171 – Epiphany

Demon Cult.

They are a conniving and meticulous group.

After seducing humans who are vulnerable to desires and corrupting them into believers, he thoroughly draws in the relationships around those humans.

Just as a cult spreads religion.

For this reason, if the Devil Cult is rampant in an area, the speed at which it spreads is beyond imagination.

In addition, since it is a secret organization and rarely appears on the surface, it is difficult to eradicate the Devil Cult.

Except for my territory or Max’s territory, their evil deeds have never been properly revealed.

‘Then I have to pull him out. Even if it’s manipulated.’

So I planned this incident.

He attacked the cadets by pretending to be Gyro, the knight commander and sword master of the Kingdom of Entica.

If you do that, you can raise awareness among them and at the same time spread the word about the existence of the devil.

More than anything, it can bring the Kingdom of Entica, which has been reduced to an outpost of demons, out of the water.

“And that’s where it starts.”

The Kingdom of Entica has always been corrupted into an outpost of demons.

This may not be able to stop the major trend of demonizing the kingdom, but it will at least reduce the number of victims.

Even if it is a one-sided claim from the empire, it will be able to convey that Gyro is the devil and that the new religion he is spreading is also a devil religion.

In other words, if you were taken in by the Devil Cult without any suspicion in the past, you will now be somewhat wary.

“Ed, I got a call.”

At that time, Elena opened the door and shared her news.

It was news that Gyro would prove his innocence by connecting a long-distance video magic sphere.

I immediately got ready and then moved to the Empire’s Diplomatic Bureau.


“····I never thought the devil really existed.”

Meanwhile, Ed is planning things.

The cadets who entered the dungeon were gathered together and talking about yesterday’s events.

The shock of yesterday did not go away, so I wanted to get together like this to relieve my emotions.

I never would have thought that they, the best talent in the empire, would be helpless without even using their power.

“····Is what he said true?”

At that time, Enya turned to everyone and asked that question.

When most of the cadets looked at him with eyes that seemed to ask, ‘What are you saying?’, He added the following words.

“He said his master would destroy the human world.”

Their masters.

In other words, it refers to the ‘King of Hell’ who only appears in mythology.

An old evil that was sealed away by the Celestials, but swore that it would one day return for revenge.

Claire answered.

“Well… If that’s true, it could be really dangerous. “The Celestials were much stronger than us.”


And the other cadets bowed their heads to her answer.

Soon, a cadet spoke.

“But the past tends to be exaggerated, right? In fact, the Celestials were similar to us, but maybe they were just given a boost? “Because they are the ones who founded the ancient kingdom…”

A cadet who claims that myths are usually exaggerated and that there is a bubble between celestial beings and demons.

Isabella answered, glaring at her cadet.

“What did you do in history class? “There is actual evidence of their power.”

Isabella continued by saying, ‘The place where the Celestials fought was so enormous that the terrain and climate were permanently changed.’

She said she didn’t believe what her history instructor said at the time, so she did some research and found out that she actually did.

The power of the Celestial People was so great that traces of it remain all over the world.

“If we are going to regard the Celestials as just a foamy myth, why do we still worship them? “Say something that makes sense.”

“·····I’m sorry”

In response, the cadet who dozed off during history class scratched the back of her head, saying she was sorry.

Soon Lucas spoke.

“···Maybe we were the only ones who didn’t know.”


“Chief Professor Ed and Elena said that. “I’ve been investigating demons for a long time.”


“Perhaps the reason the academy was established to conquer extinction was to prepare for the devil? Of course, it may be an excessive guess, but… Head Professor Elena is almost like a member of the royal family. A professor like that is coming as the head professor, and Ed, who is favored by the royal family, is also researching the devil religion, so just… “That’s what I thought.”

It’s just Lucas’ personal opinion, but it has its own basis in logic.

Enya nodded her head and stood up.

“Then there is no time to be idle like this.”


