring down

-•••okay. Are you saying you’re having a good summer vacation?

“Yes. It’s a perfect vacation.”

I’m still at Stellar Academy

I contacted Instructor Lee Han-wol of Class S, who is having a hot work life, and reported my current location.

When Stella cadets were dispatched or on vacation, it was obligatory to send them a letter once a week.

Well, some people may say that talking on the phone is more inconvenient, but since I am a person who is good at lying, there was no problem.

-Right. How have you been without any problems so far?

Hanwol Lee knows

Recently, the fact that I invaded the Adolevit Kingdom and did something unusual.

However, there was a point that it was difficult to comment on this because there was no story about me written in the media such as newspapers.


“Yes. Champagne on the beach… I was enjoying my tanning while drinking Coke.”

-… … Right.

Obviously something is going to go wrong.

However, just as it is impossible to put the criminal in jail just because he has a heart attack, I had a fairly clean alibi.

The third princess of Adole Beat, who is the protagonist of this case, will prove my alibi.

—Be careful and come back after playing.

Hanwol Lee said that and ended the call, and I relieved my heart for an hour.

I’m really sorry for him

I have no intention of going back right away.

“now… … Are you leaving?”


Flower Serin bit her lips a few times as if regretting it, then closed it tightly.

Perhaps it’s been a long time since we’ve spent outside like this, so it’s a pity, but there was no reason to spend more time wandering around the city together in the yard where the first ‘sympathy’ through the gods was over.

I’m busy, and I’m also busy, so it was right for each of us to go our separate ways quickly with the current results.

“… … Next time, can you give me time like this?”

“Aww, if the Queen asks for it, they run away from the school as well.”

“Fufu, there’s no need to push yourself that far… … It feels good.”

Did you think it was a word from your mouth?

I’m serious.

“yes. I’m sorry, but I have to part today. Knights looking for me have already spread all over the city… …

Although it is only for one night, the disappearance of the queen is clear to the knights and

It would be the same accident.

Don’t say a word and run away.

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Contrary to how it looks, the feeling of a group of thoughts blooms.

“Then, let’s go!”

Whether the queen was trying to shake off this unfortunate time herself, she ran towards the knights without looking back.

He still hadn’t taken off his veil, but it was fortunate that his steps seemed lighter.

I’m still the only one who can see the bare face of flowers.

This might be a pretty unique experience.

“… … Shall we go?”

Shoot ah-!

It’s still raining continuously.

The degree of waterproofing effect is installed as standard in the Stella school uniform, but if you get hit by the rain, hair loss will occur, so you need to use an umbrella.


Is the Aether world an exception?

The rainy season also existed in this world, and thanks to this, this trip is accompanied by the sound of rain.

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Came to be

“Where are you going?”

“Howell Plain, the top of the Star Clouds.”

After buying a ticket and getting on the train, if you stare blankly out the window, the scenery is blurry with raindrops mixed in.

However, this world was still beautiful nonetheless.

It’s too bad to be destroyed like this.

“student. Look at your fortune.”

A fortune teller who walked around every train car spoke to me. i am stella

He showed the mark and answered.

“I don’t believe in that.”

“Hey, you ugly spellcaster. Magic and astrology are clearly different.”

Astrology must have been a Stellar subject, but it was still close to a folk belief. Because nothing has been proven magically, nor has it been shown to be as clearly effective as the New Moon Crane.

“If you watch it for free, I’ll take a look.”

So, I cast the gulp.

Most of them feel bad at this point and go home, and the kind who try to steal money somehow, only once here.

It will persuade my ears by looking at the divination.

“Yeah, good. What would you like to see?”

Apparently, this fortune teller lady belongs to the second category.

“Well… … Love luck?”

When I told him what everyone, young and old, was most curious about, the fortune teller laughed, revealing his ragged and ugly teeth.

“You are the kind of contemplation that should never be easy to fall in love with. I guarantee.”

… … what?

“Usually, it’s good to bake here.

don’t you? No, and you didn’t even ask your name or birthday in the first place, did you?”

“It’s something only lower-class people do to ask questions like that. You can read the heavens just by looking at the sky, and looking into the eyes to see through a person’s heart, what do you need a name and birthday for?”

“Oh, yes.”

I didn’t believe the fortune tellers, so I roughly nodded my head.

“So, what is it? It’s a contemplation that shouldn’t be easy to make a relationship with. Usually within a few years of dating, or

Doesn’t she say that it’s good to meet someone?”

“Literally. You shouldn’t meet people easily. A catastrophe will occur on a continent-by-continent basis.”

“… … Yes. You would.”

