52. Practical Training (4)

The first-year A and S classes are put into practice with the assistance of their teaching assistants.

The teaching assistants are composed of wizards of class 4 or higher who have graduated from Stellar Academy or are studying at Stellar Graduate School, and seniors in the 2nd and 3rd years.

will accompany

“Ruderick. This is the list of students you will take over.”

2nd year Class A, Ryu Derek.

An honor student who shines in grade 39.

As a member of a magical family in the Pung Empire, he was a very valuable talent who was treated specially in the country by stepping up the elite course on a solid road.

‘Human Resources? I’m of a different class.’

There are countless talented people in the kingdom, but Ryuderik is a student at Stella Academy.

Stellar Academy, whether the poor or the royals

All are equally admitted.

No matter what the pre-education before admission or early education is, Stella will be able to earn the title of ‘genius’ just by entering this school because it is purely based on the student’s magical talent and ability.

This is also the reason why the country is now divided into several factions, and even one person has no choice but to give Stella graduates immense preferential treatment in a country where talent is urgently needed.

His dream has not yet come true. Not just graduating from Stella, but class A… … No, to reach S-Class.

to be.

‘This troublesome trick is just a stepping stone for that.’

As Ryu Derek, who had few personal connections, he had no choice but to endure all these troublesome things in order to be seen well by the professors, to receive a certain amount of compensation, and to earn points.

‘I am so desperate… …

Lyuderik, pretending to read the list of students, glanced around.

2nd year Class S, Dok-Chul-Kwang.

A madman who turned the school upside down with his ignorant martial arts skills as soon as he entered the school.

Unlike other magic warriors, his style of fighting with a magic circle wrapped around his fists and hitting a job could not be matched by other ordinary students, so in one-on-one duels, poison iron always won.

Truly a genius among geniuses.

Although he was born as a street vagrant from the Pung Empire, who could not even become a nobility on the fringes, the moment he was given an S-class ticket from Stella, all his fates were turned upside down. Because it was Stella’s S-Class that could be treated more than a noble nobility.

‘Even from a lowly subject… …

It’s really disgusting to see him standing proudly in the same S-class that he had been educated in a magic family, no, he was aiming for.

S-class students receive special management not only from the Stellar faculty, but also from the world’s matops and conferences, so there is no need for such a troublesome teaching assistant.

If there was some other profound reason, I would have found something to learn by saying that geniuses are different. … .

“Well, that would be fun!”

fun! just for fun

I couldn’t help but burst out in anger as I watched the dok-cheol-gwang, who applied for a teaching assistantship as a student.

“What can be fun, you idiot.”

Someone cracked the back of the poison iron man who was reading the job application with a foolish laugh! pounded to make a sound.

It was Bandiyeon from Class S in 2nd grade.

“This is a real game, so take good care of the kids. However, do not guide the installation while obstructing the mission. Okay? This isn’t your mission, it’s a first-year mission.”

“That wouldn’t be fun.”

As she spoke with a grim frown, the poisonous grass died slightly.

The only woman who can control the poisonous and arbitrary poison iron.

‘… … I really don’t understand why she’s hanging out with such a stupid bastard.’

Ryuderik frowned.

Bandi-yeon was from a very special family in the Pung Empire, and although she was not a noble, she lived in a world different from that of Dok-cheol-gwang, a lowly beggar.

His family is great, and not to mention his talent as a wizard, he is a genius, handsome, and

I don’t know why she, who is so good and can be said to be the brightest out of all sophomores, is stuck with poison iron.

‘I’d rather be a bastard like that… …

It is an inevitable fate to make eye contact with Bandiyeon, who was right next to you as you stare at the poisonous iron mine.

She slightly relaxed the grim expression she had been looking at the poison iron mine and waved her hand to greet her.

“Uh, are you the one who said you were going to be a Persona Gate assistant with me this time?”

“•••I’m not her, I’m Ryuderic.”

“Okay. So please be nice. Well? But is it our sphere?”

must be spherical.

As one of the ‘Seven Houses of Wind’ of the Pung Empire, Ryu Derek and Bandi-Yeon had no choice but to meet at the elders meeting once a year.

When he was ten years old, he remembered Bandiyeon from the moment he first saw it, but maybe it wasn’t her.

It’s been a year since we went to the same school, but I can’t even remember his name.

Amman has nearly a thousand students,

If our respective lectures do not overlap, we will never encounter each other… … .

I thought it was a little too much.

“Whoa, it’s spherical. Ryu Derek of the Pung Empire. I do not remember?”

“uh… … ah! oh yeah nice to meet. At that time, I was very small, but now I have grown a lot?”

“Even then, I was bigger than you.”

“Ah~ Anyway, let’s work hard together on this mission? I got caught in the most annoying persona gate.”

And then, Bandiyeon sighed deeply.

It must have been unfortunate for her, but it was fortunate for Ryuderic.

It seems that Bandiyeon was going to take on the mission with Hematite, but it was split by the professors, and she took over the Persona Gate mission together with Ryuderic.

The task is not too difficult for Ryuderic, who has completely mastered the 3rd class and has plenty of practical experience, as he is only at the level of 3 risks to match the level of a freshman.

“Hey, by the way, good luck. If the mission is at all, it’s just the country of Pungje.

soup. Will you go home soon? Hmm… …

Bandiyeon, who was looking through the list of students for the mission she was assigned to, licked her lips as if intrigued.

