Chapter: 354

62.Freshmen (4)

The magical city of Arcanium.

There were five prestigious magic schools in this huge city floating in the air, and countless amenities were equipped around them.

My little girl.

Her real name of her is Dalaine Rihina Starz.

Dallain's full name of hers, which includes both the names of the Duke of Starz, famous for his psychology and astrology, and Rihina, a war hero, made it possible to guess how wealthy she must have been growing up.

The 78th floor of the Freya Hotel.

It is said that this place, which can only be used by the uppermost class of the WIP class, is used only a very small number even a year.

Dallain stared at the moonlit sky.

Waiting for admission to Stellar Academy

The students are staying at a hotel inside Stella's school district, but she takes time out like this to come out to the city of Arcanium and find a hotel to spend time.

I don't mean to be extravagant.

She has never spent money just for herself.

“Wow, this is the VIP room.?”

It was for Anella, a girl who admired with innocent eyes as if she was using such a luxurious hotel for the first time.

It was not a waste to pay this much to buy her favor her her.

“Chi, can I get into bed? Can I go up if I pay extra?”

As Anella frightenedly pointed her trembling fingers to the bed of her large suite her her Dahlénegrinned.

“You can go up. Do you want to sleep there today?”

“Really?! Is that okay?”

“Yes. Anything you want. We are friends.”


Anella's expression softened.

Live a commoner, no, lesser life

Because she was Odun Anella, she longed for such a luxurious aristocratic life.


“Uh, sorry. But I think I should go back to Stella when I sleep tonight.”


“Yuseol told me not to stay out overnight. He told me to come back to the Stella dormitory and ask him to check his attendance.”

Dahl Lane shuts her mouth.

No further explanation needed.

That girl is a dragon if Baek Yu-seol commands

She would even jump into cancer.

Since she was Mirinae's daughter, who was no different from an expert in magic psychology, she could easily figure it out.

“Then there is nothing you can do. Would you like to eat dessert together?”


Dahl Lane smiled lightly and pressed her call button. After waiting for a while, the waitress brought a cart piled high with cakes, candies, cookies, marshmallows, and other desserts.

“Wow… This much?”

“I can treat you like this. Friend

Because it is.”

“Thank you!”

When Anella took one of her cookies of her, Dalene took the same cookie and said,

“This is a cookie that tastes even better if you bake it lightly.”


“I'll show.”

Dahrain pursed her lips and recited a short spell, promptly summoning flames.

There is probably no other child of her age who can trigger a spontaneous utterance in less than a second.

As much as she had been putting in her efforts, most of her was showing up in her real life.

“If you put this part on the fire like this, it will be more delicious. Would you like to try?”


Immediately after the answer fell, Anella's index finger flashed a spark!

“Ah! You smoked too hard.”

Saying that, he slowly reduced the intensity of the flame and made it the same size as the moonlight and started baking cookies.

“Is this right?”

Anella proudly smiles like an idiot. Dalain, whose expression hardened for a moment, smiled softly.

“Right. You're good…

“Ohhh, so good!”

Seeing Anella frantically eating her cookies, Dahl Lane narrowed her eyes.

'The difference in talent.'

It had been less than half a year since Dalain had known Anella.

At that time, as part of her friendship her exchange her, she happened to meet Jelly El of Star Cloud Company.

It would be a lie if she said she did n't notice one little girl who was babbling after him when she became she.

She showed cute behavior and way of speaking befitting her age, but she was helping Jelly L with her extraordinary intelligence and accumulated knowledge.

She could not help but feel the void that even Jelly El, the so-called genius, had never experienced, and Anella filled it with her innocent way of speaking her, which left a deep impression on her.

At that time.

Anella has just begun to learn her magic

She was a newbie, she said.

When she first heard Jelly El say that her goal was to send that child to Stella, she thought it was a joke.

Dalene was able to read her letters her, and from that day until now, she has been working like crazy, and she has barely been able to reach this level.

She must have been about a month.

If she was an ordinary girl who had just started learning magic, she would be training to barely detect the flow of her mana in her.But to Anella's surprise, she was practicing her magic demonstration of her.

After only one month, she can actually use magic!

'…… I thought she was a genius.'

After that, Dahl Lane couldn't take her eyes off her.

The level of her anella her rose exponentially, and as if her growth she had caught on with her momentum her her, she ran madly and finally outsmarted even the 'geniuses' of her her age her her.

She found out more about her.

It was her instinct.

She longs for secrets that allow her to quickly master magic and become stronger.

She happened to know that a boy named Baek Yoo-seol and Anella had a very close relationship.

Baek Yu-seol. When she found out he was involved, she was even more convinced.

He is The most featured person in the newspaper in the past year. A famous yet mysterious person more than anyone else.

A small percentage of people who know will know it.

He has a special secret.

What others couldn't do, what others couldn't think of, and what others say was impossible.

Baek Yu-seol is possible.

So I dug behind him, but couldn't find out anything.

Because his usual behaviorhis was no different from that of a very ordinary teenage boy.

Instead……Lady Mirinae thoroughly dug into Anella's back her.

It was not easy because of Jelliel's strict security of her.But it was very easy to bring out the negligence of Anella, with her very little social experience of her.

And she finally ….Lady Mirinae found out Anella's secret her husband.

