46. Old Story (15)

Azel and Full Frame continued to follow Baek Yu-seol’s steps. One day passed and the ceremony was held, and Baek Yu-seol in Morpe’s uniform, who came out quickly, joined the party.

There, Isaac met the wizards of other factions.


Wizards Association.

tower union.

World Wizards Agency.

In addition, there were countless huge magical powers.

– what’s this… … .

As Eisel knows, he remembers that the power of Prince Morph was quite strong even when he was young. It was comparable to that of the Adol Levitt royal family, and to a level that never lags behind.

But they are gathered in front of you

Doesn’t it look like it’s trying to keep the Grand Duchess Morph in check?

– Was it like that? … .

My father was under pressure at the time. from outside forces.

Heung Si-hwa did not know what kind of ‘bait’ he used, but he bought them all and stayed with them until this point.

– … … I want to find out.

Each of the wizards gathered in the operational command barracks were so big that even in the position of Azel and full-frame, they dared not even make eye contact with each other.

Baek Yu-seol proudly enters the operational command barracks

While seated, the meeting began, led by Isaac Morph and Hong Si-hwa Adolevit.

By the way.

It’s just a meeting with words.

In reality, it was nothing more than a one-sided fight to find a gap in Isaac Morph and cut it down.

– How can you do that?

Azel looked at Hong Si-hwa with an angry expression.

The Morph family’s barriers are getting dull, so with the pretext of doing anything, they lead an army of this size into the Morphran Forest and attack it.

I mean, it’s common sense… … Is it diplomatically correct?

– It doesn’t look like it happened in real life.

-Because the original reality is more a fantasy than a movie.

Of course, Isaac did not stand still.

“I must make a judgment that the rudeness of the Adolevit royal family must be taken seriously. After this is over, we’ll see you again at an official event.”

His words have a very deep weight.

Perhaps because they had it, the other wizards coughed heavily and looked away. They realized how rude and dangerous they were.

No matter how hard you push Hong Shi-hwa like a shield, if something goes wrong, you will not be able to avoid Morph’s wrath.

… … However, Hong Shi-hwa did not seem to care at all about Isaac’s anger.

From then on, the story progressed more and more wildly. Hong Si-hwa angered Isaac by even mentioning the word ‘weapon of war’ in relation to Hwaryeong, Baekyoho.

Isaac gave enough rebuttals to him, but no one listened to him.

As if they already had their own firm definition.

Did you think that the time had come so slowly? Hong Si-hwa changed the subject little by little to his advantage.

“We have a slightly different view of this beast.”

“A different opinion?”

“That’s right. From the legendary beast, Baekyoho Hwaryeong… … There is no value that is absolutely forbidden in the magical world.

I found a point.”

In the middle of the conversation, when I turned my head, Baek Yu-seol had disappeared and disappeared.


– What, when did you leave?

As they looked around, the story took more and more strange directions.

“It’s a taboo value… … . I don’t think I’m talking about ‘Magic Crystals’.”

“… … I didn’t even say that


“Just because you didn’t say it doesn’t mean you won’t understand the meaning of those words, Princess Hong Si-hwa.”

magical crystals.

It appears with a very low probability only in high-grade Beasts, and it shows energy efficiency and power that are several hundred times better than any other mana stone, so the price was beyond imagination… … In the shade, it is used for another purpose.

‘Expand mana volume’.

Determining the magical power of a demon in order to feel the limit of oneself and to feel the maximum mana

the act of absorbing

Of course, it is dangerous.

Although very few wizards showed results from class 1 to class 3, most of the wizards could not withstand the magic of the beast and became ‘beasts’.

Even knowing this, the wizards keep putting their hands on the magic crystals.

Because I know better than anyone that I have reached my limit.

“•••There is such a story in the world. Magical crystals from higher, purer, and more concentrated magical beasts are more

It can amplify a lot of mana. Did you come here looking for it?”

The wizards avoided their gaze, and Hong Si-hwa looked at Isaac quietly in silence and then parted his lips.

“It’s the other way around.”

“The opposite?”

“That’s right. We recently discovered that there is a way to produce magical crystals from a beast.”

“haha. So, after I sealed the White Yoho Hwaryeong, even magical crystals

Do you mean to say you’re alive?”

He threw it as a joke, but no one in the room accepted it.

did this happen

Isaac became more and more convinced as to why they had joined forces.

A high-purity magical crystal.

It was a drug, it was illegal, it was very dangerous, but… … At the same time, it was like a precious gem that was very coveted by those of high rank.

– … … I don’t think we need to hear any more. I have to go after my uncle.

Now that we have come to understand their filthy truth, it is time to find out the truth about Baek Yu-seol. Fortunately, Full Frame and Eisel had their souls buried in him and were able to locate them quickly.

– I’ll go too.

– yes. it’s over there

They pierced the walls and flew through the forest in a fluid state.

It’s crazy! Kuduk!

– Whoa?!

