116 – Descendants of the Sea God (Complete)

“Oh, that’s all! “I’m still—!”

As soon as Leon came to his senses, he spoke out a line, conscious of the broadcast.

But by then, his defeat had already been confirmed.

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This is because he fainted and was floating on the surface of the water.

“I am… Not yet…”

And there were familiar fragments floating around him.

Fragments of the ‘Sea God Set’ that were shattered into pieces.

Fold protects the lower back and pelvis.

Tasit that protects the thighs.

Spawder that protects the shoulders.

Cooter that protects the elbows.

Gauntlets that protect the wrists. And so on and so forth.

All of its components were shattered and floating around.

The only decent armor was the breastplate.

“What the hell happened to this?”

Leon muttered to himself as he held his shattered trident in trembling hands.

I couldn’t believe that the sea god’s weapon, known as the immortal weapon, was shattered like this.

“Woe, prince! Are you okay!?”

At that time, the adjutant who came up to the end of the water tank hurriedly called Leon and brought him something to cover.

Soon, the subordinate held out a cloth to Leon, saying that he needed to quickly cover his body.

“What is that…”

Soon, Leon was able to understand what the adjutant meant.

All parts except the breastplate were torn off, leaving the lower body exposed.

In other words, Leon’s current appearance was nothing short of sublime, as if he were wearing only a sleeveless running shirt over his naked body.

Eventually, Leon got angry and took the cloth from his lieutenant’s hand and wrapped it around his waist.

“This…! “This is ridiculous!”

Leon, who covered his lower body with a cloth, started to get angry like hell.

Because all his plans were ruined.

Moreover, aren’t the artifacts created by the blacksmith of creation famous for being ‘immortal’?

“Edgar Fix! Are you using the devil’s magic? “Report the deception you committed!”

Leon lost his temper and shouted at Ed, who was standing at the end of the tank looking down at him.

Eventually, Ed took off his helmet and spoke with a raised eyebrow.

“That can’t be right. “I have not committed any wrongdoing.”

“That’s funny! Then why was the immortal armor broken! “Unless you have committed injustice, the Sea God’s weapon cannot be destroyed by any means—”

“That’s because it’s fake.”


At that time, an unbelievable statement came from Ed’s mouth.

Are you saying it’s fake?

“Well, what is that… It’s fake? “Are you insulting the descendants of the Sea God?”

A sea god’s weapon that symbolizes the tradition of the Klendor imperial family.

Ed said that the weapon was fake.

Leon decided to use this as an opportunity to attack Ed.

“You have now insulted the Empire of Clendor itself to cover up your own injustice! “He has spoken such outrageous words that it would be enough to punish him with a grave crime!”

After suffering a crushing defeat in the duel, Leon decided to make up for his mistakes with political skill.

Using Ed’s slip of the tongue, he regains his pride.

“Hmm. I just told you the truth. In fact, the only real artifact in the Sea God’s armor is the breastplate. Of course, the rest of the items are great, but they are definitely not items made by the blacksmith of ‘Creation.'”

However, Ed’s attitude was too confident.

Isn’t he talking as if he knows everything?

‘Well, that can’t be… The sea god’s weapon… Is a treasure of our royal family that is over 700 years old.’

However, Leon decided not to give in to his intentions.

If what Ed said is true, 700 years of traditional history would be denied.

“Are you saying you don’t believe me when I receive the title of ‘salvation’?”

“Yes! “You are polluting the history of the imperial family itself!”

“Good. Then I will ask the dwarf. “You might be able to find out the answer if you directly ask the dwarf, who is an authority on equipment manufacturing.”

Ed said that and took out a communication device from his inventory.

The ‘communication device’ was a holographic communication device capable of 1:1 direct connection, and was an incredibly expensive piece of equipment that only high-ranking nobles, such as the royal family or the Grand Duke, could own.

Ed placed the communication device on his hand and activated it.

Eventually, when his opponent accepted the signal, his face appeared as a hologram.

He was ‘Magran’, the king of the Dwarven United Kingdom.

[Edgar Fix! Blacksmith of salvation and my closest human friend! What’s going on! I was secretly sad that there was no contact since I gave the communication device!]

And then he said something unbelievable.