A very special and unique constitution that only one person in the world has.

'……I can be like you.'

Lady Mirinae gazed innocently at Anella, who was eating her cookies with her cold, sunken eyes.

A special talent like that is not something that a girl like Anella could live without thinking.

In order to defend her homeland, she must have herself, perfectly prepared to become a 'saint' on the front lines of the battlefield.

'It's a little further.'

It was very easy to entice Anella, and he even managed to lure Baek Yu-seol there.

……Anella's her mouth her is heavier than I thought, and unlike her her innocent behavior her her, her thought her circuit her runs very fast, so I can't figure out anything yet, but there is no need to be impatient.

“Wow, this looks delicious too.”

Lady Mirinae smiled and handed over a piece of Anella Eke cake.

'Anella, hurry up and show me your secret.'

Now, we just need to go one step further.

Admission Test D-4.

Yu-seol Baek went out of the arcanium over the weekend.

After returning to Stella after the raid during the evacuation, he devoted himself to training and never went out of school, so it was a really long time to go out.

There is no special reason otherwise, it is very rare that it grows in winter.

To obtain one precious wild plant.

“I think it was about this.”

5 hours by airship.

17 hours by train.

This is the Kiliman Mountains, which I came to by changing the warp hall 4 times.

Due to the rugged terrain and unfriendly natural phenomenon, even a few hikers prepare thoroughly, but Baekyu-seol is no longer applicable.

Baek Yoo-seol, who has acquired superhuman physical abilities, will no longer freeze to death or die from exhaustion wherever he goes.

You can tell just by looking at him climbing a mountain in his school uniform, carrying only a single dagger, even if he is armed with thorough equipment.


A red-skinned bear resembling a half-moon-breasted bear appeared and screamed, but it blinked behind it and lightly cut a dagger, killing it as it was.

Now, quite a few wild monsters can't even react to Baekyu Seol's blink.

After struggling through the mountains for a long time, we were finally able to reach the summit.

[You have found the dungeon 'Song of the Relentless Wind'.]

“Um, sure.”

According to a user's guide recorded on the Jikbakguri Glasses, the timing for the 'Song of the Remorseful Wind' dungeon at the summit is really rare, once or twice a year.

However, it will not enter the dungeon. That's a trap to hide wild plants. If you go in, you don't get any reward, and you have to come out of the mountain all day long.

“Obviously at this point… Oh, I found it.”

Hovering near the entrance to the dungeon and rummaging through the grass, I found a single herb that shimmered blue.

This, which removes cold air from the body and restores vitality, would be good for Baek Yu-seol to eat, but for now it was a gift for Azel. Baek Yu-seol, who felt sorry for her for not being able to adapt to a certain magic inherited from her father and suffering all day long, made the worse Baek Yu-seol move.

“Well, this is done… Ugh?!”

I am trying to descend by putting herbs in the subspace, but a sudden strong wind blows.

It was blown away.

” … “What'?”

Now that it was white snow, even the flow of air was grasped by senses, so it was possible to know that the wind just now had been artificially created by someone.

Suddenly, a deep voice is heard.

-Dear… My voice… Can you hear… ?

Baek Yu-seol made an absurd face.

“What? This kind of old-fashioned, old-fashioned way of greeting is……

-…… My dear, you are very rude in the first meeting


“A second face? Can't you see my face?”

Baek Yoo-seol, carrying a backpack, brushed his feet and said.

“I'm going. Do not talk to me.”

– That, my dear! Wait a minute…….


The wind blew hard once again, but Baek Yu-seol did not have much effect, only slightly shaking his hair.

Before long, it appears…… A girl with milky white hair and golden eyes.

Her neatly dressed identity Her her is none other than Scarlett, the king of witches.

“Hi! Long time no see?”

I didn't expect to meet in such an absurd place, so Baek Yu-seol took a step backwards and pulled out a Terriphone sword without realizing it.

“Ai, are you wary of playing a joke?”

Then, remembering that she had helped her so much, she disarmed her again.Anyway, if Scarlett came out with sincerity, she would not be an opponent of her.

“What is it?”

“Ugh, what's your habit of talking to the professor?”

“If you don't want to talk, go.”

“Huh? Uh? Hey! Isn't that rude? I'm still Professor Stella, but I'm the king of witches in my own way?! Crab, besides, I helped you……


When Scarlett brought up her story, Baek Yu-seol turned around and bowed her head at 90 degrees to her.

“Handing over the cane, then Jin

Thank you wholeheartedly.”

“Uh… “?”

As Baek Yu-seol continues to show her unexpected behavior patterns, her scarlet eyes her go round and round.

“Thanks to you, we restored the Damgaltoy Wall and saved countless lives.”

“Uh, uh. Okay. Thanks to me… Easy……

“Enough then.”


After saying that, Baek Yu-seol quickly ran away, even using blinking, and Scarlett hastily chased after him.

“Hey, wait a minute! It's hard for me to meet you unless I'm in a place like this!”

Whether or not she could hear her voice, the speed of the snowy white snow had accelerated.

'What's so fast?!'

While Scarlett felt absurd at Baek Yu-seol's speed his, which had changed significantly from before, she felt proud of him as he grew stronger as time passed.


Aside from that puddush, it couldn't be helped that it was very difficult to chase.

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