Chapter 135 – Only Abel got bitten~♡

Chapter 133

After I dealt with Mother, I returned to the camp with my comrades. Those who were asleep were awake before they knew it, and the surroundings were full of traces of battle.

Seeing that Alicia is also up, it must have served as an alarm.

“Abel, are you here?”

“As expected, everything was taken care of.”

“You seemed to be fighting too, but it wasn’t dangerous…”

Elfriede stopped talking. When I saw her eyes on my arm, I said, Oops.

“Ah, this…”

“Abel, you’re hurt!”


Estelle was shocked and hurried away, and so did Celine. The two saints took a closer look at my wounds and said, even more surprised.

“No, you should ask for treatment right away. Why did you leisurely exchange greetings!?”

“Being patient, I think it’s okay…”

“Which Abel is a bear? It’s okay to have such a deep wound!”


I tried to make excuses, but I couldn’t even get my money’s worth. I offered her arm, and Estelle sighed and tended her wounds. Celine looked at the wound and said.

“Was the opponent strong enough to hurt you like this?”

“No, there were a lot of them. Three monsters that look like Behemoth or Leviathan, and about two drakes.”

“…There were that many? It’s a miracle that I was injured this much.”

“I still fight well now. You could even call it a miracle.”

Responding lightly to Celine’s exaggeration, I looked at Elfriede. She probably took care of most of the monsters that came this way.

“Aren’t there any high-risk monsters here?”

“There is only one Gorgon class monster. The battle itself was not difficult thanks to the help of the saints. I should have taken care of it quickly and went to you, but I was too complacent in judging that it would be okay.”

“No. It was an accurate decision, what?”

Anyway, what is Alicia so nervous about?


“Hee, hee!”

“Why is that?”

“Oh, no. My father just said this in an angry tone…”


Did the demon king give another order?

“The order is not new. Just venting my anger…”

“…Does the Demon King take out his anger too?”

“It’s been frequent these days. He does it every time he fails to capture you.”


To the point of venting your anger? What the hell are you doing to get something back from me?

…Should I meet the Demon King?

“Abel, if you’re thinking strange things again, stop.”

“…What am I?”

Wow, Mr. I was really surprised.

I think Goddess Solaria taught Estelle mind reading. How did you know?

From noble mtl dot com.

“If not, I don’t care, but don’t get the weird idea.”

“…Yes, I got it.”

…It’s scary to read all your thoughts.

“Elfriede, isn’t there another nest on the way?”

“Yes. However, it seems to be a bit on the small side.”


Should I just pass by?

“How many days are left until the regular briefing?”

“A day has passed, so now there must be 12 days left.”

“Then, do you have time?”

“It’s not that relaxing, but I guess I’ll have time to attack this nest.”

That’s it. The next destination is Runiac Gorge, which is on the way from Minerva Kingdom to Diana Kingdom. It was determined to be a nest there.


Luniac Gorge. It was a canyon area that bordered the kingdoms of Diana and Minerva. The depth was quite deep and steep, so it was a place that people could not easily access.

So, it was naturally untouched by people, so it was a place where countless bushes grew thick and a natural ecosystem was formed.

Why are you talking about this? What does it mean that people are untouched? It means that there are a lot of animals and plants, and there are a lot of bugs as well.


“…I got bitten again.”

“Poop, Abel’s blood must be delicious~♡”

The insect crushed and killed in the palm of my hand was a familiar mosquito. It is also a royal mother.

I really hate having to fight mosquitoes even while possessing a novel.

I said to Estelle, pointing to the swelling caused by mosquito bites.

“…It’s itchy, can’t you treat it?”

“I can do it, but I’ll get bitten again anyway, so what’s the use♡”

“Why are you sure you’re getting bitten again?”

“No one else has been bitten, but only Abel has been bitten a lot~ like an idiot♡”

…f*ck, it’s unfair. There are thousands of people here who look delicious besides me, so why only ask me?

“Abel, stop.”

At that time, Elfriede, who was going ahead, reached out her hand to us who were following, as if telling us to stop. As she stopped her steps in her restraints, she beckoned Elfriede to come out cautiously.

I crept up to her and whispered to her in a low whisper.

“Do you have something?”

“…See that over there? It is a nest.”


