130 – Naval Battle

From noble mtl dot com

Bianca Clendor.

She is a sailor to her core.

From her birth, she was born on a sailing ship, and spent more than half of her life on a ship.

This is because her maternal family is the ‘Arhan’ family, which owns the largest fleet in Klendor.

Because of this, she had more extensive knowledge about ships than anyone else.

She had all the knowledge related to the manufacture and operation of ships, including navigation, ship management, shipbuilding, fleet management, gunnery, etc.


That’s why she was recognized right away.

The battleship called ‘Dreadnought’ that Ed was driving far surpassed her own battleship.

There is no need to talk about the long and short of it; they know that they will be completely defeated.

‘····Everyone, everyone will die.’

It was like an instinct.

Like the fear a deer feels when it sees a lion.

Ed’s dreadnought felt like an undeniable disaster.

It feels like blankly watching hundreds of meters of waves crashing down on me.

Sailing ships of her own, her five gun turrets aimed in unison overwhelmed her.

“Well, I guess so… “I am Bianca, Admiral of the Clendor-class battleship.”

However, Bianca struggled to suppress her instinctive fear.

Now that countless subordinates on the ship are relying on him.

It was difficult to show shaking.

Soon, Ed smiled and answered Bianca’s words.

“I heard about the training in advance. We will act as a frigate protecting the rescue ship, and Admiral Bianca will act as a pirate ship. “I will do my best in training.”


····I will do my best in training.

To Bianca, those words sounded like a threat.

It sounds like a declaration that you will destroy your fleet.


Bianca nodded her head with a stiff face.

Originally, she had planned to mock Ed with a relaxed expression, but the moment she saw the dreadnought battleship, her mind went blank.

All I could think was that this training should be canceled immediately.

That’s because he signed a document stating that he will not be held responsible if any accidents occur during the training process.

‘That cause of death… Is actually poisonous.’

A document stating that no responsibility will be taken if any accident occurs during training.

In fact, the document was more of a ploy by Klendor to avoid responsibility.

It’s not that it’s not, but it’s an obvious fact that his fleet will crush the empire’s fleet during his training.

‘I never thought they would build a battleship like that.’

But it was completely the opposite.

There is a reason why the princess signed that document without any protest.

“Gentlemen, listen.”

As soon as Bianca came to the captain’s room, she gathered all of her key executives.

I began giving the best instructions to respond to Ed’s battleship.

“Our main goal is ‘survival.'”



As soon as those words came out of Bianca’s mouth, the executives bowed their heads.

Because they were also skilled sailors, they had already realized that Ed’s battleship was an outrageous monster battleship.

They also had the same opinion as her.

“But that’s the story of when her real wife’s strategy failed. “If her plan succeeds, we will be able to sink that monstrous battleship.”

But still, Bianca had a duty to inspire the fighting spirit of her subordinates.

As the captain and admiral of the Clendor battleship, she has a mission to lead her men.

She looked into the eyes of her subordinates filled with fear and continued her next words.

“Okay. I know it well too. It may seem impossible. However, no matter how high a battleship she is, she will eventually sink if she gets a hole in it. “She just needs to land one good shot.”


“So, I will aim for the lower part of her hull. She fires dozens of shells laced with reinforcement liquor at once, aiming to submerge her. “After all, a ship is a ship, and when the water comes in she is bound to sink.”

Bianca said that and her subordinates looked around her.

Little by little, their eyes were returning.

In the end, her own words that her stomach was just her stomach took away the fear.

“Also, given the size of the enemy ship, her maneuverability will be inferior to that of the main ship. “It means that we have the upper hand when it comes to maneuverability.”

Everyone nodded.

A strangely shaped battleship without anchors or oars.

I don’t know how on earth that battleship was able to move, but there was no way an enemy ship that couldn’t ride the wind could move faster than the main ship.

Finally, Bianca spoke with a face that seemed to have strengthened her resolve.

“So don’t be afraid! Although they may have built warships that are superior to ours, we have tactics that have been accumulated over hundreds of years of history! You who have shared that history of victory, the strongest sailors, are here! Because of you, Klendor has become the king of the sea! As long as you are here, we, Klendor, will maintain the strongest position and will continue to do so!”


The atmosphere changed in an instant.

The sailors were encouraged by her speech and cried out the names of Clendor and Bianca.

“Set aside!”

Soon, Bianca gave the order to set sail in a loud voice.

We approached Ed’s dreadnought, which was anchored around the rescue ship, at a speed of 7 knots.


But then.

A thunderous roar pierced through my eardrums with the force of tearing them apart.

