Chapter: 315

56.Exchange student (10)

“It is relatively recent that elves and humans have started to interact. Many elves still remember the conservative days. The days of rejecting external cultures and putting down other races are still overlapping with our generation.”

Interactions between elves and humans began when Eltman Eltwin saved the world tree. It was more than 100 years ago, but it wasn't that far away for the long-lived elves.

Unlike humans, who change generations quickly, elves had to slowly change their conservative policy over a long period of time, and many adult elves still had negative thoughts about it.

“So we have learned to learn and respect many cultures through continuing harmony with different races.”

Among the joint compulsory subjects for chickweed cadets and stella cadets, history was included.

Humans and elves didn't get along well in the past, but now they are educating them that they have become more friendly than anyone else.

Of course, if such brainwashing was carried out for young children, it might someday, in the distant future, shine, but the people sitting here were the world's best geniuses, so it was hard to say.

Some Stella cadets whisper.

'Since when did humans become friendly with fairies?'

'I didn't like those goblins from the beginning.'

'He pretended to be lofty, but he's dark on the inside.'

The territorial behavior of the chickweed cadets unknownly put them under stress.

'Tsk, about the short-lived species.'

'What do those who can't even live long believe in?'

'You're going to learn magic with a level of sensitivity that you can't even communicate with the spirits?'

'Funny sound.'

So did the elves.

Of course, not all cadets were like this. Quite a number of students exchanged and became friends with each other, and even exchanged postal codes to stay in touch after the exchange program ended.

However, an accident eventually broke out among a very small number of students who avoided other races.


“Kyaaak! It's a fight!”

“Hey, stop them!”

“What. Did you have a fight? I want to see you too!”

“Mad guys!”

A fight eventually broke out between two elven cadets and a human cadet.

Just as they were passing by, Izel hurriedly hit the ice barrier to block her, but the students were already wounded.

Each and every one of the students at the prestigious magic school could be called a 'human weapon'. That's why even in the immature fight of teenage boys, lethal waters come and go, not just fist fights.

Magic of formidable power, enough to knock down a house lightly, came and went in the hallway, and as a result, three students were rushed to the hospital with property damaged.

“What should we do…

The students looked at those being carried away with worried eyes.

The cadets of the magic school are strictly prohibited from fighting each other.In the first place, the use of magic is strictly prohibited except during class time, and this is why.

So, I got more emotional

There was even a joke from the professor saying that there was even a fist fight, but the fact that he used this magic…… That their anger at each other was unbearably heated.

“How is he?”

“They said an order was given to return to Stella.”

“The two elves I fought with also received penalty points and heavy penalties…  

Even if they fight with each other, they are punished severely, and since they fought with each other during exchange students for the harmony between elves and humans, perhaps those three students would be considered up to expulsion.

To ruin one's own vision by not being able to overcome one's emotions.

“How stupid.”

From Hong Bi-yeon's point of view, both elves and humans seemed retarded.

Originally, there were no designated seats in classrooms, cafeterias, or libraries, so humans and elves used to sit together.

“I knew it would be like this.”

Full-lame, who was two or three times bigger than her own face and buried her face in her thick major book, shook her head. This kind of fight happened in the original version, so I was roughly expecting it, but when I actually Having experienced this atmosphere, I felt very uncomfortable.

'Here, it seems that Azel turned the situation around by twisting all those guys who were wondering if they were Blossom or Bling Bling…

Bang bang!

The sound of her pounding her on the podium stopped her contemplation and she lifted her head Students' eyes are focused on the lecture table at once

It became.

“Whoa…… Today there was a fight between chickweed cadets and stella cadets. When I asked the students about the cause, they said it was because of cultural differences between ethnic groups.”

Professor 'Hanna-ri', who was in charge of all exchange students and majored in various fairy magic such as plants, spirits, and magical creatures, said with a worried expression.

“A fight on campus should not happen at all, but I understood what the students had in mind.”

Turning 100 this year, she is a star

She was an old professor in her own right at Flower Tree, but as an elf who faced and accepted both the conservative and open-minded times, she seemed to want to resolve this situation.

“There are definitely differences by race. Elves have pointed ears, and humans have blunt ears. But that's all.”

She looked back and forth between the human and elven students who sat separately.

“We are all the same. Are elves smarter? That's wrong. She uses magic better than elves? Who that

Did she decide that?Currently, which race has the most number of class 9 archmages?She It is human.”

One of the 3rd grade chickweed cadets I hadn't heard of raised their hands.

“Professor. It is not right to simply set such a number. Aren't 8th class mages a lot more elves? Elves basically have a long lifespan, so I'm just trying to learn magic slowly and leisurely.”

Professor Hanna-ri stared at the student, then suddenly parted her lips.

“Cadet Ha Song-ul. You do magic

Are you learning?”

The elf cadet flinched for a moment at the question, but she nodded.

“Can I live longer than humans?”

“That's funny.”


“Is an elf's day even 48 hours long? How many hours do you study on average per day?”

“That is ••••••

“Twelve hours. After leaving school for 8 hours of lectures, after 4 more hours of self-study, go to the dormitory.

I will go back.”

Ha Song-eul, embarrassed because she did n't know that the professor knew about her life her pattern her, she nodded in affirmation.

“Then, Stella cadet there?”