I haven’t met any monsters yet. Already? As she said, when she poked her head out over the bushes, she saw a cave full of creepy-looking ‘coffins’.

“…Really. But there were no monsters around.”

“Yeah, that’s strange too… Above all, the size of the nest shown on the map here must be small, but the scenery you can see with the naked eye is quite large.”

“Is that so?”

The size of the cave was large, but the number of tubes extending out of the cave was staggering.

…At that level, the number of monsters under his command might be greater than the mothers he subjugated before.

“What should I do?”

“Let me go in. Elfriede, stop the monsters from coming outside. I’ll take Celine and Alicia in.”

“Wouldn’t it be better to take Saint Estelle with you?”

“Because you never know. If I get caught or something, I need someone to rescue me.”

I don’t think that’s going to happen, but I’ve been caught in the North Queen’s lair, so you’d better be careful.

“Okay. Then….”

It was then.


“…Suddenly what?”

“Be careful. Something is coming.”

Thump, another roar rang out. And finally, with a thump, the ground shook and a huge foot landed in front of the cave.

This is not a misrepresentation. All we could see was the feet of this gigantic animal.

“Is this…?”

“…Oops. It seems that the information has not been updated.”

Elfriede narrowed her eyebrows and pulled out her holy sword of trust.

A huge gray leg like a stone pillar. The owner of the gigantic legs covered in rough wrinkled leather was a monster with a very long thick nose and big round ears.

…It’s a f*cking big elephant. But now a monster elephant with two pairs of tusks instead of one pair.

“The size is unusual.”

“…Is it a beast type monster?”

“Looking at its size, it seems to be of the Amon class… But judging from its appearance, it doesn’t seem to have any threatening weapons except for its ivory and massive body. It must be like Barbatos.”

“I see.”

A Barbatos-class beast-type monster is of the same rank as the lion I met last time, but the size difference is so great. Are they following animals of similar size and shape?

Still, according to Elfriede’s words, apart from that ivory and massive stature, it seems that there are no weapons. That means he’s a dull guy who pushes with his heavy body.

“It must be helpless to me.”

“I guess so. Abel, if it is your holy sword, it will be able to inflict great wounds. I don’t think I can keep up with your speed.”

I turned to Estelle.

“Estel, please bless me.”

“Come here.”

Estelle motioned quietly to me, and I approached her. But Estelle glanced at me and she whispered.

“Come a little closer.”


At this distance, I can already bless you? I felt puzzled, but for now I did as Estelle asked.

Then Estelle slowly reached out her hand, and she gently grabbed my cheeks. And she slightly bowed her head.


A short sound came from my forehead. And at the same time, the blessing energized the whole body. Looking at me taken aback by the sudden action, Estelle’s eyes curved like a crescent moon.

“Come back♡”


What now? What happened

I’m still not used to such a sudden expression of affection.

“Ah, Abel! Wake up! What did Saint Estelle do on a battlefield like this…”

“I just gave you a blessing?”

At Estelle’s sudden act of love, Celine said with a pouty expression.

“I can bless you too.”

“When you can use the divine protection, Celine will give it to you~.”

“…That’s despicable.”

…Heh heh. Confused, she stood there blankly, then shook her head and came to her senses.

“I’ll be back.”


“I will help too.”

Elfriede, who was blessed by Saint Cynthia, said while holding her holy sword straight.

“I draw attention. For you to strike.”

“Yes, I understand.”

Elfriede lowered her waist to hold her in position, and then she kicked the floor and ran away. I didn’t follow her, I waited for her monster’s eyes to turn to her.


The monster found Elfriede who jumped out of the bush and let out a very loud cry. The sound was so loud that the vibration alone caused leaves to fall from nearby trees.

“…My eardrums will explode.”

Elfriede didn’t care and dug in between her monster’s legs, and she stabbed her legs with a rapier-shaped holy sword.


However, even with Elfriede’s holy sword, the monster didn’t suffer that much. Her legs were so thick that a rapier could not pierce them even if they were driven too deep.

Of course, as if it had succeeded in offending her, the monster began to trample Elfriede by rolling her legs.


