205 – Ed’s Classmates

“Who is that bastard showing his hands over there! Aren’t you moving fast?”

Emotions began to rise throughout the battlefield.

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This is because the difficulty of the monster wave is rapidly increasing and becoming more intense.

Now, the mercenaries’ minds were filled with only saving their lives right now rather than with the hope of making a lot of money.

Monsters that received the Archduke’s protection became faster, fiercer, and stronger than ever before.

“Retreat to Area A! “Get back!”

The monsters that surged in like the tide reached Area A.

They broke through all the rodent traps and various firearms and came right in front of the defense line.

A fire went down in my feet.

“Rangers and magicians gather at their respective positions!”

The commanders’ voices rang out.

The magicians and rangers began to gather at the ‘amplifier’ where the commander was located.

“Pour it out! Get the monster off the wall!”

Once the magician was established within the amplifier, the commander immediately gave an order.

As the magicians each used their special moves, the amplifier strengthened their power several times and fired them at the monster.

Various fire and freezing techniques fell on the heads of the monsters.

-Cruru look!



The power of the amplifier is incredible even when you see it.

It was Elena’s work.

An incredible device called an amplifier was created by interpreting ‘ancient techniques’, a legacy from the distant past.

The power was such that even the caster himself was shocked.

Isn’t it like turning on a light with the intention of turning on a lighter, but a flamethrower comes out?

“What are you doing! Keep pouring! From now on, anyone who shows their hands will be punished by military law!”

However, this is a battlefield where life and death are at stake.

There was no time to be embarrassed or surprised.

In order to further reduce the number of enemies, you must pour out spells without even a moment to breathe.

“···This is the real battlefield…”

And here, Ed’s classmate ‘Tyler Martin’ was also clearly feeling the real sense of the battlefield.

Various smells of blood and sweat. And the smell of something burning combines to create a stench unique to the battlefield.

“·····Phew. You can do it.”

However, Tyler overcame the fear of this strange smell and prepared the drink.

The fact that he is also ‘Ed’s friend’ is what makes him tick.

However, the contact between him and Ed lasted only for a moment.

In the early days of the academy, ‘class deciding match’.

At that time, teaming up with Ed and defeating ‘Max Team’ was the first and last contact.

This is an evaluation match in which we overturned the overwhelming power difference and won thanks to Ed’s skillful command.

Afterwards, he, who was ridiculed as ‘Bonfire Tyler’, made countless efforts to become a person worthy of Ed.

Although it was only a one-time meeting, Ed pretended to know him every time he saw him, and he willingly called him his friend.

In short, Tyler’s efforts were a struggle to get closer to the object of his admiration.

As a result, he who was despised as ‘Bonfire Tyler’ was reborn as ‘Flame Tyler’ and now as ‘Hellfire Tyler’.

Even though he was in last place for 10,000 years, he proudly ranked 3rd in Class A.

‘I am Ed’s classmate and friend. ‘I can’t fall behind.’

So Tyler realized that he was Ed’s friend and prepared a combustion spell.

The strange power of the amplifier made his magic shine more brilliantly and made his mana boil.

Soon, a combustion pattern was drawn on the ground where the monsters were, and a large amount of flames spewed out.

It was a huge pillar of fire that engulfed the cold air in the north.

Tyler poured out a series of spells, hoping that someday this heat would reach Ed, and that he would look back on himself once he had grown up.

“·····Is this really the generation of Edgar Fix?”

Meanwhile, the corps commanders at the highest command center were looking at the performance of the first generation academy cadets, including Tyler, with great interest.

The performance they show is as outstanding as that of professional soldiers, to the point where the term ‘cadet’ becomes meaningless.

In particular, cadets who had even a little bit of contact with Ed were showing remarkable performance.

Tyler Martin, who constantly summons huge pillars of fire.

Pio Bailey creates a shock wave with a single punch and wipes out a large number of monsters.

And then we had a class evaluation match with Tyler Martin and Pio Bailey…

“That kid is truly amazing.”

Charlotte Verdian.

Charlotte, who was once despised as a ‘stutterer’, a ‘gardener’, and an ‘ugly girl from a ruined family’, now stands at the center of the battlefield.

The assistant professor who was watching this added an explanation.

“Charlotte Verdian… It’s amazing to see that child’s growth again. “Maybe even if the academy’s history goes on for another 100 years, no cadet will ever show up with a transformation like that.”

Charlotte stuttered severely due to the trauma of her past and the downfall of her family.

But the Charlotte of today has changed incomparably from then.

