Chapter: 336

59.Winter holiday (7)

Tread City's nights were never going to be extinguished by a feast of colorful lights, but I dare say I've never had an evening as crazy as today.

At first he was an angel.

High-rise buildings flapping their dazzling wings

How frightened I was when I saw an angel flying between them.

Then, as the building suddenly began to shake and collapse, citizens instead of running away flocked to the area and started taking pictures.

Did they believe in the fact that Tread City's construction technology is excellent?

Or have you lost your fear?

“Are you a real angel?”

“Ah, it must be a wizard. Angels are something that only exists in legends.”

“Are you doing a show or something? … ?”

When the citizens were questioning Full Frame, the ceiling of the Paradise Hotel, known as the most luxurious in Tread City, was pierced and a black material appeared this time.

“Crazy! What is that!”

“Now, wait…

“Could that be… !”

From that point on, people started realizing that this was no ordinary show.

On the terrifyingly twisted wings of a bat, thread veins pulsated in time with the beat of the heart, and there

A person who cannot think of a 'dark demon' even when he sees the black energy leaking out far away must be a person who is insensitive to death.

“I-I want to run away!”

“Shit. What the hell is going on!”

Half of the citizens who were dubious and took pictures of the spectacle ran away from the spot.

Since it is a place famous for being a city of original crimes, the monsters often appeared, but a being with such a powerful power had never been witnessed.

In addition to that, the uniform of the Stella Knights

Wizards in suits flew up into the air and began to cast magic at the demons, so even if they wanted to deny that it was a real situation, they couldn't.


With the flap of the devil's wings, a huge wave was created and all the citizens fell backwards. The magic of the Stella Knights was annihilated or its power was halved, and most of the 5th class wizards who could not properly maintain fly magic fell to the ground.

“Oh My God… Even Stella…

The world's strongest knights

Even the Tela Knights couldn't use their power properly.

The quick-witted people realized early on that the monster had a different power than the other monsters, but nothing changed.

“Damn it, what are the garrison doing… ?”

“They say magic warriors are on the move!”

“What difference does it make that those bastards who drink or binge and play cards every night come?”

“I must leave this city.”

Citizens who thought there was no magician to stop the monsters hurriedly left

At that time, a ray of blue light pierced the demon.


Immediately after, the ultrasound that occurred.

Several citizens near the hotel collapsed, bleeding from their ears, at the sound of screams so loud that humans could not even perceive them.

Hearing the cries of Kaena, the Heretic Judge of Wolyeonggyo Bridge, who could now be called a devil, Baek Yu-seol shook off the Terriphon Sword.

'It was almost dangerous.'

Part of the patient's uniform was torn

went out Stella's defense her was low because she did n't have a coat, but it was a mistake to blindly believe in the defense of the heavenly spirit.

'Are you still only able to attack if you are attacking or defending if you are defending…

If I had to compare this feeling, it was like wrapping my body with a shield to defend, and then swinging the shield at the opponent when the timing came to attack.

It is still impossible to apply the mana that surrounds the body to both the sword and the body at the same time.

In other words, even a single blow from the devil's attack while swinging the sword will kill you instantly. No mana at all

Because his body was at the level of a normal person.


'There's nothing much different from before.'

It was disappointing that I couldn't use all of Heaven's defenses, but in fact, wasn't it like that from the beginning?

Thanks to Alterisha's item modification, she obtained very little defense, but it was only at the 3rd class level.

How many adversities had he overcome so far with just one such insignificant shield?

In the past, Aether World Online

When he became famous as a player of the character Baek Yu-seol while playing, a reporter from a game website asked for an interview online.

Q. The character Baek Yu-seol is said to have a beginner level of weak defense. How do you play?

Baek Yu-seol's answer there set the whole community on fire.

A. It just doesn't fit.


What does weak defense have to do with it?

Since he has excellent mobility of blinking, wouldn't it be enough to avoid all attacks?


As Baek Yu-seol stomped his foot lightly and hid his appearance, a shadow rose in its place.

Their sixth sense has developed so keenly that an attack coming from an invisible place can already be predicted a few seconds in advance.


The bat's wings fluttered, red energy swirling, and a sphere floated in the air. They pounded like a heart and rushed towards the white snow, but it was not difficult to dodge.

However, the intense sense of incongruity felt the moment the sphere was spilled.


The white milk snow instantly blinked in succession and left the spot, and the spot was instantly covered with red mucus.

Chii profit…

Strong enough acid to melt the outer walls of buildings in an instant.

'Isn't it because he lacks intelligence?'

It's funny to talk about intellect at the level of firing a sphere and then bursting it, but it's too smart to be a strategy of a dark demon who has already lost reason to the level of a beast.

While thinking so, Baek Yu-seol met Kaena's eyes in her.

Different from Hong Bi-yeon's beautiful ruby-colored eyes…… Baek Yoo-seol, who has a terrible and repulsive bright red eye, is looking at him with ferocious eyes.