Isn’t that stubborn and proud dwarf welcoming Ed and bursting into laughter?

That is also the king of the dwarves.

“I’m sorry for not being able to contact you for a long time. “After receiving the title, I was so busy that I had no time.”

[Khahahaha! I heard you received a title! It’s only natural for a man like you!]

So the Dwarf King and Ed exchanged simple greetings.

Afterwards, when Ed got to the point and asked a question, the Dwarf King frowned and answered.

[Sea God’s Weapon? Are you referring to the ‘Sea God Breastplate’ created by Lord Vulkan?]

However, the answer that came back was fatal.

It’s not the Sea God’s armor, but the Sea God’s breastplate.

Soon Ed answered.

“Hmm… But Prince Leon Clendor here claims that the Sea God’s armor has been destroyed.”

Ed said this and looked at the broken pieces.

The Dwarf King answered with a laugh as if he was dumbfounded.

[No, that is not the Sea God’s weapon. In the first place, the sea god’s breastplate is correct.]

“Cha, isn’t there a mistake? The Sea God’s armor is a treasure with a history of 700 years!”

At that time, Leon came out of the water and intercepted Ed’s communication device.

The Dwarf King frowned and answered.

[Mistake? Hey, young prince. The blacksmith who received the title of ‘Creation’ is a symbol of eternity and immortality. I grew up listening to the stories of Lord Vulkan from a very young age, and I remember every single thing he created. He is my idol.]

“Ha, but! That can’t be right! “The Sea God’s weapon has been with my ancestors for a long time.”


At that time, the Dwarf King intercepted Leon’s words with a cold expression.

He said with a stern face.

[Do you want to tell me that I lack respect for Lord Vulkan? Are you trying to tell me that I’m honoring my idol wrongly?]

“Well, that is…”

[It would be better to refrain from saying anything. It is common to exaggerate artifacts to justify rule.]

Artifacts were exaggerated to justify the rule.

With that one word, the whole situation came to an end.

In other words, all of the Sea God’s weapons were fake except for the breastplate.

‘Okay, it’s over…’

Prince Leon could feel that his political life was completely over.

By arguing for no reason, the truth about Klendor’s treasure ended up being promoted to all the kingdom’s citizens.

This meant a huge loss of national image.

“Lord, relay…! Stop the broadcast immediately! Right now! Right now!!!”

Leon Clendor urged his adjutant to stop broadcasting immediately.

In response, the adjutant quickly gave instructions to her subordinates to stop the relay, but at that time, the princess’s direct troops rushed in and began to control the personnel on the Clendor side.

At this, Leon started running wild like the crazy man he is.

“What are you doing now! Is this how the empire treats its guests!!”

“It’s noisy.”

However, the princess glared at Leon with her magical eyes as if she was annoyed.

Then Leon started behaving abnormally, like a video with a buffer problem.

‘All my plans were ruined.’

And the princess was sighing as she looked at Leon like that.

This is because Leon’s political life was completely ended and her plan failed.

‘He’s an idiot who can’t take it even when pushed.’

Unsurprisingly, the princess tried to push Leon to become the next king of Clendor.

This is to weaken Klendor’s national power by placing an idiot on the throne.

Leon’s brothers, unlike Leon, are people with outstanding qualities.

‘Well, the contract has been completed.’

Still, thanks to inviting Byeongshin, we were able to distribute resources for the exploration of the sea wall at 6:4.

An unequal treaty was concluded in which Clendor provided the ships, crew, and navigation skills, but the empire took more of the resources.

‘I’m worried about the person in charge who will come after Leon.’

Still, if possible, I wanted to be with Leon until the end.

If an asshole is the general commander, isn’t there a lot of room for gain?

I didn’t want to make things tiring by bringing in a smart commander.

‘Anyway, it’s useless, bye-bye.’

But what has already happened has already happened.

Now that you can no longer use Leon in your hand, the only thing left is a stop loss.

Based on Leon’s memories, the princess began to expose all the injustices he had committed one by one, exposing how unreasonable this confrontation was.

Then Leon began to give obvious answers with a red-hot face.

This is not a trick, but as the commander of the expedition team, he deliberately deceived the cadets to raise awareness about the sea.