“Yes Yes?”

At the sudden question, one female student twitched her neck.

“How many hours a day do you study?”

“Uh… I had about 9 hours including lecture time……

“Who is the cadet next to you?”

“11 hours… ?”

“Current magic achievement seems to be 4th class.

“I ranked 137th in the second year… 

“You are amazing. Being in class 4 at the age of 18.”

Professor Hanna-ri looked at cadet Ha Song-ul again and said.

“The average study time of humans and elves is about the same. Who is harder, slower, more leisurely. There is nothing like that. Their demons grow slower than humans.

It's just a fictional image created to cover the achievements of the law.”


Hasong-ul tried to refute what she said, but she could n't part her lips.

What would you say?Didn't her her own talents fall short of the average of the other elves though she tried harder than them?Before her pride her allows it, she ends up denying what she said.

“Maybe even if you ask the other 2nd year cadets at Chickweed Tree, the study time and magical properties

The taste will be similar. If there were dwarves, it would be the same.”

“… But humans lack magic. High achievement isn't everything.”

“Human magic? What is it?”

Ha Song-ul did not answer Hanna-ri's question.

“If the question was difficult, what is elven magic?”

“I can take care of plants and communicate with spirits.”

At this, Professor Hanna-Ri smiled and immediately sang a full-lame.

“A full-time cadet? Come forward.”

“… To.”

I don't know why she suddenly called, but once she quietly moved forward.Professor Hanna Lee gave her one of her flower pots on her own initiative.

“Would you like to grow one?”


Full-lam touched the plant and chanted a short spell. Then, the plant quickly grew and became a large flowering tree.

“Okay then. Than this student here

Are there any elf cadets who can perform even greater plant magic?”

No one answered.

It was because Full-lam's plant magic was unique than anyone else's. She even surprised the professor who taught plant magic, so she said it all.

“Like. Go inside. Cadet Baek Yu-seol this time?”

“Cadet Baek Yu-seol, isn't he here?” The back seat buzzes.

'Wake up, wake up! Call me!'


'Wake up!'


With a small commotion, Baek Yu-seol woke up with a tearful face.

“Would you like to come forward and interact with the Tree of Life?”

Without knowing why, Baek Yu-seol came forward and reached for the plant without any order or prayer.

Then, the light of the spirits pouring out of the excellent water.

A few elves widened their eyes in amazement.

“Which student is more confident in communicating with the spirits than this student?”

No one raised a hand.

It would be impossible for any elf to summon a spirit like Yu Seol Baek. Even if the professor comes, it won't be easy.

“Human magic and elven magic are not separated. There are only magic that I prefer mainly. If humans spent the same amount of time learning plant magic as we do right now, would they be better off than you?”

Only then did some students seem convinced.

Indeed, the difference between humans and elves is not that big…… While doing.

However, the example above actually has a pitfall. The target is, of all things, Baek Yu-seol and Full Frame.

'I'm sorry…

Full-lame was a different kind of being from other humans by nature, not to mention Baek Yu-seol.

It was absurd for Hong Bi-yeon, who was watching, to take two such deviant and talk as if all humans were like that.

There is just no.

However, most of the elven cadets who didn't know that fact seemed to agree with Professor Hanna-ri's words.

Setting Baek Yu-seol and Full-lam as examples was certainly effective.

“Now that you know, stop sitting so far away from each other. Let's get to know each other a little more in the future… …

Koo Goo Goo!!

Just as Professor Nari Hannah was about to finish well, the floor suddenly shook.

“What, what?”

Electric poles flickered and dust rained down from the ceiling, but fortunately the earthquake stopped quickly.


“Calm down. It's not a big deal. Anyway, I hope we can get along well from now on. There is no race more alike than humans and elves.”

Professor Nari Hanna quickly finished her speech and left the classroom.

The rest of the students murmured to each other.

“What's up?”

“Don't you think earthquakes happen a little frequently these days?”

“This is the World Tree…… Can an earthquake sound this far?”

“I know. The world tree is protected from earthquakes.

“What is it?”

The elven cadets whispered with anxious expressions. The human cadets didn't think much of it, but it seemed like something was bothering them.


The full frame that looked out the window for a moment is now

What happened in lee I tried to ask Baek Yu-seol about this situation.

By the way, Baek Yu-seol didn't even see a shadow when it disappeared. It was not only Full Frame that missed him, but Jelly El as well.

Uhh.. Hi? Huh

We even made eye contact, but it was awkward to just turn around, so when we said hello, Jelliel also responded with a smile. Every time I saw it, it was a bright and beautiful smile, but even that facial expression was ironic.

I know very well that it is poorly calculated.

She even said hello, so she tried to sneak past her, thinking that she had nothing more to do, but Jelly El blocked her way.


She was humiliated to have to look up at Jelly Elle, who was taller than her her, but she frowned to avoid showing off her face, she had an expression of distress, but she munched her lips as if wondering whether to speak or not.

“What? Because I have to go eat

tell me quickly.”

“Am I just going?”

As if her full frame her was really going to go away, as she gestured to put her foot out her, Jelly El hurriedly whispered to her.

“You…… What does it have to do with Baek Yu-seol?”

” … “Yes?”

It was an embarrassing thing to hear.


“That's the question I want to ask…?”

Because I was curious about the full frame as well.

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