In an instant, she gathered mana into her holy sword, and immediately jumped in front of her, spurring the ground. The power emanating from the body strengthened by the blessing was beyond imagination, and I ran at that tremendous speed and cut off the right hind leg of the monster that was trampling on the floor.


I deliberately cut it with the upper blade of the holy sword, that is, the part that changed like a saw blade. The saw blade of the holy sword tore the skin of the monster’s legs apart, leaving a huge wound.

Poo Woo Woo!!!

The monster started rampaging along the road with its massive body.


“Abel! Get your balance right!”

It’s hard to keep balance because the ground itself vibrates loudly every time you hit the floor with a thump, thump. The monster resembling a gigantic elephant stomped the ground with its feet, and assumed a posture as if it were about to rush somewhere. If there is a problem, that direction is the forest where Estelle and her friends are.

“…Don’t let it go like that.”

I loaded the holy sword with mana and took a quick blow to the other leg as well. Then, as if she couldn’t stand the wounds on her legs, the monster stomped her feet and collapsed from her attempt to charge, and sat down.


Then the monster started swinging its long, thick nose around. Its length was so long and the size was so big, it came very threatening every time it was swung.

“…If I get hit, I’ll go to the goal.”

“Be careful not to get it right. If you get hit, you really die.”

…It’s brutal.

Still, other than that, it wasn’t a very threatening monster. It’s about the size of a Barbatos-class, or a Leviathan-class.

But at that time, the monster made a subtle move.


It stretched out its long nose, which it had been wielding wildly, and suddenly picked up the ‘coffin’ connected to the nest. To be precise, the tube was inserted into his nostril.

“…What are you doing?”

“Abel, it would be better to deal with it quickly. I don’t know what you’re trying to do, but I don’t have a good feeling.”


Me and Elfriede rode the monster’s body from our respective positions. Elfriede used mana to ride the monster’s skin up to his back, and I just jumped with my legs.


And when I landed on my back, I froze at the tingling sensation that came up from my legs.

“…Are you alright, Abel?”

“…Okay, it’s okay.”

I still dragged my numb legs and walked on the monster’s back to the back of its head. But hey, why are you suddenly quiet?

…I’m anxious, so let’s deal with it quickly.

At that time, the monster pulled out the nose connected to the coffin. Then he turned his long nose upside down and aimed it at us who were on his back.


Wheein, there was a sound of something gathering. Seeing that, Elfriede was startled.

“This guy was collecting food!?”


“Abel, evade now!”

I moved my body once I heard Elfriede’s words, but it was a bit late.

A beam of glowing energy spurted out from the monster’s nose. Yes, it’s like a ‘beam’ that only pops out of science fiction.

“What kind of elephant shoots a beam!?”

“Abel, I’m aiming for you!”


As Elfriede said, the elephant’s beam was aiming at me. What to do It’s a little too late to avoid this, and I feel like I’ll be swept away if I try to catch it…


Remembering something, I hurriedly gathered mana in my fingers. And drew two runes in the air. Room to block. And stop it.

From noble mtl dot com.

The runes written at the same time glowed and manifested, and a barrier made of two layers of mana blocked my path.


And just as the monster’s attack was blocked by the shield, I raised my sword high and gathered mana. I knew that this level of magic wouldn’t stop me anyway. It will break soon

Magic was just for passing time.

The key is this whole-body blow.



The brilliant, pure white light cut the monster’s attack in one blow, and at the same time, cut off the monster’s head as well. Elfriede looked at the only human who had managed to strike that blow with astonishing eyes.

‘Abel, what are you…’

Elfriede was aware. Now that he’s only a half-year-old hero, he’s already surpassed Elfriede when it comes to dealing with monsters.

Abel, the brave man who catches his breath and grips the holy sword with one hand again. He looked at the dead monster and said.

“This, Mother must have noticed too, right?”

“I guess so. But I don’t think there is a monster more dangerous than this. I don’t know if there are monsters of a similar level, but…”

“Then it’s fortunate.”

Abel jumped off the corpse of the dead monster and landed lightly. And he said to Elfride.

“As I said before, I will take Celine and Alicia with me. Elfriede, please stay here with Estelle and Saint Cynthia.”

“…I got it. I wish you no luck.”

Abel beckoned Celine and Alicia to follow him, and they entered the cave where the nest was.

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