47. End of Summer (5)

At that moment when a black sickle flew towards my neck, there was only one thought in my head.

‘I really die.’

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Calculation? strategy? compromise?

you don’t need all

All I could do right now was to [blink] forward.


At the same time as the sound of the seats and the windows on either side of the seat where I was standing being cut off, I was able to reach within walking distance of him.

However, even if the distance was narrowed, there was nothing I could do without Terry Pawn, and even if I had a weapon, I wondered if I would be able to inflict damage on him.

So, I didn’t do anything.

As if he was even a little startled when I suddenly teleported towards him, his eyes flashed and he stepped back.

Then he asked in a hoarse voice.

—Because it’s blinking… you’re using some weird magic. Why didn’t you attack?


There is no need to say that for me now, it would be meaningless to look around this cheap wand, which is less valuable than the filial descendants.

However, there seemed to be no need to remain silent. rather… If he’s thinking about something, he’ll need to use it.

“Karl Harimus.”

I couldn’t remember well, so I thought about it for a while, but maybe he had thought of it properly, and his eyes widened.

‘Witch Hunter.’

As beings who live in hiding behind the world, they hunt witches who are now known to be annihilated.

but… They give up all their identities in exchange for being witch hunters.

Not only race, gender, age, name, but even face.

There is nothing you can do to deal with the witch. Most of the abilities of a witch are to deceive or seduce others like drugs, so they have to give up on themselves.

-Why do you know that name?

“Why? You should think about why.”

-… … no way. Are you also a witch hunter?

“okay. I can’t show the proof right now, but wouldn’t it be enough to show the witch’s crystal?”

Because they live alone on the other side of the world, their social skills are extremely low. I needed to calm myself with words as much as possible.

He seemed to be looking at me intently, and his eyes narrowed slightly.

– But… … I didn’t leave my face.

“It’s made on a temporary basis. this time

The witch caught in the movie was hiding in society.”

-It’s special, but… … Do you have no pride as a witch hunter?

[The truth of the pale red spring and March

“She is a witch that I want to kill so much that I have to give up my pride. I can never forgive him.”

At the appeal of my intense emotions, the witch hunter pondered for a moment, then put down his wand.

-… … Right.

This is why Yeon Hong Chun and Sam Wol’s abilities are so good. This is because, even if it is not sincere, the sincerity is reflected on your face if you perform ‘hot performance’. This perfect performance is sure to deceive anyone.

“Then, now, let me present the crystal. That is my booty.”

– I’m sorry. I’ll give this back.

The witch hunter handed me the crystal ball.

I accepted the correction and pondered for a while


Although witches rarely appear in the main episode, that doesn’t mean they aren’t without them.

Stella’s general commander, Arain, is cursed by a witch and lives for a limited time, and Hyejin Macaron of the Annihilator is a descendant of a part of the witch’s bloodline.

The witches engraved great souls one by one in the story of Aiter World, but the fact that they barely appeared was also the fact that they had enormous abilities.

The ‘498 Witch’s Crystal Ball’ I have is… … To be honest, it’s an incomplete half.

When I was playing Aiter World Online, I didn’t have a deep interest in the existence of a witch, so I couldn’t complete the item.

But, what if we could make this object into a finished product?

Maybe it could be a better growth item than the lost wheel of dawn.

– I’ll just let you go back.

The witch hunter disappears into a mist

As we were about to go, I quickly called him.

“for a moment.”

-… … What’s going on?

“Actually, I need a little help from you on this witch hunt. It’s not difficult, can you hear me?”

– Speak. If it’s for witch hunting, I’ll be happy to help.

“I was planning to lure the witch through this witch’s crystal ball, but the inherent power was extremely weak. I need to replenish my magical power, so by the way, can you take me to your subspace?”

– Why?

“My current subspace has completely collapsed at the end of the previous battle.”

– Have you been attacked by a witch?

“Yeah, she was a witch who used painkillers. It was a terrible battle, but it succeeded in decapitating him.”


The witch hunter thought for a moment, then nodded.

– Follow me.

Then, as he swung his staff loudly, the air split in half, and the color was dark red.

of warp hall appeared.

‘Five… …

To be honest, I was a little surprised.

Even a space-based wizard would have to be at least 7th class to develop such skills, because they freely use those skills.

As the witch hunter entered the other side of the room, I followed suit. And the whole dark space that spreads out.

The internal appearance was no different from that of an ordinary alchemist’s laboratory, but if there was a slight difference, it was a biological experiment.

Should I say that it feels like an unfolding mad scientist?

Fragments of creatures presumed to be monsters or humans were scattered here and there, and they were intertwined or synthesized to create an even more terrifying appearance.

