Chapter 117 – What, What!

Chapter 115

“Uh uh…”

Hearing Elfriede’s words, I said “Father” And panicked. I never thought that giving it away like this would mean that.

That’s right, in the world I originally lived in, gifts were given separately ‘in person’. Rather, the indirect way of leaving gifts alone could have caused more strange misunderstandings.

Celine, you should have told me in advance…!

“…Well, there’s no way you knew that and did this. Yes?”

Elfriede, you understand me!

I nodded quickly. Then, Elfriede laughed lightly and accepted the gift I had given him.

“…Can I get one?”

“I already gave it to you, but what can I do? If I refuse here, things will only get weirder. Rumor has it that ‘Hero Abel showed kindness to Hero Elfride and got dumped’.”

…I don’t like rumors like that.

The surroundings were noisy. Will there be any rumors this time around?

Too ignorant is a sin. If I had known there was a gift presentation ceremony, I wouldn’t have done this.

“But what is this?”

“Oh, would you like to open it? I had a lot of trouble choosing it.”

Elfriede fiddled with the small box with a slight anticipation.

“Come on.”

“Oh, I got it.”

Elfriede hesitated a bit before opening the lid of the box with a click. Then, as if startled, she opened her eyes wide and saw her contents.

Do you like it that much? I’m a little impressed.

But something was strange. Elfriede’s face began to turn red as if it would burst if touched.

What’s wrong?

Elfriede’s body trembled, not knowing why. She turned to me with a deep blush and said.

“Ah, Abel…Didn’t I misunderstand you?…Really you…”


“Are you even interested in me!?”


What are you talking about all of a sudden? I couldn’t understand Elfriede’s reaction when the brakes were released beyond sudden acceleration.

“Go, why are you like this all of a sudden?”

“Why are you asking because you don’t know why!? What you gave me…”

From noble mtl dot com.

The one I gave you? I saw the items in her box that Elfride was holding in her hand.

A gift I gave to Elfriede. It was an ornament on the hilt of the sword, that is, ‘tassel’, an ornament made by weaving her threads and adorning jewels.

There is no doubt that Elfriede, the eldest daughter of the Duke of Bathory, lacks nothing, and this is what she chose after thinking about what she could use on a regular basis. Because she can wear it on a holy sword.

“It’s just a decoration, right?”

Celine also tilted her head at my question. Seeing as she doesn’t even know Celine, I don’t think there’s anything wrong with her….

“…Do you really not know?”

…Couldn’t I have done something weird again?

“…Did I do something wrong again?”

“…Well, you’d better learn a little about customs.”

…Have I been misunderstood again?

Leaving Elfride in bewilderment, Elena checked my present next to her, and she made a strange noise.

“Is it safe to say that this … The hero seduced her sister?”


“This is the meaning of passing tassel on the hilt of a sword between members of the opposite s*x.”

…I’m not sure about something.

Elena said, raising the corner of her mouth.

“‘I like you. It means, ‘Look at this and think of me.'”


…Am I sick?


Abel probably didn’t know. Abel comes from a commoner who is not familiar with the customs of the nobility, and I know he has little idea in this direction. But, but…

‘Isn’t this too harsh…!’

If you do something you would only do between lovers, and do it twice in a row, no matter how wrong it may be, you have no choice but to think differently. She couldn’t help but be really misunderstood.

That was the reason why Elfriede’s face turned red. The first time she was able to move on to light happenings, but she didn’t from the second time onwards.

[What, what! What’s the matter? Why is he giving you this? Oh my, oh my! Wasn’t he also interested in you? I’m really surprised!]

In addition, Luna’s reproachful words echoed in her head, making her unconscious.

‘…No. Abel didn’t mean that.’

It is obvious that Abel chose this gift just to congratulate himself and to buy him something practical in his own way. But even though she knew it, she couldn’t help feeling ashamed.

‘What does Abel think of me…’

She may not be aware of it at all as a member of the opposite s*x. If so, wouldn’t they have looked into the behavior and customs of nobles between the opposite s*x? If he had, he would have been aware of these universal customs.

It seemed that he only saw El Friede as her friend.

‘…What is it?’

Now that she realizes that fact, why does she feel regretful? She must have wanted Elfriede herself to get along well with Abel as her friend.

