I Became A Mighty Lion

Chapter 272: Authentic king

The group of black lions who had just rushed in, and had not had time to stop in the future, immediately suffered a head-on attack, and the formation was instantly chaotic!

Chu Xiaoye took Catherine and Tillis, like an unstoppable sword, rammed through the black lions, and slaughtered them back and forth!

The little curly tail followed behind, and the long tail was like a whip, waving wildly, sweeping across the ground!

The black lions fell to the ground one by one. Before they could stand up, they were followed by the male lions such as Meimei and Miscellaneous. They cut their spine with one claw, and bit their throat!

Blood splattered, stumps flying!

The black lions that came violently were panicked and fleeing in a hurry.


A roar suddenly sounded behind the black lions!

The black lions shook their hearts, immediately stabilized their minds, and began to gather together, ready to fight back!


At this moment, Chu Xiaoye suddenly took Catherine and Tillis through the black lion group, rushing towards the black lion leader who was standing at the rear and surrounded by several lions!

The black lions who were about to stabilize their formation suddenly became chaotic again, and surrounded the three young lions one after another.

At this time, Little Curly Tail and Meimei, with the Leng father lion group and six male lions, rushed behind them and guarded them closely.

More than 400 male lions, lionesses, and cubs also roared and followed behind, charging bravely!

This mighty army, thunderous roars, and the ferocious aura of the same enemy's one-hearted anger, suddenly scared the more than one hundred black lions into fear!

And when Chu Xiaoye brought Catherine and Tillis to the black lion leader with an unstoppable momentum, the black lions around him immediately turned their heads and ran with them.

They seemed to want to stop, and they seemed to be frightened by the lion army behind them.

In this way, the black lion leader is facing not only this fierce lion army, but also his own more than one hundred companions!


He roared again and again, trying to stabilize his lions and make them turn around to attack, but it was of no avail.

The crushing in quantity and momentum, as well as the thunder massacre at the beginning, made them scared, panic and panic, and they couldn't stop at all.

Some brave black lions, even if they wanted to stop and turn around to attack, were swept by the torrent of their companions and continued to run. After a little hesitation, they would be hit on the ground and trampled to death!


A golden light flashed across the eyes of the black lion leader suddenly!

The lions guarding him, their heads split instantly and fell into a pool of blood!

The black lion leader's heart was chilled, no longer fighting, turned around and fled at the fastest speed.

And his escape completely sounded the death knell of this black lion group.

Those black lions who still wanted to gather around him, relying on the majesty of his leader to counterattack, also completely gave up the thought of resistance, and immediately followed him and fled in a hurry.

Defeated like a mountain!

The atmosphere of panic and flight instantly enveloped the entire black lion group.

They came fiercely, scrambling to flee.

Chu Xiaoye led a large army with great momentum, chasing and killing them all the way behind, roaring loudly!

The black lions who used to be majestic and slaughtered countless are now like bereaved dogs, there is no choice but to flee in embarrassment.

Many black lions were knocked to the ground by their companions and could not stand up again.

Many black lions left the team and fled in different directions.

More black lions died under the fangs of these lions that were once shrouded in their darkness!

Under the leadership of Chu Xiaoye, the lions behind him chased more bravely, and killed more fiercely. The fear and despair before, have long since vanished. Today's chest is full of passion and energy!

Even the lionesses and cubs pounced fiercely and fearlessly on the fallen black lions, biting wildly, and dripping with joy!

One party flees in panic, while one party pursues and kills bravely.

In a blink of an eye, the menacing army of more than a hundred black lions, only a few were left, following the black lion leader, and fled into the distant darkness.

Chu Xiaoye did not pursue any more, but took the group of lions and slaughtered all the black lions that were lying on the ground and unable to get up on the road, without leaving one behind!

Blood spattered and screams were endless.

Once these black devils killed their families, took away their homes, and brought them endless darkness and fear. Now, they will use the blood and lives of these black devils to pay homage!

At this moment, they have no fear, no cowardice, only bravery and hatred, blood and anger!

They won!

More than a hundred black devils were actually vulnerable to a single blow, and they fled before confronting each other. They were even more embarrassed and frightened than when they fled.

It turns out that these terrible black devils are not invincible!

It turns out that these homeless stray lions shivering and trembling are not so unbearable and incompetent.

They can beat each other!

They have the opportunity to avenge their families!

They also have hope to retake their homes!

As long as they are united!

As long as they follow this young and brave king!

Everything is possible!


Their roars resounded across the night sky and spread throughout the grassland!

On the horizon, the darkness recedes, and dawn appears!

The lions who have chased and killed all the way are not tired at this time, excited and excited, as if they understand the meaning of living for the first time, the importance of the team for the first time, and it seems that they have recognized a real king for the first time. !

Such a king is all their members, the king willingly surrendered!

Such a king has hope, leading them, repelling the enemy, and taking home the garden!

At this moment, all the lions, all the members, were full of awe and excitement in their eyes looking at the young figure.

The trace of unwillingness and depression in the heart of the one-eyed lion king had already disappeared at the moment when the young lion king took the lead in the charge.

Looking at the lion group of more than 400 members, with their admiring and trusting gazes, UU reading www.uukanshu.com and the courageous and confident momentum of the courage, he knew that this young lion king was already well received!

He is their hope!

The morning sun in the distance rose slowly.

The golden flag, flying under the golden sunrise, was also flying in their hearts, giving them the courage and strength to go back home and continue to live.

Tomorrow will be better.

But today, we must work hard.

Under the leadership of this young king, they will continue to work hard and move forward courageously!

The grassland in the distance is still shrouded in darkness.

There are still many lions who have lost their homes, wandering here from every corner.

And here, a new home will reappear, let them gather together, work together, under the leadership of this young lion king, with their fangs and sharp teeth, brave and unyielding, return to their hometown!

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