The product of an effort to throw away the body.

I tried not to see it as much as possible. No matter how blessed you are, it’s hard to put up with a disgusting sight.

– It is the essence of a witch.

“… … I have collected quite a few.”

When the witch hunter handed me a beaker of dark red liquid, I gave him a ceremonial compliment. But if you analyze the amount with straight glasses… … .

To be honest, it wasn’t that much. Of course, it was enough for me to use, but I could tell that the witch hunter in front of me had just started doing this.

I must have been so deceived by my obvious lies.

‘Wait, can you open this up a little more?’

Originally, I was thinking of taking

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Changed my mind

“I’ll write well.”

After carefully opening the dark red beaker, I placed my witch’s crystal ball on the table and slowly poured the liquid out.

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Chee hee… !

Then a message pops up.

[The item ‘498 Witch’s Crystal Ball’ has been upgraded.]

[499 Witch’s Crystal Ball]

A witch has no name. If I had to give it a name, the years I had lived would soon be my name. Tired of the life of death and killing, age was power and strength, and it meant meaning.

Originally created by a witch who had lived for an incredible 498 years, this crystal was made a year older with the help of a witch hunter… … I’m honestly sorry.

If you eat one more year here, you will become a 500-year-old crystal ball, and there is no way for me to raise the level by myself.

gurgling gurgling!

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Chii… !

So I poured the beaker’s magic into my crystal.



-Isn’t that too much?

A witch’s magical powers are the source of power and the elixir of witch hunters. It seems like it was a bit of a waste because I used it too much.

“I’m really going to use a little more.”

-Anyway, this is a little… … .

“sorry. I will pay you back later.”

-go too far. Although they are the same witch hunters, they can’t stand their excessive greed.


It’s very whining.

Reluctantly, I decided to point out a little that he was a novice witch hunter.

” hey.”

—Say it.

“How many witches have you caught so far? How about ten people?”

-•••It is seven.

“Ts. So I don’t know. I’ve caught over 30 people so far.”

– That’s great. What do you mean?

“It means you are a novice. I’ll need a 500-year-old crystal ball to lure the witches I want to hunt in the future, and you don’t even know why?”

He shut his mouth for a moment, was silent, then shook his head.

– I do not know.

“I knew it.”

I have no way to know

I don’t know either.

“This hunt is very important. I’m going to hunt a terrifying, terrifying, terrifying witch. Do you understand a little bit now? By donating black magic to me, you can get rid of one more disgusting witch.”

He looked strangely dissatisfied, but he hunted for thirty anyway.

Because my words were unconditionally correct, he agreed with a strong feeling that it was forced.


[The grade of the item has increased.]

[500 Years Witch’s Crystal Ball]

Items completed during conversation.

I was a little sorry for taking more than this, so I put the beaker on the table and tapped him on the shoulder and passed it.

“If this hunt is successful, half

This is an achievement Anyway, thanks for this. I will write well.”

_… … okay.

When I got out of the witch hunter’s subspace with a sneaky, quick pace, it was the inside of the train again.

“ hoo hoo•••••••

Didn’t you follow me?

I was worried that he might have followed me with a grudge, but that doesn’t seem to be the case. As soon as I came out, it was as if I had been waiting for it, because the air gap disappeared.

“tt. People should know how to share and live.”

When I went to my original seat and sat down, the darkened atmosphere was instantly reversed.

Knock Knock Knock Knock!

The train started running normally again, and the passengers who had disappeared without noticing returned to their original positions.

Once again, thinking that it was the ability of a witch hunter who couldn’t even get rid of a ‘newbie’ ticket, I started to sweat a little.

Well, anyway.

good is not good

“Check the item.”

[500 Years Witch’s Crystal Ball]

*Description: A special crystal ball made by a witch who lived long ago for 498 years to train her own body. When used, it moves to the witch’s space.


1. Swim away from sharks!

2. Running on a dizzying single tree.

3. ‘with the wolf’

Well, that’s right too.

A unique item that greatly increases stats every time you clear the so-called ‘mini-games’ one by one.

It was not very popular in the game because it raised the physical ability.

I don’t know what this witch trained for, but rumors are that she died while playing the mini-game of the crystal ball.

This was the most potent, so I also have to be careful when doing this.

Dangerous. no doubt.

However, since certain growth is guaranteed… … I think it’s the human instinct to get a little excited with this.

‘… … Shall we try a little bit until we arrive?’

The original plan was to try one by one secretly after arriving at the dormitory, but now that I have the 500-year-old witch’s marble, I can’t stand it any longer.

[I use the witch’s crystal ball.]

[Go to the space of step 1 ‘Swim away from sharks!’]

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