Wouldn’t it be great if Abel would consider him her friend?

Elfriede could not know her own mind. Why is she feeling regretful, why is she feeling ashamed, even though she knows Abel’s intentions for giving her such a gift?

As Elfriede was still blushing from her embarrassment, Abel lowered her head slightly and said,

“…I’m sorry, Elfriede. I have been rude.”

“Ugh, huh?”

“I will prepare the present again. It might be a bit late… But it’s better than living with a pointless misunderstanding. I’m sorry it turned out this way, Elfriede. I’ll study a bit next time.”

Saying that, Abel tried to bring Elfriede her drink. Then Elfriede hastily removed her hand.


It was a movement close to instinct. As Abel tried to take the gift back, her hand moved before she could think.


The answer to the question that popped into my head came quickly. Because I don’t want to be stolen. Because he wanted this tassel that Abel gave him.

Why do you want it so much? I’m not sure about that yet. Maybe it’s because she’s the first gift from her first real friend.

With that conclusion, Elfriede blinked her eyes, then she realized what she had done and she spoke to Abel as if to excuse herself.

“…Oh, no. Why is she trying to take back the gift she gave you?”

“Yes? But….”

“Gwa, it’s okay. Because people just misunderstand it anyway. I don’t care about that at all.”


“…I know you had no such intention. So it’s okay.”

“Then it’s fortunate…”

Abel, stunned, scratched her head. Seeing Abel like that, Elfriede took out her tassels and held her holy sword of trust that was worn around her waist.

[Elfriede, why am I suddenly listening?]

Wearing a sword belt on top of a kite is originally not polite, but it was an acceptable act for a hero, so both she and Abel were wearing her holy sword.

Anyway, holding her holy sword, Elfriede attached the tassel that Abel gave her to the sword hilt. And she showed it to Abel and she said.

“All right, all right? It seems pretty good.”

“…It suits you well.”

[What, what! Do you think of Abel every day while looking at this drink? It’s a little embarrassing to say this, but you also have a shady side, don’t you?]

“…Noisy, Luna.”

As Abel tilted her head, Elfriede gave her a sigh and she explained.

“I mean the holy sword of trust. The name of the self of this holy sword is ‘Luna’. Because you talk so much.”


Elfriede saw the sweet wine on the hilt of his sword. A tassel made of golden thread, resembling her own blonde hair. Seeing this, a smile naturally bloomed on Elfriede’s face.

With a bright smile, Elfriede spoke to Abel.

“Thank you, Abel.”

“…I’m glad you liked it.”

Abel smiled hehehehe at Elfriede’s thanks. Seeing how innocent his expression was, Elfriede’s heart tickled as he watched him.

“…Don’t do things that will make other women misunderstand you like this. It could be really big.”

“Is it a big deal?”


Abel thought at Elfriede’s words.

‘If I did something that would cause misunderstanding, wouldn’t it be okay if I apologized?’

But she must have a reason for everything Elfriede said, thinking that Abel nodded her head.

At that time, a servant approached.

“Princess, there is a present presentation ceremony soon. Please go up to the podium.”

“…I see.”

Elfriede rose from her seat and she glanced at Abel. He waved her hand lightly at Elfride and said.

“Come home.”



“…No, no. Come back.”

Elfriede left her seat for a while, and Elena, who was watching the scene, murmured briefly.

“Your sister is a coward.”


Elfriede returned after her gift presentation ceremony. When she returned to her seat, Elfriede came with her servants and maids, all carrying bottles and glasses.

“Elfriede, what is this?”

“Didn’t you decide to have a drink? We have prepared each type, so enjoy it to your heart’s content.”


Not only wine, but also whiskey, brandy, and beer. We have prepared several types of glasses to suit them.

As expected, Elfriede is also quite a drinker. She knows how to drink

Of course, various side dishes were also served. The best.

“Then I will follow you.”


“What would you like to eat?”

“Wine would be good first. There will be white wine.”

The servants kindly opened the bottle. It’s comfortable.

I poured wine into her glass.

“Thank you.”

“I will accompany you, Hero.”

It was Elena who said that. What princess is pouring me a drink…

“No, I’ll pour myself a drink.”

“It’s okay if it’s because of your status. I’m just pouring a drink for the benefactor who saved her life.”


