155 – First appearance

There is one goal I am currently focusing on.

Join the Cravel Revolutionary Group and emerge as their key figure.

Only in this way will we be able to spread the seeds of enlightenment and at the same time lay the foundation for nurturing ‘common soldiers’ in this world.

But here is the problem.

If I just wear the Kamen Rider suit and show off my technical skills, will the Crable Revolutionary Group welcome me?

The answer is of course ‘no’.

Why would anyone welcome a masked monster who suddenly appears?

Even if they accept me, it’s because my skills are useful, and they don’t need me as a person.

In order to become one of their core executives, ‘mask and skills’ alone are not enough.

So what does it take to take on their central role?


The answer is faith.

You must have your own firm philosophy.

Just like Thanos was willing to sacrifice half his life for the greater good.

I also need to have a personal narrative and belief that the Cravel Revolutionary Group can find attractive.

Charisma that attracts people comes from strong conviction.

“I need to start by setting up the character.”

So, I decided to start with the narrative of ‘Oliver Cromwell’.

Based on the narrative of ‘The Count of Monte Cristo’ that suddenly came to mind, I appropriately mixed the characters of villains and revolutionaries seen in various media.

As a result, an attractive revolutionary character was created who was originally a commoner but disguised his identity as a ‘count’.

Now all you have to do is match the appearance to this character.

“Eve. Show me a face sample of a 38-year-old middle-aged man. “I’m going to make a bast cotton ball.”

“Yes. Okay.”

So I instructed Eve to make Oliver Cromwell’s face and waited for the results.

Soon, the 17 sample faces appeared as holograms, and I looked through the sample data.

Then a better idea occurred to me and I gave the following instructions.

“Eve. Give me third degree burns on number 7’s face. “With a very disfigured face.”

“····Your face will turn hideous?”

“It doesn’t matter. “I’m going to wear a mask anyway.”

Eve nods her head with a nervous expression.

The reason for changing the concept of an American middle-aged man to a burnt man is to add a ‘time limit’ setting.

It’s not because Oliver Cromwell is a person who must step down at the right time.

In short, it just needs to remain symbolic.


It is also good for securing probability.

In other words, if you suffer from a burn so severe that your activities are limited, you may be able to play briefly and briefly and then quit.

For example, after 30 minutes of strenuous activity, you need to treat at home for 3 days, and after 1 hour of vigorous activity, you need to treat for 5 days.

With such a setting, it is easy to switch between two characters and operate.

“Here, it’s done.”

So, I put on Oliver Cromwell’s human skin mask and a mask that matched it.

Of course, in order to add detail to the full-body burns, we created skin with traces of burns all over the body, clothes, and even a device that could modulate the voice.

He became the perfect ‘Oliver Cromwell.’

“Now all that’s left is…”

Perfect timing of appearance.

Whether it is a villain or a hero, the appearance scene must be impressive to be clearly imprinted in the brain.

So, while I was thinking about how to join the Cravel Revolutionary group, I raised the corner of my mouth.

I came up with the right time.



Dark and damp basement.

A woman bound in iron shackles spat out spit mixed with her blood.

Spit, as red as her hair, hit a man’s left cheek and ran down stickily.

However, the man who was hit by her needles did not look embarrassed and simply showed his right palm to her.

His subordinate, who immediately understood, put the whip on his right palm.

The man said, wiping the spittle from his left cheek as he held her whip.

“Is this not going to blow until the end? “I guess I’ll have to get beaten until I pass out again today!”

The man smiled sadistically and lifted her whip loudly.

She and she swung mercilessly at the defenseless woman.

The whip fiercely cut through the air and wrapped around the woman’s body.

The flesh was torn, blood was bursting, and fluid was pouring out from all over the wounds.

The woman’s eyes roll over at her immense pain.

“A toxic b*tch. You’re not going to blow like this? Even like this! Even like this! “Even if it’s like this!”

-Party! Match! Match!

A man’s whip being swung by a woman without hesitation.

Nevertheless, the woman chewed her molars and swallowed her moans.

It seemed like she would lose her mind at any moment due to the immense pain, but there was still strength in her eyes.

She was still glaring at her man.

“Okay. She’s getting more and more excited. “You have to be okay with that to be considered a leader of the revolutionary army.”

In response, the man even rolled up his arms.

He brushed his tangled hair up, tidying up his sweaty hair.

They had been torturing the leader of the revolutionary army, ‘Barnessa’, for two days already, but seeing that nothing happened, it seemed necessary to show them an example.

This kind of soft whipping cannot break her spirit.

“Let’s see how long the nails will hold up? Bring it”


So the man decided to use various tortures.

We prepared countless torture devices for this day.

“Kukkuk ··· This torture will be quite hard to stand.”

Soon, the man fixed the right hand of revolutionary leader Vanessa and turned the wheel.

Then the sharp awl began to slowly dig under Vanessa’s fingernails.

It is a device that causes the sharp awl to dig into the fingernail as the wheel is turned.

“Uhmhhhhh!! Fuuu!!!”

Immediately, Vanessa began gritting her teeth and moaning.

Every time the awl slowly dug under the nail, it shook violently and glared at the man.

