54. League of Spirits <10)

Although two of Ga Yu-rin’s team members were killed by Baek Yu-seol in the beginning, she did not lose her composure.

‘Stupid bastards.’

As long as they were a member of the Emerald Stellar team, they were also excellent players, but they were not in Gayurin’s eyes. compared to yourself

Because it looked incredibly lame.

‘It came out with a bit of an unusual strategy, but was it just attacked like that?’

Being killed by a sub-item sticky grenade like nothing else will always be ridiculed.

‘I have to win more.’

Gayurin calmly continued the line fight. Her line was a structure that had no choice but to face Mayu Castle in the center.

‘I’m different from them.’

don’t be vigilant

Mayusung is enough as a genius magician.

I was also tired of hearing stories about his excellent one-on-one combat ability.

In the Rios Stadium, Gayurin would be more proficient and have excellent know-how, but Mayuseong’s natural sense could not be ignored.

‘I will not wage an all-out war alone.’


This match is a team game.

However, Mayusung had never asked for a proper backup of his allies no matter what game they played. In other words, the teamwork doesn’t match at all.

If you prepare carefully and push the demon meteor, it is very easy to create a one-on-two situation and destroy the demon meteor one by one.

‘I’m worried that I have to trust the idiot who was beaten by Baek Yu-seol… …

If it is his ability, he will be able to win enough even with such a weak player.

‘It’s stable.’

Mayu-seong’s ability to excel one-on-one was worthy of recognition, but Rios is a team game. The act of trying to deal with everything alone is wrong.

became Rather, Ga Yu-rin, who was trying to effectively subdue the opponent by using the backup of the allies, had to see that he understood the game more intrinsically.

‘It’s your chance!’

At the same time, Mayseong turned to the right, and an alley liner was slowly approaching from the side road behind it.

If Gayurin attacked in front of him like this, the only way for Mayusung to escape would be over there. At that time, if an ally appears and surprises Mayu-seong from where he fled, he too will be helpless.


Judgment was quick, action was quick.

When Ga Yu-rin, who was only keeping a close distance, suddenly blew a big magic, May-seong quickly fell back. Some took some damage, but nothing happened when the terrain itself was unfavorable to him.

‘As expected!’

Yuseong May hurriedly fled to the byway that Gayurin had predicted, where her teammates were waiting with her mana raised for a raid.

‘If you go like this… …

With the thought of throwing it away like this, I paused the magic that I had been shooting for a while for the casting magic that took only 1 second.

It was only 1 second.

However, when Gayurin stopped the magic for a very short time, Mayusung used some kind of magic as if he was waiting.


The one that Mayusung used was a power smasher that took about 0.8 seconds to cast.

It charges its own body and gives a great shock to the front, but the magic casting

It’s a long spell, so it’s difficult to hit, so it’s a very rare magic.

‘Come on, wait.’

Gayurin’s magic is 1 second. He casts 0.8 seconds of magic as if he made up his mind at the same time he started casting.

Whoa whoa whoa!!


[An ally is dead!]

May Seong got out of the side road and rushed right towards the student who was about to take a blitz, and got a kill at once.

‘Such crazy… …

There was no radar there. In other words, Mayusung went there and had no idea that Yurin’s teammates were coming.

However, he casts a casting spell towards it, causing it to die in one exact blow.

As if seeing through everything.

‘… … Maybe it is?’

Gayurin jumped back with a stunned face and stepped back.

‘When I saw the timing of the attack, I noticed that there was one more person waiting on that side road, waited for the moment when my attack would stop for a while, and then deliberately fired the attack magic there… … ?’

It happened in less than three seconds, but Mayu-seong’s judgment and action skills were superior to Gayu-rin without any exceptions.

Yuseong May is the alley liner of the Gayurin team.

After dealing with her, he tried to deal with her, but after seeing that he retreated quickly from a distance, he returned to the base.

If I had a one-on-one battle against him, even belatedly… … did you win?

