Chapter 155 – They’re targeting me.

Chapter 153

The next day, I still had time before the regular briefing session, but it was time for Chloe to go practice.

Me and Estelle came out to meet Chloe. It’s not that they didn’t come out because they didn’t want to meet them, they were still asleep because they drank a lot last night.

Yesterday, Elfriede and Celine were so drunk that they overdid it, so I had a hard time carrying them into the inn…

Recalling that memory, I smiled. Then Chloe asked.

“You look good, warrior. Isn’t that what I’m going to do?”

“It’s not like that. I laughed out loud because I remembered yesterday.”

“… Alas, yesterday. Wasn’t it a bit harsh?”

Among the people I ate with, I lost everything except for Estelle, me, and Chloe. Since Saint Cynthia was also drunk and drunk, she said everything.

Estelle recalled yesterday, and she said a word.

“From now on, Abel, don’t bet on drinks with Hero Elfriede. Needless to say, both of them have a strong desire to compete, so they drink until one side goes.”

“Ha ha…”

That’s funny, but what can I do?

Chloe said with a smile.

“Then I’ll go. You have to stay safe until I return, hero?”

“Go carefully, Chloe.”

“Yes…Ah, that’s right.”

Chloe pulled something out of her pocket, and she gave it to me. What was placed on her hand was a dainty piece of sparrow.

“What piece is this?”


Chloe took out her little stick and turned it into her staff, and she tapped her piece with it, she said.


Chloe’s mana flowed through the staff, and the fragments began to glow brightly.


Soon, the sparrow piece in her hand suddenly began to flap its wings and come to life.

“… Uh?”

“I am a familiar. Did you see it the last time I sent you a letter?”

“Aha, but why is the familiar…”

“Take it, warrior.”

Why did you suddenly give me a familiar? First of all, I received a familiar in the form of a sparrow that Chloe had given me.

“Hero, please name this child yourself. Then I will listen to the warrior’s words from now on.”

“Why are you giving me a familiar all of a sudden?”

“You should write me! I don’t want to send only myself first, so send the warrior first.”

…That was the intention.

Anyway, since it’s a name, it looks like a sparrow, so wouldn’t it be nice to have a national rule, ‘chirp’?


“Couldn’t it be a chirp?”

“…Twitter The Count of Monte Cristo.”

“…What is that?”

Ah, naming is difficult! Even if I always make game characters, I’m the one who took the longest to decide on a nickname.

Chloe told me that I was bothered.

“Please build it straight. Even familiarity varies depending on how carefully the owner gives the name.”

“Is that so?”

“That’s right.”

Name…Because the shape is leaking…



“That’s a good name. The kid seems to be happy too.”

Watching birdie chirping and flapping its wings in my hand, I remembered a question and asked Chloe.

“But aren’t familiars powered by magical powers? There are no wizards in our group…”

“You have the magic of a hero.”


I don’t think a wizard is necessary. As long as you have magic power, you’ll be fine.

“To call a familiar, just call it by name, and to send it back, just clap your hands twice. Try it now.”


As I put Buddy on my shoulder and clapped my hands, Buddy’s figure disappeared.

Wow, it’s revolutionary. How can this happen

“Call again.”


Then the disappearing birdie flapped his wings and rode on his shoulder. It’s really strange.

“If you give Buddy a letter, he will deliver it to me. If you give a specific order, it will act accordingly. Is it comfortable?”

“Can you give me this?”

“I already have a familiar. And it’s not that difficult to write a familiar.”

“Oh, is that so?”

“Yes. I gave you a familiarity, so you have to send me letters often~?”

“Yes, I will.”

It is a surprisingly simple shape. Chloe waved his hand and greeted him as if she had conveyed everything.

“Then I really want to go! Saint Estelle, be well too~!”

“Goodbye, Chloe.”

“…See you later.”

I looked at Chloe’s back as she left, and when she couldn’t see her, she said to Estelle.

From noble mtl dot com.

“We can go in too.”

“Writing a familiar is easy…I hate to admit it, but he must be really good at Chloe.”


“The Familiar Abel received. There is also a function that hides and reveals itself depending on the call, right? Do you know how much it costs to buy a permalyar like that at a tolerable mage tower?”

I don’t know?

“You have to give me at least 4 million gold.”


Did I hear something wrong? How much???

“I have to give more than 4 million gold. It’s such a valuable familiar. In addition, if I can hear not only simple orders but also specific requests… I’ll have to add more.”

The reward I received at the last regular briefing session… Must have been 1.5 Million gold.

“No, why is it so expensive?”

“Creating the familiar itself is difficult, and as more and more specific features are added, the number of magic circuits that need to be incorporated into the familiar increases. Besides, a familiar is an errand boy who moves as long as he has magical powers without labor costs. The value is high because it does what people have to do instead.”