At the same time, the shell fired by Ed fell right in front of the battleship, and a huge stream of water shot out.

The enormous shock wave was enough to sway the ships of the line to the point of capsizing.


At this, all of the Klendor crew looked dumbfounded.

This is because its power far exceeds anything imagined.

A huge shock wave that is enough to overturn a battleship just by falling in front of it.

The weight of the shell alone was 385kg, and it was the result of reinforcement techniques being applied.

If I had been hit head-on, it was obvious that not even a single bone would have been removed, including the shield.

“Dae, where on earth…”

But that wasn’t all.

The range itself was far beyond general knowledge.

We haven’t even properly approached the enemy ship yet, but cannonballs are flying from such a great distance.

The maximum range was 15km, a distance that was unimaginable to people of this era.

The maximum range of the battleships they boast of is only 3km.

“Unleash evasive maneuvers! “You must maneuver in zigzags to reduce the enemy’s accuracy!”

While everyone was in panic, Bianca gave an order once again.

The subordinates, who belatedly came to their senses, spread the anchor and began to achieve maximum speed using wind techniques.

Zigzag maneuvers are performed at 11 knots, the maximum speed of ships of the line.


Maybe it was because he moved in a zigzag manner that he was able to narrowly avoid the enemy’s shells.

A dizzying feeling came over me every time a shell landed nearby, but the battleship was still moving toward the enemy ship.

‘I’m deliberately playing with you…’

However, Bianca could feel it instinctively.

Enemy ships do not hit themselves on purpose.

That’s because, if more than 5 bullets narrowly miss the target from such a long distance, I can’t help but think that this was intentional.

“I know what’s on your mind! The easiest way is to let down your guard! “Dig in!”

Bianca tried hard to suppress tears that were about to burst out and encouraged her subordinates.

Although she had lived her entire life with pride in her naval warfare, this was the first time she had experienced humiliation and fear like today.

She felt like everything she had worked on all her life was being denied.

“It’s an enemy ship! “Dig in!”

But as she endured that humiliation and moved on, she eventually reached the location where the enemy ship was located.

After Bianca turned the side of her ship towards the enemy ship, she gave the order to open fire.

Dozens of shells reinforced with various strengthening techniques were fired into the lower part of the dreadnought battleship.

Everyone watched the scene with eyes of anticipation.

-Kang! Kaga river! Kang! Kang! Kang! Go go go go! Kang!

But the cannonballs they fired were blocked in vain.

Despite having no mana shield, she bounced helplessly from the dreadnought’s armor.

It’s like shooting a BB bullet at a rock.


The sailors who witnessed that scene lost their will to fight.

She quickly let go of her hand and looked up at the dreadnought without even thinking about loading the next shell.


And then.

The horn rang loudly.

The sailors who were staring blankly at the dreadnought shrugged their shoulders and hesitantly stepped back.


And now the vessel began to move.

He is approaching with all turrets aimed at him.

“Huh, retreat!”

Bianca immediately gave the order to retreat.

I was proud of being the admiral of Klendor, so now was not the time to discuss such things.

Now that we have confirmed that there is an overwhelming gap that there is no room to even dare to compare.

It was more important to somehow survive that crazy monster battleship and end this training safely.

“The enemy ship is much heavier than the main ship anyway! “You can’t catch up with us in terms of mobility!”

Bianca encouraged his subordinate to reach maximum speed.

A while ago, the wind caster made so many evasive maneuvers that I lost a lot of mana, but now I had no choice but to escape from this place even if I was exhausted.


But something unbelievable happened.

Ed’s battleship, which had neither anchor nor oars, caught up with his ships of the line at incredibly fast speeds.

Furthermore, the speed was so fast that even though it was reaching its maximum speed, it was easily caught up.

Bianca’s legs lost strength and she collapsed.


A dreadnought battleship quickly followed next to its own ship of the line.

Bianca stared at the majestic Dreadnought’s body with a devastated expression.

Eventually, as all the Dreadnought’s turrets turned their heads towards her, Bianca could sense that her life had come to an end.

Also, I could see that Klendor’s glory ends here.

No matter what kind of warship you bring, it will be destroyed by that one battleship, regardless of its number or type.


Ed’s dreadnought, which was right next to the battleship, began to move away little by little.

The distance is slightly lowered to ensure a safe range.


And then, the gun was fired.

With a roar that shook the world, a 385kg shell pierced the shield of the Klendor-class battleship.

Although it was a 21-layer protective shield, it could not withstand the destructive power of the dreadnought.

The shield collapsed in an instant like a piece of paper, destroying even the last mana shield.



The special battleship that Klendor was proud of sank.

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