*••••• •o’j•’ni o’}:direct o] o: ‘

Allies have already died three times cumulatively, but the difference in the early game can be filled.

‘I can’t lose here.’

Gayurin acknowledged the enemy’s strengths.

He was born as an elite magic warrior and judged that his genius one-on-one fighting ability was superior to them.

At the same time, Gayurin clearly recognized the enemy’s weakness.

“From now on, avoid one-on-one situations in line fights as much as possible, and only give and take checks. If the enemy advances and comes in, it doesn’t matter if you just bite them and take them out.”

When Gayurin gave instructions remotely, the team members carefully raised questions.

-If you are behind in line battle, you will be at a disadvantage in terms of resources.

– It seems difficult to plan the second half…

“it’s okay. Rather than forcing a line fight and giving away kills

is better to be pushed back a little.”

The lack of strategy can be solved quickly by operating the alley line in the middle.

-… … Okay.

The team members followed Gayurin’s instructions, avoiding one-on-one situations as much as possible.

When Baek Yu-seol or Ma Yu-seong suddenly flickered or jumped into a power jump, they quickly clashed, and even if the line between Hae Won-ryang and A-zel was also created in a two-on-three situation, they did not fight and just struggled, such as forcibly fighting situations. will not create

The players who watched the situation said goodbye

While he nodded at Rin’s quick judgment, he clicked his tongue.

“You must have hurt your self-esteem.”

Now, only two weeks after starting Rios, the ability to compete one-on-one with the players from the Magic Warriors was pushed, and the fact that they had to try an operational battle itself puts a lot of things down for Gayurin.

“I thought I was an amateur with a strong sense of pride… … Still, your judgment is cold.”

“So, who do you think will win?”

“Well… … In my head, I think Gayurin’s team will win, but my heart

is not so.”

“right? I don’t know what else the full-frame team will be able to show.”

So far, no full-frame team has ever won a victory with a normal strategy. It is a unique tactic that has never been seen in an ordinary Rios match, making the opponent embarrassed and pressing it.

However, Gayurin’s Emerald Stellar team is a professional professional team nurtured by the best education within the academy.

Will it really work for them?

The situation has reached the mid-to-late half.

Based on his quick judgment and numerous experiences he has accumulated so far, Gayurin played mainly for management and gradually put pressure on the full-frame team.

Four people gathered in the alley line and quickly captured Haewon-ryang and Eisel on the descending line, or surrounded and killed Mayseong with three people.

In the process, Gayurin’s team also suffered one or two people, so it was painful that they were not able to win a complete victory despite a surprise attack… … .

‘No problem.’

In the meantime, Gayurin’s team was putting pressure on the enemy’s growth through operation, and they were collecting resources.

As Gayurin predicted, the full-frame team is strong one-on-one, but it is weak in terms of battles and operations where the majority fight.

Eventually, by the end of the match, Gayurin’s team’s resources surpassed the full-frame team, and the enemy’s growth was delayed because they couldn’t get enough kills.

‘As it is, you only need to open a big five-on-five fight once!’

5 to 5 is sure to win. And, in the second half, there are less than 5

Even if you want to avoid the 5 vs. 5 situation, you will not be able to avoid it.

Because at the end of the game, a monster called ‘The Last Guardian’ appears in the center of the map, and if you defeat it, you get a huge buff.

If you take it and push it all the way, the enemy will not be able to defend and will have no choice but to be pushed helplessly.

“Attack immediately!”

[Last Guardian Creation]

As soon as the monster was created at the same time as Gayurin’s shout, he started subjugating the guardian. Predicting that it would appear at the right time, and pre-loading it with magic.

As the magical bombardment fell, and the last guardian was about to stumble and collapse, Mayusung appeared from the opposite side with a terrifying expression.


Mayu-seong, who hit the floor with a power jump, raised his head and pointed his staff, and Gayurin’s team members trembled.

Goseo stepped back

A bitter cold blows

Knowing that it is the effect of the ‘Frost Chill Robe’ equipped by May Seong, why are you so nervous and your hands are shaking?

