131 – Chapter 41. Lower the gate shutter – 6

– 132 –

“Mi, Miss Fire!”

An intermediate level fire spirit who was providing firepower near the door staggered and ran.

He put Shane, who was fainting and moaning, to the side, and then lifted me up.

“Be careful. The enemy captain is still there.”

“I know.”

My whole body ached, but it’s not time to rest yet.

There was no way the enemy captain was caught up in his abilities.

It was dark 3 meters away from the fire spirit, which gave off a faint light from its body as even the lamp on the wall went out.

The fire spirit swallowed dry saliva and saluted me.

“It was an honor to be with you. Please take hold of the enemy captain and protect the spirit world and the material world.”

I wanted to dry, but the mouth did not fall.

He was willing to sacrifice for any possible way.

The dagger was locked in his body as he turned right back and ran towards the center of the room.

The fire spirit didn’t stop and went a little further and drew the power of the element.


The element of fire burned solidly, burning the darkness.

I saw a demon kicking his tongue next to him.

She sighed as she looked at the fragments of her body lying on the floor.

“I will bring so many heavy weapons. The guys guarding the fortress here weren’t as good corpses as I thought. Because I didn’t lose much time or magic.”

She calmly raised her sword toward her demons, who were making a crazy sound.

Black flames rose along her long blade.

The demon snorted one expressionless snort, then lowered his body with the dagger.

There was a lot of tension.

The demon, who was sitting crouched enough to make her thighs tight, was shot like a bullet.

He took a step back and made his way down the path, but he didn’t feel anything cut in his hand.


A short dagger touched her side.

However, the armor that was created as a unit was not easily pierced, and I immediately swung my arm and struck him with my elbow.


The demons stole their lips and stepped back.

I ran to him without missing a moment and swung his sword.

I didn’t learn the sword systematically, but I instinctively knew how to wield it.

An assassin who can’t hide in the dark can win by fighting from the front.

Besides, it can’t penetrate my uniform armor, so it won’t be dangerous unless it’s attacked by a gap in the armor.

The battle lasted longer than expected.

My sword was burned by rubbing the demon’s limbs, but it didn’t do any decisive damage.

The demons seemed frustrated because they could not penetrate my armor as the demons did.

At some point, the element of fire burning in the center flickered and began to fade.

Before darkness came, I had to defeat this guy.

From nob le mt l dot com

Pretending to be tired, he pulled the sword back and drew in the demons, and then abruptly activated the propeller of his wing and knocked him over with a strong and quick shoulder strike.

As an assassin, the demons tried to escape into the darkness with a skillful fall method, but my speed was faster as I used all the magic that I had saved so far and activated all the integrated parts.

Compressed air exploded from the grip, and the kick went in at a speed that made it hard to control the body.

The hard and pointed knee part of the Greaves was nailed to the demon’s body.

The demon clenched his teeth and swung a dagger around his side.

But the dagger wouldn’t be able to penetrate my united parts.



My side was burning hot and my body was bent in intense pain.

The demon showed a fishy smile with a frowning expression.

There was thick blood on her hand.

“Humanoid spirits bleed even when they are spirits.”

A dark, shiny blade was attached to the short, blunt dagger.

The demon kicked my hardened body with her feet, and fell behind her without her strength.

The black blade touched my neck.

“Where should I stab to make a pretty scream?”

I got goosebumps at the contrast with the innocent, child-like voice.

And then, suddenly, fear came.

Are you going to die here?

Death in the material world can be restored somehow, but what happens when you die in the spirit world?

I don’t want to die yet.


A dagger was embedded just below the shoulder that the integrated parts could not cover.

My body trembled from the pain of being burned by fire.

“Next, take off this cumbersome armor… ….”

The demon who was humming up to her hum suddenly retreated.

Her magic bullets sped past the position she had just stood in.

“Get your hands off Erif.”

Shane, who had just fainted, approached her with her gun.

Finally, the element of fire that dimly lit the room faded away, and Shane exclaimed loudly.


Shane’s helmet lit up like her flashlight.

He turned his head around and chased after her demons.

It would be difficult to use magic here, but it looks like the power armor has its own magic.

“Erif! It’s okay?”

Instead of answering, she slowly got up.

The blood on his side stopped all of a sudden, and his magic was gradually recovering.

The concentration of the element was getting darker.

It was like being in the spirit world where the magic of the demons had been unleashed.


The darkness in the room was gradually disappearing.

The purple mist rising from her floor disappeared without a trace.

The demon glanced at the window with a bewildered expression.

