Chapter: 405

67.Like a tiger (6)

Teenagers always make plans when it comes to summer vacation.

Most of the students will not be able to keep the vacation plan, but most of the Stella cadets, very surprisingly, tended to go according to the plan, but Baek Yu-seol was not at all.

'Oh right, I was going to strength training this evening.'

Baekyu wielding a wooden sword in the training room

Seol has been doing proper fitness for the past few days.

He remembered that he hadn't.

I tried to invest at least 2 hours every evening •

It was only recently that I felt it, but when the body grows beyond a certain level, the limit is eventually approached.

In the end, the important thing was mana.

How do you deal with mana?

The net rate of her mana and the control with which she handles it determines her strength.

Of course, there are limits though.

No matter how much mana she has with her bare body

Just because you train, suddenly a building

by lifting up or using leg strength

It is not possible to jump 10 km, etc.


It was a physical limit.

Maybe…… Ha Tae-ryeong in the past would have been the same.

His full speed His might have been at best on par with that of a cheetah, no matter how high it was rated.

Even though his strength his could shatter even steel, it would not be comparable to the destructive power of a wizard who summons Hellfire from his bare hands his.

In other words, the single destructive power of a swordsman is…… It is determined from birth.

In other words, even if a swordsman could kill a wizard, he couldn't match the magician's unique destructive power his.

I knew.

Because Baek Yu-seol in the game was like that.

But simply

whole body, not head

Lo, as he accepted the fact with his heart, he felt something complicated.


It can't be a really word frustrating. No matter how hard I try now, I will never be able to reach the destructive power wielded by 18-year-old Hong Bi-yeon.

A body slam using Blink?

Of course, it's not like I didn't think of that before.

In fact, even in the game, I put on the armor and even mastered the blessing of the Seven Months of the Vajra River to try it out.

However, in the end, its destructive power was not as great as I thought compared to the 7th class magic.

The character's attack power is just limited.

While training with Scarlett for the past few days, I heard little by little about Ha Tae-ryeong. It is said that Ha Tae-ryeong, who was great in the past, could not do the great thing of splitting a whole waterfall in the Scarlett nailed it that a situation like that of cutting down an enemy from a distance of tens of meters by blowing swordsmanship was more fantasy than magic.


His arm he goes numb

She didn't even remember how many hours she had swung her sword.

She does n't fly Today, Scarlett had an appointment and training was canceled, so she was carving wood by herself, but it was n't very effective.

After all, the best efficiency is to fight with Scarlett sincerely.

Was it a week ago?

When Scarlett analyzed the unique form of magic cast by herself and jumped in without the help of Jikbakguri.

Remember the feeling at that time.

'…… It was similar to the state of heavenly delay.'

Even though I didn't activate [Celestial Delay] At the time, it was like mana and

Their bodies felt light as if they had become one.

I still don't understand why.

However, after that, his body felt surprisingly light, and even against Scarlet, who used 6th class magic, he was doing quite well without blinking.

'If I use flashing here, it would be pretty decent, but……


Obviously, his fighting sense was improving day by day, but he still lacked a decisive blow.

In the past, when I was playing the game, 'Carrick'

How did 'Baek Yu-seol' beat Black Night and March?

Just as if your clothes were getting wet in drizzle, you scraped and hit them with a metallic sword all day long.

When I finally killed Thirteen Months of the Dark Night in the mood of becoming a spoon killer, it was really rewarding and enjoyable at the time, but could that be true in real life?

Unlike game characters, their stamina is fixed, and their mental strength is obviously different from that of the game.

In addition, the battle with Dark Night and March is a whole world long enough to cross several countries.

Since it was a battle based on prizes, if you fight for that long, the world will surely perish.

Then, a sudden thought.

'… Come to think of it. Where is the dark night and the thirteenth month?'

I know that if certain conditions are satisfied, the black night and thirteen months will appear.

And, it is not difficult to guess that the 'twelfth new moon' is included among the specific conditions.

Then if… What if you could make the night and the thirteenth month not appear at all?

'It's a tough story.'

Perhaps even now, the world is going to release the seal of the dark night and the third month. It cannot be prevented by knowing in advance. It was because all the dark demons living in hiding all over the world were doing it.

First and foremost, Persona Gate.

As it begins to invade reality,

The power that formed the basis of the world is weakening

And after that all the twelfth months….

I don't remember.'

It's not because I didn't read the story properly.

It is because 'some incident' occurred without being known.

Baek Yu-seol was the only one who didn't know about this, and there was no record of what happened to Jikbak-guri glasses after that.

“Ehh, I don't know.”

Anyway, if I could only increase my destructive power, I would be able to alleviate some of these worries. Thinking so, Baek Yu-seol his eyes.

What is more important than daily physical training is the time for meditation.

At this time, Baekyu-seol is the ability of the natural heavenly body.

While training one's strength, at the same time silver

Concentrate on handling the aura of

Since he found out that the energy of the Silver Age and November is very closely related to blinking, he could not neglect to train it.

'… Wait a minute.'

Then a thought struck me.

“Silver November, are you there?”

-Tell me •

I couldn't see them, but I could hear their voices because they were connected mentally.

“Could you, Silversea November-sama, use magic similar to blinking?”

– Didn't I tell you the other day? Of course it can be used.

“Don't feel like that…… I wonder if I can fully control the flashing.”


“For example, controlling the speed of blinking…… It will be difficult.”

-What are you talking about when you say it's hard? The blink I use is a kind of time acceleration. Of course, you know how to control the speed, and it's not like blinking in space.


