125 – Chapter 40. Cradle of Water – 3

– 126 –

Just looking at the vast meadows makes me feel at ease.

However, the defense lines installed here and there added a sense of heterogeneity to the scene, causing discomfort.

I need to get rid of that stuff right away.

Before Arumanan and the main unit arrived, we decided to clean up the jagged lines.

Dozens of helicopters fly low and cross the meadow.

The grass, which had been soaked in moisture, lay down all at once, shaking off the dew.

Clearly, I came down from a high place to see an enemy nearby, but there was nothing to be confirmed, whether it was reconnaissance magic or the naked eye.

“Let’s disperse and find.”


Helicopters formed groups of three and scattered left and right.

I left the two helicopters following me to guard my surroundings and focused on the front.

How far did you go?

I saw something flashing from the gap in the low fog on the floor.


A gust of wind the size of a person smashed down from the body to the floor.


With a short scream, a group of demons went out in a gust of wind and rolled over on the grass.

After stopping the helicopters that were following them, they came down to the ground and stood in front of the demons.

“Just kill me!”

In the meantime, one demon who came to his senses used evil, but the pilot spirits who came down to the ground after me aimed their guns and subdued him.

I looked down at him with arms crossed in front of the demon who was lying down.

I whispered to him, who was frightened.

“You know that if you die here, it’s over, right?”

“What…… ?”

These guys don’t know.

Actually, few of the soldiers are aware of top secrets.

If they find out that they can’t preserve their souls, confusion will arise among the demons.

And I was aiming for it.

“Go and listen to the details.”

“Where are you going… ….”

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When I chin, a fire lizard-type intermediate fire spirit kicked the demon’s head with a single shot and stunned it.

The lower spirits who were riding on other helicopters rushed in and filled the demons with restraints.

The restraints in the form of handcuffs filled with the energy of the earth were very light, but the moment they were put on the wrists or ankles, they stick to the ground to the extent that they cannot move even with any business.

Because it was manufactured with the unique technology of the spirit of the earth, ordinary demons will not be able to solve it.

There isn’t enough space for a helicopter to accommodate it, and it’s dangerous, so once you tie it up here, the latter will take care of it.

Killing them only made the enemy’s elite stronger.

It would be better not to kill enemies as much as possible except for the inevitable deaths that occur during battle, but if you do, you will have to kill the demons.

Because, above all else, the preservation of our troops is our priority.

“Is this all you need to organize?”

“Yes. Soon, Arumanan-sama and the main force will come.”

“Then let’s go back.”

Arumanan was flying from the other side of the sky.

When it is in the form of a carrier, it is easier to land if you enter it quickly.

He summoned all the helicopters that searched nearby and then raised the altitude.

According to the information sent by the early warning device, which returned immediately after completing the mission, the line of defense closest to Letiai had already been cleared.

“We will inform Misfire from HQ. The captain asked the helicopter squadron to escort you while changing the shape of this ship.”

“Already? It changes pretty quickly.”

There was a long way left in front of the cutoff area where the enemy’s main force could be located.

From the time of cleaning up the defense lines in the cradle of water, it seems that they are going into air battleship mode.

There must be quite a few troops there, but I’m not sure if they can be accommodated in battleship mode.

Arumanan will take care of it.

“Rager. We’ve almost captured the enemy’s air power, so we’ll be safe.”

Before, that large Wyvern was actually the only air power of the Asmodians.

I was stronger than I thought, but I fell victim to my new weapon test.

No more enemy aircraft flying over the plains.

A lot of black dots were seen in front of the disconnected area where there was a gate over the mountain in the distance, but there was no sign of coming this far.

I raised the altitude again, and together with the squadron, they formed around Arumanan.

I sat in a position where I could see Arumanan and started looking around.

There were not many spirits on the deck.

Usually, the crew spirits operated by Arumanan ran hard on the deck to prepare for the transformation.

A few fighter planes and transport planes were moved to a safe place, and the part of the battleship’s top panel was arranged so that it did not protrude as much as possible.

Auxiliary runways and decks on both sides of the carrier Arumanan were bent upwards.

The sight of a giant body several hundred meters in length interlocking and covering the entire deck was a sight to behold.

Instead of halving the width of Aruma Nan, fearsome guns were launched at the top of her.

And the huge gun that had been hidden was revealed at the bow.

It was a powerful gun capable of covering all directions from the very low ground to the high air.

