111 – True Hero (6)

“…So, Gyeom. Just give me one hug.”

There was a depth in Han Yoo-jeong’s eyes that was difficult to ignore.

There was a desperation that couldn’t be covered by her small smile.


The results came out in the worst shape, but now I know she has moved on for me.

The proof was that he was fully cooperating with me after he knew that his actions had harmed me.

Do you still have regrets? Or is it that you can’t control your mind? or being lonely.

Slowly opening her arms, she stopped, staring at me with those eyes.

It leaves the choice entirely to me. I didn’t even ask for more.

If I passed by her, she would probably be frozen in place.


But even so, that wasn’t a reason for me to hug her.

Maybe it’s because he’s the only one who knows about my past.

Unbeknownst to me, the old personalities come out.

A bit selfishly, I walked past her, leaving her alone.


And at the momentary sight, I froze in place and closed my eyes tightly.

As I try to pass her by, ignoring her, Yu-jeong Han’s eyelids tremble and she is filled with despair.

…In an instant, my lonely past comes to mind.

Unknowingly, I sympathize with her.

This time too… If I leave her alone, I think I’ll feel even more uncomfortable.

I think I should rather tie a knot here, so I can rest more comfortably.

– Talk tok.

Eventually, I tapped her on the shoulder a couple of times.

At that touch, her arm, which slowly lost its strength and went down, trembled.

Han Yoo-jung turned her head and looked at me.

I didn’t meet his gaze, and soon walked toward the room.

– Wow!

But maybe my touch was the trigger, and Han Yu-jung hugged me tightly as I left.


I end up laughing without even realizing it.

I didn’t know if I was trying to warn you through this laugh, or if I was embarrassed by emotions that I couldn’t understand myself.

Han Yu-jung’s hands were shaking.

And she whispered in a voice full of tears.

“…because I’m alive…”


“…No, I’m so glad I could see you alive again…”

At the same time, Han Yu-jeong’s hand began to glow.

She is forcing me to dream again.

But why?

I don’t want to deny her dreams today.

Is it because I had a happy dream last time?

It might be because it was the day I said goodbye to Song Soo-yeon, who was crying.

Maybe it’s because I don’t have the strength left to fight Han Yu-jeong.

her desperate look. The efforts that made me cook are mixed together and make my head dizzy.

I took Han Yu-jeong’s hand and gave her a little strength.

Han Yoo-jeong trembled and resisted my strength… Soon after, the light in her hands faded and she let me go.

I didn’t ask her what her dreams were.

It’s funny that I came to trust her…but it was because of the strange belief that she wouldn’t give me bad dreams.

She and I ended anyway, and it didn’t matter what she did during that time.




However, Han Yu-jeong’s dream had a bigger impact on me than I thought.


I woke up in the morning and hugged my face.

The dreams she gave me were the experiences of Han Yoo-jung.

How did you come to know me and what kind of relationship did you have with me?

How you saw my debut and my death.

Why did she follow me and is she still doing it?

Even though I went out of the hideout, why did I come back?

Maybe the feelings she felt for me were similar to the feelings I felt for Solas.


Han Yu-jeong was sitting next to me when I woke up.

She was quietly wiping the cold sweat on my forehead.

I looked at Han Yu-jeong.

I came to understand the emptiness of having to feel the emptiness of a younger brother who was still not by my side, unable to find happiness like me even after returning.

It was to the point where I couldn’t even offer words of comfort.

I asked after searching for something to say for a while.

“…Why are you giving me this dream right now…”

“Why are you showing me now?”


Han Yu-jeong said with a bitter smile.

“…I wanted you to remember.”


“…but it must have been greed. hahahaha It should be something like Solas to be memorable.”


“…and…now that you seem to believe in me.”

As I frowned, Han Yu-jeong added an explanation.

“-When I was looking for Luna today, you totally believed my words.”


