Chapter 137 – I’ll deal with you properly.

Chapter 135

“An Agareth-class monster?”

When Elfriede asked back in surprise, Estelle nodded her head.

“My s*x skill is hard to avoid, even for an Amon-class monster. However, seeing as he casually avoided it… It seems highly likely that he was on the Agares level.”

Agares-class. What that rating meant was: ‘A catastrophe to the extent that all countries in the vicinity of the place of appearance are at risk of emergency’. Elfriede, a 7-year-old veteran, was also a monster of a level I had never seen before.

But Estelle, who said that the monster in front of her was an Agareth-class monster, looked quite calm.

“…Is there a way?”

“I should have, but… I thought Abel would hate it. I will not use it if possible.”

Although Elfriede was slightly puzzled by Estelle’s words, she pondered over the meaning and caught a glimpse. She probably has divine powers that she can use as a true saint. It must mean that

But she couldn’t understand why Abel hated using that power. Elfriede didn’t know that whenever she borrowed the power of the gods, she weakened Estelle.

“First of all, I will assist you as much as possible. Please focus on blocking and avoiding Hero Elfriede.”

“…I understand.”

“Saint Cynthia, please go quickly.”

“…Please be safe.”

“If it’s really dangerous, don’t worry, we have a solution.”

Cynthia ran straight into the cave. Estelle and Elfriede, who remained in their seats, stared at the monster, the Agares-class knight-type monster.

‘Agares class.’

Just saying that made her whole body tense. Elfriede gripped the holy sword tightly and tried to read the movements of the monster.


However, when the monster moved, Elfriede couldn’t read the monster’s movement. It was such an incredible speed. It’s so fast that you can hear a gong sound just by moving.

However, Estelle read the monster’s movements and gave Elfriede her direction.

“An upward attack from the bottom right corner.”



Believing Estelle’s words, Elfriede responded, and her monster’s sword was properly blocked by Elfride’s sword. Estelle had read the movement that the veteran hero Elfriede had missed.


Elfriede realized now that Estelle is not simply superior in divine power. This saintess seemed to have a lot of practical experience as well.

《 Sacred Hammer 》

Right after that, Estelle took down her monster with a powerful s*xual technique. The hammer imbued with the power of the sun hit the monster hard, but the monster twisted her body to escape Elfriede’s sword and Estelle’s s*xual technique at the same time.

Thanks to that, Estelle’s attack ended in vain again. Estelle pouted at the fact that she had twice missed her own attack.

“…That’s nimble. Useless.”

《 Sacred Chain 》

A chain was ejected from the air. The chain that was ejected suddenly and very quickly was something that no monster had ever reacted to. But….

“Avoid this too?”

As if the name of the Agareth-class knight-type monster is not false, the monster that even evaded Estelle’s chain with great speed rushed at Estelle.

“Saint Estelle!”

Elfride hurriedly stood in front of her, but Estelle casually activated her s*xual technique in front of Elfride.

《 Sacred Shield 》


A powerful holy spell that prevented the bombardment of Agareth-class floating monsters. Even this mighty monster couldn’t pierce it.

Even when the attack of the Agares-class monster was intercepted, Elfriede did not miss the gap created by it. She stretched out her arm and thrust out her holy sword.


A lightning-fast blow. Elfriede’s holy sword properly pierced the monster’s shoulder. Since blood flowed from the monster’s shoulder, it was clear that Elfriede’s blow had worked properly.

However, the monster didn’t show any movement despite the big wound, and grabbed Elfriede’s holy sword stuck in her shoulder. She didn’t mind cutting her own hand on the blade of her holy sword, as if she wouldn’t let go.


Elfriede realized at that moment. The fact that the monster deliberately gave her shoulder to him. In this situation, she was bound within the range of the monster’s attack.

The monster opened her mouth and said.


The monster’s sword aimed at Elfriede’s neck and was swung.

“Let go.”

Elfriede quickly placed her holy sword at the voice that came from behind her. The monster didn’t think that Elfriede would let go of her holy sword, so she waved her sword as if she was a little flustered, then hesitated.

However, the panic was short-lived, and the monster immediately caught up with her bare-handed Elfriede.