“Everyone get ready!”

Gayurin bit her teeth and looked around. Indeed, the full-frame was floating a dazzling magic circle high in the sky from afar.

In line with the timing of Mayusung’s charge, the image of attacking the last guardian was clearly visible, so he immediately issued an order.

“Take care of the full frame in the back!”

Immediately after receiving the order, the player who was in charge of Gayurin’s team’s center line ran out, and some magic rushed towards the full frame.

[Steps of the Blue Giant]


However, suddenly the soles of a giant blue giant appeared from the air and slammed them down, stopping both the athlete’s dash and the magic rush.

“What, what?”

That magic destroys the enemy’s camp.

It is a magic used for a purpose, and it is not suitable for the recent meta, so it is obsolete and not used well.

But is there anyone who uses such garbage magic?

‘Maybe, Eisel?’

As expected, Eisel was memorizing a spell on the other side of the full frame.

‘I expected this!’

I didn’t know that a single rubbish magic could block multiple attacks from allies, but I had already pictured the extent of Eisel’s appearance in my head.

Gayurin is calm and not panicking.

The crab shot the full frame one by one, and she collapsed shortly thereafter.

It was the most difficult to deal with the horse oil castle, which was biting the camp of the allies in all directions, but he was also able to defeat him in the end, and Eisel, who was bothering them with magic such as a chill storm and ice curse, was also finished. I could handle it.

At this point, I felt uncomfortable.

‘what. Where are Baek Yu-seol and Hae Won-ryang?’

Why doesn’t it appear even after the final fight?

With that in mind, I hurriedly opened the map and checked it out.

[Allied towers are under attack!]

“… … What a crazy!”

Baek Yu-seol and Hae Won-ryang were excitedly smashing the tower of their ally.

In the beginning, Ga Yu-rin’s team couldn’t line up properly because the team was running away, so the tower was already pushed to the brink of the enemy’s command center, and Baek Yu-seol kept throwing up all the combat items as the battle didn’t happen.

After disposing of it, the speed of destroying the tower was enormous, as if he had purchased a ‘demolition-only item’.

“Come back! Go back now!”

Baek Yu-seol had a chisel and a hammer in both hands, and, wearing a yellow hard hat and work clothes, he sang labor songs and beat the tower with excitement.

“Happy Happy G Mart

“••• Can’t we quietly demolish it?”

“What are you? Can you use a hammer?”

“My magic is faster.”

Hae Won-ryang ignored Baek Yu-seol’s suggestion and overturned the floor with all his might.

Then, fangs rose from the ground, inflicting fatal damage to the tower, and then exploded and collapsed.

Taking advantage of the fact that earth-based magic can have a great effect on the tower!

“Oh, they’re back.”

There were only 4 members left in Gayurin’s team, but it seems that it was not easy to subdue more than 2 enemies in a 3v5 situation.

At the same time, the durability of the [Legendary Demolition Hammer]

When the red light came on due to the passing of the Tao, Baek Yu-seol shook his shoulder and asked Hae Won-ryang.

“I’m going to stop by for a moment, how much time do you need?”

“30 seconds.”


Baek Yu-seol laughed and swung his hammer and rushed in the opposite direction.


The place where he blocked Gayurin’s team was a very narrow passage. Baek Yu-seol, who arrived at it, is erroneous.

With this judge’s board, he used [Flickering] at the enemy as it was and swung his hammer.

[It took a lot of damage!]

[It has dealt a lot of damage!]

Flashing magic is reluctant to use because it takes a lot of damage when it hits an object. It was the same in Rios, but Baek Yu-seol is the only person in the world who can accurately control the direction.

He accurately cast a ‘body headbutt’ on Gayurin and died instantly.

“Oh, no, no!”

[Commander Sen of Emerald Stellar Team]

The site has been destroyed.]

[Full-frame team wins!]

In that way, the high-profile confrontation between the students, which was expected from the public, came to an end with the absurd strategy of ‘Shut up and Tower Terror’.

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