What kind of love affair will cause catastrophe on a continental level? Now I was so excited I didn’t even want to listen to it anymore.

“So, do you have any more questions?”

“I have no money.”

“Well, money is not that important. became I’ve done enough to clear my mind

peel. drag. See you next time.”


I was about to ask what he was talking about, but the lady fortune teller, who had just stood in front of me, disappeared in an instant.

It’s empty, there’s only empty space.

“What, what?”

I hurriedly ran out into the corridor of the train and looked back and forth, but there was no sign of anyone passing by.

A demon-like movement that deceives even the sixth sense of the magical power leak.

“really… … what… … ?”

When I thought that something, an unidentified being had visited, the chatter became chilly.

The expedition led by Jelliel discovered the ‘remains of ancient Carmenset’ and attacked it smoothly.

Borrowing his father’s connections, a whopping 7-class wizard was with him, and veteran adventurers who were well-versed in dungeon raids cleared the way.

The traps installed by ancient magic were difficult to detect properly with modern magic, and even though the spirits of deep sorrow continued to eat away at the spirit of the expedition, they continued to march forward without delay.

All of this is the power of capital.

This was the result of gathering the world’s best adventurers.


■■Mouth… Chapter… huh… do…

After defeating the guardian guarding the last gate of the ancient Carmenset, Katherfeld, a class 7 wizard, becomes Jelliel.

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Came to him and said

“miss. Now only the last gate remains.”

“… … You suffered.”

It was a journey that could never be said to be easy, so Jelliel’s mourning was also not a word.

The finest robes and adventurer suits had long since been tainted and torn, but there was a glow on her face.

‘Finally, finally, finally… … !’

heart beats

As Jelliel walked ahead, wizards and adventurers split to the side and cleared the way.

final gateway.

Soul chess with ancient Carmenset.

There is only one person in this place who can play chess against that great being.

‘I’ve been practicing just for this day.’

With a genius brain, he has studied and studied only soul chess, neglecting even magic. To have world-class skills.

A hazy mist rose, and two red spots appeared in the air. Intuitively, adventurers could realize that they were the ‘eyes of something’.

Everyone pulled out their wands and aimed them at them, but Jelliel raised a hand to stop it.

-… … A sad and pitiful soul has come to you. What else woke me up?

A thick yet heavy tone leaked out. Her knees trembled just by hearing her voice, but she tried

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Could not fall.

“Eternal life. I want to live forever.”

– Yeah, I guess.

She wants eternal life.

Do you want to live forever?


In order to save his father, whose lifespan is short,… … You must have eternal life.

– I will grant your wish.


– If you win my soul chess

I mean… it sucks.


As the terrain suddenly collapsed, rose, collapsed, and repeatedly generated, the adventurers panicked and shouted at Jelliel.

“Ah, miss!”

“Stay still!”

She wasn’t afraid and didn’t move a single step from her seat.

wait for a while

… … After a while, the place Jelly El was standing on was a big ‘chess board’.

it had become

The back was full of chess pieces, but the single most important piece was missing.


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Carmenset giggled and let out an unpleasant laugh.

-You move as a king yourself. If you lose… … your soul will be mine

There are many legends and legends about Carmenset. He was tempted to grant any wish as long as he wins with soul chess.

After that, it steals the soul.

Perhaps, the true identity of the countless ghosts who tormented Jelliel’s expedition while exploring this site right now… are the souls of those who have been defeated by visiting Carmenset to play chess.

‘Anyone who grants any wish.’

However, there has never been a successful case of making a wish… … A legend full of terrible notoriety.

– Giggles. Still, would you like to play soul chess?

That’s why you need to hesitate

go? I’ve been living my whole life for this moment.

“Of course.”

Jelliel nodded without hesitation, and Carmenset shouted in an excited voice.

-great! Thinking of those moments of lust for your noble soul, I too am excited! Come on, let’s play soul chess!


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Carmenset’s chess pieces moved and placed themselves. Jelliel stepped back, rose to King’s position, and closed her eyes.

I closed it and raised my hand.

Then the chess pieces moved and started to be placed as her hand commanded.

‘I don’t lose.’

In Soul Chess, the strategy begins from the moment you put your pieces on the chessboard.

Jelliel has placed a very special faction. A tactic I’ve never used before, but learned the other day while suffering a catastrophic defeat by Baek Yu-seol.

Although the defeat was painful, thanks to it, I was able to grow even more.

– Now, where do we start? baby

I’m curious about Mr.’s skills!


As Carmenset’s chess pieces moved, the true ‘soul chess’ began to bet on the soul.

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