“Then why are you broadcasting it live?”

However, the princess pointed out Leon’s fatal weakness.

If he was planning to teach the academy cadets, there was no need to record the scene or broadcast it live and broadcast it to his country.

In other words, when Leon was told that he was lying hypocritically for his own political ambitions, his face turned blue.

There is no excuse to answer.

‘Boo, I definitely… decided to push you…’

Now what he is going to point out is that the princess promised to support him.

All he could do was bring it up.

‘Oh, no…’

But it was more like a handshake to make that statement.

If the princess pretends not to know, that’s it.

‘I’m done…’

In the end, it was like this.

First Prince Leon Clendor not only humiliated the academy cadets in an unfair way for his own political ambitions, but when it was discovered, he gave his people the most shameful and humiliating memory, and above all, for 700 years. The image of the ‘descendants of the sea god’ that had been perpetuated above was completely destroyed.

And that is to the Imperial Family of Clendor, who recently declared herself emperor.

“Heha…Hehahahaha! hahahaha…! hahahahaha!!!”

When Leon realized all that, he started laughing like a crazy person.

And at the same time, the cloth covering his lower body fell to the floor.

The descendant of the Sea God, wearing the Sea God’s breastplate and showing his shriveled brains, stood firm, bursting into laughter with a lost expression.


“Haaa!! “Receive the wrath of the sea god!!!”

The next day.

There were games mocking Leon going on all over the academy.

He imitates Leon by shooting a lightning bolt the size of a rat’s tail.

“Isn’t this all there is to it?”

“Is that all there is to it!”

“I am a descendant of the sea god!”

Such mockery was heard everywhere Leon’s carriage passed.

Leon was bowing his head, almost in a state of disrepair, and his attendants were also moving around with their eyes downcast, like a man who had lost his country.


That was when the prisoner Leon’s carriage arrived at the southern port.

Ileiya, who came out to meet him, welcomed Leon with a bright expression and a chuckle.

“Descendant of the great Sea God, have you completed your official duties? “I’m here to chat with you on your way.”


However, Leon kept his mouth shut and trudged on.

Ileiya snuggled next to him and repeatedly praised him, saying things like, ‘It was an incredible shock,’ and ‘I was moved by the prince’s battle.’

“····Shouldn’t that be enough? Now… please stop now…”

Ileiya praised Leon like a sparrow for about 30 minutes.

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Leon, who was full of dark circles, asked me to stop.

Ileiya smiled brightly and answered.

“hahahahaha! Sorry. I said a lot. “Then shall we go to the banquet hall?”

Soon, Ileiya took Leon to the banquet hall.

Still, since Leon was the prince of the empire, it was Ileiya who treated him according to the procedures until the end.

However, in the midst of all the exciting music, Leon and his group were not even able to eat properly.

This is because you can clearly predict what will happen to you when you return to your home country.

“It was an honor to meet you, descendant of the sea god. “I hope and pray that you will be safe from any accidents on your way back!”

After the banquet was over, Ileiya, who had seen Leon off to the port, smiled brightly and greeted him with sincerity.

However, Leon was looking around with a puzzled expression.

“Now…what is it…?” “Aren’t there any ships in our line of battle?”

It’s not that it isn’t, it’s because there are no ships that need to be anchored.

Ileiya said with a grin.

“Oh, didn’t you hear? It is said that the fleet that the Prince came on was recovered from the home country. Still, since you are a descendant of the sea god, shouldn’t you be able to return by swimming?”


Meanwhile, same time.

The princess was lost in her thoughts with an annoyed expression.

This is because all of his big plans came to naught due to Leon’s idiotic actions.

Now, I was tired just thinking about how much trouble it would be if Leon’s younger brother, known as the hope of Klendor, came as commander.

In the meantime, Ed came to see him.

“Come on in.”

The princess immediately summoned Ed.

She soon stood in front of the princess and after taking her formal etiquette, she reported on the business she was pursuing.

“What, what…? Did she say she was building battleships?”


“Now, tell me in detail.”

And the content was about dreadnought battleships.

Eventually, the princess, who had heard Ed’s entire explanation, was staring at Ed with her sparkling eyes.

I wanted to kiss him right away.

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