《 Sacred Arrow 》

《 Sacred Sword 》

At that time, arrows and swords imbued with the power of the sun swung from all directions. Then the monster stopped attacking and had no choice but to retreat.


The monster did his best to deal with it, but he was too unstable to block or dodge all of the dozens of arrows. Several arrows pierced the body of the monster, and I felt a very hot pang.

“Kuaaa!! How dare you!!!”

The monster pulled out the holy sword from his shoulder, threw it to the ground, and raised his sword high with a roar. Seeing that, Elfriede felt uneasy for no reason and said,

“Saint Estelle, wouldn’t it be better to avoid it?”

“…It will still take some time for Abel to appear.”

The sword held high by the monster gradually grew larger. It was not an illusion, the sword itself was really growing. To the point where I was worried that if I hit it, the cave behind it wouldn’t be shattered.

Seeing that, Estelle sighed. This…Was inevitable. If we dodge here, Abel in the cave will be in danger.

“…I can hear nagging.”

Estelle’s black hair slowly began to turn red. Then Elfriede stopped her and said.

“Saint Estelle, please stop. Isn’t she what Abel told me not to do?”

“But there is no way. If you avoid that, Abel in the cave will be in danger.”

“I will stop you.”


Estelle expressed her doubts. However, Elfride pointed to her Holy Sword and said.

“Could you please bring me only my Holy Sword with the holy law?”


《 Sacred Hammer 》

A gigantic hammer imbued with the power of the sun appeared and slammed the ground down, a blow so powerful that the ground dented. Then, with the impact, the Holy Sword of Trust on the floor bounced upward.

“It’s not the same…a trick…”

The monster swung the sword, which had already grown to a gigantic size, with one hand. And Elfriede jumped towards her flying holy sword of trust.

“Elfriede Hero!?”

Estelle called out to her with a voice asking what the hell she was doing, but Elfriede grabbed the holy sword of her trust that had been thrown at her.



When Elfriede called Luna, the alter ego of the holy sword, a very strong light began to shine from her holy sword. Elfriede pointed the shining holy sword at the monster’s sword that was being swung.




Estel was surprised. Because this is what I want to happen. The monster’s gigantic greatsword was blocked by Elfriede’s holy sword of trust.

The monster also seemed to be taken aback by the situation. A bizarre sight unfolded in front of my eyes, with a very huge greatsword blocked by a thin rapier.

“What are you doing…”

[Any attack can be countered at least once a day!]

The power of Elfriede’s holy sword of trust. It triggered one of them. Repost, that is, the power to resist everything. It was an ability suitable for a holy sword of trust in the form of a rapier.

While the monster was flustered, Elfriede climbed up on the monster’s greatsword and delivered a blow to the monster.

The sharp holy sword pierced the belly of the monster this time, and Elfriede immediately pulled out the holy sword and landed before being caught by the monster again.

“…You really stopped me.”

“It is the ability of the holy sword.”

Looking at the blood flowing from the ship, the Agares class monster did not move at all for a moment.

“…I don’t know what you’re trying to do, but I have no intention of leaving you alone.”

Elfriede took her holy sword and tried to run again. But at that moment, the monster disappeared in an instant and Elfriede was taken aback.


From noble mtl dot com.

Estel didn’t seem to be able to read that movement either. Because it happened so quickly. And when it reappeared, it was right behind Estelle.

It was such a nimble movement that even Estelle noticed it only then. The monster raised his sword and said.

“Take care of troublesome things first…”

“…I didn’t expect it to be this fast.”

Estelle’s sword slowly flew through her hair. Along with Estelle’s hair, which had begun to turn red from the tips, the monster’s blade was blocked by a very hot mass of light.


“…It ended up like this.”

The monster’s sword blocked by the sun-like hot light slowly melted, and the monster hurriedly pulled out the sword, but half of the sword had already melted.

“…What is this…”

《 Eclipse Solis 》

The intense sunlight slowly turned black. Estelle held the darkened light in her hand and turned it into a gigantic spear. It was stained black, but it was a spear that emitted heat as hot as the sun.

“Thanks to you, I am able to use my strength, so I will deal with you properly.”

Hair dyed in vermilion and a figure that dyes the surroundings with strong sunlight. At the sight of the goddess Solaria appearing, Elfriede dropped her arm.

“…Is that the true form of a saintess?”

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