If you said that, I couldn’t even argue. When I handed over the bottle without hesitation, Elena smiled and poured a drink into my glass.

But there was a problem. As Elena leaned over to pour me a drink, I could see the dangerous ribs through her dress.


I glanced away. I didn’t see anything…

While we were there, Elena spoke so quietly that only I could hear.

“You can look more, warrior.”

“Yes? What?”

“My breastbone. I was just trying to show you.”


This, this b*tch… No, what is this princess saying…!

“I’m not as good as my sister, but isn’t it okay? Is there anything to see?”

“Ooh, I just happened to see it. I’m not interested! Especially for minors…!”

“Is that so? I will be an adult in one year.”

If you are an adult by the standards of Vesta Kingdom…

“…Well, you’re fifteen.”

“Is there a problem with that?”


…Coming to think of it, this body isn’t that old. Two years old at most.

“…Anyway, I’m not interested.”

“Then what about your sister?”


Why did Elfriede appear all of a sudden? I looked at Elena with her doubts, but she didn’t answer, but after pouring her drink, I put down her bottle in her place.

“Enjoy your meal, warrior.”

“…Yes, I will drink it.”

Really, this princess can’t be careless about being young. But why did you suddenly bring up the story of Elfriede?

…I don’t know. I grabbed the wine bottle and held it out in front of Celine’s eyes.

“Celine, would you like one drink?”

“Um… I guess so.”

Oh, the response has been pretty positive.

“You accept it surprisingly easily.”

“It’s a fun day. I’ll drink the first cup with you.”

“Okay. Would you like the same white wine?”

“Yes, it doesn’t matter.”

Celine took her wine glass from her maid, and I poured her a glass of wine for her. And as the glass was filled, Celine whispered.

“Well, what if I stretch out after one drink?”


“If I stretch out here, even if the hero does whatever he wants, I don’t know what happened?”

“…Heh heh.”

This woman… She keeps flirting with me?

I wonder why it’s like this because it’s especially bad today. Oh, did you promise tonight?

…That’s why it was like that.

“You don’t have to tempt me like that. The night is far away.”

“…That’s right.”

From noble mtl dot com.

“Or should we go to the balcony now?”

“…Mi, are you crazy, hero?”

“I was kidding. Surprised Celine is also cute.”


Celine lowered her head slightly, her face red.

I’m not just being teased anymore? Today, I took care of 1 win.

“Abel, let’s all have a toast.”

“Oh, I guess.”

“I’ll do it too.”

Elena poured a non-alcoholic beverage into her wine glass and she held the glass. Because anyone can make a toast.

Me, Elfriede, Celine, and Elena lightly bumped our wine glasses.

“Happy Birthday!”

“Happy birthday, Hero Elfriede.”

“Unnie, happy birthday!”

“Thank you, Abel. Saint Celine, thank you too. Thank you, Elena.”

He laughs happily, makes small talk, and hands over a drink. I felt a little uncomfortable at the noble banquet, but I forgot that feeling for now.

Elfriede, her friend, and Elena, her friend’s sister. And my girlfriend Celine. It was because it made me feel more comfortable.

We chatted for quite some time, shared a drink, and drank until we all got our heads together. Of course, Elena only drank, and Celine drank less.

Celine said she was not used to drinking, so she got drunk faster than expected even though she didn’t drink much. Her face was red and her eyes were cloudy, and it looked like she was on the verge of passing.

“I’m a warrior…”

Before I knew it, Celine, who had come close to her chair, clung to me.


“What’s wrong, Celine?”

“Shall we… Go to the balcony…?”


…I’m drunk. Got it right

“What are you talking about in this state? I think I’m in a state where I should sleep properly.”


“Three, Celine!!”

You crazy b*tch!

Celine smiled and pressed her body closely. As if on purpose to show off, he pressed himself against my forearm. It gave her a soft, soft feeling on her forearm.

“I’m a warrior…let’s go quickly…”

…Namu Amitabha Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva.

I have to be patient…This is the banquet hall to celebrate Elfriede’s birthday…

“…It seems that the saintess is very drunk.”

“I think it’s because I don’t usually drink alcohol…hahahaha.”

“…By the way, Abel.”


Elfride asked me with her blushing face in her drunkenness.

“…Then did you all have s*x with the saints?”

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