Chapter: 386

65. Bingbaek Mountain Range (10)

Home of magic, the city of Cameln.

It abandoned its role as a center of magic hundreds of years ago, but its majesty and power remain.

Because there was a very special meeting.

'Magic Council.'

These gatherings of old people who have fallen so deeply into magic that they can no longer get out of it are rare enough that all of them gather once every few years, but in recent months, such meetings have become frequent.

Although they were old people who had already given up on worldly affairs, the dynamics of the black demons were unusual, and they could not stay still when the 'Twelve New Moons' moved.

Among them, in particular, the president of the Council of Elders and the 9th class wizard 'Sael Lee' rarely appears in the public eye.

He was famous for, but in recent days he wanted

Sitting in the Roh Chairman and not leaving

there was.

“How about taking a little break?”

“Hehe, I've already had enough rest. Are the things below uncomfortable?”

“Still, you do notice.”

“Of course.”

Other 9 Classes That Keep You Young

Unlike the Wraith Mage, it can reach the chest

Sael Lee, an elderly sorceress with a flame.

He lifted his peaked cap and his eyes lit up at the person sitting across from him.

“Okay. It's been a while since we met like this, Aryumon Blushun.”

“It's been about 12 years. It hasn't been that long.”

“You seem to have a different sense of time.”

“Because I have outlived you.”

It was not a conversation that a young man in his 20s and an old man in his 90s could have, but in reality Aryumon Blushun lived longer than Sael Lee.

Exactly one day, because I was born first.

“… It's okay to ask for age. So, did you recognize it?”

When Sael Li lowered her eyes and said, Aryumun sighed.

“Ha…… Fortress Black Mine is also very upsetting. Why are these guys with no laws and no morals so serious about the 'fight for the throne'?”

“Because the king is the law there. It must be trying to become a law.”

“If they quarrel among themselves, well, I'll do the same…… It must be a problem because it affects us as well.”

“Did the Dark Magic Tower move?”

“Well, let's take a look.”

As Ahryumun snapped his fingers, a holographic image appeared in the air.

In the video, there was a village where showers were pouring down, but suddenly the air twisted and the space was taken over, and then the shower stopped out of nowhere and heavy snow began to fall.

“That creeper

It must be the Uren region.”

“Yes. Showers more than half of the year

It's the area where it only pours.

Since that day, only the seasons in that village are completely

It has changed.”

Encroached by Persona Gate


“Yes. Now it has become a deformed village with heavy snowfall all year round, even though it is not winter.”

“Reality is polluted

the association that

What were you doing while you were there?”

When a persona gate is detected, the central wizard association immediately dispatches a wizard to remove it.

In the process, the mission was passed on to several agencies.

It will be divided, but most of the mage towers

taking care of the work

I have to process it.

“It's a pity, but I didn't know

It is. Persona Gate is reality

Right before contaminating, that happened

Even the fact… It was not detected.”

“…Didn't you sense the distortion of space at all?”

Only then did Sael Lee's expression harden.

Persona Gate is very dangerous

All. If you don't get rid of it, reality

Completely died by the environment of the other side world

because it's gone.

Just like the town of Uren, only the seasons change

would not matter if the organism

It becomes a deadly environment to live in

to the surrounding terrain

tend to


noodle…… Terrible things could happen.

“I don't want to make another continental incision. Couldn't you be a little more careful?”

At the word continental incision, Aryumun recalled a troubling memory and touched his dark circles.

I wonder if the one-day-young old man in front of me knew that he was still active even though he was forced to take medicine even though he was dying of pain because of his illness his.

“I don't want to do a continental incision either. Who would like the act of forcibly cutting down and throwing away our land?”

Previously, due to Persona Gate

Part of the central continent's peninsula has been completely polluted.

The turbid aura there contained poisonous mana that stopped all life around it, but at the time, the technology to purify it was impossible to come out, so the wizards had no choice but to make an extreme decision •

Cutting off the continent entirely and annihilating it.

In the long run, it's not a good choice. If we annihilate the land to live on little by little each time it is polluted by the persona, in the distant future, only the sea will remain on this continent.

Fortunately, since then, technology has been developed that can detect Persona Gates with a 99% hit rate…… •

“It must mean that the technology of the demons has also improved.”

“Yes. Technology has been developing incredibly fast ever since the appearance of a strange guy who appeared to be the Dark Demon Cult.”

Black Demon Master.The influence he had on the world of magic was enormous.

He hid his black magic completely and made it possible for the black man to hide among the wizards, and he wanted the Persona Gate.

Open to the desired size

Because he even developed technology.

In addition to that, now wizards

Open the gate by deceiving your eyes and ears

throw it away

“The more you know, the more afraid you become.”

“What's scarier is that we don't know anything about him.”

No one knows the true identity of the Black Demon Sultan. I don't know the name, I don't know the face. Even what kind of magic he uses, how and where he studies magic…  ….

I don't know anything.

While they were talking with dark expressions, signs of human presence came from outside the door of the elders' meeting room. As Aryumun snapped his fingers, the hologram of the village in front of him changed and a wizard's face appeared.

“What is going on?”

-Uh? Ah, the president of the association!

When the video was suddenly connected to the hologram, the wizard was momentarily taken back, but calmly conveyed the story.

And after a while

Sael Lee and Aryumun's expressions cooled when they heard the unusual story.

It hardened

“A super-large persona…… Are you starting to interfere with reality?”

-That's right…….

“Damn it! Where is it located?”

-The northernmost part… It is the Icebaek Mountains.