I saw a clear sky.

“Misfire-sama. Can you hear me?”

A gunshot was heard in the hallway.

The noise of the battle grew closer and closer, finally breaking the door and the escorts rushed in.

“Miss Fire! Ugh!”

The captain of the escort corps swallowed a breeze as he entered the room.

The floor full of corpse fragments, warlords lined up in a mess, and demon assassins.


The demon kicked his tongue, put his hand into his arms, and stretched it out in front of him.

Several daggers in her hand flew through the air.

The spirits that followed were not holding shields, so several spirits were hit by daggers and fell.

Shane reached out her hand after slashing her daggers with her shield in front of me.

“Can you stand up?”

“Yes. Thank you.”

With Shane’s support, she straightened her body.

Her side and shoulders were tingling, but not to the point where she couldn’t stand.

The demon groped in her arms a few times, then pulled out her empty hand to see if her dagger had run out.

Elemental units were entering the room one after another.

The large earth spirits with shields lying on the floor came forward.

After the spirits standing behind them fired their guns, the demons hid behind a half-broken pillar.

“Wait. Avoid the vital points and shoot. If possible, we will make sure to capture them alive.”


I and Shane took the shield and slowly went back to the side of the pillar.

And the moment I saw the demons, I created an affair.

The demon couldn’t control himself and swayed to and fro, then threw me behind him.

The demons, who got up with difficulty, ran as if squeezing their remaining strength to escape through the window next to them.


At that time, Shane bravely jumped in and defeated her demons, then skillfully broke her arms back and made her fall on the floor.

The demons screamed and struggled, but when the running spirit army put a gun to his head, he calmed down.

“Don’t kill me, I’ll definitely subdue it and send it back.”

“Yes, Miss Fire.”

With the sound of filling in the constraint, the operation to reclaim the gate of the spirit world ended.

“The entrance to the 3rd floor was blocked, so you quickly went down to the basement and caught the demon leader?”

“Yes. The captured demon executive wasn’t the one guarding the area. We found the gate safely and closed it.”

Shane nodded at Chermia’s words that, as we disappeared, she led her troops to subdue the underground.

“Erif survived thanks to Chermia.”

“That’s right. Even a little late would have been dangerous.”

Chermia, who was momentarily embarrassed by her praise, understood our meaning. Her eyes were wide open, and she lifted my clothes and looked at her body.

“Erif! Why are you hurt so much?”

“Ouch. Wait a minute. It hurts.”

“Shane! Didn’t you keep Erif straight?”

“I did my best too!”

There was a momentary commotion as Shane clashed with Chermia’s palm instead of me.

The next day.

After attending the ceremony to pray for the fortress to be cleared up to some extent and to reunite with the comrades who returned to Yuan, we were called to Arumanan.

“Erif. I got a call from Sila. About the day after tomorrow, your physical body will be resurrected.”

“Really? That is great.”

Chermia and Shane came out from both sides and patted their shoulders, then jumped up.

They seemed to be happy with their shoulders clasped together, but my feet were just flirting with them in the air.

Nan Aruma burst out laughing while watching this scene, clearing her throat and explaining her future schedule.

“Brothers, please return to the physical world and prepare to meet ‘Erif’. The military academy is cluttered in many ways, isn’t it?”

“Yes. Come to think of it, where can I meet Erif of the physical world?”

“Well. Wait.”

Arumanan opened a screen.

I saw the face of a girl with little wings on her head.

“Miffy! It’s okay?”

“Yes. I’m fine.”

After saying hello for a while, Chermia took out her business.

“Silla. When Erif comes back to the physical world, where should she go to meet her?”

“Ah! Even if it wasn’t, I was going to tell you. It’s where we first met.”

“The 5th floor of the old school?”

“That’s right. When I went back there, there were a lot of strange things. It’s like a cockpit.”

“It was converted into a simulation classroom.”

「Simulation? I don’t know what it is, but I’ll keep it in one of them.”

“Okay. Thank you.”

“A few words. Then I’ll go get ready to go to the material world.”

Silla’s screen went off, and it was time to part with Chermia and Shane for a while.

“We will go ahead and prepare.”


“Oh. Heroes should go to the material world and go to the military academy’s research institute. You will be able to use your ‘weapon’ in the material world.”

“Wow. Thank you.”

It looks like I’m getting something like a pendant from the physical world.

When I thought of that ignorant big helicopter flying through the blue sky of the physical world, there was no fear.

Chermia and Shane drove the helicopter to Elemenes, and I decided to return slowly with Arumanan.

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