[Lee Baek Yu-seol in 1st grade S class]

I felt a little dirty because the mission was separated from the poison iron ore, but was it fortunate to be able to carry out the mission with the child who was watching with interest?

Bandiyeon smiled faintly, which was rare.

“Then shall we go see our children?”

The cadets of Class A and Class S of the first year receive different orientations according to their respective duties.

It was a place to decide how to start the operation, including a brief mission briefing, so absence is not allowed.

In order to perform the Persona Gate mission, Ryuderic went to the classroom where the first-year students would gather.

Druck! thud!

Bandiyeon, who noisily opened the door, went into the lecture room and took a peek inside. follow up late

Gan Ryu Derek also hardened his expression a little while checking the members.

Among the roughly ten children, two particularly stand out.

Although it was previewed as a list, it was quite burdensome for Ryu Derek to have big freshmen named Hong Bi-yeon and Baek Yu-seol together.

‘… … Is that guy Baek Yu-seol?’

Because the school grounds are so large, this is almost the first time I’ve actually seen them while attending the same Stellar.

Sometimes I’ve seen them from a distance when we’re playing, but when we make eye contact like this

It’s even more ridiculous.

‘Did he say that he hunted and wandered around this black man and said he was crazy.’

That’s great.

Ryu Derek didn’t even have the experience of properly fighting a demon when he was in his freshman year.

But, frankly, if Ryuderik at that time had made up his mind, he would have easily dealt with a few black demons.

However, what he did not do was that the freshman year was still a period of enthusiasm for learning and that he would not deviate from the framework set by the professors.

‘It’s okay to be quiet because some people can’t

Niranda, little one.’

After putting an eye on Baek Yu-seol, Ryu Derek looked at Hong Bi-yeon.

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Contrary to the rumor that she was a selfish princess, she sat upright and stared at me.

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Considering that the cheeky freshmen in the other first-year S Class are out of control, such as sleeping on their stomachs or being late at all, can it be said that they are at least docile?

“nice to meet you. This time, I’m Bandiyeon, a 2nd year S class who will accompany you on the Persona Gate mission. this is 2nd grade

year… … Uh, how old are you?”

“Class A.”

“right. Euderik from Class A.”

“It’s Ryuderic.”

“Anyway, it doesn’t matter.”

It is important.

“All of you may have practiced Persona Gate, but the practice is completely different.”

Bandiyeon hardened her expression and said.

“Practice shows you the direction so that you can solve it as easily as possible, but the person in real life changes the direction so that you get lost.

I love it.”

No one knows why the Persona Gate suddenly appeared in this world. A completely different world, the advent of existence beyond.

Why do people keep summoning Persona Gate to this world?

What secrets are hidden in that world? And why do they keep trying to assimilate wizards into their world?

“One thing is for sure, Persona Gate is not friendly to you. The sky, the earth, the water, even the air

The beings will be hostile to you and will try to swallow you up.”

The sound of some first-year students swallowing nervously was heard.

‘Cute things.’

Since Ryuderic had already attacked the Persona Gate twice, the freshmen just entering seemed cute and young.

“Persona Gate has a very long pre-preparation for attack and an extremely long time to attack. It is 3 risk, the lowest level among gates, but it can take up to a week

you might have to Did you all know that and applied?”

While all the students were nodding their heads, Baek Yu-seol couldn’t do it alone.

‘Damn, a week… …

Now, I want to go back to the days when I sat quietly at my school desk and nodded with my textbooks on my face.

No, I’d rather study.

Why didn’t I realize then that studying was such a comfortable and enjoyable job? If it were now, I think I might be able to get 1st place by chewing on the entire textbook.

… … Isn’t that

“The departure is tomorrow at 6 am. The graduate assistant will accompany us, but he will not enter the Persona Gate.”

In other missions such as hunting monsters and exploring dungeons, veteran magic warrior assistants accompany them quietly and out of sight, but Persona Gate cannot.

This is because there is a persona gate with a limit on the number of people entering from the beginning, and a ‘role’ is given to everyone the moment they enter.

If the teaching assistant also did not fulfill the role, it could be encroached on his persona, but if he worked hard, he would often destroy all the duties by himself, so it was inevitable.

“Although we are seniors and have practical experience, unlike dungeon and monster hunting, we cannot cope with all crisis situations. Inside, we can all split up, or we can become hostile. But one thing is certain.”

Bandiyeon said with a confident smile.

“As the wizards of Stella, we have always failed, and this time will be no exception.”

The first graders’ expressions brightened slightly, as if the tension had just eased a little at her words.

It was Bandiyeon’s narration that intentionally caused tension and then gave confidence to relieve the tension to raise the mission performance efficiency to 100%.

After that, Bandian explained in detail the preparations and plans for attacking the Persona Gate, and in the meantime, Lyuderik quietly observed Baek Yu-seol.

“ Ha-am•••••••

Hearing explanations seems like listening, but that attitude of yawning as if something is really boring is really bad.

‘tt, freshmen these days.’

When Ryu Derek was a freshman, he couldn’t even raise his head in front of his seniors, but he had a bad habit.

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Come to think of it, at the beginning of the semester, there was a time when I had an argument with a certain idiot in the second grade, Class C.

In the first place, it was wrong for a first-year student to attack a second-year student, and even then, was Baek Yu-seol not defeated?

After all, that means that the true level of Baek Yu-seol.

‘We’ll see how it turns out this time.’

If Baek Yu-seol did something wrong as Stella’s student, Ryu Derek was ready to fix him firmly as a sophomore as a sophomore.

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