“Bingbaek Mountains?”

If it is there, one of the strongest knights, Grand Duke Seolparam, is guarding it.

After he became the lord of the fortress, he was completely relieved that the central association had not been alerted even once for several decades, but suddenly he received this invitation.

My brother's case exploded.

Aryumun scratched his head roughly.

“Dark demons, what are you trying to do?”

What on earth does it mean to keep making persona gates?

“Hey, Sael… Her.”

He hurriedly tried to give Sael Lee instructions, but he was already flying high in the sky with the hem of his robe fluttering.


The roof that was obviously firmly closed

In between, it is not disappearing. Mysterious magic that was invoked without any spell or presence.

“That nobleman…… He is healthy and very active. We travel by flying boat. Instruct them to prepare the Warp Hall Gate.”

-All right!

Ayumun hurriedly put on his coat and stood up.

Huge Perso of Unmeasurable Danger

Synchronization of Nagate's reality.

'It must be prevented somehow.'

I hurriedly left the elders and the flying boat

As he was about to head for it, the wizards who chased him and followed him posted a report.

“President of the Association. This may be irrelevant news.”

“There is no irrelevant news. Tell me everything.”

“Yes. It is said that Kkot Seorin, the current king of the elves, and Stella's Baek Yu-seol students have headed to the North, Bingbaek Mountains. I'm sure it's news from Stella's principal, Eltman Eltwin.”

“Those two? What is it?”

“Notify the Grand Duke Seolparam socially.

They said they needed to meet secretly.”

“… But why did you tell us that? It's a secret.”

“We don't know either.”


Even while his feet he was busy walking, Aryumun's head was spinning at high speed.

'Dark Demon Battle, Persona Gate, Northern, Grand Duke Seolparam, Flower Seorin, Twelve Crescent Moon, Eltman, White Yuseol.'

Numerous keywords come up dizzy and are combined into one, and hundreds of thousands of possibilities are presented to him.

Was From the possibility of nonsensical novel-like content to the plausible possibility that is quite grounded.

Among them, Aryumun, who selected several possibilities, was able to find some answers.

“It is Baekyu Seol in the place where the sudden burst of reality synchronization of the super-large persona occurred… 

“Why is that?”

“No, it's nothing.”

He said with a grin.

“It's just that things could be easily resolved.

I think it would.”




Northwest of the continent, the Barranca cliffs.

At a height of several tens of kilometers above the endless Barranca coast.

Three girls, each red and blue

Fly with wings of color and white

was going

Unlike simple flight magic, their hair did not flutter, and they were hardly affected by wind or gravity.

It didn't have much trouble either.

“… Do we have to go all the way to the top?”

When Hong Bi-yeon asked, Full-lam nodded.


A gigantic golden pillar that stretched high enough to pierce even the clouds.

Why had no one discovered this golden pillar standing in the middle of the sea?

Could it have been around cognitive decline magic?

No, even cognitive decline magic has clear limits.

Can't hide

maybe…… People would not have been able to find it because it had isolated space and time itself.

“By the way, to fly above the clouds alive…

Quite a few wizards would never even try. Ordinary flying magic won't be able to overcome the wind speed the moment it climbs to a certain altitude, so you'll get caught up in it or fall.

“Yes. And it's not just about flying. There is a subtle barrier.”

“Ah… Really.”


The moment they finally pierced the clouds and entered the high sky, the girls could feel the traces of the barrier that subtly stopped trying to reject them.

If unqualified people had come, they would have rejected them and thrown them away.

“Why did you let us in?”

“…Well. Maybe it's because of you.”

“Eh, me?”

Facing Eisel, who was confused and asked back, Full-lam smiled lightly.

“You were the main character.”

Maybe not now.

“One view is awesome.”

Even in their meaningful conversation, Hongbi-yeon spat out a dry sentimental comment as if he had no interest.

“Yeah, sure.”

As she said, it was a place where the word “Beautiful” Fit well.

At the top of the golden pillar is a golden palace.

Wasn't huge

Born in a palace made of pure white mirrors

The light was reflected and it looked like gold.

It was

“That place

“Once served the twelfth moon of time,

Temple. The silver Shinwol Bridge gathers and time

built with the power of…… It is the most mysterious temple in the world, the 'Constellation of Time'.”

“Poetry, was it built with the power of time?”

At the words of disbelief, Eisel looked at her castle, her her with bewildered eyes.

“Well, actually, they spoke grandly, but they couldn't handle the power of time properly. Even though I received at least a portion of Eunsei November's ability, I couldn't use it properly.

It is said that very few people deal with it.”

“But still, you can use this incredible magic… ? … ?”

“That must be the mystery of time.”

“It's all useless rubbish.”

Hong Bi-yeon looked uncomfortable as if her headache was coming again, and she spread her wings toward the constellation of time and flew away.

“Go, let's go together!”

Azel also spreads her blue wings

She pursued Hong Bi-yeon, but her full frame her was him.

I'll stay in Lee and move for a while


'……This must be the right choice, right?'

In fact, in the original romantic version of 'The Princess's Love', Agel made a very fatal mistake through this time travel.She would n't let Eisel make the same mistake as her, but it was n't her that worried about her

Right away…… Another variable that she was heading there was a problem.

'Is it really okay for me to travel?'

I tried to close her eyes and think about it, but she couldn't stop coming this far.

'Yeah, I've decided.'

He said he would see it with her own two eyes and figure out his own destiny

'…… So, I'm going.'

Toward the past.

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