Heh heh. I glanced at the birdie sitting on my left shoulder. Buddy tilted his body following my gaze and looked at me.

“…Go in first.”

As soon as I clapped my hands, Buddy disappeared. I’ll have to be careful….


“Finally, tomorrow is the day of the regular briefing session.”

We were finally able to leave the inn and enter the palace. It was because the regular report meeting was approaching one day ahead. When Elfriede and I entered the palace together, the attendant looked a bit surprised, but he didn’t explain why.

She was a little worried about how she should explain Alicia, but luckily she didn’t ask anything else because she said that she was a temporary child. The position of a warrior is very convenient at times like this.

As we went through the entry procedures and entered the palace, an urgent voice came from behind.

“Commons, get out of the way!!!”


Commons? There is only one person who can call me like this…

I turned my head anticipating the identity of the opponent, and as expected, there was a man with distinctive red hair.

Levius Grospel, this asshole is here to start a fight again…

…What is it?

“Hey, what are you doing…”

“Shut up and get out of the way!”

I, of course, had no choice but to get out of the way quickly. It was because Levius’ expression and voice seemed so urgent.

Levius ran along the road, carrying a man on his back, followed by his priests, palace attendants, and court ladies.

The people carried by Levius were all his companions, Natalie and Sonia, and Astria, a newly joined saintess.

If there was a problem, they all appeared to be covered in blood and unconscious. I wondered if I was wrong, but looking at the reactions of Estelle and Elfriede next to me, I don’t think I was wrong.

“…What the hell happened to him?”

“Once you follow it, you will understand. Let’s go and ask. I help if I can.” “Help?”

“Then we must help. Someone got hurt.”

“…Wouldn’t Levius take care of that?”


Reluctantly, I nodded at Estelle’s determined call.

“…Okay, I see.”

I headed to a room along the path Levius had passed. There, in front of the door, Levius was standing with a frown on his face.

Elfriede said she would talk to her herself, she told me to stay still and she stepped forward.


“…What is it? They came rushing in as a group.”

“What happened? Why are all your colleagues…”

“… Tsk, go if you’re not going to help. I’m not in the mood to talk to you right now.”

“Let me help you.”

As Estelle stepped forward and spoke, Levius’ eyes widened. Levius’ eyes as he looked at Estelle were full of questions, ‘Why?’

“A person is injured. Looking at it earlier, some people were seriously injured, so will they become ordinary priests?”

“…Are you sure you want to help?”

“Did you only buy tricks? I’ll help you open the door. Also, Hero Levius, please talk to our hero and hero Elfriede here.”

Estel looked back at Celine and Cynthia and said.

“Celine, Saint Cynthia. Can you help me?”


“Yes, Saint Estelle.”

As Estelle entered the room with the two saints, Levius’ expression improved. I asked Levius.

“So what happened? Weren’t you also on your way to the royal capital for the regular briefing?”

“…Yes, it was. Ha ha, did you expect that I would be in trouble on the way to the capital too?”

“You said you were angry? Within the kingdom?”

Not even in the border area, but within the kingdom, Levius suffered calamity? No matter how much Levius was robbed by me, he is still a hero.

A hero getting into an accident outside the borders, not outside the realm, but inside the kingdom?

“…Commoner, you may not know it, but there was a famous monster that once lived in Ephesus.”

“… Huh?”

I’ve never heard of that… Yes, that’s what Chloe told me two days ago. Obviously the name…

“Angel of Steel?”

“…What is it, you bastard. Did you know?”

“No, didn’t that disappear? And I heard that it’s a monster that didn’t do anything in particular…”

“Like you said, he disappeared. Apparently it hasn’t been showing up for the past few years. So it was completely unexpected. It will appear in front of us on our way to the royal capital.”

…He showed up?

Listening to the story, Elfriede asked Levius.

“How strong was he, that all of your comrades suffered?”

“…I don’t know exactly how strong it is. ‘Cause I can’t stick What happened to my comrades in the first place also happened in the first surprise attack.”

“…Didn’t you notice?”

“Yes. By the time I noticed the approach, Natalie had already been hit. Judging from its speed, it’s likely to be at least Barbatos-class… No, Amon-class or higher.”

Amon-class or higher… Since it had wings, it would be classified as a floating type, but given that it was a surprise attack, it is highly likely that it had a form close to a knight type.

“But how are you still intact? Didn’t you really stick together in the first place, did he just leave you behind?”

“…That’s right.”


Elfriede and I expressed doubts at the same time. Levius said it as if it were true.

“He said something strange. ‘I’m not the hero I was looking for,’ he said. And then it just disappeared.”


Me and Elfriede’s expressions hardened slightly at the same time. Because we could know the meaning of those significant words.

“…Do you know anything?”

At Levius’s question, Elfriede turned her gaze to me.

“Abel, that monster…”

…Yes. I realized too.

It’s obviously… Targeting me.

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