At those words, Baek Yu-seol realized that he had a stupid idea. Why did he think the speed of blinking was fixed in the first place?

If you think about it, yes.

The maximum range when first learning to blink was 9 m and the travel time was 0.1 sec.

Even though it has since grown to a maximum range of 12m for blink, it still has a travel time of 0.1 seconds.

In other words, in the case above, it wasn't just the blinking range that increased…….

From 90% per second to 120¹% per second.

It can be said that the 'movement speed' of blinking itself increased.

It looks like only 3m, but what a difference of 30 per second = difference.

Now is? The class of Forward Blink has become a whopping 6 levels, allowing you to jump up to 24m, and you can charge up to 6 blinks at once.

A level at which flashing is possible with almost no delay even without using the sky delay. After using the 0.3 second gap and blinking that occurred in the observation, the battle did not change much because the charging time was the same in the end.. . .

'In hindsight, compared to the beginning, the current blinking speed is 2.5 times faster.'

Increase the flashing speed through training and freely adjust the range.

Even now, Baekyuseol can move freely from 1m to 24m.

'…… If only I could control the speed itself, not the distance I move.'


If it was possible to blink much faster than now.

'… I might be able to make up for the destructive power Ha Tae-ryeong lacked.'

The experiment started immediately.

This space was wide enough to experiment with blinking, and there were no obstructions.

Distance traveled first.

Use 5m blinks and 20m blinks to analyze what is different.

About 30 minutes later.

“I have no ideas.”

Obviously using some time energy equal to the aura of silver November to blink

It must be, but Baek Yu-seol was not yet a great achievement enough to feel it in detail.

But are there any results?

That's not it.

Because there was the best teacher watching over this moment.

-Oh, that's how it feels.

“How is it?”

– Certainly, when moving a long distance, the mana of time fluctuates more wildly. You may not be able to feel it, but the greater the distance, the less accurate it is.

“Is it accurate… ?”

Blinking to reach the exact spot is one of Baek Yu-seol's specialties.

– It's a very minute difference, about 0.1mm, but it definitely makes a difference. Your senses are unable to control the fluctuations of time energy.

It must be a phenomenon

“However, there was no such difference at 5m flashing, right?”

-Okay. At close range, the accuracy is narrowed to 0.001mm level, so it can be said that it is almost 99% accurate.

“That means…

Here, Yu-seol Baek remembered a surprising fact.

“It makes sense that I instinctively control the temporal energy when I blink short distances…… ?”

-Indeed…… ! That's right, that's how it is

If so, it is possible.

Baek Yu-seol clenched his fists.

'You can do it.'

It may be impossible to completely control the flashing.

If only I could

'In a different direction from the white snow in the game, I can overcome the limit.'

Thinking of that, I closed my eyes and tried to concentrate, but my head started to hurt.

– How about taking a little break?


He has been devoting himself to training without sleeping for several days. Gradually, the limits of the body may come.

“Other children are also dispatched and are working hard to grow up, but I can't take a break.”

Then I close my eyes again, but I keep thinking about something else.


It had already been nearly two weeks since the three girls bravely left for the dispatch. I was worried all of a sudden.

Hong Bi-yeon. She was still in the midst of not being able to cope with the energy of the falling summer, and she did not know when and where the fever would rise rapidly and cause side effects.

Before she left, she energized her as much as she could, and her memory of that time was so embarrassing that she didn't recall it as much as possible.

She tried to do it, but as time passed, she was forced to think.

Baek Yu-seol never thought that the full-frame party would be out for two weeks.

'Hong Bi-yeon…… I don't know if it's going to be okay.'

* * *

It has been two weeks since summer vacation started.


Full-lame is regretting the current situation.

“…The schedule is too tight.”

Their level has grown rapidly in recent years.

And barely reached the beginning of the 6th class

Although I didn't know, the mission of 5 risks

Sending out one after another is quite difficult.

It's something even veteran magic warriors don't do.


“I think I will die…

Both Hong Bi-yeon and Eisel were sitting on chairs in the wagon looking exhausted, and the condition of her Hong Bi-yeon looked particularly serious.

Her face her flushed red, no matter who she saw it, another 'side effect' was triggered.

After an incident this summer, Hong Bi-yeon often had her fever boiling, and there was only one person who could calm it down, Baek Yu-seol.


Without being able to do anything, Full-Lim struggled to get her up and poured her healing magic on Hong Bi-yeon with all her might her.

Her simple antipyretic magic she can't cure the side effects of Hongbiyeon, but she

The redo effect looks pretty good.

'How did Baek Yu-seol stabilize a child like this?'

Despite her lack of healing powers, Baek Yu-seol soothes Hong Bi-yeon's heat very easily. However, she has never seen the scene in person, and even Hong Bi-yeon herself is reluctant to talk about it, so she doesn't know how to do it

“I still have two missions left, is that okay?”

At that, Hong Bi-yeon nodded her head with an effortless smile even with her flushed face.

It was no mere bluff.

“It's okay… Even if it hurts more.”

The higher the fever, the longer the treatment time of Baekyuseol.

Even Hong Bi-yeon herself denied such selfishness, but her instincts her could not be overcome.



Hong Bi-yeon closed her eyes behind her, who nodded her head without saying a word, and her full-reim her also sat down on her chair and laid her body down.

'What does it mean to be able to hurt more?'

I'm curious, but when she goes back, she will go directly to Hong Bi-yeon's treatment of her.

I'll have to ask him to teach me.

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