Then, when a living branch passed by my eyes, I was startled and almost fell to the floor.

Even though it might not have been that he flew after himself, he was surprised for a moment.

-This… … It’s a giant tree.

Azel felt a cold sweat and looked at the disgusting giant trees wriggling in all directions.

– Above me, uncle.

When I looked up, I saw that the white yew snow was really on the top of the tallest giant tree.

He was sitting and looking somewhere.

Flying towards him quickly… … .

“I have no intention of fighting you. Oh, rather, I have come to save you.”

There stood a person who had never expected at all.

-Professor Raiden… … ? Why is he here… … .

Full-frame, who knew Raiden’s identity, frowned, but Eisel, who did not know anything, had a puzzled face.

– Maybe someone.


– That person is a black demon. The mark on the chest, can you see it?


He was proudly wearing the symbol of ‘Horse Demon God’ as if he was deliberately trying to show that he was a black demon.

“The wizards are once again intoxicated with greed, trying to bring disaster to this world. There is no such thing as us black demons. You call us black demons and drive us into evil, but it’s the other way around. you always have the world

Threatened, and we’ve always been saving the world from behind.”

-On the topic of disgusting horses… … !

Azel felt like a chimney, wanting to give that pretentious face a shot at any moment. It was truly disgusting to see a human being who is like the pest of the world, trying to save the world rather than saving it.

– What can you say… … .

However, Baek Yu-seol did not say anything even in front of Raiden. They just threaten them with their sticks pointed at them.

Oddly enough, Raiden didn’t want to fight Baek Yu-seol, probably because he knew that it would be difficult for one of them to survive if they had a proper clash.

Because he seemed to have another purpose.

After a while, Raiden disappeared as a mist, and Baek Yu-seol looked up at the sky with his wand hanging down.

It was an exceptionally deep starry night.

That night.

Eisel went into the barracks where his father was sleeping. There is not much time left to see him now, so I try to keep it in my eyes as much as possible.

Does your father know now?

The fact that Azel, a girl who misses her father, is here now, not the immature Azel.

What did you come here for?”


At that moment, at the first words that came out of Isaac’s mouth, Azel’s heart sank.

– Oh, Dad! Can you see me? Dad!

Isaac slowly raised his upper body, pulled out a wand from his arms, and aimed at Eisel.

-uh… … ?


But Isaac’s focus was not on himself.

Nin was facing his back.

I hurriedly looked back… … Professor Raiden, whom I had seen before, was there.

“I came to ask if there was any change in my thinking.”

“You would have told me? As long as my life is attached, I will pursue you to the end and destroy you all. How long did you plan on pretending to be noble and wearing a mask?”

Even after hearing Isaac’s words, Raiden met his eyes sullenly.

“You will find me.”

“It’s not going to happen.”

“If that time comes… …

He threw a black crystal at Isaac. After catching it in the air with magic, Isaac realized the true nature of the crystal and hardened his expression seriously.

“Let him swallow it.”

Raiden disappeared again as a mist, and Isaac was left alone, looking at the black crystal.

— That’s…

– It’s the essence of magical power.

Full Frame, who was watching silently from behind, said.

– It is not given to anyone. A powerful wizard can make a contract with a more powerful underworld. That harsh crystal has enormous potential. If the Archmage had it, disaster might occur.

_then… … .

Well, the situation.

a little bit more.

It flows according to the ‘history’ that he knows.

The Dark Horse of Archduke Isaac Morph.

And, betrayal.

– No, I can’t. Father will throw it away.

However, as if to shatter that expectation, Isaac Morff cherished it in his arms.

A dark shadow was cast on his face, and it looked as if he was carrying something heavy… … It was frustrating because I couldn’t figure it out.

– This is absurd… … .

As if unable to accept reality, Eisel ran out of the barracks. Full Frame looked at Isaac Morph the Grand Duke with bitter eyes.

The heroine’s father and a great wizard with a strong conviction than anyone else.

However, at the end of it, something twisted and a man who met a bad end.

– Whoa… … .

Is the time for Azel to come to know the ‘truth’? Full Frame sighed and walked out of Isaac’s barracks.

Eisel was staring at the sky with her blue hair that was exceptionally shiny in the moonlight.

-… … Now I don’t know either.

_okay… … .

– I want to go back. It seems like I can’t stand it if I go on watching it any longer.

That’s a good idea.

I wanted to say that, but Eisel’s heart was already firm.

– Now that this has happened, I’ll have to figure it all out.

She looked at the other barracks with a firm expression.

went looking for It was none other than the tent of Princess Hong Sihwa.

They entered the room, lightly ignoring security and magic barriers, and witnessed Hong Si-hwa, lying on the bed, groaning in pain.

“ Hmm•••••••

“Hold on a moment, Princess.”

Hong Si-hwa was getting an injection from the doctor while half-dressed, and the red liquid is quite ominous.

“It’s done.”


Hong Si-hwa, who was sweating in a cold sweat and stole her top, lowered her legs under the field bed and bit her lip.