However, the man did not stop there and lifted his fingernail and pulled out Vanessa’s thumb nail.

Vanessa had no choice but to scream due to the immense pain.

“Keueuuu! “Kwaaa!!”


The man laughed in joy.

He was inspired by the joy of being able to control Vanessa Agnes, who was said to be the strongest in the Eastern Kingdom in terms of military power.

“Kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk. This is just the beginning. You still have 9 nails left. “Can you last until then?”

However, this was not enough.

The man’s goal was to completely break her spirit and make her betray the revolutionary army he had raised.

It was as if her right-hand man, Vanessa, had sold her out.

“There is no need to try so hard. There are already quite a few spies from our kingdom in the four-year-old revolutionary army? “It means we can find out if you don’t tell us your location.”

The man said that and started turning the wheel again.

The awl slowly dug into Vanessa’s index finger.

The man took his hand off the wheel and grinned.

“I just want to give it a chance. A chance for you to be rehabilitated. Blow up all the hiding places of the revolutionary army. Then I’ll give you a special pardon. Well, if you act cute, I might accept you as my mistress.”

The man said that and looked at Vanessa’s reaction.

Vanessa said, glaring at him with half-closed eyes.

“Someday… I will judge you.”


It means that they will kill you soon.

The man stood up.

He said, putting his hands in his pockets.

“Pull out all your fingernails.”


And so the brutal torture began.

A woman screaming and a man laughing at her.

However, Vanessa did not give in until all 10 fingernails were pulled out.

Even if you hit it with something hot or hung it upside down and hit it with a stick, it never broke.

At this, the expression of the man who had been smiling all the time began to harden.

If she continues like this, he might die before he can defeat her.

“Treat me.”


So the man promised tomorrow.

After restoring her, he breaks her faith through even more vicious torture.

“Wake up.”

So the next day.

Cold water was poured on Vanessa’s face.

Her shabby clothes got wet and stuck to her body.

The man licked his tongue and scanned Vanessa’s body line with sinister eyes.

“I’m going to give you a special reward today. “Have you had a hard time enduring the torture?”

The man said and touched Vanessa’s face.

I scanned her beautiful face with eyes full of lust.

He could see her expression turning fearful at that moment.

After all, this is the right answer rather than ‘pain’ to break her heart.

“Kkeukkeukkeuk… Inject.”

The man stepped back and gave some orders to his men.

Then three young men clung to Vanessa, two pinned her down and the other gave her an injection.

Vanessa resisted fiercely, but eventually had no choice but to allow something of herself to be injected into her own body.


And the medicinal effect appeared immediately.

Your lower abdomen becomes hot and you feel dizzy.

Despite the humiliating moment of being captured by the dogs of the kingdom that I hated more than anyone else, an unbearable lust boiled over.

The man giggled and began to unfasten his belt.

“Let’s go in a good way. “If you pamper me well, this will be the end of today.”

The man finally caught Vanessa’s weakness and lowered his pants.

Her male energy, containing her ugly desires, towered over her and headed towards her.

Vanessa began to struggle intensely and let out a scream.

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“Take away that dirty thing! I will not forgive you! “One day, I will tear you to pieces and kill you!”

“Kikikick… Your hymen will be torn before that happens. Ego····.”

The man said that and took a stance.

Her subordinates laughed as they tore off Vanessa’s clothes.

They trampled on Vanessa’s soul by exchanging crude jokes like, ‘She’s already wet?’


That was the moment.

The knife pierced the man’s spot in an instant.

Soon his male organ fell off and blood spurted out.

At the same time as the man screamed, the eyes of Vanessa and his subordinates turned to one place.

This is where the knife flew.

There was an unfamiliar stranger leaning against the wall with his arms crossed.

White robes and white clothes. And his eyes were flashing, wearing a white mask.

His men shouted.

“Wow, what a bastard! “You really did it!?”

Hearing his subordinate’s shout, the man who was leaning against the wall uncrossed his arms and straightened up.

That alone made the three subordinates flinch and take a step back.

Soon, the stranger spoke.

“Just a small spark will set the entire forest on fire, and the lamp of truth will light up the world.”

“····Mr., What the f*ck are you saying?”

“It means she is the spark.”


The gunman finished his sentence and twirled his hand.

Then, as if by magic, a knife was held in both of his hands.

Soon the gunman threw a knife and knocked down his two men.

The subordinate started to back away because he was scared.

“It’s him!”

But then.

The sound of busy footsteps was heard from behind and a large crowd of people came rushing in.

All the security guards working at the French royal security bureau have arrived.

The gunman shrugged his shoulders and said.

“A revolution is accompanied by a lot of blood.”

The gunman said that and turned his hand around.

Then this time, instead of a knife, there was a card in the hand.

At the same time, the mechanical belt opened automatically and the sparkling circle began to rotate.

“Catch it!”

Dozens of security guards are arriving.

The gunman inserted the card into the center of his belt.

At the same time as the sound of a crack was heard, several magic techniques were created in the air.

Soon, the gunman manipulated the mechanical belt and placed it on both sides, and pure white light began to surround the gunman.

And when the light completely disappeared…


White and black. And the Kamen Rider suit with a little bit of red was completed.

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