Other than that, because of the many magic stones and armaments on her sides, Aruma Nan was more like a spaceship from the game rather than an aerial battleship.

「Mode change complete. Thank you. Miss Fire. Would you like to return?”


I’ve worked hard, so maybe I can take a little break.

The deck of Arumanando in the form of a battleship was quite wide.

Compared to a carrier that takes off and takes off, it was naturally narrow, but it wasn’t too inconvenient to get around.

The spirits were waiting inside the ship, and when the conversion was completed, the deck poured out to the point of clutter.

“Miss Fire. Long time no see.”


An intermediate level fire spirit belonging to the Fire Snake Artillery Brigade, which I saved a few days ago, spoke to me.

He mounted his cherished cannon in the void among Arumanan’s hustle and bustle and looked proudly at him.

“Is this cannon that strong?”

The fire spirit nodded his head as if it was natural.

“Okay. There are countless cannons here, but isn’t this the most brilliant?”

“Well… ….”

It was certainly dazzling to see how carefully polished it was, but in terms of caliber and stability, wouldn’t Arumanan’s guns be much stronger?

Especially the ignorantly large gun in front of me might be a match even if dozens of such cannons attacked.

“It definitely shines the most.”

“Is that right?”

It will be of great help in a situation where firepower is desperately needed, but I don’t know if it will be of great help as long as the moving gunpowder Arumanan goes directly to the enemy camp.

Still, I don’t think there’s any need to point out that fact.

There is no need to lower morale before the battle begins.

Beep- beep-

Suddenly an alarm sounded.

I wondered what was going on, so I attached to the railing and looked down, and before I knew it, I was at the starting point where the enemy’s defense lines were long.

“The battle will begin soon. All crew members, please go to battle deployment.”

According to the operator’s guidance, the deck became busier.

The mechanics who did the final inspection of the cannons, the observers who started observing with reconnaissance magic, and the supporters who were in charge of replenishing the manastone were all moving at once, and it was crazy.

I was leaning against the railing and watching them, when an intermediate water spirit, one of Arumanan’s lieutenants, approached me.

“Miss Fire. The captain has ordered the operation.”


She was used to taking orders from her when she went with Aruma Nan.

However, I was not treated as a subordinate of Arumanan, just like a one-man independent unit, I used to lead a small unit or run a solo operation in a place where it was difficult for Arumanan to move directly.

“This is an operation to subdue areas where it is difficult to bombard by transporting infiltration teams together with a helicopter unit.”

After examining the documents the lieutenant brought out, he handed them over again.

It was an operation that was not too difficult.

According to the guidance of the adjutant, we arrived at the place where the commandos of the infiltration team were waiting.

Sirin type, an intermediate wind attribute sparrow, salutes with a serious face with colorful camouflage cream.

“Pilseung. Miss Fire. It is an honor to work together.”

“I am looking forward to the performances of you.”

After returning moderately, I went with them to the place where the helicopters were kept.

Even in battleships where parts of the carrier were covered like a lid, there were some places exposed to the outside.

At the side of the battleship, there was a place where aircraft came and went, but fighters are a bit difficult to mobilize unless there is an emergency.

Instead, the helicopter is usefully rolled in this state.

Helicopters filled with spirit commandos took off one after another.

If the occupant was a human, the limit would have been about four or five people except for me, the pilot, but since the spirits were of different sizes, up to ten commandos could comfortably board the main body.

“I’m leaving.”


The commandos answered with a cry that did not know whether it was a shout or a cheer.

After arriving at the exit along the tow rail, it flew into the sky.

“The next target is an anti-tank position 2.5Km southwest.”


Cradle of Water Smoke was rising all over the plain.

The broken weapons and demons who saved only their lives were lying on the floor, and the troops from Letiai will collect them.

The command not to take the lives of demons unnecessarily was already widespread among the spirits.

There were some who knew the details, but most of them did not, so dissatisfaction continued among the spirits.

“No, think about it. They came in, so why do we need to lock them up and take care of them?”

“Yes, yes. Yes.”

Especially the warlike commandos were not convinced.

Not much was known about the state of the demon realm and the spirits of demons, not only among demons but also among spirits.

I thought about making a big announcement to the spirits, but after a meeting with God, Arumanan, and other high-ranking spirits, I decided to keep it a secret for the time being.

Even if it is necessary to remove the demon, there may be hesitation, and it may be abused due to certain variables.