“The pain will not go away yet.”

“… … I don’t care if it hurts As long as you don’t die, that’s it.”

Saying that, Hong Shi-hwa spit out those words.

“I don’t want to be like my sister.”

_sister… … ?

– Uh. Perhaps, it was the name of Erin Hong.

– First time hearing this… … .

– … … Because he died when we were young.

The exact time is not known, but it was probably around this time.

– why… … .

“Princess Hong Shi-hwa. Do you really think you will be able to find a way to break the curse of the ‘Adolevit stigma’ from Hwa-Ryeong, Baekyoho?”

When the doctor quietly asked, Shi-Hwa Hong answered with a frown on her face.

“I don’t know. The probability is about 0.01%.”

“… … Did you do such a big thing with only such a possibility?”

“Of course. It’s been zero so far, so if there’s a 0.01% chance, it’s right to throw it.”

That is her true purpose that other wizards do not know. Even while pretending to be Morph versus Gong-ga, Hong Shi-hwa is longing for something.

“Baekyoho Hwaryeong deals with ‘Life of Fire’. It means the flame that saves the flame. If I can save it, maybe I can get out of this damn pain.”

“… … Do you have the confidence to defeat the beast?”

“that’s enough.”

She shut her eyes tight.

I couldn’t stand the pain any longer, so it was difficult to even speak up, but I didn’t want to show my weakness, so I continued to speak.

“If you use the magic pole-night arrow of the first Adolevit, you can burn any flame.”

This fight had already been won at the top of the battlefield before it even started. The first Adolevit said, ‘To exist in the world,

All flames can be put out with my flame.’

That legendary magic is the ‘Arrow Ball’, which is only passed down to the Adolle Beat clan.

To prepare for this magic, 30 wizards of 8 classes and 500 wizards of class 6 or higher were prepared to form a super-giant magic formation, so even a hundred Yoho Hwaryeong will not be able to withstand it.

– Do you think there is something wrong with that princess?

Full frame silently watching Hong Si-hwa

He spoke as if it was complicated. However, Azel’s angry expression still did not go away.

-Still, I can’t forgive you… … .

Even if there were circumstances, it was good until the seal of the Baekyoho Hwaryeong was lifted. If so, why did you kill your father?

-… … You’ll find out when the time comes.

So, the next day came.


Watching the white flames covering the world swallow up all the red flames spread by the most elite wizards.

Eisel and Full Frame could no longer hold any hope.

-You are arrogant, descendants of Adolevit… … .

It was higher than a mountain, steeper than a cliff, bluer than the sky, and lighter than a cloud.

It was a mysterious being.

Enough to be mistaken for a divine beast.

The huge fox, all white in appearance, spoke to the kneeling Hong Shihwa Adolevit.

-You can burn me with your flame

did you think it would

-Wrong. That spark is also what I created. The descendants of Adolevit are arrogant and stupid.

In fact, I didn’t know that at all.

That’s what Seonjo said.

It is said that his magic can burn every fire flower in this world. But, is that all a lie?


All class 8 archmage fell due to mana backflow.

Lost or died, and all the Knights were engulfed in flames and annihilated.

The remaining troops are less than 10%.

In contrast… … Hwaryeong, Baekyoho, didn’t even get hurt at the tip of her hair.

The defeat of the perfect match.

-I have opened my eyes again, and according to the ‘promise’, the whole world will be covered with my flames. Sit there and realize, Adolevit.


Hwaryeong, Baekyoho, without saying anything about the back part, took an elegant step that did not go well with her huge body.

The wizards had lost their will and will to fight any more, and no one could stand up.

… … only one.

“You can pass this place… … none.”

Except for Isaac Morph.


Even though half of his limbs were blown away by the wind that burned with white flames all over his body, his eyes didn’t seem to go out at all.

Rather, as if he had decided something

For this moment, it was burning more clearly than the flame of Adolevit.

– Dad..

Azel clenched her teeth and reached out toward her father, but no matter how hard she tried, her hand could not reach him.

– you… … A descendant of Morph.

Baek Yo-ho seems to be smiling.

– ‘That time’ comes to mind… … .

“No, you are wrong. I am no longer a descendant of Morph.”

He struggles to rummage through his arms, raising his only one arm, something

took out

Last night, the black crystal that Professor Raiden gave me.

Isaac saw it and closed his eyes tightly. He bit his teeth so hard that his face turned red.

he was crying

“Azel… …

_Dad… … .

Whispering unreachable names to each other, Isaac reached out into the air. Eisel tried to put her hand on it, but couldn’t hold it.


– Please, don’t. Daddy, please.

” I••••••

Eisel’s voice emptily scattered into the air, and Isaac opened his blood-stained eyes and said to Baek Yo-ho.

“From today, I will become a Black Demon.”

that’s the.

It was the truth about her father, which a seventeen-year-old girl named Eisel Morph so desperately wanted to know.

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