“…Eat the rice I made. Also… pat him on the shoulder. Not giving up on the dream.”


I didn’t respond and just swallowed.

My heart is still beating. Maybe it was because the dream was so vivid.

And the mind becomes clearer, and you can make more objective judgments.

I also needed to suspect that maybe she was messing with the memories in my head.

…but actually, I’m pretty insensitive when it comes to those delirium-type abilities.

Also, when comparing the dreams and memories she showed me, there were a few parts that were clearly familiar.

….there at the end.

The image of Solas burning a cigarette while shedding tears because of me who died adds to the credibility.

If it weren’t for reality, Han Yu-jeong would never have allowed the smoking Solas to appear in my dreams.

It was a reality that Han Yu-jung experienced, solas appeared smoking a cigarette.

Even I, an archenemy, didn’t see Solas smoking until this episode.

When I was under extreme stress.

It must have been the same with Solas before the return.


And paradoxically, I was relieved to see Solas burning a cigarette in my dream.

All of that before the comeback. All those glances and facial expressions.

The conversation we had right before my death was not acting.

Of course, I don’t know how much of a mask he wore, but it doesn’t change that he was sad.

Even though it was duplicative, Solas shed tears for me.

In front of an ordinary citizen named Han Yu-jeong, he did not even have time to light a cigarette.

Han Yoo-jung’s experience is also an experience.

To be honest, seeing Solas after my death was a great gift to me.

I finally looked at Han Yu-jeong and said.

“…leave me.”

I couldn’t speak harsh words to her anymore.


“…I’m sorry about your little brother.”

I couldn’t do that anymore.


two in the morning.

– Cacang!


Solas set the barbell down, wiping away sweat with a towel.

Then check the records.

Today, yesterday’s record was updated.

She hydrated and turned on her phone.

Since she has not been able to contact Jeong-gyeom recently, she has been buried in the articles like before.

Closely observe reactions and articles about yourself.

[The Disappearing Solas]

[Solas reacts only to the appearance of Dice]

[The Collapsed Villain Union. Where is Solas?]

[Dice. New Villain’s Ability]

All of them were things that gave Minbom stress.


But it wasn’t that there was anything wrong with it.

Solas has been inactive lately.

He only listened to the news of Dice and continued training.

Catching him was her only concern.

I no longer cared about malicious comments, criticism, or reputation.

Because there was something more important than that.

I vaguely understood.

You can’t win by fighting Dice like this.

that it is completely incompetent.

And that thought planted a sense of anxiety in Minbom’s head.

If the dice were not broken, it seemed that we would not be able to find out the whereabouts of Jeong-gyeom.

Luna threatened Jung-gyeom.

And Dice, who works to pardon such Luna.

How can I just watch this?

Solas went into the ability measuring machine to get rid of his thoughts.

Attach devices to chest and head, and explode abilities.

“Ugh…! Hmm…!”

Her hair lost its color, and her eyes filled with light.

Her body began to glow and heat up.

When my head was complicated like this, it was rather comfortable to squeeze my abilities with all my might.

It could relieve the stuffiness like shouting out loud, or it could lay the foundation for the development of abilities.

Previously, I had neglected this kind of training because I had the ability.

I’ve been working harder than normal heroes, but… I didn’t do my best in myself.

I just did enough to get a little ahead of others.

But not anymore.

An opponent who couldn’t win with such ridiculous efforts appeared.

An opponent that must be defeated somehow.

An opponent who must be caught somehow.

That’s why I’m so committed to training.

It wasn’t without anxiety.

I wonder if it’s already too late to save Jeong-gyeom.

…But maybe it’s because of what Dyce said.

‘……If I wait, I’ll be back.’

Ironically, what he said became hope and became the driving force that moved her.

I wanted to believe he would still be alive.

So, Minbom continued training until late in the morning today.


Solas let out his anger through clenched teeth.

He was the first villain to anger her so much.

…somehow, I had to get it in.

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