[Event Boss: Inquisitor Kaena]

[When you enter the 3rd phase of the pattern, the demonstration proceeds, the runaway calms down, and you regain your senses to some extent.]

I remember playing against him in a game before. At that time, due to the energy of [Devil Freshe] Emitted by Caena as a passive, all of the players' abilities were reduced, so countermeasures, including holy water, were absolutely necessary.

'But now…

Not even the Devil Pressure, there was not a single demonic bondage chain or field control power that was randomly launched in the air and made players angry.

[The 'Divine Judgment' magic is imprinted on the target's heart, and some of its powers are limited.]


The magic that Full-Lam had fired the other day was shining on Caena's chest in her.

[8 minutes and 49 seconds remaining until the Divine Judgment magic is canceled]

That's 9 minutes left.

That's enough.

'Because I only have half of all of my heavenly secrets left in the first place!'

The analysis is over, there is no time to delay. Baek Yu-seol, who thought that the check had been enough, suddenly flashed and rushed at it, and Kaena shot her shadow in all directions and formed a prison as if hitting a cage .

She's noticed that his movements are so fast that her eyes her her can't catch them, so she's trying to limit them!

However, Baek Yu-seol moved forward, slicing through even the shadows with the flash of the Terriphon Sword.

Blink, blink, blink again.

Caena's bundle of shadows was huge enough to surround the entire hotel, and even now that she had become a demon, the moment she brushed at them, they were fatal enough to melt even her shield her.

Like hundreds of snakes wriggling

It seemed that her sharp teeth she were thrusting into him, and the heart of the person watching it tightened up even more, but the person herself began to perform stunts by riding and running on top of the shadows.

Chiyiyi profit!

The insoles of his shoes were worn out by the shadows and were about to disappear, but he gritted his teeth and concentrated nature's mana on the soles of his feet.

It was impossible to coat the body with a shield while drawing mana into the sword, but it was possible to concentrate all the nerves and barely cover the soles of the feet of her.

'A little more, inside…

With every flash of light, the shadows are cut away. As the devil's wings fluttered, a blood-colored magic circle was formed, embroidering the air in dark red, but Baekyu Seol cut through even that.

“…Is that what you mean by human?”

The commander of the Stellar Knights Baek Yu-seol escort team, Telix, looked at the scene with his staff hanging open and his mouth wide open.

Are humans right?

The question was not directed at Kaena.

It's funny, but…… No way

It was directed at Baek Yu-seol, who was performing an inaction that did not look like a human.

Was Caena's shadow cut off so easily in the first place?

No, it's not.

Wasn't the 6th class knights able to barely burst the shadows only if they concentrated all their nerves and used magic?

“Damn, boss. Baek Yu-seol student…… There is no shield at all on the body. Is that okay?”

I didn't dare to be sure that it was okay, but Baek Yu-seol used magic from the beginning.

He Did not do it. Even that simple shield.

It was dangerous no matter who saw it.

“It will be fine.”

“Oh, Princess Hong Bi-yeon… Student?”

She said as the scarred red-haired kite swept back her silver hair, dyed slightly red.

“Unless you know when you've lost your mind, once you open your eyes, a demon of that level won't be your opponent.”

“What? How can you be sure…?”

To that question, Hong Bi-yeon did not answer, but she raised her head to talk about the devil and Baek Yu-seol.


“Just, don't you feel that certainty just by looking at it?”

“Azel student..

Eisel, who had become soot from charcoal as if she had been burned by the flames of Hongbiyeon, brushed off her clothes and said.

“Because it has always been like that.”

Yes. Anyone watching that scene would have no choice but to believe it.

It's not enough to slash or avoid the hundreds of shadow snakes whipping around like a whip, human magic

Even though he was so skillful with the 'blinking' magic that no one had conquered as a priest.

“Captain…… It's the first time I've seen a battle like that in my life……

“No wizard fights like that…

He was a student at Stella, the world's best magic school, but… The sight of him sprinting towards the enemy with all his might and swinging his sword to slash the devil was by no means a wizard.


Come to think of it, I had heard of it before.

The story of Baek Yu-seol and its chivalry his.At the time, I thought it was just a joke, so I was fascinated.

'There is no other knight in the world who uses a sword.'

'Now, only that spirit has passed on, and all the knights have wielded staffs.'

Because it was real

However, Telix was able to know for sure as of today.

“It's embarrassing that we've been wearing the names of knights all along… …

There is only one person in this world worthy of being called a true 'knight'.


A single beam of light shot out like a flash.

Immediately after the afterimage disappeared, the figure of white snow, as if something had been cut, appeared behind it.


The devil's head fell off.

A rooftop of a high-rise building in a city.

The demon that appeared out of nowhere is a pure white sword

He was killed by a knight who appeared while holding the sword.

That…… It is neither a legend nor a fable.

It was a history being written anew, and a future that heralded the transformation of an age steeped in magic.

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