Her messy curly hair was straightened out and flowing, and the round glasses that had been covering her pretty eyes were taken off, revealing her own strengths.

Of course, the bigger change than the external change was the internal change.

Confidence and confidence.

Her earnest desire to become a woman worthy of Ed grew and transformed her into an S-class cadet with both her skills and intelligence.


With that, Charlotte took a deep breath and took out her mask.

A special mask gifted by Ed.

This mask emits chemicals to rob the Verdian family of its unique weakness and compassion.

The pure and delicate Charlotte is transformed into the cruel and harsh ‘Witch of the Forest of Death’.


Purple smoke came out from inside the mask.

The purple smoke penetrated Charlotte’s bronchi and revolutionized her neuroplasticity.

The ‘compassion’ and ‘tolerance’ that made up most of her character had disappeared.


Soon, deep dark circles appeared under Charlotte’s eyes.

Accordingly, her innocent eyes also became strangely sharp, and her expression also changed to a cool one.

She started running towards her battlefield.

-Blame! Fault! Fault! Fault!

She climbs to the top floor of the defensive wall at a brisk trot.

However, instead of being safely inside the defensive wall, she jumped into the middle of a monster swarm.

Everyone looked at her antics with shocked expressions.


Charlotte descending to the ground from a defense wall tens of meters high.

She experiences air resistance as tremendous as her gravitational acceleration at that height.


However, the cold northern wind did not penetrate Charlotte’s body.

When Charlotte pressed a certain button, a ‘chemical suit’ covering her body was completed in an instant.


Eventually she landed on the ground and looked around her surroundings with her sharp eyes.

Dozens of monsters rushed at her simultaneously.


But at that moment, Charlotte stretched out her arms forward and released something in herself.

A large stream of water extended from her gauntlet.

It was hydrochloric acid.

The worst hydrochloric acid solution was processed by combining various toxic substances found in nature and then released as is.



And even if it was a strengthened monster, it could not withstand it.

Their hard light armor simply gives them great immunity to physical attacks.

It could not resist hydrochloric acid, which chemically reacts with the skin and dissolves it.

-Whoop! Huh!

And Charlotte didn’t stop there.

Small medicine bottles held between each of her fingers.

She threw the vial in all directions.

When the vial hit the ground and broke, the liquid inside came in contact with the air and a chemical reaction occurred.

A variety of colorful smoke began to billow out from all directions.


And of course, the smoke was fatal to living things.

Because she herself developed various chemical weapons, including white phosphorus.

We know very well which chemicals are fatal to living things.

“Don’t stand idly, quickly get to the defensive wall! “That kid is buying time for himself!”

That was when Charlotte was showing off her great skills.

The commander shouted and began to gather soldiers and conservatives.

The idea is to use the opportunity that Charlotte gives us to repair the defensive wall.

“Conduct covering fire to avoid being caught behind! Those who can use protection spells, use protection spells!”

The commander ordered support for Charlotte while the damaged defensive wall was being repaired.

Various protective techniques and covering fire began to support Charlotte.

But at that moment.

“Damn it! “That guy!”

A guy who I can’t handle has appeared.

Frost Ogre.

Several frost ogres classified as high risk are rushing towards Charlotte.

The commander shouted, looking down at Charlotte on her ground.

“Retreat! Retreat immediately! “It’s beyond Ms. Verdian’s capabilities!”

Frost Ogre.

Basically, ogres are powerful enough to reign as predators in the monster ecosystem, but frost ogres are the highest species that preys on such ogres.

Even if they are of the same species, they are much stronger as they have endured the harsh cold of the North.

“Miss Verdian! Can’t you hear? “I told you to retreat immediately!”

However, as if the commander’s voice could not reach her, Charlotte continued to roam the battlefield.

The commander ordered his adjutant, muttering her curse words.

“I too will go down to earth! “You take charge of this place!”


“What are you doing? Without answering! “We need to rescue Miss Verdian as quickly as possible, so you—!”

“Well, that’s not it, Captain. Look over there.”

A deputy pointing to the ground with a shocked expression.

The commander turned his head to her with a puzzled expression.

And the commander, who witnessed the scene on the ground, began to follow the expression on her adjutant’s face.

The pupils dilate and the mouth opens slowly.

“Well, what is that…”

A strange sight unfolding on the ground.

It was a ‘garden’.

The ‘Garden of Death’ causes instinctive fear just by looking at it.

Charlotte said, spreading her arms wide.

“Let me introduce you to my new garden. “The admission fee is your life.”

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