“You have to become stronger than you are now. “At least if we join forces, we can take care of him.”

Enya clenches his fists, remembering yesterday’s crushing defeat.

The other cadets also gritted their molars and clenched their fists.

They, who were by name the best talent in the empire, were helpless and unable to cause any damage.

And that too while showing an ugly appearance shaking with fear.

“Just be strong enough to face any situation. “I’ll go first.”

With those words, Anya turned and walked out of the room.

Then, one by one, the remaining cadets began to stand up.

Enya’s words that getting stronger is all that stimulated them.


But when everyone goes out the door with their fighting spirit burning.

Isabella remained there with an expressionless face.

Enya’s words, ‘If you become stronger, that’s all’ is like a death sentence to her.

Because the only way for him to become stronger is to become more toxic.

‘Have I become a lot weaker?’

Suddenly Isabella looked at herself.

He went from being the academy’s strongest cadet to second place.

Now, he is considered to be beneath Edgar Fix in name and reality and has completely reached the end of his prime.


At first, I didn’t care about the evaluation of those bugs.

The reason she lost to Enya was simply because she had no choice but to abstain from suppressing negativity, and if she had released the right negativity, she could easily have defeated Enya.


But when I thought about it, the idea of suppressing denial was strange.

That’s because his original self freely released negativity, no matter how much, whenever the moment of need came.

Considering that this kind of denial would be wasted, I did not hesitate.

‘But before you know it…’

But now, I was extremely sparing with denial.

This is because I really hate seeing the negativity I worked so hard to collect fly away.

Why did she, who used to use denial so casually, end up like this?


The correct answer is Ed.

Edgar Fix was the cause.

He met him every 49 days and his heart was healed, and because of that, he began to become soft.

From noble mtl dot com

He was so full of thoughts of receiving only the malice of others that even on the 49th day, he thought of him, dreamed of starting a family with him, imagined what he would talk about when he met him, and what kind of date he would go on. ···.

The amount of negativity accumulating has decreased dramatically compared to before.

Eventually, Isabella began to shake her shoulders and burst into self-deprecating laughter.

She was born with Graham’s cursed fate and dreams of becoming an ordinary girl and starting a happy family.

Even if you go crazy, you are definitely crazy.

It’s like falling in love with just one man and wandering around forgetting his original purpose.

“hahahaha… “Stupid b*tch.”

I had a dream for a while.

You can have an ordinary love, restore a broken friendship, and receive recognition from others.

She dreamed of such a life.

When I met Ed, I suddenly started having such delusions.

But that kind of life is not yours.

It is a right that only a pure person like Enya, who can be honest about her feelings, can enjoy.

Graham’s life was filled with tragedy.

– Jump!

So Isabella went straight outside and headed to her academy’s dormitory.

After entering her own room, she picked up the teddy bear that Ed had given her as a gift.

Just the moment to tear it into pieces.


Her hands did not move.

My heart started pounding.

The decision from earlier went nowhere, my breathing became heavier and my eyes grew hot.

“Haa… Ha···.”

These were the first happy moments in my life.

Only he was his salvation and happiness.

But I had to tear up the first gift he gave me myself.

It felt like my own heart was being ripped out.


Soon, Isabella began to laugh strangely, unable to tell whether she was crying or laughing.

My hot eyes were filled with tears, and my throat felt like something was clogged.

Why can’t I control my emotions like this?

“····Ah···. Okay····.”

Soon, Isabella was able to realize the reason.

It is true that this situation of having to cut off her Ed is sad, but it is also because she realized that without ‘negativity’ in her life, there is nothing.


It’s not that she isn’t, but the reason she was able to become the strongest cadet at the Academy and the reason she was able to have the identity of a ‘witch’ is because of denial.

In other words, one’s life has already become inseparable from negativity.

You are truly such a useless being that there is nothing left except negativity.

“Ah… Adrian. I get it now. “Why did you get to that point?”