So I was going in the direction of saving the demons as much as possible, but killing them if necessary.

There were some dissatisfied spirits like now, but they were all following along.

“The target is visible.”

“Hawks 3 and 4 contain anti-aircraft firearms. The rest will be poured one by one, and they will go directly to local control.”


Two helicopters flying from both ends of the squadron moved forward.

Even before the anti-aircraft fire network of the enemies that discovered us was formed, the demons and anti-aircraft guns who raised their weapons in this direction melted into Hellfire.

The rest of the helicopters, including myself, lowered the power of their weapons as much as possible and smashed the weapons in the camp by avoiding direct fire at the demons.

After tidying up, the commandos were disembarked in a siege form at both ends of the camp.

“Let’s go!”

It was hidden near the landing site, and then came out and a dagger was stuck in the arm of the demon who aimed the gun.

The demon who dropped the gun tripped over his leg and immediately broke his arm and started screaming.

That’s the real CQC.

After all, it’s a little different to use it in training and in actual practice.

It took less than five minutes for the commandos to get off the helicopter and completely subdue the camp.

After the survivors were also arrested, they gathered useful supplies and left like the wind.

The plain near the Cradle of Water was cleared in less than a day.

The defense line, which was hit directly by Arumanan’s shelling, was immediately recognizable even from high air.

The marks of shelling long and scratching the plain were clear.

“There are quite a few prisoners. The power that goes back to the demons of the physical world will decrease that much, but you have to think about how useful it is.”

As a result of interrogating the old man who possessed that secret skill, it is said that the soul of a normal adult Asmodian cannot be remarkably strong.

I was trembling at the viciousness of the Demon King who relentlessly sacrificed his people despite the low efficiency.

I might think that I would recycle the souls that would be scattered anyway, but the thought of replacing them with my own power was even terrifying.

“I’ll push you to the cut-off area like this.”

“Okay. Are you ready for air defense?”

“Then. That’s why I switched to a battleship.”

Arumanan pointed to the deck projected on the screen.

She was shooting down the approaching fighters one by one with dozens of anti-aircraft guns.

“Shall I go out too?”

“No. Miffy just rests. When the main unit comes up tomorrow, we have to break the cut-off area and go in to fight.”


Thanks to Arumanan’s consideration, I was able to rest for a while.

I went into the assigned bedroom and closed my eyes for a moment.

Even with the spirit’s body, fatigue had accumulated, and I fell into a deep sleep in a blink of an eye.

“You want to stop them?”

“Yes. As you know, returning from the physical world to the demon or spirit world is not easy. I want you to stop these guys as soon as you go down.”

Fir bit his lip once, then let out a small sigh that Calrad couldn’t hear.

If he had to entrust the defense of the area to himself as an assassin and necromancer, there was no way he could do it properly.

Factor Assassination, infiltration, espionage, and sabotage are proficient, but how can you stop the invading Arumanan, even though you are not a combat soldier?

“Stop the bad relationship you have not finished. Originally, it was Astart’s job, but you have a track record.”


Fir remembered the Miss Fire he had killed in the physical world.

I don’t know much about the ecology of the humanoid spirit, but if the rumors of seeing a silver helicopter on the battlefield are true, wouldn’t he be here?

‘If I could kill him here too.’

In that case, you will be the first demon to drive a humanoid spirit to complete death.

Besides, if that strong and beautiful body comes into the hands of his necromancer…….

Fir smiled twisted.

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Perhaps Kalad’s intention was also the complete death of the Misfire.

Otherwise, there is no way to force yourself to the battlefield as an assassin.

“I understand, my lord.”

“Yes. I will send reinforcements as soon as I can afford it. You’ll just have to wait a little bit.”

Fir lowered his head without answering.

After communicating with the Demon King, Fir prepared a dagger in the arsenal.

However, all that was stocked in the arsenal of the Demon Realm, where supplies were scarce, were old and missing daggers.

Fir clicked his tongue and pulled out a very short sword from his arms.

Slightly longer than the index finger, it was more like an awl than a dagger.

Fir leaked a bit of dark magic.

The darkness that stayed in the awl spread out and it stretched to 20cm.

Fir nodded his head in satisfaction as he watched the black fluttering blades, then grabbed the dagger.

Imagining the sensation of this dagger being pressed against the slender girl’s body, Fir disappeared into the darkness.

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