Adrian Graham, head of the Graham family and Isabella’s father.

At this moment, Isabella was finally able to understand Adrian.

After falling in love like this and breaking my heart, I finally realized that there was nothing left for me but negativity.

If you give up negativity, you can gain love, but you will lose yourself instead.


So Isabella tore Ed’s teddy bear.

If you live a life where you can’t let go of negativity anyway.

If it is a love that you are not sure whether it will continue properly or not.

It is better to definitely choose one side.

Do you completely accept denial and feel pleasure in the power and power you can gain from it?

You can completely abandon negativity and leave everything to love.

It is one of the two.

And myself…

“Ed, goodbye now.”

I decided to choose denial.

Like Adrian, he decided to live by denying others and himself.

Then one day, you too will be able to live the life of Graham, enjoying pleasure just from accumulating negativity.


The conversation with Gyro was as expected.

Gyro proved her alibi by saying that she was in her mansion when the incident occurred, and she brought her servants as witnesses.

It was probably true that he was actually in the mansion.

“But couldn’t it be that you in the mansion are fake?”

But this world is a place where magic and mana exist.

If you want, you can always disguise your appearance as an alter ego.

So I told him to prove that the Gyro in the mansion was real and not a fake, and Gyro got angry and asked how to prove that.

“So, are you now claiming that all 13 cadets of the Imperial Academy are telling lies?”

So, I used my position in the empire to put pressure on him.

However, this time, the guy claimed that the Imperial Academy cadet was not lying, but that someone was just pretending to be him to frame him.

So, I raised my flag.

“That could be true. However, since your name is mentioned, you should definitely check. Go to the Supreme Court. Fortunately, the Empire has a way to find the devil.”

He said there was a way to find the devil and told him to appear at the Supreme Court.

If you are truly innocent, you will not be caught even if you use a device that can detect demons, so he told you to prove your innocence and receive an apology from the Empire.

If the empire had misunderstood, he promised to provide sufficient compensation and also promised unprecedented compensation.

“Well, you can’t do that…! “Now that I have found out that there is a force trying to frame me, I can’t act carelessly.”

At this, the guy took a step back.

This is because the moment you appear at the Supreme Court and stand in court, you will inevitably be exposed as a devil.

This guy has probably already been demonized a long time ago.

“Then the Empire has no choice but to force you to repatriate. Even if it means starting a war.”

In that way, I created a justification for the empire to intervene in the Kingdom of Entica.

An unprecedented incident in history that attempted to turn the best talent at the Imperial Academy into a devil.

Using the incident I fabricated, the empire gained justification to attack the Kingdom of Entica.

“Oh, it’s unfair! “If you give me just a little time… I will prove my innocence!”

“The only way to prove your innocence is to appear in the Supreme Court. I’ll give you two days. Please reply therein.”

With those words, I ended communication with him.

Now all that’s left is to watch his movements and wait to see what answer he will give.

If he refuses to appear at the Supreme Court even at the risk of going to war, the Kingdom of Entica will have already been contaminated by him, and if the kingdom gives him up, it means that there are still resistance forces left.

There is no way to risk the fate of the kingdom just to save a knight commander.


Anyway, that’s it.

The communicator planted in Isabella’s teddy bear was cut off.

There’s no way some crazy guy broke into Isabella’s room, tore the teddy bear into pieces, and then destroyed her communicator, so she probably tore the teddy bear herself.

····In the end, all episodes of Isabella’s route were a repetition of this failure.

What was supposed to happen happened.

“····Is it time to think about the next step?”

But unlike me, who only failed repeatedly, I am different now.

It knows how to turn back Isabella, who evolved into SkullGreymon, and has the ability to do it.

“Eldar Kingdom.”

And the solution is the Eldar Kingdom, the kingdom of elves.

After solving the Kingdom of Entica soon, it is time to head to the Kingdom of Eldar.

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